The Greatest Estate Designer

Chapter 21: The Second Random Summon (1)

Chapter 21: The Second Random Summon (1)

Claang! Clang clang!

The steel shovel moved. Every time it moved, it reflected the scorching sun of spring.

I hit the top of the sign, which resulted in a loud and unpleasant iron noise.


At last, the sign got planted deep on the ground. Only then did Lloyd stop shoveling and wipe the sweat off his forehead.


A gentle breeze blew away my beads of sweat. Basking in the suns warm sunlight made me feel good. Plus there was this sign that stood right in front of me.

A happy smile adorned Lloyds face.

Hey, what do you think? I turned my head and gazed at the silver-haired knight who was standing behind me.

Javier, the silver-haired knight who had been questioned by me, repeated my question back with his indifferent icy gaze. What do you mean by what do I think?

What did I mean? This thing, what do you think about it. Lloyd pointed his hand at the sign.

Javiers eyes turned towards the sign.

On the sign, there were words written in large letters.

<Planned site for the construction of bituminous coal mining station: unauthorized cultivation of the land is prohibited. The territory lords son>

You have to put these things in advance. Otherwise, things could get complicated later.

How could it get complicated?

The land often will be used to plant chili peppers and cabbages.

There was a bitter smile on Lloyds lips.

The grandmothers and ladies of this territory. If theres an empty piece of land they like a little, they will thoroughly fill it by planting lettuces, cabbages, and chives. But, what if we have to start the construction on that place?

In fact, such a thing happens a lot in Korea.

Usually, in such cases, the garden is shoveled and thrown away using an excavator. In some cases, a financial penalty is imposed on the grandmothers or aunts who were cultivating the field.

It was truly a pity. Of course, Lloyd had no intention of doing that here.

What if I threw the garden away for construction? Itll be a perfect reason to accuse me of trampling on a farmers precious field. I can also imagine them calling me a tyrant. And what about my image, which Ive been building up recently? Itll fly away and ascend to the hell gate first thing in the morning. Seriously.

. In summary, you meant that youll face criticism.

Yeah. Thats it. Lloyd grinned.

These days, he had begun to gain the trust of the territory residents. Still, he didnt want to lose it over a small dispute.

Anyway, were going to start the construction soon. Well dig and build a mine here, to dig up the bituminous coal.

If its bituminous coal, do you mean black coal?

Yeah. You know about it?

Yes, a little. Javier nodded. I know that its a black stone that comes out from the ground. Its brittle but a lot better than firewood.

Yeah. Thats right. Im going to dig it from here.

Are you saying that theres bituminous coal buried in there?


Lloyd chuckled.

When I looked up the records, I found that the former lord had attempted to build a mine around here twice but he failed. The mine collapsed because of the weak bedrock.

That fact was mentioned in the [Iron-Blooded Knight] novel.

The contents of the novel suddenly came to mind.

Lloyds father, Baron Arcos Frontera, eventually committed suicide after suffering from the debts pressure. Just before he hung himself, he let out a groan.

If only Matthias Frontera, his predecessor, succeeded in developing the mine, such a tragedy wouldnt befall today. Of course, Lloyd remembered correctly when the novel mentioned it.

That was why. From the beginning when he decided to develop this territory, the development of the mountains vein was engraved on the plan as an essential course.

Needless to say, he didnt forget to confirm this information.

For checking the veins, the survey skill that had risen to intermediate recently was helpful. By activating the survey skill, identifying everything inside the underground within the range of 5 m was possible. Grasping the composition of bedrock, groundwater, or mineral veins was doable.

It would be nice if I could scan deeper.

First of all, according to my research, this place was the most optimal. So, I built a paved road. Its purpose was to facilitate the coal transportation from the mine so it went smoothly.

Coal is going to be the breadwinner of our territory for the time being. Plus, it would probably be the most efficient means of preventing firewood crisis, which will start this winter.

What do you mean by firewood crisis?

Were going to run out of firewood because of the ondol room Ive been building these days. This is not a prophecy, but an inevitability and a necessity.

Lloyd shrugged his shoulders and continued, Thats the way old heating technology is supposed to be. Its hot, but it consumes a lot of firewood. You dont just heat up a kitchen with a single fireplace, but the whole floor of the house. Because of this, our forest resources are going to be used up. To put it simply, in a few years time, this mountain will be stripped bare.

Because theyre going to cut down too many trees for firewood?



Did I predict the harmful consequences? Of course I did.

Lloyds smile became slightly wicked.

Who am I? Im the one who designed the ondol heating system. Naturally, I expected this much. Everyone will start feeling it after half of the upcoming winter this year had passed, the fact that were running out of the firewood weve been preparing since fall.

So you deceived everyone?

Did I?

Yes, you did. Javiers voice grew cold. They believed in Lloyd, so they demolished the fireplace inside their house and installed ondol. But, if we run out of firewood, well spend the rest of the winter shivering in the cold.

Uh-huh. Thats right.

So you are scamming them.

Hm, thats not true.

If you do that.

Im going to sell coal.

To the fief residents?

Uh-huh. Coal is the best fuel for fire if we could dig it out. You cant live without buying it.

That was Lloyds plan.

Spread ondol heating system in the territory.

The higher the ondols demand, the less the firewoods supply

Ondols inherent disadvantage, which is the extreme consumption of firewood, will be highlighted. At that time, the coal he stored will be sold to the fief residents.

The first round of profit is made from ondol construction. The second round of profit will come from the coal sale.

What if ondol construction spread to neighboring territory? We can just export coal to them.

Ondol and coal. These two go hand-in-hand in bringing profits that will be a great help to resolve the territorys debt.

This thought made Lloyds smile villainous. Javiers expression, on the other hand, hardened.

<Javiers POV>

Did Lloyd-nim plan all of this in advance?


Since when?

From the very beginning. When I visited, apologized, and signed the first ondol contract with the bar owner together with you.


If you want to say something, say it. Dont curse me with your eyes.

May I do it?

Uh-huh. Lloyd nodded.

As if he was waiting for this moment, Javier said, You are a manipulative human being.

Better than being naive.

This is why I hate it.

You mean me?


But what to do?

What do you mean?

That human being you hate is the one who always gives you a good nights sleep every night.


So you dont like the lullaby service too?


Punk, what are you thinking hard about? Look at you rolling your eyes.


Ahjussi, its so obvious that you fixed your gaze after listening to me.


Open your eyes, dude. I wont tease you.


Dont worry. So cute.


Nevermind. Im not going to cut off the lullaby service so dont whine like a puppy who needs to poo.

. Im not a puppy! Javier almost cried out unconsciously.

However, Lloyds remark which came out first interrupted his cry.

Well, I roughly understand why youre taking sides now. You think Im cleverly deceiving and exploiting everyone. That kind of attitude feels villainous to you, I guess. I know it all and wont deny it. But what can I do? For now, lets save our territory first.

Lloyds evil smile became a little bitter.

You know what? To be honest, when I was a child, I thought money wasnt everything in this world. But as I got older, it seems I was mistaken. Nothing is more important than money. Money is much more important than what I had thought in my childhood days.

But, Lloyd-nim.

Thats right. Money cant buy happiness, no matter what. But if you have money, youll be happier. So, first of all, lets make some money even if my way is cheap and mean. Lets settle some of our territorys accumulated debts, shall we?

. Javier shut his mouth. As soon as he realized Lloyds intention, the disgust that had gathered subsided.

Lloyd Frontera smiled at himself after confidently saying all that. The look in his eyes seemed to say, Ill take on the curses. Blames? Pointed hands? Ill take those too.

So, just close your eyes and follow me. Thats what he seemed to say.


This person in front of me. I thought he was a worthless ruffian. He often was an embarrassing person some time ago.

He still is. But now, I cant hate him at all.

Although your way of doing things is mean and rough.

After all, what he did was often right. He helped me on completing the Asrahan Core Technique. He revealed Sir Neumanns betrayal. So, what about now? Maybe he was laying the groundwork for the territory to leap forth.

I understand. Javier involuntarily smiled and spoke frankly to Lloyd, Ill agree.

Lloyd, the one I escort. I looked at him with sincere eyes. Lloyd looked straight at me too. He then tilted his head.

Youll agree? To my plan?

Yes, of course.

Youu, what are you thinking about just now?


I never asked for your approval nor permission.


Thats right. Im the territory lords son. Why would I need your approval to dig a mine? Me?


So put aside your delusions. Will you get out of my way? Lets do some survey.

Javiers graceful face crumpled up. Lloyd said that while laughing mischievously.

As expected, Javier is a fun guy to tease.

<Lloyds POV>

Starting from that day, Lloyd spent the whole day sticking around the mine site. Surveying the surroundings and analyzing the site.

Two attempts to construct a mine in the past. Two consecutive failures.

He drew a construction plan in accordance with the case.

The answer is not in the conventional rock drilling methods. It takes a long time, and above all, too dangerous.

There were records of the past construction failures inside the mansions library. As I looked at them, it was recorded that they used traditional rock drilling methods both times.

They proceeded by scorching the rock with fire and cooling it down so the rock split.

That was the conventional method of breaking rocks.

What if a big rock comes out while digging? The workers set the rock on fire until it gets very hot. In that state, they then pour cold water on it.

The heated rock will experience sudden temperature change. Along the grain, the rock will split. It also will become easy to break.

That was how they progressed at first. However, they couldnt advance more than 30 m. The mine collapsed. Twice.

It went without saying that the unlucky workers got buried there. Therefore, Lloyds grandfather, Baron Matthias Frontera, gave up on the mine construction.

The reason is simple. Because the bedrock is weak.

If the nature of the vulnerable bedrock is not properly understood, accidents are bound to occur.

The bedrock of this mountainwithin his understandingis kind of a soft ground thats made of a mixture of some rocks and loose soil. Thus, mobilizing a customized method for the environment was essential.

So, Im going to use the shield tunneling method.

Shield tunneling method?

They were in the middle of dinner. Lloyd then gave the baron who sat across the table a piece of paper.

Ive been thinking about it. Heres the conceptual diagram of the shield tunneling method.

A conceptual diagram. The barons eyes turned to the conceptual diagram.

Lloyd continued his explanation, To put it simply, the cylindrical frame made of steel is called the shield. Workers enter the shield to dig up dirt and rocks. In the meantime, the shield will withstand the mines pressure and prevent it from collapsing.

Hmm, is it a support thats in the form of a shield?

Thats correct. Have you heard of shipworms?

Ship worm?



Roughly, it is an animal that is the distant relative of squid or snail. Its a terrible fellow who gnaws the bottom of the boat and makes holes on it.

But, what does such an animal have to do with this construction right now?

Its the inspiration of the shield tunneling method, said Lloyd with a smile.

That was the truth.

In fact, in the mid-1800s, the construction of the Thames Tunnelwhich was drilled beneath the Thames River in London, Englandwas carried out this way.

At that time, an engineer named Marc Brunelwho designed the Thames Tunnelsaw the ecology of shipworms, got an idea, and developed a new method, which is the shield tunneling method.

Shipworms drill holes onto the wood at the bottom of a ship with a pair of small shells at its end. However, wood swells when submerged in water. So the holewhich was dug as far as possiblewould become narrow and the shipworm would get caught in the hole and die. To prevent this, the shipworm simultaneously digs a hole and applies secretion to the inner side of the tunnel. As the secretion hardens, it prevents the hole from narrowing. The shield tunneling method works the same.

Lloyd pointed at his conceptual diagram.

The shield acts like the secretion of the shipworm. Protecting the workers while acting as the vanguard when drilling holes. Inside the shield, the workers will form groups. Some will be digging the hole while others will be installing the equipment to prevent the mine from collapsing in real-time.

Just like the bug that spreads its secretion inside the hole to prevent the hole from collapsing?


So youre going to advance little by little while digging and reinforcing the hole simultaneously.

Thats a pretty accurate summary.

Lloyd then explained the plan in more detail. The baron listened attentively to Lloyd.

In the meantime, the baron got very interested.

Coal is a wonderful resource to be used as fuel for fire. If you can dig it up, its money.

The baron, burdened by an enormous amount of debt, couldnt help but be tempted. In addition, the new method Lloyd proposed also seemed plausible.

Finally, the baron allowed the construction.

Good. But theres one condition.

What is it?

During the construction process, I dont want you to go inside the mine.

Because its dangerous?

Of course. The barons answer was firm. The fact that its a new method doesnt guarantee its perfectly safe.

But thats not going to work.

Why is that?

If I dont go in, what kind of worker will believe the safety of the new method?


Besides, we have to keep an eye on the situation and its environmental changes on-site. That way, accidents could be prevented.


I promise. Ill be safe.


Since then, they continued to argue back and forth. But, Lloyd was the side who was more stubborn.

In the face of his stubbornness, the baron eventually gave up.

That was how the construction of the mine was decided.

However, Lloyd didnt start the construction immediately. This was because he had something to prepare before the construction.

He waited for the night to come and put Javier to sleep.

In the middle of the night, he stepped out to the training ground in the backyard.

Loading the system window, he opened the Random Summon of Phantom Species menu.

I cant use Ppodong for this project. Hes too big to dig a tunnel, so its rather dangerous. However, its going to take a long time to dig a tunnel with human strength alone.

If the construction period got prolonged, it would cost more money.

The shield tunneling method only makes the construction safer. Speeding up the construction isnt possible.

Therefore, in order to reduce the construction period and save construction costs, competent help is needed.

If possible, it would be better if it had the ability to dig underground.

Lloyd thought so and ran the Random Summon menu. He had just enough RP after the last time he used it.

[Random Summon Cost (2nd time) = 70 RP]

[Current RP: 119]

[Do you want to do a random summon?]


I chose YES

[Summoning a random phantom species]


A pale light flooded the space. The space fluctuated as a complex magic circle was being engraved.

An unfamiliar silhouette began to be seen in the turbulent space.

A new phantom species finally revealed itself.

Lloyds eyes widened as he looked at it.

tl/n: Oh Lloyd, youre such a brat. XD

I wont be surprised if Javier wanted to cut you down.

Btw, thank you for the Ko-fis! Im sorry I couldnt give a bonus chapter because Im still in the middle of my final college assignment.

Id greatly appreciate it if you would buy me a coffee!

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