The Great Demon System

Chapter 144: Crafting Finished

144 Crafting Finished

Now it was the time to purchase his teammate's equipment. Luckily, the choice was pretty easy to make as there were not many options to choose from due to the lack of cheap, lower-level items in his crafting menu.


Novice Illusionist gear

A set of armour usually worn by young or really weak demons that specialize in illusion or shapeshifting magic.


Novice Illusionist Cloak

+20 strength

+10 agility

+30 endurance

Cost: 2 medium leshy horns (256,000$)


Novice Illusionist Shirt

+30 endurance

+5 strength

+25 Agility

Cost: 2 medium leshy horns (256,000$)


Novice Illusionist Gloves

+30 strength

+30 endurance

Cost: 2 medium leshy horns (256,000$)


Novice Illusionist Pants

+30 endurance

+30 agility

Cost: 2 medium leshy horns (256,000$)


Novice Illusionist Shoes

+30 endurance

+30 agility

Cost: 2 medium leshy horns (256,000$)


Novice Illusionist Ring

+30 mind

+90 intelligence

Cost: 1 Dream stone (300,000 dollars)


Full set bonus:

Demon based skills and abilities are 5% more potent.

All illusion based magic cost reduced by 15%

Shapeshifting and transformations are 15% more adaptable.


This was what he had chosen for Jayden's armour as although it was listed as slightly more expensive than his own, it was clearly the obvious choice for her with his current budget. The only thing he was not sure about was the part about transformation adaptability which he could only assume meant that Jayden would be able to get used to and adapt faster with the new body and abilities of her new transformations which was extremely good and useful as it was the biggest downside to her demon powers, that she was in a foreign body with a foreign ability making it harder to fight well.


Novice Necromancer gear

A set of armour usually worn by young or really weak demons that specialize in necromancy or undead related magic.

Novice Necromancer Cloak

+20 strength

+10 intelligence

+30 endurance

Cost: 2 medium Ork bones(249,000$)


Novice Necromancer Shirt

+30 endurance

+5 strength

+25 Agility

Cost: 2 medium Ork bones(249,000$)


Novice Necromancer Gloves

+30 strength

+30 endurance

Cost: 2 medium Ork bones(249,000$)


Novice Necromancer Pants

+30 endurance

+20 agility

+10 intelligence

Cost: 2 medium Ork bones(249,000$)


Novice Necromancer Shoes

+30 endurance

+30 agility

Cost: 2 medium Ork bones(249,000$)


Novice Necromancer Ring

+30 mind

+90 intelligence

Cost: 1 dark orichalchum ore (300,000 dollars)


Full set bonus:

Demon based skills and abilities are 5% more potent.

All Necromancy and undead based magic cost reduced by 15%

The range in which the user's undead are allowed to exist is increased by 20%


The armour that Moby chose for Abby was, of course, the only necromancer related one that he could find that did not go over his budget and it was really good to say the least. Unlike Jayden's armour that had a bigger emphasis on agility and his armour that seemed more balanced and a little mind oriented, Abby's had extra intelligence instead which was really good for her race as she would have to be constantly buffing and healing her undead while she was in battle, consuming a large amount of demon energy in the process.

The extra bonus was, just like the other armour, a cost reduction in its respective element and magic type plus another bonus which a range boost to how far her summoned undead were allowed to be from her. It was something important for a necromancer as they would be allowed to spread their army farther and, in some cases, be used to stay farther back while they let all of their undead to do the heavy lifting.

However, Moby felt like Abby would not use the range boost in such a way as she was a very upfront and aggressive fighter despite her being a necromancer that would usually do the exact opposite.


Novice Dark Knight gear

A set of armour usually worn by young or really weak demons that specialize in knight related magic.


Novice Dark Knight Helmet + Cloak

+30 strength

+30 endurance

Cost:1 Night Steel ore (314,000$)


Novice Dark Knight Shirt

+30 endurance

+20 strength

+10 Agility

Cost:1 Night Steel ore (314,000$)


Novice Dark Knight Gloves

+20 strength

+40 endurance

Cost:1 Night Steel ore (314,000$)


Novice Dark Knight Pants

+40 endurance

+20 strength

Cost:1 Night Steel ore (314,000$)


Novice Dark Knight Shoes

+20 endurance

+40 agility

Cost:1 Night Steel ore (314,000$)


Novice Dark Knight Ring

+30 mind

+90 intelligence

Cost: 1 Black Ruby (300,000 dollars)


Full set bonus:

Demon based skills and abilities are 5% more potent.

All Knight based magic cost reduced by 5%

Vision and perception +5%

Recoil/self damage reduction +15%

Passive health regeneration +10%

Maximum health +10%


And, as the final piece of equipment, he chose the novice dark knight gear set for Alex. Alex had been practicing, trying to get a hang of his demon powers ever since he became a demon and, for some reason, he seemed to be having little success, only managing to use a few skills with less than optimal energy consumption and skillfulness, at least according to him.

Moby was still not sure what the Knight class had as skills and powers as Alex had yet to tell and show him because he wanted to wait until he had full mastery over his powers.

However, from the set of armour that he saw, he got a general idea of what the knight class was all about. He knew that it had something to do with self-harm and damaging one's self for power but as for the specifics he was still unsure of.

He also noticed that the set of armour was more defence and attack heavy, leaving there little to no room for extra stats in intelligence. And, the armour had many more extra stat bonuses than all of the other armour although the boost was a little less for each one which still turned out to be a net positive.

That was probably the reason the armour costed a decent chunk more than all the other armour. However, in Moby's opinion, it was still well worth the money and not that big of a deal for all the extra he is getting out of the armour.

Now that Moby had all of his teammate's equipment chosen, he went back on the website to purchase all of the materials and ingredients, once again finding most of them in the decoration and cosmetic sections, buying all of them at once.

The total cost for all of his teammate's armour and weapons turned out to be,

\u003c $10,922,014 \u003e

Which was a little more than he expected but he, once again, did not at all mind.

For all of the armour and weapons including his own, the cost turned out to be,

\u003c $13,817,014 \u003e

over 1.8 million dollars higher than he expected leaving him with $16,182,986 leftover for future purposes, plenty enough in his opinion.

When he clicked the "Proceed to checkout" option on the website, he immediately used all of his powers to erect another ice wall in front of Jayden to block out the light so she did not wake up, learning from his previous blunder as he stared at the white light on the teleporter.

A few seconds later, a massive pile of all kinds of materials appeared on the teleport pad, overflowing onto the ground do to the sheer amount, making a loud crashing sound, causing Moby to lightly panic as he quickly checked if Jayden was still asleep.

'Damn… what would it take to wake her up? Is she in deep hibernation or something?' Moby thought, looking at Jayden's unsightly sleeping position and precious smile.

Moby then focused his attention back on the massive pile of ingredients and materials in front of him as he put his arms out wide to finally create the equipment.

He closed his eyes, as he confirmed what he wanted to be crafted. Then, he spent the time to design and adjust the equipment to suit his friend's needs as he could probably assume what kind of armour they would want. Moby also asked Avilia if she was able to create heavy armour that felt like light armour for his servants' gears as well, exactly like she did with his, making her reply by saying,

"No shit I can! Who do you think you're talking to? I am Avilia Graymore, the first demon lord and master crafter!"

Which were the exact words that he expected to hear from Avilia.

When he finished designing the equipment, all of the materials abruptly disappeared, and in the next second, all of the armour he designed, which was a lot to say the least, suddenly popped up in the air in front of him, something that he fully expected so he had prepared himself to store them all in his inventory. However, something that he did not expect was that one of the armour pieces popped up above him, as there were so many things that he crafted, and dropped on his head with a heavy crash, startling him greatly as all of the armour pieces and weapons dropped on the ground making many extremely loud sounds that reverberated around the room.


"WHAAA!! Who's there! What was that sound!" Jayden screamed in panic as she noticed a massive black wall in front of her, equipping her novice demon equipment, slashing the wall down with both of her daggers like it was butter.

Then, she noticed an unknown hooded figure who was wearing a metallic set of armour that she did not at all recognize standing beside her PC and teleport pad.

With no hesitation, she immediately reacted by turning into her shadowy smoke form, quickly approaching the unknown enemy with the utmost stealth, popping up behind him with her daggers hovering around his neck.

"Talk now before I fucking kill you and feed you to the dogs, or, even worse, I'll suck your life energy dry, showing you your worst fucking nightmare before I kill you. Who sent you here, what were you doing and planning, and how the fuck did you get in?" Jayden said in a cold, deadly voice, the look of absolute death in her eyes.

"W-wait! Jayden! It's me! Moby! Calm down! This was all just a misunderstanding!" Moby said, putting his hands up in panic.

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