The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years

Season 2 Chapter 552

Season 2 Chapter 552

Season 2 Chapter 552

Translator: Alpha0210

[Why did you accept?]

An annoyed voice is heard.

[That woman asked to accompany you, but if you had refused, she wouldn’t have insisted any further. It means she would have quietly agreed and stepped back.]


[Don’t tell me you’re expecting a miracle where emotions revive, right? Please, discard such childish expectations, Lukas. Don’t you understand what happened to that woman? That is, a permanent loss…….]

Permanent loss.

Lukas understands the meaning behind those words.

Even if Min Ha-rin looks at the world around her, receives a major stimulus from a scene, or a new connection, and her dried-up emotions miraculously spring forth, it will evaporate like a dream before long.

‘Is the influence of the Bottom Universe that persistent? That it follows permanently even after the [deal] is over?’

If Min Ha-rin’s capacity becomes large enough to encompass the ‘Bottom Universe’, maybe she could be freed from the curses they engraved.

However, Residue refuted Lukas’s words in a completely different direction.

[…The Bottom Universe might just be a simple system.]

‘A simple system?’

[It summons those who meet certain conditions and then offers strength or visions of becoming stronger in exchange for something…. Does it seem like someone’s will is applied to that?]


[Of course, there must be a being that created the Bottom Universe. Whether it’s a god, or some entity even this venerable doesn’t know.]

Residue has changed.

His tone still carried arrogance, but there was definitely a change in his self-centered way of thinking.

That’s why Lukas listened to Residue’s words quietly.

[The important thing is, if the Bottom Universe is merely a system, then the constraints it imposed are now fully integrated with that woman.]

‘As Ha-rin grows, the constraints become stronger, is that what it means?’

[Yes. Because the strength that woman will gain in the future would have been unattainable originally, and the growth that will happen is also thanks to the constraints.]

…It’s a terrible thing.

Lukas sighed.

With such a system, even if Lukas somehow went to the ‘Bottom Universe’ and destroyed it, Ha-rin’s emotions would not return.

‘Your words are all correct, except for one.’

[What is it.]

‘I don’t hold such childish expectations like you mentioned. That’s why I plan to keep Ha-rin by my side for the time being.’

[What do you mean?]

‘We’ll have to observe to find out. I mean, a way to revive Ha-rin’s emotions.’

[There is no such way─]

‘There is.’

Lukas interrupted Residue and added, looking at his incredulous face.

‘…Of course, I have no clue right now.’


because there’s nothing that truly can’t be found in this world.

* * *

Finding the ‘Hope Herb’ took longer than expected. ‘Waterfall of Apocalypse’ had cracked the world itself, and the detection methods Lukas knew didn’t work properly.

However, ultimately, with the help of an Ice Spirit, the one named ‘Biofrost’, he was able to locate it.

It was in a massive crevasse, deep within.

Hundreds of meters below the surface of the crevasse, there was not a single piece of ice. Lukas felt a strong life force there.

There was the Hope Herb, glowing in a brilliant amber color, much smaller than he had expected. Even including the roots, it seemed it wouldn’t surpass Lukas’s calf.

“Is it alright? To give it away so easily.”

[Compared to the rudeness I committed, this is a cheap price to pay. One or two bloom every thousand years, so it’s no trouble.]

The Ice Spirit spoke nonchalantly, perhaps having lived much longer than it seemed.

“Thank you.”

Lukas briefly nodded, then carefully carved out the Hope Herb without damaging the roots. Despite being detached from the ground, the Hope Herb did not lose any of its vitality. It likely wouldn’t rot even if left alone for decades.

Min Ha-rin carefully packed away the Hope Herb. She would be moving with Lukas for the time being, but she did this in preparation for the time she might return.

Then, without any regrets, the two left the 23rd floor, the glacial zone.

Since the barriers were already down, Lukas was able to easily find the entrance to the next floor.

The 24th floor appeared to be a labyrinth.

It seemed that Lukas and Min Ha-rin had emerged about midway through, but the maze was not of a quaint size one might find in a garden. The walls were erected so high they seemed to reach the sky, as if designed for giants.

However, the maze was damaged.

Parts of the walls were destroyed or, in severe cases, completely collapsed, unable to fulfill their original purpose of causing bewilderment.

“It seems there are no [Magic Tower Wizards] here either.”

Min Ha-rin murmured in a low voice.

Having lost her sight, she could now see the world made of vibrations and souls, which in some ways made her more sensitive than Lukas.

Lukas looked up at the sky again.

The ‘Waterfall of Apocalypse’ still flowed down from the sky.

The rain-like disaster that had first attacked the cave did not occur again, nor were there any signs of it.

The waterfall was disturbingly peaceful as it poured down.

“Let’s go up higher.”

As Residue had said, the higher they went, the closer they would get to the truth of the matter.

However, they did not meet any wizards on the 25th or 26th floors. There weren’t even any bodies.

A creeping sense of unease seemed to become clearer.

Before encountering the ‘Apocalypse’, Lukas had hoped to meet at least one wizard.

From his conversation with Redrun, it seemed the Magic Tower had some understanding of the current anomalies.

What Lukas needed now was information. He also had questions about The Beginning Wizard.

‘Surely we won’t reach the top floor without meeting anyone.’

Should he go back down now, to Redrun on the 11th floor or Vila on the 22nd floor?

They seemed to be able to communicate with the upper floors, so they would roughly understand the situation. Of course, it didn’t seem like they would willingly talk to an outsider like Lukas, but he didn’t have the luxury to be polite.

Even if he had to use a bit of rough methods…


Lukas then realized Min Ha-rin’s presence and abandoned that plan.

He didn’t want to show her someone being threatened.

What should he do then?

Lukas pondered, but this thought became useless the moment they stepped onto the 27th floor.


There was the person from the Magic Tower that Lukas had been looking for.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Lukas Trowman.”

The man with yellow hair bowed.

* * *

The man raised his head, then his expression turned to one of distress.

His gaze was not on Lukas but next to him.

“Who is this?”

He obviously meant Min Ha-rin.

Before answering, Lukas asked first.

“And you are?”

“My name is Baltak.”

“…One of the Seven Magicians?”

He felt a unique presence from him, similar to what he had sensed from Redrun, Vila, and Altata.

“Though I am inadequate, I do hold that position.”

“We are on the 27th floor.”

This place wasn’t known as a ‘Double Floor’ area.

Baltak nodded willingly.

“Yes. Originally, my assigned area is the 33rd floor.”


There were no other signs of life around.

…6 floors down, why was Baltak in such a place?

“I have revealed my identity. I will ask once again. Who is she?”

Lukas did not agree to a question-and-answer session, but he spoke frankly without hiding anything.

“She is my disciple. We happened to reunite on the 23rd floor, and due to circumstances, we decided to travel together for the time being.”

“…The 23rd floor.”

After a moment of silence, Baltak asked.

“What about ‘Roster’, the man who was there?”

“He’s dead.”

“…Is that so. That’s regrettable.”

Baltak’s face turned slightly bitter, but he didn’t seem overly surprised. Rather, it seemed like something he had somewhat anticipated.

“The Magic Tower manages a limited space within the Three Thousand Worlds, and originally, outsiders should not be able to enter these spaces freely. It seems that such restrictions have disappeared due to the anomalies.”


“Did you get involved in an unavoidable incident? Perhaps the world on the 23rd floor completely collapsed, and you had to move together. If that’s the case, I can use my power to send her ‘outside.’”


The one who answered was Min Ha-rin, not Lukas.

“I am here of my own will.”

“You’ve prepared yourself, then. I understand. Normally this wouldn’t be allowed, but now is not the time to nitpick over such details.”

Baltak spoke in a business-like tone, then looked back at Lukas.

“You probably don’t fully grasp the current situation. I will explain things one by one.”

Lukas looked around.

The 27th floor appeared to be a wizard’s workshop. It was dark, damp, and smelled of dust.

It wasn’t an open area, so the ‘Waterfall of Apocalypse’ were not visible, but the 27th floor was not immune to its effects.

This world was as fragile as the ones they had seen before; it wouldn’t be strange if it crumbled immediately.

“The reason I was waiting on the 27th floor, not my assigned 33rd floor, was to see you, Mr. Lukas. There was something I needed to verify.”



“If that’s your purpose, then hurry up. I need to go up as quickly as possible.”


Lukas almost let his irritation show but restrained himself.

“…You’re asking because you don’t know? The Waterfall of Apocalypse that ravaged the Magic Tower, I need to find out where they originate from.”

“You speak strangely.”

Baltak said in a dubious voice.

“The Waterfall of Apocalypse, as you have named them, have you not seen them with your own eyes? Did you have a way to confront them? A method to deal with them? Or, perhaps, a means to delay them?”


“There aren’t any, right? That’s why I am suspicious of you.”



A chill momentarily flickered in Baltak’s eyes.

“Let’s assume you know nothing and discuss from there. The perpetrator behind the Waterfall of Apocalypse, the source you are looking for, originated from the topmost floor. We have temporarily named it [The Deepest Darkness].”

…The topmost floor,

Lukas’s expression changed.

“Are you talking about where The Beginning Wizard is? What is he doing right now? He must know about this situation.”

Baltak looked steadily at Lukas and answered one point at a time.

“The Lord’s chamber does exist within the tower but is considered a separate space that isn’t exactly part of it. When I referred to the topmost floor, I meant the 77th floor. And currently, we have lost contact with the Lord.”

“…Lost contact, you say. Could it be…”


Baltak shook his head.

“The Lord is alive. Every Seeker knows this.”


“Let’s continue the explanation. The Deepest Darkness started from the 77th floor and has been expanding its territory one floor at a time. Opinions on its speed have varied; sometimes it was fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes it even stopped completely. Then, one of the Seven Magicians, ‘Hyke’, realized something about the pattern of this darkness.”

The movement pattern.

That could be the clue to the identity of the darkness or a strategy to tackle it.

At that moment, Baltak pointed a finger at Lukas.

“It’s you.”

“…What do you mean?”

“The speed of the darkness was completely in sync with you.”

Lukas’s body stiffened.

“What does that mean?”

“The emergence of the darkness started from the top floor, specifically the 77th floor, and it has been moving down one floor at a time.”

“…That’s what you already explained.”

“Yes. But I didn’t understand something. Didn’t you find any part of my story strange?”

Lukas was silent for a moment.

As he cooled down his somewhat heated mind, he felt several dissonances that he hadn’t realized before.

“…It appeared not on the lowest floor but on the highest floor, and it’s moving down one floor at a time?”


Baltak nodded.

“The destructive power of the darkness is something you know as well. If it wished, it could destroy everything from the top floor to the first in a blink of an eye. That means it could collapse the tower in the blink of an eye. However, it hasn’t done that. The darkness has been moving down meticulously, floor by floor.”


“Sometimes, its movement even stops. Despite having completely eroded a floor, it stayed in that area. Yes, that’s what happened on the 55th floor.”

“…55th floor.”

Even then, Lukas doesn’t know what kind of world the 54th floor is.

Baltak looked intently at Lukas and said,

“Shall we consider it in reverse? Assuming the top floor as the first floor, ‘the darkness’ is climbing the tower. From that perspective, the 55th floor would be the 23rd world for the darkness.”

Baltak emphasized his point.

“23, the 23rd floor. Don’t you feel anything?”


Lukas’s expression hardened.

The world of ice,

The world where he met the Ice Spirit Biofrost and Min Ha-rin.

And the world where he stayed relatively longer than others to find the Hope Herb.

─The 23rd floor.

“The darkness is moving just like you are. When you go up a floor, the darkness comes down a floor.”

The darkness they had never encountered,

He didn’t even know what it looked like.

Yet, an undeniable chill emerged in one side of Lukas’s heart.

“You said you have to go up to the top to see the source of the darkness. I’m not sure if it’s unfortunate or fortunate, but that seems unnecessary now.”

Baltak said in a low voice.

“─39th floor. At the midpoint between the 1st and the 77th floors, you will encounter the darkness.”


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