The Great Demon System

Chapter 154: True Self

154 True Self

'Do they truly want to be my friends?'

'Are they messing with me?'

'Was that really an accident?'

Thoughts such as those rampaged wildly in his mind as the 2 sides of him began to clash against each other… One of his true self and one of his false self…

He could not tell what was real or fake, they all seemed all too true to him, dream and reality merged together.

A migraine bigger than any other one before it sprung out in his brain, making him crumble on the ground with red bulging eyes that felt like they were about to pop out of their sockets. His heart began pounding faster than ever before as he felt every fibre of his body shudder in pain, his heart feeling like it was about to explode at any instance as he rolled over on the ground in pure agony, pain from both mind and body.

When he tried to send those thoughts to the back of his head once again like he did the last time it happened, he only managed to be half successful as many of those thoughts and doubts still lingered at the front of his mind like they were a cockroach, refusing to die and go away.

'When will this end?'

'What is real?'

'What is fake?'

'I am sure they are my friends! They must be!'


Moby thought with a great amount of doubt in his heart, trying his best to give his future 'Friends' the benefit of the doubt as his suspicions were slowly being sucked away by some unknown means that he could not see or even fathom.

When he opened his eyes, he stared at the dirty gravel floor, his school uniform all muddy and wet from the rain that had begun to fall.

He shook his head, regaining control of his body and mind before looking at the 3 boys standing, looking down on him from above with a devilish grin on their face that Moby could not tell was a smile of good or bad intention, as he looked at them with a mellow expression before standing up on his 2 feet dusting the mud and gravel from his clothes.

During the time that Moby was still unconscious, rolling on the ground in anguish, Eric managed to relay to his friends the new change of plans he had devised, making them smile and agree with no hesitation. They were seeing big cracks in Moby's innocent, nice guy mask and they intended to make the cracks even bigger until it shattered completely into a million pieces, to break both his mind and body, making them feared, famous and renowned all around the school as it would no doubt be an astounding achievement.

"Sorry I made you guys so worried… I was just having some exhaustion issues again… Don't mind me… I promise It doesn't really happen often," Moby said with an unsure smile, looking at the less than innocent faces of the 3 boys.

"Don't worry about it! I am just glad you are still with us! Allow me to introduce myself to you! I am Raymond Klee. My ability is poison gas manipulation, we are both in the same grade so we should try to get along! Nice to meet you!" Said a short, skinny, orange-haired boy who had a marginally larger nose than usual, his left hand out to shake Moby's hand as his right hand was still injured, an eerie smile on his face.

"It's nice to meet you too…" Moby nervously replied, shaking his hand hoping that everything would be fine.

They both shook each other's hand with a smile, nothing at all going bad or out of control as they both let go, making Moby breathe a sigh of genuine relief.

'I knew it! It must have all just been an accident that last time! What was I even thinking doubting their intentions! I should really learn to be more trusting of people… Humans are truly nice creatures...' Moby thought before getting his views flipped upside down and spoon-fed to him with a side of shit.

"What the fuck did you do kid! You got my hands all dirty! This is disgusting! Even my sleeves are now dirty from all this mud! How dare you! My mother works very hard to clean my clothes every day and you come along and make her work even harder!" Raymond bellowed with immense anger.

At that moment, the doubt crashed back into Moby's head like a meteorite as many thoughts flooded his mind…

'Fuck… it's all my fault… I should have wiped and cleaned my hands before I shook his… Poor mother…'

'But it's raining… his clothes would need washing anyways…'

'But his mother…'

'But how could cleaning something require that much effort when it's so easy with current technologies, I even do it myself and it's a piece of cake…'

"I am going to have to teach you a lesson for that!" Raymond shouted with clear excitement, ignoring Moby's blank puzzled look, punching him in the stomach so hard that it made him kneel down and firmly clench where the blow had landed.

"Yeah! Actions have consequences you know!" Simon screamed, punching Moby in the back with his enhanced fist, making him cry out in anguish as he felt his entire body shake from the blow.

"I-I am sorry… I promise to make it up to you as much as I can…" Moby said, curled up into a ball to protect his body, fighting tears from flowing down his face.

"Sorry isn't good enough!" Eric yelled, kicking Moby in the side of the ribs, making him grunt in agony but not stop apologizing.

"I am so sorry… It was all my fault! I'll clean it personally…" Moby mumbled, still curled up into a ball.

"Fuck! you're so dense! Don't you get it! We were never your friends! You're just a punching bag! A doll! The school doormat and nothing more! We just wanted something to let out our anger on! No one ever liked you! And no one ever will! You are nothing but a tool only fit to be used by others! Get that through your thick skull!" Eric bellowed with great amusement, an evil smile on his face as he kicked Moby's back once more, making him stop with his constant apologies.

"Haha! Come on guys it's working! Harder! Harder!" Eric added as he repeatedly kicked Moby who was still on the ground trying to protect his vitals, surrounded by the 3 boys who repeatedly whaled on him with a mixture of light and heavy blows, showing no mercy in their attacks.

'Fuck… why is this happening… What did I do wrong…?Do they hate me? Did they hate me this whole time…' Moby thought, his mind running in circles, unable to believe what was going on in front of him as it contradicted his entire way of life… It was no longer all colourful with sunshine and rainbows, it was now grayer than it had ever been before in his life as the colours became blander, losing all of their energy and vibrance.

That was when the unknown images and sounds he had previously experienced suddenly sprung back in his mind, seemingly at the most inopportune time as it was the last thing he needed at that moment was more pain and uncertainty… It was all their fault for making him feel the way he currently felt after all...

Suddenly… a somewhat familiar, stunning, blue-haired beauty with a soft, loving smile and teary eyes appeared in his mind… One of the most beautiful girls he had ever laid eyes on in his entire life making him think where he had seen her before…

'Babe! Where is that might, vigour and unbreakable will I love so much about you! Tear them to shreds!' The girl said in a playful yet sad tone before immediately disappearing due to Raymond's powerful kick to his shoulder, making him groan in pain.

The more he got hit, the more images and scenes began flashing in his head… events that he could recall but not recall… Scenes of a soft, female voice in his head and a game-like interface… scenes of an older Eric, armless and legless like a nugget, getting swiftly beheaded by a familiar-looking rusty sword… Of a boy pooping on the ground and acting like a monkey... Of a blond teenager, choking on his own cock before eating his own feces… Of a crazy white-haired girl, expressing her love to him in one instance, and her exploding body in the next… Of a tall black-haired teenager's body dead on the ground, a knife right beside his corpse… A winged, beautiful demon with purple hair and glowing eyes appearing out of the sky like a goddess, with a smirk and chuckle on her face… a dinner table with 3 other people, 2 beautiful girls and 1 playful boy… A kiss with a gorgeous Blue-haired beauty under the starry, purple night sky, tears running down both of their faces, burning trees in the background along with soothing music…

And, Finally… His own face… Red streaks in his jet black hair, black horns growing from his head… Deep purple eyes that stared into his very soul… glowing, shadowy, black lines under his eyes that connected to the rest of his body… A serious expression on his face that did not look too pleased.

'Wake the fuck out of your delusions and make these bitches pay!' The demon-like version of himself screamed, sending shivers down to his very core, a glint of white light that gradually turned darker and more ominous flashing in his mind, making him remember who he was truly supposed to be…

"Hey! Eric! Look what I found! Why don't we make him eat this! It would be hilarious! This kid would do anything if we ask him!" Raymond said with an amused laugh, pointing at a piece of dog shit on the gravelly, dirty floor.

"Hahahaha! Good idea! Hey! You heard that kid? It's dinner time!" Simon said with a chuckle, picking up Moby like he was as light as a feather, throwing him towards the piece of dog shit as he skidded across the sharp, gravelly ground.

That was the moment when Moby snapped back into reality, his mind clearer and freer than ever before, opening his eyes only to see a filthy, disgusting piece of dog shit in front of him with extreme hatred and contempt in his heart... His once scared, confused and frightened eyes turning into deadly slits that he hid by looking at the ground, biding his time for the right moment to strike…

He used this moment to do something he knew he needed to do to win against all 3 of them… It was his most sacred, most prized possession that had been gifted to him by his dead parents, but he was sure that was what they intended him to do with it in the first place so it did not pain him in the slightest to break it.

He sneakily reached into his pocket, making sure that no one around him noticed before tightly holding onto his golden family necklace, smashing it into many tiny pieces, the sound masked by the moderately heavy falling rain all around him…

From all that happened to him today and all the pain of those memories, he had no doubt in his mind that what he was going to do was going to work…

And just like he thought, it did work as a familiar sound and blue notification screen appeared in his peripheral vision, just like the one he previously saw in his mind and memories… Making him smile as he waited calmly for the loading screen to finish...

\u003c Demon System Activating \u003e




"Hey kid! Time to eat! Eat shit! Literally! Hahaha!" Simon bellowed, vigorously laughing as he held Moby's head by the hair, pushing it straight towards the piece of shit in front of him, making Moby inwardly curse as he prepared himself to counter attack even though he knew he was not strong enough properly to escape or deal any real damage.


"STOP! I want to do something before he finally eats! To make it juicier if you know what I mean… Plus I have to go anyway so I might as well!" Eric said with a smirk, suddenly intervening, making Simon extremely annoyed before catching on to what Eric meant, making him completely on board with his suggestion.

"Haha! Great idea! Too bad I don't have to go right now too," Raymond commented with a chuckle, also catching Eric's drift.

"I feel the same… Too bad, we could have added double or even triple the flavour!" Simon yelled as he let go of Moby's hair, throwing him headfirst onto the ground with an astounding thud, making him regain his balance as he went on his knees…

In the next moment, he saw Eric, standing tall and proud in front of him, unzipping his pants before pissing on the piece of dog shit with a blissful look on his face that was showered by rain, Moby's hatred growing the more and more he stared at Eric's smug, disgusting face as he waited for the loading screen to end with bated breath.



"Ahhhhh… All done! That should add a good taste to it! Now enjoy the meal and learn who is boss! Recognize that no one has ever liked you and nobody ever will! Now break! You useless doll!" Eric screamed, laughing hysterically as Simon held onto Moby's head once more, shoving it to the ground as he struggled to fight the immense power of his hands...


\u003c System activated \u003e

\u003c Host has been recognized \u003e

'Greetings Moby Kane, I am your new Demon System, and I will help you accompli....' A familiar soothing, female voice appeared in his head before being abruptly cut off.

'Avilia! Quickly! Give me a little bit of your power! That's all I need to show these fuckers the true meaning of hell!' Moby inwardly screamed his heart out, struggling to keep his head up from Simon's strong push, startling Avilia as she did not at all expect him to know her name…

However, after reading a little into his mind, she understood everything, even to the point of her understanding the true nature of herself and the world around her that was not as real as she thought upon closer inspection, making her laugh her ass off.

'Haha! Fine! Take some of my power! If you can't beat a few 12-year-olds with this much power then both me and my true self would be very disappointed in you! This should be just enough power for your body to handle, any more and your system would tear down and break, worst-case scenario would have been that you explode! I distributed it automatically to the stats you usually use! I also put notifications off to help you focus on your fight! Have fun!' Avilia said with a smile.

'Wow! So this is the kid I decided to place all my hopes in… I would have never imagined! I hope I had made the right choice…' Avilia thought, spectating the upcoming events from Moby's head.

Then, all of a sudden, Moby felt a rush of immense power enter his body, making a large, devilish grin appear on his face…

'Finally… they will now pay…' Moby thought as he imagined everything he was about to do to those 3 kids standing around him with mocking and amused faces…

With his enhanced strength and speed, he managed to move his healing, yet really injured body away from the big, chunky Simon, making him go wide-eyed as Moby had suddenly disappeared from his view, causing him to grow confused and wonder where he went…

Moby had used his demon flash to instantly jump up above Simon while he was blinded from his own thick, flabby arms that he used to push down on Moby's head.

"You idiot! He's right above you!" Raymond screamed to warn Simon, making him look up towards the rainy sky above him…

When he did, he was only met with a burning, tight clasp on his face, squeezing it firmly before it was shoved down straight to the dog shit underneath with incredible speed causing a loud bang along with small cracks to appear on the ground, the dog shit entering through Simon's eyes, mouth, and nose.

"Be careful what you wish for... Actions have consequences you know?" Moby said, laughing cynically at Simon's unmoving body.

All of a sudden… Eric and Raymond had a bad feeling in their heart with massive chills running down their spines like they had just done the worst mistake of their life as they stared at the laughing, psychopath-like Moby who had just let go of Simon's less than pleasant, shit covered, motionless face that had a disturbing expression as he shifted his attention on Raymond and Eric who were standing not too far away from him…

He threw his bag to the side, pulling out his rusty katana with a deadly glint in his eyes, slowly walking towards the 2 shocked and motionless boys as they still could not believe their eyes…

"You're next!" Moby spoke with pure, unadulterated hatred and anger in his eyes, pointing his blade towards Raymond and Eric's directions making them both inwardly curse as they prepared to fight back…

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