The Guardian gods

Chapter 13: Name

Chapter 13: Name

Emerging from the ground beneath me, a towering tree sprouted, elevating me above the gathered primates. Positioned at this elevated vantage point, I ensured that all eyes were upon me, while my voice carried more distinctly, resonating through the surroundings.

With a commanding tone, I addressed the assembled primates, making it known that I would be departing alongside the female primate who had emerged from behind me. Gesturing towards the defeated leader, I indicated that he would remain in command during my absence.

The sound that emanated from my mouth conveyed the message clearly, ensuring that every primate present understood the forthcoming arrangements.

As I emitted a final sound, the tone carried a distinct note of menace and warning. It conveyed my expectation that nothing would change in my absence, and should I return to find any disruptions or misfortunes, severe consequences would befall the individual responsible. The threat implied that failure to maintain the order and harmony established would result in severe punishment or even death

Releasing a surge of my suppressed power, a wave of my formidable presence washed over the cave, inducing panic among the primates. Their screams echoed through the cavern, filling the air with chaos. However, I responded with an even more commanding and powerful roar, causing my brown eyes to radiate a menacing purple glow. The sheer force of my presence silenced the primates, bringing about an eerie calm

Seeing the effect I nodded before gesturing to the female primates to follow me. " We will be leaving at night time, make sure you do everything you want to" I said to her before climbing my favorite tree to sleep. Have I mentioned before how much I like sleeping in trees?

It appears that I allowed myself to surrender to the moment after I found what I was looking for, It was the female primate who roused me from my slumber, and as I stood up, I stretched my limbs, feeling a renewed sense of energy coursing through my being

"Have you said your goodbyes and done everything you want to?" I turned and asked her.

" Yes" she sounded a bit sad when she said that.

" Let's go then '' I said to her before swinging away heading deeper into the forest.

As I was swinging from tree to tree, I realized how much I love this gorilla form. Having the wind blowing at my face as I swung was something I am definitely going to miss.

The deeper we go the higher it gets, finding a clear space I jumped down.

Shortly after, the female primate joined me, her gaze surveying our surroundings. Curiosity flickered in her eyes as she inquired, "Is this your domain?"

Smiling at her words, I said nothing before a portal opened up in front of me. That caught her off guard so she jumped back, paying no mind to her antics as I walked through the portal.

Returning to my domain brought forth a profound sense of relief, both physically and mentally. As I reverted back into my towering 16-foot humanoid form, a surge of power emanated from within me, resonating throughout the entire realm. This display of unleashed energy served as a triumphant proclamation, announcing my return to all the fantastical creatures dwelling within my domain. Their awe-struck gazes met mine, recognizing the revitalized presence of their deity.

Still not feeling the presence of the female primate, I looked back to see a hand going in and out of the portal.

" It seems someone needs a little push." a slender root emerged from the ground, extending towards the portal. With a firm grip, the root clasped onto her outstretched arm and gently guided her across the boundary, pulling her into my domain.

Normally one should be amazed by the realm surrounding but because of the lightning condition, she couldn't appreciate the mythical view in front of her. My next focus is creating a lightsource for this realm.

" What are you looking at?" I asked the female primate who has been staring at me since she got through the portal.

" Who are you? " she asked with a quiver in her voice.

Her confusion was understandable, given the imposing form I currently possessed. If I were faced with a towering, 16-feet-tall monster, I would be just as bewildered.

She seemed more composed now that I was at her eye level and approached me cautiously. "Why do you look like this and move the way you do?"

"This is one of my true forms. The other form was a manifestation of my powers," I explained, demonstrating by transforming into various creatures before her.

"You weren't lying when you said I wouldn't be able to comprehend what gods are," she remarked.

"No, I wasn't. Walking in this manner is something you should be capable of as well," I assured her.

"Yes, but it's not as effortless for me as it seems for you," she replied, attempting to stand on her hind legs but quickly returning to her hunched position.

"So, this is your home?" she inquired.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Why is it so dark? I can hardly see anything," she asked curiously.

Hearing her comment, I extended my palm and conjured a small ball of divine energy. With each passing moment, the ball grew larger as I infused it with more of my power. When I felt it had reached the desired size, I focused my will to prevent the energy from dissipating. The immense ball of energy soared from my palm, ascending swiftly to the center of my realm where it hung suspended.

"Now you can see clearly," I said to her, but my voice had a weakness to it..

However, she seemed oblivious to my condition, completely captivated by the unfolding spectacle before her. The realm unveiled itself as a picturesque garden, adorned with unique plants and trees that were unfamiliar to her. Magical creatures roamed harmoniously, and the presence of light seemed to awaken a yearning within all things, as the trees stretched their branches towards the illuminated sky.

Observing the response of the creatures and the trees in my realm, I realized how much they needed a light source. Though they had grown accustomed to its absence, the longing was evident. Unfortunately, expending such a substantial amount of divine energy for illumination was not a sustainable solution. The ball of light represented a significant portion of my power, and I had imbued it with my will to make it don't disperse. I plan on taking back the energy.

Gazing upon the joyful scene before me and sensing the emotions of the trees, I decided to allow them to savor this moment while I made my way back to my altar to take my seat.

"You have a beautiful home," the female primate remarked, sitting beside me after her exploration.

"Thank you," I replied.

A brief silence ensued before she inquired, "Should we start now?"

Her question caught me off guard, and I responded, "There's no need to rush. I thought you wanted to learn more about me."

"I am indeed curious about you," she confirmed.

Let me satiate your curiosity then "To begin with, I am one of the gods in this world called Nana. I go by the name Ikenga, and my domain encompasses nature and curses," I explained.

Curiosity filled her voice as she asked, "What is a name?"

"A name can have various meanings, but ultimately, it represents identity," I clarified.

"Identity?" she pondered.

"Yes, for instance, take this flower." A blossom materialized in the palm of my hand, and I handed it to her.

"This flower is like any other, but it has a name that specifically identifies it," I continued.

"What is its name?" she asked, captivated by the flower that resembled the sun.

"It is called a sunflower," I answered, observing the flower's resemblance to its name.

She gazed at the flower in awe before turning her attention back to me. "I want a name of my own, Ikenga."

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