The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years

Season 2 Chapter 530

Season 2 Chapter 530

The Great Mage Returns after 4000 Years (Season 2) – Chapter 530

Translator: Alpha0210

It’s agonizing.

The Lightning God felt a groan might escape him due to the pain he had never experienced before.

Pain was not unfamiliar to him. Some may think the Ruler has never felt pain even once, but that’s nonsense.

Pain could be an interesting amusement for the absolute being. Depending on the situation, it could also provide necessary data for experiments.

Thus, the Lightning God had often designed situations to inflict pain upon himself.

Maybe that could be called self-harm.

But at this moment, the Lightning God understood for the first time.

Simply ‘feeling pain’ and ‘being in agony’ were entirely different.

The latter meant ‘to suffer,’ a word farthest from the Ruler.

“This is… I am…….”

Unfinished word stuttered out.

[…Truly a dreadful sight.]

And the Thunderous Lightning God no longer scoffed.

A voice, seemingly fed up, continued softly.

[To think that this could have been one of the forms the Lightning God could have taken, even though I lack a body, I feel nauseous……. It’s the first time I’ve felt such displeasure.]


[You are already decayed. It seems there is no cure. Just the lingering thoughts implanted, and to be this much affected? Your existence proves that even someone of Lukas Trowman’s caliber could change this Lightning God.]

Interest flickered in the displeased voice but quickly faded away.

[However, that is an unwelcome change from my perspective. It’s what you would call a bad influence.]


The Ruler’s ego has been complete since its existence began.

If any change occurs to that perfect ego, it can only be called degeneration.

The corners of the Thunderous Lightning God’s mouth twisted.

[There’s nothing more to discuss with you. Scum, disappear. And never show yourself to me again.]


Something should have been said.

Whether excuses, screams, or sophistry, anything but silence.

In this case, silence becomes affirmation, and affirmation leads to the most miserable end the Lightning God could face.

But was there really anything wrong with what the Thunderous Lightning God said?

Is there truly anything I can definitively deny?


“…I see.”

The voice that leaked out after this realization was surprisingly unshaken.

Was it that he wasn’t as shocked as expected? Or had he finally accepted it?

Maybe it was both.

The Lightning God was looking for an existence to give a definite answer.

Because he couldn’t accept the miserable state he was in, and yet, pride as a Ruler still lingered in one corner of his heart—

But now that pride had become a burden. The pillar that had once firmly supported his strong spirit had turned into a sharp spear, beginning to shred his spirit into rags.

‘…It’s a copy.’

Even these thoughts, the humiliation he’s feeling, the rising bitterness—all were nothing more than outcomes from a copied personality.

The words uttered by the Thunderous Lightning God were not wrong.

Scum, trash, or remnant. Could there be more accurate words to describe the current Lightning God?

Especially since he himself had pronounced it.

At least, it was still something he wanted to consider as his self.

‘Is this the end?’

He closed his eyes.

The last hope was now unreachable.

The pride of being a Ruler, which had kept his lingering thoughts intact, was shattered.

He returned control of the body back to its original owner. To silently fade away in a corner of Lukas’s consciousness.

That was the only end allowed for the Lightning God.

At that moment.


His fading consciousness sharpened again. The sensations that were slowly drifting away from the body were restored.

Of course, it wasn’t the Lightning God who did it. Then, there was only one being capable of such an act.

“What are you doing, Lukas.”

It was Lukas who, once again, had handed over control to the Lightning God.

[Is that really all you can do?]

A voice sounded, seemingly angry.


Even if he had handed over physical control, his mind was fully aware of the situation. He would have seen his pathetic state in its entirety. Now, he no longer had the pride to be hurt by it.

‘Isn’t that so?’

The Lightning God chuckled.

‘Don’t you have something else to say to me? I attempted to break our promise. Despite all my bragging.’

[This isn’t the time for such trivial matters.]

‘Then why are you angry?’

[Your actions are too frustrating.]


That was an unexpected answer for the Lightning God.

[Is it because your pride was hurt? Are you feeling despair about the current situation? Do you want to give up on everything now? ─You’re wrong. The emotion you should be feeling most intensely right now isn’t any of those.]

‘What are you blabbering about?’

[Sometimes it’s okay to turn a blind eye to the truth. But you should never ignore your own feelings, no matter the circumstance. You’re the only one who can acknowledge them.]

Lukas’s voice sharpened.

[Why are you pretending not to see your own anger?]

And the Lightning God shuddered.

[You’re so angry your head could explode. That bastard talking nonsense is annoying and unbearable.]

‘…So you’re saying I should unleash my anger in this state? On that being, the Thunderous Lightning God?’

[What does that matter?]

Lukas retorted instead.

Memories from the past surfaced in his mind.

The abyss, the world of nothingness where he was trapped for 4000 years.

What was Lukas like back then? How did he act to not forget himself?

─He unleashed his anger.

He constantly hated the being that had imprisoned him.

[Just because you’re in a miserable state, you can’t get angry? If the opponent has omnipotent power, should you just endure? Wrong. No matter who the opponent is or what situation you are in, you always have the right to get angry.]


[You’re just not used to it, having never harbored such intense emotions before.]

His nerves tensed sharply, then relaxed, and soon he was calm.

The Lightning God suddenly realized he had never experienced such violent emotional changes before. Lukas was right.

‘…Is that so.’

Now he had no choice but toacknowledge it now.

That the Thunderous Lightning God in front of him and he himself had already become different beings.

‘I actually knew it.’


‘That if I accepted the offer he extended, he would no longer see me as the [Ruler]. Haha. How could I not know? It was [my] own thought.’


[But still, I couldn’t help but cling to it. Yes. I had no choice but to…….]

The Lightning God’s voice trembled faintly.

[Have you always lived like this? Clinging to a faint hope that’s barely there, knowing logically that the chances of it happening are slim, yet still desperately struggling…….]

‘It’s nothing remarkable. Nobody wants to be in a situation where they have to struggle.’

[…Is that so.]

There are things one only realizes after hitting rock bottom. That sensation is something even Lukas doesn’t know. He can’t understand it.

He had nothing more to say to the guy.

The presence of the Lightning God gradually faded.

And Lukas,

was able to move his own body again.

He looked up at the ‘Thunderous Lightning God.’

The guy was smiling.

[Now, Lukas Trowman. Shall we begin negotiating with this Lightning God?]

A smile as if he had finally found the right conversation partner.


[You remember the events that scum just went through.]

“…You mean the things about ‘another future’.”

[Indeed. In fact, you might know more than the observer himself. I want that information.]


[Your goal is the liberation of this body, isn’t it? I’ll grant it. It seems you’ve managed to somewhat wield my inherent power, ‘Thunder,’ as well. If you wish, I can even recharge that power…….]

“There will be no negotiation. There’s nothing more to discuss with you.”

Lukas cut him off sharply.

The Thunderous Lightning God was silent. Though his expression did not show it, he might have been surprised or flustered.

[An emotional response. Weren’t you always one to prioritize rational choices?]

“That’s when the other party maintains the bare minimum of courtesy.”

[I don’t believe I have been rude to you.]

It wasn’t just a flippant remark.

The Thunderous Lightning God truly believed that, and indeed, it was a valid point. Lukas agreed with him on that matter.

This treatment was also a result of becoming stronger.

The Thunderous Lightning God truly believed that, and Lukas agreed with him on this point.


“It’s not me. You…….”

A bit of thought was needed here.

After a short contemplation, Lukas spoke.

“You insulted my partner. That alone eliminates any chance of negotiation.”



The Thunderous Lightning God asked with a dazed voice.

[Ha, Hahaha.]

Crackle, the dark clouds around started to spark with lightning. The phenomenon, just before the thunderclap, was truly a reflection of the Thunderous Lightning God’s emotions.

In other words, he was holding back laughter.

[HaHaHa! KHaHa!]

But patience is not a word that suits a Ruler.

The Thunderous Lightning God burst into laughter, looking at Lukas.

[Partner? I see. So, that’s how you view it. But… I’ve observed you for a long time. You’re not someone who acts merely out of sympathy.]


[Did you find some use in that trash?]

“That’s one of the reasons.”

He couldn’t completely deny it.

[Interesting. Cooperation between ‘Lukas Trowman’ and the ‘trash’ separated from this Lightning God…….]

The Thunderous Lightning God seemed to ponder for a moment before smiling slightly.

[I’m curious. About what kind of beings you two will become.]


His form wavered for a moment.

And Lukas saw the remnants of the Thunderous Lightning God’s consciousness leaving Lee Jong-hak’s body.

In that state, his remnants could no longer exist. His form started to disappear gradually. He smiled in that state.

[It’s one of the precious puppets I finally obtained, but I don’t want to be deeply involved with humans right now. Even I don’t want to end up in ‘that state’.]


[I’ll observe you from a distance. Lukas Trowman, do entertain me.]

The dark clouds that had blackened the sky began to disappear.

At the same time, the immense pressure that filled the surroundings gradually faded. This is… he truly left Lee Jong-hak.

‘He probably hasn’t completely left the void world.’

There are probably other puppets prepared by him besides Lee Jong-hak.

It will have to be identified eventually, but not now.

[Hey, Lukas.]

Another voice of the Lightning God was heard.

“What is it?”

No immediate response came back. Silence persisted until the sky was completely clear.

After a moment, the Lightning God suddenly said.

[Was I really that unappetizing?]


Laughter burst out momentarily.

Lukas found himself laughing heartily for the first time in a long while.

“It’s good you realize it now.”

[…I see.]

Silence again,

Lukas did not immediately descend.

Standing still under the clear blue sky, he waited for the next words from him.


Even without a response, the voice continued.

[I want to give that bastard a beating. Will you help me?]


Lukas’s quick response seemed to surprise the Lightning God.

“Just giving him a beating isn’t enough.”


“Take everything from him. Everything that guy possesses.”

Lukas said with a smile.

“Usurp the authority you once held. Lightning God, show that tasteless guy what a loser’s rebellion is all about.”


After a moment of being stunned, the Lightning God chuckled.

[I like that. But I have one correction to request.]

“What is it?”

[I will not use the name Lightning God until that day comes.]

“Then what should I call you? Since you’re the remnants of the Lightning God, how about Lightning Remnant? Or maybe Remainer?”

[…Your naming sense is terrifying. If you ever have children, it would be wise to let someone else name them.]



His voice sounded somewhat relieved.

[Call me that for the time being.]


Although it carries a strong sense of self-deprecation, the fact that he named himself carries significance.

At least it means his spirit has recovered enough to joke about his situation.

It wasn’t the development he expected, but it wasn’t bad either.

The cooperation of the Lightning God, now Residue, would surely be a great help to Lukas. Even though he has lost most of his power as a Ruler.

Gradually descending, he looked down at the ground. Thanks to the clear sky, the landscape below was distinctly visible.

The chaos at the Flower Mountain,

The figures of Pale waving her hand and Yang In-hyun who had finished evacuating his disciples.

Suddenly, he had a strange feeling.

The companions from his past life.

Up until then, Lukas couldn’t trust them.

He distrusted them, was wary of them, and tried to use them.

Now it’s different.

Blue Knight Pale, Everlasting Plum Sword Yang In-hyun, and even Residue.

Now, Lukas can trust all of them.

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