The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 639: The Legendary Person

Chapter 639: The Legendary Person

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Completing an interview looked as though there was only one on-camera reporter talking in front of the camera alone and it appeared as though it could be casually carried out anywhere and anytime but in fact, it was actually a huge project that required the precise cooperation of an entire professional team to complete, particularly an interview involving patronages.

Upon hearing the urging from the other side of the phone, Julie, an experienced interviewer, turned bright right away as she increased her pace. “Henry, I suddenly have a hunch that a good fortune is befalling us...”

“Your hunch is not bad, miss. That old fellow Patin actually quietly obtained an opportunity to interview the boss behind LS through some backdoor methods. In fact, even though that Asian skinny guy who looks prematurely senile always keeps a low profile, and there’s a lot of ‘news hit’ on him. This is a very unusually rare opportunity. Seizing it will likely make you a real anchor... ”

“Archers, you have 15 — no, 14 minutes to get to the Ocean Empire Building! We’ll leave now immediately!” Stimulated by the words on the phone, the female reporter who rushed into the interview car yelled at the driver excitedly and shouted at her cell phone, “Of course I understand that this opportunity is very rare! Henry, stop talking, and quickly send me the information about the interview target and interview questions.”

“Ok, I’ll send them to you right away! I wish you success, girl!” The last sentence resonated from the other side of the phone and the call was hung up right away. After more than ten seconds later, when Cathy, who was the assistant, was fixing Julie’s makeup, a compressed email was sent to the tablet of the female reporter.

Without wasting even one minute, Julie opened the mail impatiently while allowing Cathy to continue to touch up her face with a small delicate brush.

Due to the reason that the internet network in Noah World had just recently been established, and the sudden eruption of the chaotic war had turned to get a complete copy of the information into a dream. There was not much information about the young Asian boss of LS Group.

Other than some brief legendary introductions of how he had founded the LS slaughterhouse and established the foundation of the group that had a net worth of tens of billions of dollar at the age of seventeen, and had published a joint publishing paper in the world’s top academic magazines such as ‘Science’ and ‘Natural Biology’ at almost the same time, and had directly entered Stanford to study a doctorate degree in Biology, there were only a few more news articles of mixed judgments.

Swiping her finger continuously to read all the information quickly, Julie was just about to study the interview question carefully when she suddenly found that the photo in the photo report on the tablet screen had an inexplicable familiarity, prompting her to murmur, “I should have seen this photo before but I don’t have any impression about it at all. How strange...”

“Do you mean the photo of the boss behind LS, Miss?” Cathy, who had just finished touching up the makeup for Julie, tilted her head and looked at the tablet curiously, “Lisheng Zhang? This name is really familiar. Oh, that’s right, Riley’s Asian brother’s name seems to sound like this as well. And their facial features are a bit similar. Maybe he can make an impression of the LS Group’s boss ten years later if he starts to take drugs.”

After becoming a god, Zhang Lisheng had become healthy and young, completely unlike his often pale and skinny appearance that he used to have when he had to feed his wizard guys with his blood essence.

On top of that, Asians looked similar in the eyes of the Westerners so even though the female reporter had sharp professional observations, she could not see through the truth just based on one old news photo.

She merely laughed and told her assistant, “Don’t be so mean, Cathy. Riley is your good friend.”

Since the time was pretty rush, Julie did not think too much and merely swiped the tablet and began to work out the interview questions.

At the same time, the interview car galloped under the hot sunshine of New Washington A and finally arrived at the entrance of the Ocean Empire Hotel early about ten minutes later.

“We’ve arrived, miss. 11 minutes and 47 seconds! It’s a miracle! It looks like my destiny is not to be an ordinary interview driver but an F1 driver, isn’t it?” The driver with a brownish-red Mexican face of the interview car remarked proudly as he parked the car steadily.

“The reason you could make such a miracle today is because you haven’t encountered any red light all the way, and there’s no red light on the F1 track anyway, so you know what? Just drive your interview car with peace, Archers.” Jotting down the key point of the interview speedily, Julie breathed a long sigh of relief and got out of the car. Together with her assistant, photojournalist, lighting engineer, and so on, she entered the hotel.

Unlike the hot and dry weather peculiar to the daytime of a sandy oasis city outside, the lobby of the Ocean Empire Hotel, which had a combination of natural scenery and modern civilization, was cool and humid. Unfortunately, before the female reporter and her group of followers could even catch their breath, the reception staff of the LS Group had already gone up to greet them together with a group of their NBC TV colleagues.

After studying Julie from up to down several times in a scrutinizing gaze, one of LS’ receptionists, a tall and solemn-looking middle-aged African-American woman wearing an old-fashioned gray suit extended her hand and said, “You must be Miss Julie Mihr, the anchor host from NBC. I’m Lans Flittel, the Director of the Media Department at LS Group. Nice to meet you.”

“Good afternoon, Madam Lans, I’m very honored to be able to work with you but before this, may you please allow me to ask about the situation of my injured colleague first?” Julie shook hands with a middle-aged woman with force and asked sincerely.

“Of course, please feel free to do so.”

“Tommy, how’s Luke?” The girl smiled at Lans with a thankful smile and turned her head to ask her colleague.

Upon seeing that Julie did not mention the interview when she first arrived but asking about the competitor’s injuries first, the ugly expressions on the few unlucky fellows, who had encountered the accident but was safe, but whose hard work had gone down the drain, eased a little. Somebody answered in a low spirit, “He’s still being rescued in the hospital but he’s out of danger now.”

“That’s good.” Julie nodded with a relieved expression and immediately entered the main topic. Turning her head, she told Lans, “Madam Lance, I’ve already jotted down the interview questions on the way, but I have some new ideas. Can I have some of your time to discuss this with you?”

“Miss Julie, the interview questions were concluded after three full days of meticulous discussion.” Lans said with a frown. “The reason I agree to you taking over the interview is because of your relatively gentle interview style. But now that you said so, just minutes before the interview...”

“I only need three to five minutes, Madam. I just need you to listen to my opinions, please. You can disregard it if you don’t agree to it after listening to it.”

“Alright then.” Lans raised her hand and look at her watch. “You have 5 minutes.”

“Thank you, Madam. It’s like this, I hope that I can ask Dr. Lisheng a few innocuous personal questions at the beginning of the interview so as to shorten the distance between him and the general audience...” Julie voiced out her opinions rather quickly. amazingly, she managed to add three questions in just a few minutes’ time, causing the colleagues who thought that she was merely lucky for obtaining this opportunity to see her in a new light.

After successfully reaching a consensus with the head of the LS Group’s media department, Julie eagerly turned her attention to her former partner. “Hanks, I’m ready, can we start recording the opening credit now?”

“You’re really anxious, Julie. Oh, if it wasn’t for the fact that this Madam Lans from the LS’s media department doesn’t recognize my overly spicy interview style, this opportunity should have been mine...” Hanks seemed to want to crack a magnanimous joke but the apparent sullen expression on his face showed that he was actually in a bad mood at this moment.

However, when the camera that had turned on turned towards this ace reporter, his expression immediately became professional. “Good afternoon everyone, I’m Hanks Elton. I’m currently live from the hotel lobby that has a unique sense of style of the Ocean Empire Building, the landmark building of New Washington A... In a while, my beautiful colleague Julie Mihr will meet with a legendary person... Let us ask Julie together, are you ready?”

“Aww, Hanks don’t be like this. I’m starting to become nervous again being asked by you and the audience in front of the TV..,”

Under the cooperation of two experienced and natural seasoned reporters, the opening credits of two to three minutes finished recording.

After that, the reception staff of LS brought the two interview groups, that had mixed together and appeared to be parading mightily, and more than half of the program department group to the staff-only elevator.

They went straight up the hotel’s executive floor on the eighty-sixth floor, crossed a long corridor covered with red cashmere carpet and soon saw a huge scanning door standing tall in front.

Behind the door was a single desk used by a girl with a supermodel figure and a pretty face; further behind were more than ten burly men in police anti-riot gear who were standing straight against the comics on our

The scene before their eyes took the knowledgeable TV station staffs by surprise. Then, when they were just about to remove all metal objects from their bodies automatically, Lans suddenly chimed in, “Everyone, this is not a metal scanner. You can safely pass through it as long as you’re not carrying a weapon. Of course, if anyone has the habit of carrying a gun or a dagger longer than five centimeters, you’d have to take them out and we guarantee that we’ll keep them well for you. We’ll return them to you when you leave.”

“Please rest assured, Madam Lans, we NBC staffs don’t have the habit of interviewing people with weapons.” After staring at each other in surprise, Julie replied with a wry smile on behalf of all her colleagues and took the lead to walk through the scanning door with brisk footsteps. Then, she told the young girl who looked like a secretary behind the door, “Miss, I’m Julie Mihr, a reporter from NBC TV and we have an appointment to interview Dr. Lisheng.”

“I’m Alice Jolie, the head of the LS Group’s security department. Dr. is already waiting for you. Please follow me, Miss Julie.” The girl stood up and responded with a polite smile. However, she waited until all of the TV staff members had passed through the scanner without exception before turning around to lead Julie to continue this endless journey.

They walked through another long corridor and finally came to a huge classic carved mahogany arch at the end of the corridor.

Alice gently pushed open the wooden door and walked into the office the size of half a football field, before saying softly to a back bathed in dazzling sunlight, “Dr., the NBC reporters are here now.”

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