The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years

Book 2: Chapter 479

Book 2: Chapter 479

The street lights had gone out a while ago. As dawn approached, very few people could be found.

Lukas looked at the completely relaxed figure of Pale.

Now that he thought about it, he didn’t think he’d ever seen her sleep before. That was because sleep didn’t exist in the World of Void.


Yang In-hyun’s story tugged on his heartstrings. And he now understood why he once had a negative view of humans.

His life had been completely ruined because of the greed and malice of humans. Wiping out the world called murim at the last moment could be considered a very restrained result when compared to the rage Yang In-hyun felt.

…In all honesty.

He hadn’t expected it. For Yang In-hyun to reveal his origin like this.

Something shouldn’t be mistaken though. This man wasn’t the type of person to confide in others for advice or comfort. In the first place, it wasn’t possible to conclude that Yang In-hyun was a good person.

What had happened to Yang In-hyun was certainly tragic. And there was nothing wrong with sympathising with him. However, the massacre he’d carried out was definitely too far.

How many people’s blood did he have to be covered with in order to wipe out the murim?

“Are you convinced?”

After a short while, Yang In-hyun spoke.

Right. In the first place, the only reason he’d brought up this story in the first place was to carry out his twisted conviction to kill martial artists. It was because he didn’t want to have conflict with Lukas while carrying out this task.

“…right. I understand the situation.”

“Then you won’t stop me from doing it.”

“I won’t stop you.”

Yang In-hyun made a puzzled expression when Lukas answered so passively.

“However, there is something I’d like you to answer.”

“What is it?”

“You hated the world called murim. This includes all the elements that make up that world. However, do you not consider yourself a martial artist?”

“An identity cannot be denied.”

“…I’m sure an identity can be denied.”

Yang In-hyun’s expression changed.

“What are you trying to say? If you have something to ask, just ask.”

Lukas decided to follow through.

Looking into Yang In-hyun’s especially sunken eyes, he asked.

“Why do you consider yourself the Sect Leader of Flower Mountain?”


He didn’t hear the answer.

This was because Yang In-hyun had gotten up from his seat and prepared to leave. It seemed he didn’t want to continue this conversation. Or Lukas’ words had given him a change of heart.

Just as Lukas was about to send Metel after him again, he heard a voice.

“I will be right back.”

It seemed he found Metel’s presence offensive.

“Are you going to kill someone else?”

“You said you wouldn’t stop me.”

“I’m just asking.”

Yang In-hyun was silent for a moment before answering.

“Not tonight at least. I’m not in the mood to kill anyone.”

Tonight, he said.

It wasn’t something one should say at dawn, but Lukas was convinced.

At the moment that Yang In-hyun left and Lukas prepared to go back to the castle,

[How boring.]

He heard the Lightning God’s voice in his head.

[My excitement was shattered. I was curious about how such a strong being came to be, but it wasn’t that big of a deal.]

‘…that’s surprising. Is that really what you thought after hearing that?’

[Did you expect me to feel some kind of human emotion?]

The Lightning God smirked as he said that.

[I just realised… if all Twelve of the Void Lords are like Yang In-hyun, those guys won’t be able to respond.]

‘Respond? Do you mean to you Rulers?’

The Lightning God continued without answering.

[An unprecedented being, someone strong enough to step into our domain, is only born in one case. By incalculable coincidence… Those guys aren’t. They just had a couple incidents and low quality malice.]

‘Most of the things that we call incidents are born out of coincidence.’

[You’re making stupid remarks. If you look back at an incident, you will be able to clearly see the cause of it. The only reason it can be dismissed as a coincidence is if you cannot grasp the causal relationship. It’s like a natural disaster. The ignorant consider them to be the wrath of god.]

‘Then what coincidence are you talking about?’

[Well… the way the Seven Fanged Dragon God was born.]

Lukas said in disbelief.

‘It’s not surprising that you treat every being that isn’t a Ruler as trash, but did you forget? The one who brought down the Seven Fanged Dragon God was one of the Twelve Void Lords.’

[That’s right. Kuku…]

The Lightning God chuckled as if he’d heard something unpleasant. Lukas had no desire to continue the conversation, so he just woke up Pale, who was lying beside him.

“Wake up. It’ll be dawn soon.”


With a groan, Pale opened her eyes.

Then, with dishevelled hair and dopey eyes, she uttered.



It was 4:17 in the morning.

This remark was made 17 minutes after the closing time for the drinking shop.

Looking at the table, Pale said.

“Where’s my food?”

“You ate it all.”

“Mm. I’m sure I had a bit left.”


They had eaten the leftovers as snacks.

It really was a bit.

“I’m hungry.”

Pale muttered the word again.

“Let’s go back to the castle. You can eat as much as you want there.”

“Why? This is a restaurant. The food was delicious too.”

“Business hours have ended. We have to leave now.”

“Ayyy. I’m hungry.”

“You can’t.”


At that, a dangerous glint appeared in Pale’s eyes.

“I want to eat, now.”

Lukas broke out in cold sweat. It was clearly the appearance of Pale, but, strangely, the tone was similar to that of the Blue Knight.

This might not end as a joke. If he didn’t fill her stomach here, an unbelievable disaster might occur.

…He didn’t have the courage to try to forcefully take Pale to the castle in this state.

Excusing himself, he called for the owner who was closing up.

“Hah? You want me to make food? Do you not see the time?! That’s really rude! It’s already past closing time!” (TL: ‘Sir… if you don’t want us all to die…’)

…Was what he said until he gave him way too much money for him to bring out food to feed Pale.


Pale grinned in satisfaction as she inhaled the food with puffed cheeks.


By nature, she was a glutton, but she didn’t want food this often before.

Did something change after she came to this world?

With such doubts in his mind, he finally returned to the castle. It was just before dawn.

He didn’t see Jiudad or Dok Go-yun in the throne room. But he could feel their presence in the private chamber beside it.

When he opened the door, he bore witness to a strange scene.

It was the forms of two men drinking tea.

“You’re back?”

“Ku-, kuhum…”

Unlike Jiudad, Dok Go-yun seemed to have a hard time greeting Lukas.

“Y-, you’re here.”

Then, with a determined expression, he spoke informally. But when Lukas’ gaze turned to him, he quickly flinched and added.



He didn’t care if this man spoke formally or informally. Rolling his eyes, Lukas looked at Dok Go-yun and said.

“You can go back and clean up the Demonic Cult. I’ll come look for you soon.”

“Ye-, yes.”

Dok Go-yun answered quickly and left just as quickly.

He could consider this an opportunity to escape, but he had no intention of doing so.

The magic that this blonde haired monster used was invisible, and he was also able to use some kind of amazing spatial movement.

It felt different from the Warp spell used by Wizards, the space contraction method of the Magicians, or the portals of the Great Galactic Alliance.

One thing was certain though, as long as he had that bizarre technique, Dok Go-yun would never be able to run away from Lukas.

After confirming that Dok Go-yun had completely left, Lukas said.

“I’m sorry, but I ended up spending more money than expected.”

“It’s fine for you to use all of it. After all, you are my benefactor.”

Jiudad smiled as he said this.

There was still a hint of bewilderment on his face.

“To be honest, I still can’t believe it. To think the Heavenly Demon would show such a figure… Who the hell…”

Jiudad muttered for a moment before shaking his head.

“…I won’t question your identity. What is important is to keep my promise. You said you wanted my full support? As long as you do not harm the people of Luanoble, I will grant your every request. Even at the cost of my life.”

Of course, Lukas had no intention of making such a heavy request.

“I’d like to start with a simple question.”

“Of course.”

“Have you ever heard of an organisation called the [Trowman Rings]?”

It was something he should have asked immediately after realising that ‘Lukas Trowman’ existed in this universe.

“You know about the Trowman Rings?”

“Right. Can you briefly tell me what you know about them?”

“Hmm. Fine.”

Jiudad began to speak with a casual expression.

“First off, they’re mostly made up of people born on Earth. The Leader is a young woman with the title [White Flower]. Her name should be…”

“Min Ha-rin.”

“Ah. Right. That’s it.”


“Although it’s made up of mostly young people, some of the founding members possess tremendous power that doesn’t match their age. It is said that they gained power that defies common sense in an incident that occurred just before the Great Fusion. But I don’t know the details about that.”

…The preliminaries for the Great Game.

The Great Game didn’t just end after Lukas’ battle with Nodiesop. The rewards for the result had become meaningless, but the merit of being able to grow explosively in the field that had been prepared still remained, so it wasn’t surprising that they had grown beyond recognition.

To be honest, he was a bit curious.

He wanted to see how strong his disciples had become with his own eyes.

“However, meeting them would be difficult.”

Although he had no intention of doing so, he asked.

“Why is that?”

“The Trowman Rings are pan universal problem solvers that travel all across the world to resolve disputes. This means they never stay in one area for too long. They are probably some of the busiest beings since the Great Fusion.”

Problem solvers that resolved disputes.

Lukas almost had the urge to laugh lightly for a moment.

“…are the Trowman Rings related to Lukas Trowman?”

“They don’t seem to have any particular connection. But there are certainly many people who associate them as ‘Trowman’ is not an established vocabulary. There is also some overlap in their actions…”


“It seems that you’re interested in the Trowman Rings.”

“A bit.”

“Mm. Please wait for a moment.”

After saying that, Jiudad took out his laptop again.

“I have some information about the size of the Trowman RIngs and its members. Of course, nothing I have is certain since it was all independently investigated by Luanoble, but it should serve as a reference.”

“Why did you investigate them?”

“I asked the Trowman Rings to help in our country. I had hoped that they would be powerful enough to drive away the Heavenly Demon. Of course I didn’t receive a rep— Mm?”

“Is there a problem?”

Surprise shined in Jiudad’s eyes.

“…the Trowman Rings accepted my request. A week ago.”


“I’d been pretty busy recently so I didn’t get the chance to check… Mm. They say that they will be sending some of their members here, but according to the reply, they should be arriving today—”

“Give it to me.”

Lukas snatched the laptop away.

Then, when he saw the names on the screen, his expression became a bit strange.

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