The Guardian gods

Chapter 2: Calling

Chapter 2: Calling

Knowing all this, she decided to fast forward all those evolution through the help of us gods. As I sat at the edge of the cave on top of the mountain, combing through the inheritance I suddenly got a feeling of being called.

In an instant, I rose from my seated position, scanning my surroundings to see what was calling me. This took a while before noticing that the call came from above, I slowly looked up to where the call came from but what came to my view was the moon.

Focusing on the moon, I could feel the calling becoming stronger, but I remained on edge because everything was so strange to me. Understanding that the moon was the source of the strangeness calmed me down a bit and gave me some space to think, yet I could find no answer or reasoning for what was happening.

Answering the call was unacceptable until I knew what was going on. I am still new to this world, so caution for the unexpected should be my best approach.

Still not finding a reason for the call, I thought about what might be helpful in this situation—the Inheritance. Maybe Nana added knowledge about this type of situation. The inheritance wasn't helpful, but it mentioned a moon goddess as one of the gods born of Nana. Perhaps she is the cause of all this.

As I continued contemplating the situation, I suddenly felt that the calling stopped before I heard a soft feminine voice, almost like a whisper to my ear: "Why aren't you answering the call, twin brother?

Ikenga subconsciously looked over to his left shoulder as if someone was there but not to his surprise no one was there, composing himself before speaking into thin air " I was lost in thought about why you would be calling"

" If you answered the call, then you would have found out why i was calling"

" True. But since we are now talking. You can go ahead and inform me on why you called?

" There will be a gathering in my place and it is important that you are there" the voice said before disappearing.

Knowing that she was no longer here, Ikenga took a deep breath before laughing out loud thinking back on how he was acting when he got the call.

Ikenga could be blamed for the whole situation but at the same time it wasn't his fault, he was fundamentally different from other gods born from Nana. The other gods could be said to be a blank sheet with inheritance knowledge attached to them, but Ikenga wasn't a blank sheet.

Having lived a life prior to being reborn as a god, He merely skimmed the surface of his newly acquired divine form, choosing not to delve into what accompanied it. Instead, his attention fixated on reminiscing about his past and the inheritance of memories that came with this new one.

For the other gods, being born into this world meant that they did not need to place as much emphasis on the inheritance memory. It served them as a useful tool, but it held greater significance for Ikenga. Despite spending fifty years in the womb with memories intact and coming to accept his rebirth, as soon as he emerged into this new existence, he couldn't help but redirect his focus towards the inheritance memory to verify the authenticity of his reality.

It is an example of someone preparing for an important exam for a long time until the day of the exam, it suddenly feels like it came so fast and you don't know anything about the test so once in a while before the exam, you open your textbook time and time again reading a chapter to make sure you really remember everything.

That was why he wasn't surprised by the voice and was able to compose himself fast, the call was nothing strange and he himself could do it but didn't because he was focusing solely on the memory but now he is ready to find out on what he can do.

Ikenga's laughter subsided, he inhaled deeply, preparing himself for what lay ahead. With closed eyes, he took a deliberate step forward from the precipice of the mountain, surrendering to the inevitable descent. As he descended, a profound connection began to form between Ikenga and his divine essence, intertwined with the very essence of nature itself.

In this moment of connection, his thoughts turned to druids, who were often associated with nature in fantastical tales. Ikenga's focus honed in on one particular facet of the druidic tradition: the ability to transform into animals that they formed a connection with.

But there is a difference between me and the druids, I have no animals currently that I can make connections with but do I really need that connection when I am already a god who's divinity is nature.

Seeing the ground getting closer, I knew I had to try something even though the fall wouldn't hurt, it would be embarrassing so with my connection to nature.

Ikenga focused his imagination on the form of an eagle, his divinity responded, lending its power to the process. The vibrant energy of his divine essence infused life into the imagined shape, bringing it to vivid existence within his mind. With this connection established, he opened his eyes, extending his arms wide, and a radiant cocoon of light enveloped him.

in a resounding crescendo, the piercing cry of a bird reverberated through the air. From the very spot where Ikenga was once descending, a colossal eagle, towering in size comparable to a human, took flight with astonishing swiftness. Its powerful wings beat against the air as it ascended swiftly, its destination set towards the distant moon hanging in the sky.

As Ikenga, now an eagle is flying towards the moon. He could feel the exhilaration caused by flying and the different view that came with it, also the way the wind was ruffling his feathers.

At the same time a frustration was building up inside him because the faster he was going the more resistance he got and that wasn't going to help him reach his destination. He knew that he could do more so he reached deep into his core to push out more power and with that, dots of yellow golden light appeared around him.

The spots of light immediately showed results with how he felt the resistance going away and with a sweep of his wings, he turned into a dot of light and broke through the planet's atmosphere.

When he was flying in space to get to the moon, the call came again but this time he answered and with that, a glowing silver portal large enough for his size appeared in front of him and with a sweep of his wings, he got into the portal and the portal closed immediately after him.


The same world where Ikenga is located in, somewhere deep in the ocean where light seems to not exist because of how deep it is, an altar similar to where Ikenga was born can be seen.

At the center of the altar is a huge throne, sitting on the throne is the sea god who was born in earlier years before Ikenga. He got the same call as Ikenga, the difference being he wasn't as hesitant and took the call. He got the message he needed and it seems the message was something of great joy for him.

A grin full of sharp teeth could be seen at the god's face as he stood up from his throne.

"Finally" said the god before speaking into the darkness again "I will be gone in a while, take care of the little guys"

"Yes father" could be heard as four red eyes the size of a tennis ball responded to the god, listening closely to the voices, it seemed to be a male and a female.

Satisfied with the response, the god took a step down his altar before blending in with the water around him. From a bird eye view the ocean looks calm and still even though there are still some currents.

A group of large birds that seems to feed on the creatures of the ocean could be seen flying around, once in a while a group dives into the water and comes up immediately with large fish in their mouth.

This went on for a while until a bird screeched and this screech was filled with panic which sent the other birds into a frenzy, as they could be seen flying away from the area they were, some even forsaking the prey they already caught just so that they could go faster.

The ocean suddenly stilled like a pool of water before an animal the size of a megalodon broke though the surface of the water, the megalodon didn't dive back into the water like a normal amphibian creature does, instead it was flying fast toward the moon.

Dots of blue light could be seen leaving the surface of the water and attaching themselves to the creature, before turning into a dot of light like the stars in the sky.

With the disappearance of the creature, the ocean went back into its natural order, the birds stopped panicking but they were not turning back to continue their hunt.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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