The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years

Season 2 Chapter 554

Season 2 Chapter 554

Season 2 Chapter 554

Translator: Alpha0210

Could he have been thinking about this all wrong?

He thought that by losing his emotions, she became unafraid of the Apocalypse. Of course, that fact might have some impact, but can it really explain everything?

The Waterfall of Apocalypse, the deepest darkness.

…Is that all the fear that the Apocalypse, which could erase the universe, amounts to?

Could a mortal being feel nothing just because they lost their emotions?

The evidence is lacking.

What Lucas needs to pay attention to is Min Ha-rin.

What is the difference between him and Min Ha-rin, or rather, it’s not just Lukas. Residue, as well as the wizards of the Magic Tower, also felt fear and dread.

They all have something that Min Ha-rin does not.

Or perhaps, they all lack something that Min Ha-rin has.

There’s definitely something beyond just the loss of emotions.

‘…She didn’t know about the Void World?’

No. Min Ha-rin’s attitude didn’t change even after she learned about the Void World.

‘She is not a resident of the Void World…’

He shook his head.

Even now, Lukas could not be considered a resident of the Void World. Regardless of what anyone says, his origin was the Three Thousand Worlds.

Then the remaining possibility is.

‘…Min Ha-rin didn’t know about the Apocalypse.’

To be more precise, she had never experienced it.

That’s it.

If that’s the case, everything can be explained.

Lukas, as well as Residue, had witnessed the Apocalypse. And the Truth Seekers of Magic Planet, perhaps, had also indirectly experienced it.


‘Harin didn’t.’

She didn’t know what the Apocalypse was until Lukas mentioned it. Naturally, she had neither witnessed nor experienced it.

[What does that mean?]

Residue asked in a voice that showed he did not understand what Lukas had realized.

‘It’s simple. We were all just prematurely scared. Because that waterfall gave off a vibe similar to [the Apocalypse].’


It wouldn’t be a pleasant truth for Residue. It was obvious his pride would be shredded.

But Lukas continued.

‘It’s like a person who almost burned to death getting a panic attack just from seeing a candle. Or someone who nearly drowned…’

[Cut the trivial analogies. Ha. This is absurd. I don’t know about the others, but are you saying even my judgment was clouded?]

‘Did you forget? You are currently fused with me. You are bound to be deeply affected by what I feel.’


Residue struggled to find a rebuttal, then after a moment, he said,

[But then how do you explain the penetrating power of the Apocalypse’s rain? Even the Void couldn’t handle it, could it?]

‘Penetrating power. Well said. That was just a property of the rain. Of course, even if I had used all my power, I might not have been able to completely stop it, but that leading to my death is another matter.’

It was evidence that Lukas’s thinking at the time was overly simplistic. If he had been a little more rational, he might have thought of other means besides defense and evasion.

‘Although extreme, the method Harin mentioned was one of them.’

[…You can’t be serious.]

Residue paled as he grasped Lukas’s thoughts.

[Are you mad? Thinking of making contact without even knowing what it is?]

‘Did you forget? To me now, a body is just a part. Even if I lose it, there are plenty of ways to replace it.’

[It might not end with just losing it. A single drop of liquid could completely annihilate your body, or perhaps leave a permanent disability.]

Lukas chuckled lowly.

‘See. You were also trembling in fear, weren’t you?’


‘Did you forget? The man who died from the rain in the center of the snowy field.’


Residue flinched noticeably.

Lukas had already seen what happened to someone struck by the droplets. A huge hole in the chest—it was merely a scratch to Lukas, nothing more.

However, at the moment the rain fell, Lukas had completely forgotten that fact.

If that wasn’t his brain being consumed by fear, then what was it?

[Then you mean…….]


As Lukas suddenly spoke, Min Ha-rin sent him a curious look.

Looking into her eyes, he said,

“I’ll be the one to make contact with the Waterfall of Apocalypse.”

* * *

There are limits to the information that can be obtained just by observing.

At least with that alone, one cannot differentiate or interpret. Everything must be left in the realm of conjecture.

For instance, even if Lukas concluded from his observations that a substance was 99.9% safe, he would never be completely reassured.

Instead, he would pour all his efforts into compensating for the remaining 0.01%, which, depending on the perspective, is an infinitesimally small percentage.

It’s not the Apocalypse itself, but the waterfall created by the Apocalypse. The black liquid that flowed from there.

Lukas does not know what making contact with it implies. It’s unknown. He may have boasted pretentiously to Residue, but all that could also be wishful thinking.

If the liquid’s aggressiveness or destructive power were to amplify over time, causing damage beyond what any of Lukas’s defenses could handle in the worst reaction…

…That is why courage was necessary. If one only fears the unknown, there can be no progress.

Thus, this was indeed a long-overdue challenge for Lukas.

And Lukas believed that every challenge required insurance.

Lukas looked at Min Ha-rin.

The girl he once taught and still wished to think of as such.

There must be a reason why he met the grown-up Min Ha-rin at this moment.

Min Ha-rin had made him aware of the discomfort darkness held, but her role would not end there.



Lukas hesitated briefly before speaking, and then brought up something entirely unrelated to what he had been thinking.

“…Shall we take a walk for a bit?”


Min Ha-rin blinked and then tilted her head.

Trying to grasp the true intent in his words, she looked down and thought for a moment before suddenly asking,

“Are you talking about walking through the labyrinth on the 26th floor?”


“Is there something you want to show me?”

“…Something like that.”

He finally nodded.


And so, Lukas and Min Ha-rin walked through the labyrinth.

Of course, they felt none of the thrill, fear, or mystery that a confined space like a labyrinth could offer, as the labyrinth was collapsed, as mentioned earlier. Even if it had been intact, it would have been the same.

“How have you been in the meantime?”

At some point, Lukas found himself asking that.

After all, he hadn’t even properly asked her how she was since they reunited. If Min Ha-rin had been her usual self, she might have felt neglected and rightly so.

No, if she hadn’t changed so much, perhaps their reunion would have been more appropriate, more like a true reunion.

“I didn’t spend a single moment without meaning.”

Min Ha-rin spoke calmly.

“My priority was to prevent local conflicts and rescue humans to achieve peace, but I also had to arrange events sequentially to foster my own growth. Yes, tailored to my level. It shouldn’t be too easy or too difficult. Fortunately, I had an excellent companion, Arid.”


“However, the world is full of unpredictable events. If I remember correctly, I stood on the threshold of life and death about twelve times. Thanks to Arid, I was able to save my life.”

“…Those eyes and arm, you didn’t lose them in the Bottom Universe?”

Min Ha-rin’s cool gaze directed at her own body.

“Yes. When I went there, I was already disabled.”

“Why? If it was Arid’s power, healing them would have been…”

“These are wounds of when I lost to an Absolute being. Of course, regenerating them with Arid’s power isn’t impossible, but it would require so much spiritual energy that I would need to be bedridden for at least a month. Moreover, Arid’s role in the world after the Great Fusion was much more important than mine.”

That would be the case.

Arid’s healing power sometimes showed results that even the word ‘miracle’ couldn’t fully describe.


Lukas felt a disconnect.

He had only asked how she was doing casually.

He hadn’t expected frivolous talk, but the words Min Ha-rin uttered were too heavy and bleak.

Min Ha-rin chose only the essential points to describe what had happened, and now she was looking at Lukas, waiting for some kind of response.

…She wanted to be evaluated by Lukas.

As mentioned before, for Min Ha-rin, the correct answer was Lukas. His life was the perfect benchmark, and ultimately, her goal was to take over all of Lukas’s responsibilities.

Therefore, she needed to be acknowledged.

To confirm whether she was qualified to replace him.


Suddenly, Lukas could hardly remember Min Ha-rin’s smiling face. He remembered being saved by that smile once, but now her face was obscured by a thick fog.

…It’s just avoidance.

“How about your siblings?”


“Your family, your siblings. Are they doing well?”

Min Ha-rin looked puzzled but answered first.

“…Of course they are in a safe place.”

“It seems you’ve joined hands with Neil Prand.”

“Yes. But how did you know that, Master?”

“I found out somehow. That must be your achievement, right? Well done.”


Min Ha-rin sent a uniquely blank stare a few times before bowing her head.

“Thank you.”

“Speaking of which, there’s something you’d be happy to hear. About Lee Jong-hak, he exists in the ‘Void World’ where I am. It’s hard to say he’s alive, but if fate allows, you’ll be able to meet him again someday.”


Residue called his name in a low voice, but Lukas ignored him and continued speaking.

“There were circumstances that put him in danger, but they’re resolved now. I’m sure he’d be happy to see you. You know, Lee Jong-hak and I didn’t get along well, but he seemed to care a lot about you.”


“And Sedi, that kid is also here. She came all this way looking for me, even bowing her head to the betrayed Ruler. It was a dangerous and impulsive act, but I was also pleased. …However, her condition is more critical than Lee Jong-hak’s. I’ve already sent a solution, though─.”


Min Ha-rin’s gaze turned this way.

“I don’t understand.”


“What you are thinking, or why you are telling me this.”

Lukas closed his mouth which had been half-open.

“My family, Lee Jong-hak, Sedi Trowman. What do their whereabouts have to do with the Apocalypse? Or can they provide me with a chance to become stronger?”

There was no malice in Min Ha-rin’s voice.

She was still emotionless.


“So, do we have more leeway in the situation than I am aware of? Enough to share such unnecessary stories.”


“Wasn’t the situation urgent? What exactly are you thinking about now, Master?”

But to Lukas, it felt like she was angry.

Min Ha-rin’s eyes were like glass.

Void of its own color, unable to reflect anything, a crafted piece of glass. However, sometimes in the glass, he could see his own reflection.

Lukas saw Min Ha-rin, and in her eyes, he saw himself.

…He suddenly remembered a similar situation he had been in.

The roles were reversed then, but it was when he had wandered around Magic Planet with the Beginning Wizard, who spouted such unnecessary words, and he had gotten angry at him.

Is that so.

The Beginning Wizard, Mark Trowman, must have felt this way at that time.

[…You’re getting that kind of response because you’re meddling unnecessarily, you dense fool.]

Residue also clicked his tongue and criticized.

With that, Lukas could make up his mind.

There was no time to dally. He couldn’t delay.

What Min Ha-rin needed now was not this.

“You said you wanted to become stronger.”

“That’s right.”

Min Ha-rin answered without hesitation.

“There is a way to certainly become stronger, but it is very difficult and arduous. If I were to tell you about that method…”

“I will do it.”

“Even if there’s a slim chance of success? You might lose your life.”

“It doesn’t matter.”


Perhaps thinking her explanation was insufficient, Min Ha-rin continued.

“Master, among all the mortals I know, you have climbed to the highest place. If there is a right way to pursue strength, your life would certainly be the closest example.”

He had anticipated such an answer to come back.

But hearing it directly made no less impact. Lukas swallowed his bitterness.

“So please tell me. What should I do?”

Perhaps Lukas wanted to use the pretense of helping Min Ha-rin regain her emotions to justify committing a more cruel act. For a moment, he longed for the days of being an absolute being. If it were those times when his emotions were faint, he wouldn’t feel sadness over such choices.

But he stopped himself.

This was not something he should do in front of Min Ha-rin.

‘The choice is mine.’

And he would bear this sin too.


A pitch-black space opened beside Lukas.

Min Ha-rin’s gaze solemnly shifted towards it.

Inside the space, there was nothing visible, just darkness spread out.

However, this darkness had a different aura from the destructive waterfall of the Apocalypse or the dark droplets.

“The Bottomless Pit.”

Lucas spoke the name of that space.

“A space where nothing exists, and the space that suppressed me for 4,000 years.”


Min Ha-rin did not seem to understand the situation.

Residue had said that Min Ha-rin had permanently lost her emotions. Even if they were to revive, they wouldn’t last long.

But there are no absolutes in this world.

Right now, Min Ha-rin, whether in a good or bad way, was fixated on the entity that is Lukas. Thus, she would focus intently on the life Lukas has lived.

Regardless of the presence or absence of emotions, it means she would become immersed.

And immersion provokes stimulation.

That was the method Lukas had chosen.

He would create a series of massive stimuli, like a storm, one after another.

Thus, making her feel more, faster than the emotions could fade.

“In this place, I’ve stored a part of the knowledge I’ve acquired and aspects of my life.”

─Thus, for Min Ha-rin, the Bottomless Pit would no longer be a space of nothingness.

“I see. Experiencing your life within a confined space, it certainly seems like it would be a great help in becoming stronger.”


It will be very tough.

She might want to give up.

Lukas swallowed the words rising to his throat. There was no point in saying them.

“I won’t tell you the conditions to leave the Bottomless Pit. You need to find them yourself for there to be any meaning.”

“What happens if I can’t find them by the end?”

“Then you will remain inside until your self is completely swallowed by the darkness.”


“The choice is yours.”

“I will do it.”

As soon as the anticipated answer was heard, Lukas shook his head.

And he faintly abhorred himself for making Min Ha-rin his ‘first insurance.’


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