The Greatest Estate Designer

Chapter 24: The Subterranean Beast (2)

Chapter 24: The Subterranean Beast (2)



Bangul opened her mouth wide and casually took a bite of the lump of dirt in front of Lloyd.

Chunks of black coal could be seen in the empty place where the soil had just been chomped. This was different from before. So far, when she was digging, there would be another layer of soil or a grayish-white rock behind it.

However, this time, what appeared was.

Its bituminous coal. Bangul, stop!

Lloyd stepped forward in a hurry.

Finally, the coal vein was discovered. From now on, everything that hung on the mine wallscoal, for examplewould become money. It was too valuable to let it be eaten by Bangul.

The next step will be important. Everyone, stay focused, Lloyd calmed down the workers who were about to cheer.

Major disasters and accidents always occurred at moments when you were most careless. Just like now, when the tension loosened after the goal was already in sight.

Bearing that fact in mind, Lloyd quickly said, Were not finished yet. Weve only just come in contact with the outer layer of the coal bed. We could cheer later. After weve clearly reached our goal, well celebrate. Do you understand? Good job, everyone. Switch with the next group and tell them to bring the support column.

As of right now, meticulous work would be required. So, Lloyd sent out the exhausted workers and called in the still-lively next batch of workers.

In the meantime, Lloyd held out a blue sunflower seed to Bangul.

Hey, Bangul?


Thats right. Youve done a great job, too. If it werent for you, I wouldnt have been able to dig this hole so fast, seriously.

Bangul! Bba-ba-ngul!

Haha, I see. Ill give you something delicious when were above the ground later. So, for now, will you be satisfied with just this?


Lloyd put the blue sunflower seed inside Banguls mouth. Bangul then nibbled on the sunflower seed.


3 seconds later, Bangul became smaller.



You did a good job too, thank you.

Lloyd put the petite Bangul on his chest. In the meantime, the new batch of workers was carrying the support column inside the tunnel.

As you can see, the coal bed has been found here. Henceforth, its really important. Were going to expand the mining space alongside the coal bed. Its a dangerous task, so all of you need to heed the instructions thoroughly. Do you understand?

The workers nodded their heads.

Lloyd activated his Intermediate Survey skill.



His eyes were faintly glowing. Next, multiple pieces of information about what was inside the tunnel came to his mind. There was a myriad of information displayed about the coal bed and its surroundings, where his gaze was directed at.

Luckily, the ground near the coal bed is on the solid side. Even if the shield is to be removed, the risk of it collapsing would be small. And for the direction as to where the coal bed extends to. okay, its this way.

Lloyd turned back to look at the workers.

Now, were going to dismantle the shield as slow as possible. Be very careful.

This was the end of the shields role. It couldnt be pulled out, therefore, the only way was to disassemble it.

Now, grab there. Two, three, pull!


The workers moved, obeying Lloyds command. One by one, the shield was dismantled.

When the dismantling process had progressed for a while, Lloyd commanded, Support column!

Three workers who were waiting immediately responded to his shout. They advanced while carrying the support columns along with its top and bottom panels.

Support columns were erected in the place where the shield was removed as a temporary measure to prevent the mine from collapsing.

Start working on the reinforcement! Dont forget what youve practiced!


The workers moved in unison. They started to shovel along the wall of the tunnels end. With this, the area at the end of the tunnel grew larger. The purpose of this was to enlarge the mining space.

Consecutively, Lloyd continued to activate his survey skill. The composition and the situation of both the walls and ceiling inside the mine were examined in real-time. He was taking precautions so everyone could be evacuated on the slightest signs of collapse.

Fortunately, the process went smoothly. There were no signs of collapse.

Its done.

The most difficult process was over. That was all for today.

And, what if they began to proceed on the further reinforcement of the mine starting from tomorrow? Coal could be mined by next month at the latest.

Whoa, Lloyd finally relaxed.

The tired and sweat-drenched faces of the workers were also beaming with proud smiles. The fact that the basic mine excavation work had been completed finally dawned on Lloyd.

Well, everybody has been having a hard time. Lets go outside for now. Today, there will be a party with meat, alcohol, and big bonus.

Every hard work had to be rewarded. That was Lloyds established ironclad rule. The construction team members, who had worked with him for a while, also had figured out the existence of such a policy to some extent.

Wow! Im sure therell be plenty of bonuses this time too, right?

What should I buy with the bonus?

Wait for me, Rosaria. Your brother is going to pay all of your tuition!

Those were the gist of what went on inside the workers minds.

This construction was more difficult than ever. Incomparable to neither the ondol room nor the paved road, so the bonus was bound to be bigger than before.

Thinking about that made the corners of everyones mouths lifted and stuck to their ears. Their movement when tidying up the work tools also became lighter. Their mind seemed to be already walking around, basking under the bright sunlight outside the mine.

However, at that moment-

Crack, thud.

There was a faint sound coming from the exposed coal bed.

Did the pile of stones crumble and fall?

Lloyd subconsciously turned around to face the coal bed.

All of a sudden-

Crack, thud!

The sound was getting louder. However, Lloyd didnt see any debris falling down.

Instead, a dull sound from the other side of the coal bed was heard once again.

What is it?

Something felt strange. No, Lloyd didnt know how but the sound was coming from across the coal bed. So, he reflexively used his skill.



Lloyd examined the source of the soundthe coal bedwith his survey skill. Then, his eyes widened subconsciously.


About three meters beyond the coal bed, there was a hole that hadnt been there before. No, a tunnel about two meters in diameter was being made in real-time!

What? Is it collapsing? No, the signs arent the same as a collapse!

To be exact, something was digging a tunnel. That thing was definitely coming towards this side with an increasingly swift pace. Blatantly.


A head popped out.


A giant ants head protruded through the coal bed. Its head was twice the size of a watermelon, with wide-open mandibles that were longer than a forearm.

Uuh? Ugh!

Lloyd stepped back in a hurry. In the heat of the moment, he fell flat on his buttocks.

He was lucky.


The mandible that had sprung towards Lloyd was right in front of his nose now. Its jaw, with its sawtooth-like edges, glistened under the torchlight.

What if I got bitten by something like that? My arms and legs wouldve been cut off, for sure.

Thinking so, he got goosebumps.

What?! Why did an ant come out from there? asked Lloyd.

Euaarghh! screams erupted from the workers.

Why did an ant pop out from nowhere? It didnt make any sense that this ant was as big as a wolf.

Lloyd had neither the time nor mind to ponder about those things. So, he reached out and grabbed everything he could reach. When he grabbed his favorite steel shovel, he lifted it and swung it.


The sharp part of the shovel head pierced the giant ants skull a half-centimeter deep.

Kieeeeeek! the ant shrieked. It shook its head violently, perhaps feeling in pain.

Transparent fluids poured out of the wound and sprayed all over Lloyds face. Because of it, he came to his senses.

Everyone, evacuate! Lloyd reflexively screamed.

That ants shriek was the beginning. The workers who were frozen in place rushed to get out of the tunnel. Lloyd also tried to quickly get up. However, the time was not enough.

Kieeeek! the angry ant that was in pain single-handedly charged forward to counterattack. Its wide-open mandibles were aiming for Lloyds neck, whereas Lloyd couldnt fully get up, so he was in a state of half-sitting and half-standing.


There was no way to avoid it. His posture was too bad for that. Lloyd could feel the mandibles closing in to his neck in an instant.

Damn it!

At that moment-


Suddenly, something silver flashed from above.

Slash! Slash!

The ants jaw that was closing in aggressively got cut off. In succession, the silver flash stabbed the top of the ants head.


A sword pierced through the top of the ants head and stuck onto the floor just like an awl. The next moment, the sword was being turned. With a crunching sound, the top of the ants head cracked even more.

Kieeek! the ant that had been struggling for its life finally went limp, dead.

The sword was pulled out and a hand was stretched out to Lloyd.

Are you all right? Javier asked.


The strong palm full-of-calluses coupled with his cool and calm look even inside this dark mine, he was no other than Javier. Javier was holding out his hand, so Lloyd grabbed it and got up with his help.

That, what the hell is that?! Lloyd freaked out.

I dont know, but


I think its an ant beast that lives in the wilderness across this mountain range.

An ant beast? Why are they coming out from there?

Lloyd was genuinely bewildered. This ant beast originally inhabited the eastern wilderness beyond the mountains. If, by chance, this place was over the mountain range, it was still below the ground. It didnt make any sense.

Contrary to peoples perception, the ant nest mustve stretched out from underground beyond the mountain range to this vicinity. But if this isnt the case

What if its not?

Another ant beast came out from the hole on the coal bed. As soon as it saw the both of them, it lunged while waving its antennae like a club.

Javier continued, Maybe they heard the sound of us digging a tunnel, and they approached by digging the hole in front of us.


Javiers sword became a flash of silver light once again. The head of the ant that was rushing in was split. However, behind it, there was another ant. In other words, a colony of ants were ready to come out of the hole endlessly!

Damn it! Lloyd cursed. Javiers second guess seemed correct.

When I found the coal bed earlier, there was no hole behind it.

He knew it for sure because he continued to use the survey skill to scrutinize the perimeter around the mining space. There wasnt anything that looked like an ants nest back then. He just saw the ant nest being dug in real-time and then ant beasts came out of it.

What do I do?

This was completely unexpected. However, the lack of preparation cut straight to his heart.

In the geological survey from the former Lord, there wasnt any record about the discovery of an ants nest. Thats why I let my guard down.

Of course, he did try to think about how to prepare for what wasnt written in the record. Nonetheless, what happened had already happened. He had to resolve this somehow.

Should I block them here?

Despite feeling confused and fatigued coupled with the hot and polluted air, Lloyd racked his brain desperately. He only knew that one thing was certain.

If these ants got out of the mine, it would be over.

The mines exit led to the territory. What if these ants got out and went there? The soldiers of the territory wouldnt be able to stop them. The number of ants was too big.

In the worst-case scenario, the whole territory could be wiped out. In conclusion, there would be an insurmountable disaster.

This is not going to work.

Just imagining it made Lloyd had a cold sweat. However, Javier seemed to misunderstood him.

Lloyd-nim, get a hold of yourself.


All of a sudden, Javiers fist came flying. It lightly poke and jabbed Lloyds solar plexus.

. Cough!

Lloyd couldnt breathe. According to Javier, it must had been a weak hit. Nevertheless, it still hurt quite a lot because Lloyd got hit while he was unguarded.

You, what are you doing!

In a situation like this, its difficult to not be consumed by panic

Im not panicking, Im racking my brain hard to come up with a plan.

Then please quickly think of something.

Slash, crunch!

Amidst his calm reply, Javier was keeping the ant swarm at bay. Not even one of his breath was disordered. Every slash of his sword was perfect. Each slash, an ants neck got chopped off or its head got split to two.

Needless to say, Javiers torso was already drenched in sweat. His muscles, which were shown because he took off his shirt, sweated and bulged.

Nobody is invincible. No matter how strong Javier is, he still has limitations.

Lloyd could see it intuitively. Obviously, Javier was strong. However, this place was small and full of hot and suffocating air. No matter how hard Javier tried to stop the swarm of ant beasts, he would hit the limit of his strength soon.

I have to think of a way while hes holding on.

A way to stop the ants. A way to stop them from going to the territory. And a way to minimize the damage for everyone at the same time.

Shall we tear down the mine here? No, its impossible. The wall plates that were built using the shield tunneling method are so strong that they wont collapse even if they get damaged in one or two places. Besides, even if we broke it down like that, we couldnt guarantee the safety of the territory, considering these ants digging speed.

Lloyd shook his head. If they did that, there was a possibility that they couldnt prevent the ant from coming out and they both would die for nothing instead.

So, we cant half-ass this. We have to kill them all at once while controlling the swarm of these ant colonies. Huh? Wait.

In this urgent situation, something popped into Lloyds mind. He raised his head. When he saw Javier, he shouted, Hey, Javier! You, do you think you can go through them?

What do you mean by go through them? Javier asked while cutting off the antennae of an ant that was coming close in a heartbeat.

Lloyd cried out once again, What do I mean? Can you face them head-on as we went past them?

Towards this flock of ants?


. Javier turned to look at Lloyd. While he was still busy cracking the skull of an ant, he kept looking at Lloyd as if Lloyd had gone crazy.

Lloyd then yelled more casually, I think this is the only way for everyone to live and for the swarm of ants to stop. Cant believe it? Or, are you scared? If youre scared, just go to hell!

Look now, are you saying Im scared?

Thats right!

. This kind of misunderstanding is unpleasant.

Then, is it possible?

Naturally. Rather than keeping a defensive stance, attacking seems more plausible. How far do we have to go?

To the inside of the ant nest!

Dont tell me, are we going to keep going until the end?


Do you really not have any better plans in mind?

Naturally! This is a brilliant way!


Whats wrong? You dont believe me?

Thats a matter of course.

Hey! Were in the middle of this chaotic situation.

That brilliant way better not be the crazy method you just mentioned, I hope.

Has he made up his mind? Or, does he have a hunch that theres no other way but to listen to me?


While Lloyd was thinking so, there was a faint sound coming from Javier gripping the sword.

Javiers voice even became blood-thirstier than ever before, Stay close and follow me! Dont lose me while running around!

With a deadly storm of sword flashes, Javier began to go through the swarm of ants.

Swoosh! Snap! Crush!

At that moment, Lloyd felt that Javiers swordsmanship was really beautiful. The five ants that were rushing in were swept away and crushed by the wind from his sword. In between, Javier dived inside the swarm of ants. His force was beast-like, but silver-colored.

Lloyd ran behind Javier while holding the torch and his shovel in both of his hands.

Run! Dont stop! Lloyd shouted.

In an instant, they went inside the hole on the coal bed and into the ant nest. Fortunately, the ants chose to chase the intruders who went inside their nest rather than went out of the mine.

The two of them cut and split the army of ants that were blocking them. They ran and ran through the ant nest relentlessly.

Keep going to the base!

While running, Lloyd examined every corner of the ant nest using his survey skill.

Theres no other way than this. Kill or to be killed, lets do this.

He had only one goal in mind, which was to find the methane gas layer that shouldve been buried somewhere inside this ant nest.

Authors note: One week before the discharge from the army, time went by so slowly. So, I playfully sprayed water on the ant nest.

The donations were very generous (laughs).

Tl/n: Id greatly appreciate it if you would buy me a coffee!

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