The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years

Season 2 Chapter 559

Season 2 Chapter 559

Season 2 Chapter 559

Translator: Alpha0210

Lukas was about to break this space and escape outside the tower at any moment. Although it was designed not to be destroyed from the inside, it would be possible if he concentrated the power of ‘Destruction’ and shot it out.


However, the hand he stretched out did not cause any changes. It wasn’t that he had lost the power to control Destruction.


As he lowered his hand that he had extended, he bit his lips again. Blood was now seeping from his continuously bitten lips, and its color was so identical to that of Destruction that it looked like black ink was spreading between his lips.

‘…It’s the Magic Tower built by The Beginning Wizard.’

Knowing what that man had thought when he erected this tower, Lukas no longer felt like destroying it.

A human sentiment that should not enter his’s mind when time is of the essence.

Should he be glad that he still had such aspects within himself?

[Are you planning to go to the roof from the outside?]


[I see.]

Though Lukas did not respond, Residue seemed convinced and muttered to himself.

Lukas, while grateful for his understanding, considered another possibility.

If he was too late, if everything was already over……

I am……

─Upon reaching the 1st floor, Lukas immediately flew up towards the sky. The tower was built so high that it could inspire awe, but if he maintained this speed, in the blink of an eye─


With a frantic voice, someone suddenly appeared in front of Lukas.

Since he had anticipated his arrival, he was not surprised. Lukas even stopped as told by the man. That much consideration was due to the information the man had provided.


The mage, who is a Seven Magician on the 33rd floor and currently acting as Lukas’s caretaker, was breathing raggedly, which was a stark contrast to his usual methodical and organized demeanor.

Was he following Lukas? Or does a Seven Magician have a means to move from inside to outside the tower instantaneously?

“Move aside.”

This was both the first and last warning.

God said time was pressing, and that was the truth.

There was no time to persuade the magicians.

“Was it a misunderstanding that I felt you understood what I said? Or was this your real purpose?”


“There’s no guarantee that darkness will just lie dormant when you are outside the tower! This impulsive action might lead to─”

Before he could finish his sentence, Baltak’s eyes glazed over. Then his body limply began to fall like a string-cut puppet.

By that time, Lukas was already moving again.


Faintly, the sound of the body thudding into the ground could be heard. Although the fall was from several hundred meters, he probably hadn’t died. He must have broken a few bones, though.

And Lukas had reached the top.

The Beginning Wizard’s room,

The place he had last left that guy, who maintained a whirling, smile-mixed demeanor until the end.

If he had started fighting with Destruction right after that, what would The Beginning Wizard have felt at that time?

…It’s not the time to get sentimental.

Lukas placed his palm on the door that didn’t even have a doorknob. He didn’t know how to open it, but what did he care.

A door that does not open is no different from a wall, and Lukas knew how to break walls.

“My Lord instructed not to let anyone in.”

He didn’t turn around, but he knew it was Altata’s voice. Her demeanor was much calmer than Baltak’s, but that wasn’t enough to justify stopping Lukas’s actions.

However, the following words momentarily halted Lukas.

“Even if it’s the lord’s brother.”


Did she know?

He didn’t voice that thought.

Lukas turned around, and his eyes captured the green-haired woman. Her voice was calm, but her appearance was disheveled.

“Who else knows.”

“Not everyone knows, that’s certain.”

“A few more Seven Magicians like me were informed.”

“Baltak seemed unaware though.”

“Yes. Only the Seven Magicians from the 44th to the 77th floors were informed.”

Is it the truth known only to Altata and four others?

Lukas did not feel much significance or shock from this statement. Perhaps his exposure to the truths he learned through contact with Destruction had built up his tolerance.

“…That you will lead us.”

Altata spoke again.

“The lord has said so.”



That must be The Beginning Wizard’s clever plan. Not different from that of a god, except that a little more grace is given.

Lukas clenched his fist tightly again.

“Do not stop me.”


Altata mumbled a few times but eventually closed her mouth and lowered her head, acknowledging that she could not stop him with her power.

And Lukas, he opened the door.


The space beyond the door was dark, yet bright.

Realizing this, Lukas also felt that the entrance he had come through had disappeared. It was a situation that could make his heart sink, yet he remained composed.

Lukas looked at the scene unfolding before him with sunken eyes.

A black river was flowing.

Below was the ‘Waterfall of Destruction’. This was its source. He could guess why the magicians had named it ‘the deepest darkness’. Visually, one could only see darkness emanating from it.

But Lukas saw light there too.

The light was slowly floating down the river in the form of lotus flowers. As it came closer, he saw what was embedded in it.



…A voice.

─I just can’t stand the people around me because they’re so revolting.

Not Lukas’s voice.

─It seems like they don’t try, they don’t think. Just lying down on the floor, crying their eyes out like babies, and don’t think to stand up on their own.

The Beginning Wizard’s voice.

Part of a conversation they had once shared.

─You scold and pay attention to a child eating dirt and vomiting it out once or twice. But when you see such scenes tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, billions of times…

─At some point, they start to look like slightly smarter monkeys.

That was Lucas’ secret shame.

A thought too disrespectful for someone who once claimed to be the god of all humans, a thought he could not share with anyone.

When it came from another being’s mouth, it sent chills down his spine. His face may have turned red with shame.

But… that person did not deny Lukas’s existence.

Did not criticize or insult him.

─He affirmed it.

Lukas realized it really late, only now.

How miraculous and thankful that was.

─Someone else do it.

The voice continued.

─…Someone, please take over.

…The Beginning Wizard’s voice continued.

* * *

─You’re going to have a younger sibling.

He could not vividly recall his biological mother’s face. It was blurry, like the faded letters on an old page. He wasn’t even sure if he remembered her voice correctly.

─A sister?


─So, I’ll be an older brother?

─You might become an oppa, but I’d also like to have a son.


─Take good care of them and protect them.


─Yes, because you’re the older brother.

Amidst most of those memories crumbling away like dry leaves, the words she left behind and the anticipation that filled his young heart remained vivid.

But the young Mark’s anticipation dimmed before it could blossom.

He was separated from the brother he barely got to see after birth.

Heir, politics, conspiracies, eldest son, second son…

He could hardly remember the reasons now.

Afterward, Mark forgot about his brother’s existence.

He lived on, forgetting.

For a very long time.

* * *

To Mark Trowman, responsibility was a word mixed with love and hate.

─Mark! The seniors at the academy threatened to kill us! What should we do?

─I’ll talk to them.

From his adolescence, he understood the weight that word carried.

─Recently, the monsters of the forest have become more aggressive.

─I will handle it.

He also learned that an appropriate level of excellence is a blessing, but the moment it goes too far, it’s no different from a curse.

─The demigods have shown themselves. They are beings that cannot be opposed with human power and knowledge…

─…Please leave it to me.

The world was full of problems, and Mark knew the equations to solve them.

It wasn’t difficult, and it certainly wasn’t anything grand.

─Ah, look over there!

─That person is the strongest wizard in human history…

─Truly amazing. The role model of a hero.


─What could he be thinking about normally?

─It must be something noble that we can’t even imagine.

But the world,

─I never thought a virtuous person like you actually existed.

─You really have admirable thoughts.

─I deeply respect the achievements you have made.

The world began to judge Mark arbitrarily and started to have expectations.

They began to shift their responsibilities onto him.


Mark muttered to himself inwardly.

A hero? Virtuous? Noble?

All wrong.

Mark just knew how to solve problems. Remove that aspect, and everything was the same as them.

That’s why he tried to teach them. He thought if he persisted and explained things one by one, they could understand like he did.

─No one did.

Those who wanted to be like Mark either gave up midway or died.

Realizing their frailty, Mark eventually gave up on teaching at some point.

─Thank you for saving us!

─You are my hero, teacher.

─May endless glory accompany you, great mage…


Why do they only highlight my achievements and not utter a single word about my slaughters?

Saving someone means killing someone else.

If they regarded Mark as a unique hero of salvation in the world, they should also have seen him as the worst murderer in history. That would be a fair judgment.

…But he could also guess the reason for that.

If one must seek help, isn’t it better from a hero than a murderer?

Disgusting beings.

He truly became sick of them.

Even at the moment of requesting help, their own conscience comes first?


Mark suppressed a laugh.

It would have been better if they had only known such appearances. Then perhaps he wouldn’t have sacrificed himself to protect them.

But humans were not such one-dimensional beings.

There were those who would give their lives for Mark, companions who made being together enjoyable, and their vulnerable and fragile forms were incredibly endearing─

He couldn’t give up. He couldn’t throw them away.

If I don’t look after them, these ignorant and weak beings will not survive.

The current world was far from the word ‘peace’, and there were too many threats to people.

Therefore, Mark sealed such thoughts in the deepest part of his heart, thoroughly enough that they would never emerge again.

However, human emotions were not something that could be controlled at will. Desires grew unpleasantly and steadily like neglected vines.

Sometimes, buried emotions surged up violently, invading even his psyche, and with each occurrence, the desire to escape grew stronger.

But because actually doing so was impossible, at some point, the direction changed.

From escape to transference.

─Instead of me.

─A being just like me.

─If only someone else would take on my responsibilities…

However, such a miracle did not occur during Mark’s lifetime.

Not even once.


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