The Guardian gods

Chapter 7: Exploration

Chapter 7: Exploration

Something else caught my attention which was that there was no source of light in the domain. Before I was born I was the only source of light but after I was born. The light went away.

I didn't notice this before because my physique made it look like everything was as bright as day, but my connection to the domain made me feel the plant's desperate need for light, they were getting enough nutrients from the soil and water near them but sunlight has always been needed for a plant.

I also sensed the other creatures' requests for light, even though not as much as the plants. Their evolved nature made it possible for them to thread the domain without any problem.

" Wow, it's just one thing after another" I caressed my horn which I have taken a liking to. Since I have been reborn, there has been no moment of rest. There is always this and that.

With my authority over the domain, solving the problem of light will be easy but that will create a gap in my realm. My domain isn't like the one in the stories where you play God like " Let there be light"

Wish it was like that but this domain has its own properties which is Nature and cursed energy. It has nothing to do with light and every other element, other elements can be introduced into the domain under the right condition but the realm can create the element out of thin air.

My first thought was to control the domain to open up a gap in the sky for the sun to shine into the domain, but like i said it leaves it open for anyone who wants to get into my domain which is not smart.

My second choice will depend on my divinity for nature which grants me a wood manipulation ability. When I was playing with my abilities on the moon at Mahu place, I thought about how I can create plants with special attributes to them.

My experimentation showed that I was capable of it but it will take a mastered control over the nature of plants to be able to do that. I am able to create wood out of thin air but the wood created is nothing special, maybe a bit stronger than normal plants but that's it.

I wanted more which led to the thought of plants with attributes, for example; a plant infused with the element of metal in it, making it as though as steel but at the same time its essence is just a wood but mutated.

It will take a lot of training to get there but if I am able to manipulate mutations caused in plants then my problem for the light source in my domain will be solved and a quality change will be made in my combat power.

The trees and plants in my domain are strong, so having to go a little longer without sunlight is possible for them, using my connection to the domain. I sent out a wave of calming energy and a message to the plants telling them to hold out a bit longer, their problem will soon be resolved.

My most urgent situation now is to find and start my own creation. The two mutated creatures in my real domain would have been perfect but they haven't shown any sign of intelligence yet. I have to journey outside to find an intelligence creature who understands my purpose.

First I have to gain an understanding of the surroundings, standing from the steps: I walked out of my domain before transforming into the same bird that was located in my domain.

Its speed is needed for what I was about to do. Taking flight I flew high above the mountain peak gaining a bird's-eye view of the world below. From high above, I could also spot the presence of various creatures that inhabited the land. Herds of grazing animals moved in unison.

During my flight, I saw mountain goats, bears, leopards and a family of gorillas.

Still wanting to see more, I flew to the woods surrounding the mountain. I was caught by surprise when a dinosaur, resembling a bird in its structure, but far larger and more formidable flew out of the woods with the prey it caught in its hand.

Not bothered by the encounter, I continued my journey into the woods. I came across sabertooth tigers, mammoths, huge bears, dire wolves.

Towering above them all are the colossal dinosaurs that roamed the land, with their impressive size and unique adaptations.They dominated the landscape, from the fearsome T-Rex to the long-necked Brachiosaurus

I also saw humans who lived in caves and some that were out wandering picking up the leftovers left by the animals, the hunters that were out in the huge plane going after cows and other herbivore creatures they could find. They were also brilliant enough to make their housing close to a water source.

Seeing the humans struggle to just live, make shelters and hide from predators made me understand why none of them bothered to learn to use the mana around them, they are so preoccupied to survive to even sit down and try to understand the mythical energy around them.

One thing noticeable though is that they are all tall, huge and ripped and from the eyes of a deity like me, they are unconsciously absorbing the mana around them but it only serves to strengthen them and make them stronger.

No normal human carries a prehistoric boar and cows as easily as they make it look. At night I would perch on a tree and observe them. They are able to make fire but seeing the hunters who are back from their hunt and were able to walk in the darkness without light solidified they aren't normal.

Few people among the humans caught my attention. In the different tribes that I have observed they have special humans called shamans, the reason they caught my attention is because anyone called shaman has a different flow of mana around them.

The mana doesn't strengthen a shaman body like it does the other humans, instead if flows into their brain make them look a bit weak compared to the others.

I say weak but i know they can beat down any human from my past world, the mana flow to their brain lead them to be sub leaders in their tribe. They are the ones that start fires when the sun comes down, and occasionally points things out to others.

Too bad I can't interfere or communicate with them until Nana says so. Having done observing the humans, I proceeded to tour the eastern area I was assigned to see what magical things it has in it.

Flying around the eastern part, it came to my notice that were also plants and flowers that mutated from the exposure of mana. Some looked like they will be helpful but the others developed a more predatory nature, also even though the animals have it easy to develop abilities with the mana around them, Not every animal is capable of that.

The dinosaurs I have seen for example don't have a lot of them who have mutated and shown their abilities, instead they all just seem stronger than other creatures but with each observation.

I found that the weaker animals are slowly fighting back the dinosaurs that prey on them with their abilities, the hunter is slowly becoming the hunted. Now among the dinosaurs that have mutated, they all seem abnormally stronger and change the ecological environment around them because they have no predator and nothing to stop them.

My conclusion is that for whatever reason, dinosaurs are not prone to mana but they ones that are prone to it get ridiculously stronger. These animals though have it easy and from observation the abilities are passed through bloodline.

The magical animals I have seen look a lot like the animals on earth but difference being their size and abilities they have, there are some exceptions like Boar with stone armor like skin, a large fox with horns on its head. Dire wolves with wings and lions the size of a liger with three eyes.

While everything I have seen has been a wonder, the cruelty of nature still presents itself to me like an enormous man eating plants that swallows anything moving that comes close to its vicinity, Tigers who wander to the human settling and proceeding to massacre and devour them.

With my journey now coming to an end, I perched upon a tree

And thought about all the creatures I have seen, which one caught my interest the most and will be my choice of creature for creation.

My choices are between the bears, tiger and gorillas, but first i have to infiltrate each group to see which one among them has the most intelligence, intelligence matters most to me not the abilities.

With a new goal in mind, I flew out to find a group of bears and integrate myself with them. Bears normally don't live in a group but they can be neighbors and help groom unrelated child bears.

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