The Great Demon System

Chapter 29: Partners

29 Partners

"You contacted me in the middle of class asking me to transform into you and to go to the general's office to answer some questions like they were directed at me! You gave me no explanation at all! And now, I even wasted all my lunchtime talking with the general! Just because your sorry ass was too lazy to go yourself!" Jayden said angrily.

"That's because I couldn't explain anything to you without messing up the plan. You needed to go in blind or else it would have never worked, " he sighed.

"Really! Well then explain yourself!" She said while crossing her arms.

"I lost our mind link as soon as you entered his office so I got even more worried than usual. He must have had some magic crystal that prevents outside communication or interference. It seems like our mind link isn't something that can bypass everything," he groaned.

"Ok, I guess that's good to know, but you still didn't answer my question! Explain yourself!" She said as she got angrier.

"First of all, did you make sure you weren't followed when you came up here?"

"Of course I did! I'm not an idiot you know!" She said in annoyance

"Good. Now, first of all, I need to know how it went with the general," he asked,? leaning forward with anticipation.

"He just asked me about that trash Eric Quinn who died in the forest a few days ago. He made me take a lie detector test with a magic crystal. He first asked me if I killed him, which I answered, no. Then, he asked me if I knew what happened to him or if I knew any leads which I also answered, no. And lastly, he asked me what my relationship was with the Griffith family which I answered honestly. All my answers came back as true and then I was dismissed from his office."

A huge weight the size of a mountain just got taken off Moby's shoulders.

If they did a proper investigation instead of relying on a lie detector, they definitely would have been able to find the truth.

They would have asked more questions and they would find holes in Jayden's answers.

For example, if they asked her what time she got home that day and she said 6:00 and then they asked Moby's dorm mates the same question and they answered 11:50, it would be a massive contradiction.

Luckily, they relied on a lie detector which was 100% accurate that allowed them the luxury to only ask a few very broad and important questions.

Their strategy would have worked flawlessly if they were actually interrogating the right person.

Moby had to take a huge gamble. If they used a lie detector then he would be fine. But if they did a proper investigation he would be caught without a doubt.

Luckily, Lady luck blessed him for once in his life and his gamble paid off.

"Or, Maybe, I was the one who killed him and if I went I would be fucked," He said with a sigh.

When Moby asked her to do his plan, he specifically made it look like he was too lazy to go himself. This was the first-ever proper order he had ever given to her since he turned her into a demon because he knew this was the only way she would do it.

He had to be sure that the idea of him being the killer never crossed her mind. He had to make 100% sure that she would not suspect him as the killer and only see it as he was simply too lazy to go.

If she was able to deduct that Moby was the killer. The interrogation would have ended in disaster.

Jayden stood there with an odd expression on her face. She finally started to connect the dots. Everything started to make sense to her.

'It was no wonder he did things as he did. If I knew anything, then he would have been busted, that's why he had to leave me in the dark and pretend like he was simply too lazy to go,' she thought.

"I finally understand what happend," she said while calming down.

"But, I need you to explain everything to me. I'm really curious about all of this." She said in a serious tone.

Moby knew that when he made Jayden into a demon, he would eventually have to explain everything to her. He could not hide everything for long. Now is the perfect time to tell her.

Moby told her everything that happend to him ever since his first day of military school. Of course, he left out all the parts about the system. He told her that demons get much stronger after every fight and get strength a lot faster than humans as his excuse to explain his sudden growth in power.

Jayden listened to his story in a serious tone with genuine worry.

Normally, she would not care at all about other's problems but for some reason, she seemed like she cared about Moby's.

She had never had any friends other than Alex but even he eventually left her. She grew up very spoiled from a very young age. She always got what she wanted whenever she wanted with no repercussions.

She would always get her way with people at school and they could do nothing about it because they are scared of her family.

She grew up seeing everyone beneath her on the social standings as no more than one of her playthings.

Ever since she had met Moby, she had felt happier than usual.

He had full control over her. But instead, he didn't abuse his power in making her do things she doesn't want to do like she would have done in his position. Instead, He made her into a cool demon and helped her control her powers. And, on top of that, they have a very similar sense of humour and satisfaction.

Only now she notices that she had finally made her first real friend.

When Moby was telling his story of how he was abused every day and how Nathan tortured him because of his necklace, he noticed that Jayden seemed like she genuinely felt bad for him.

Moby even used his "Mind Link" to read her emotions to double-check he was not imagining things and it confirmed his suspicions.

'What the fuck? I thought she was a heartless psychopath, why the hell would she feel bad when she does the same shit all the time?' He thought.

Then, when he got to the part about when he killed and tortured Eric. Her expression completely changed.

"Hahahahah! Tell me more about the part where you smashed his head into a rock until he was toothless!" She said as she was dying of laughter.

'Nevermind, she is a psychopath. But, so am I,' he thought with a chuckle.

She found the explanation of Moby describing his torture methods so amusing that at times she would be on the ground rowling on her stomach.

Moby was also having fun reminiscing about all that happend. He was actually having fun for once instead of just pretending.

Moby had never let himself go this hard in his entire life. With her, he felt like he could actually be himself with no worries of betrayal or manipulation because of their mind link.

The conversation then escalated to more serious topics.

"What is your current goal right now?" She asked curiously.

"Honestly, my current goal is to just get as strong as possible. I have no idea what I should do or what my purpose is," he sighed.

"I'm sure you'll find one eventually, " she said brimming with optimism.

Suddenly, the bell rang marking the end of the break, abruptly ending their conversation.

"Well, if you have anything fun planned just let me know! After your story just now, I am raring to give some of your methods a try. From now on your enemies are also my enemies, we are partners after all," she said, with a sadistic smile.

"Well, then you're in luck. Meet me after school and I will explain everything to you, partner," he said, with a smile that was somehow even more disturbing than her's.


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