The Guardians' Throne - The First Magic Swordsman

Chapter 359 - Growth Speed

            After a few days of travel, Zaos learned that the captain was called Vamir. Vamir and his men were pretty crazy and noisy. He would punch one of his crew whenever something wrong happened, and his punches were heavy enough to knock down an adult man. His crew was no different. When someone annoyed them, they would start a fight. Still, they were sane enough not to draw their weapons. Besides, they had their own set of rules for a rough bunch. Don't attack a fallen opponent, and if you fall and don't get up in ten seconds. The other will be the winner of the argument and fight. So, the loser has to shut up and obey the winner for a while.

            Thanks to all that shit, Zaos spent most of his time with Aleni and Milliendra in the cabin they had. Fortunately, Milliendra was a calm kid, and she only cried due to the usual colic, poop, and other physical necessities. At that point in time, Zaos already got used to cleaning her when necessary. Still… It was a lot of work.

"My apologies for leaving all of this to you," Aleni said.

"No problem," Zaos said. "That being said, you should come to realize that you are someone to whom Ameria entrusted her daughter to. You don't have to be afraid of touching her. Until very recently, you didn't have full control over your choices, but things are different now. Besides, I killed far more people than you."

"Wars are different than assassinations," Aleni said.

"I suppose so… Still, the result was the same," Zaos said.

            Zaos sighed in relief when Milliendra stopped crying since she was clean again. Soon after, she also fell asleep. Now he finally could return to his studies of the magic book. However, something caught his attention… his left arm suddenly fell asleep and then quickly returned to normal.

"How odd…" Zaos frowned.

Health: 1740/1740

Mana: 4200/4200

Stamina: 4660/4660

Strength: 860

Magic: 2100

Endurance: 2330

Resistance: 2100

Focus: 12 + 06

Sorcery Lv 90 (+ 02 UP), Meditation Lv 58 (+03 UP), Magic Perception Lv 45 (+ 02 UP), Magic Swordsmanship Lv 61 (+ 01 UP), Magic Spearmanship Lv 29, Magic Archery Lv 39, Magic Martial Arts Lv 41, Alchemy Lv 18 (+ 09 UP), Magic Resistance Lv 36, Illusion Resistance Lv 09, Sword Mastery Lv 02 (+ 01 UP), Swordsmanship Lv 82 (+ 02 UP), Axemanship Lv 31, Spearmanship Lv 27 ,Archery Lv 49, Martial Arts Lv 36 (+ 02 UP), Assassination Technique Lv 19, Throwing Technique Lv 22, Counterattack Technique Lv 15, Shield Mastery Lv 36, Pain Resistance Lv 70 (+ 03 UP), Poison Resistance Lv 35, Blacksmithing Lv 22, Protection Aura Lv 01, Focus Mastery Lv 01, 

            Thanks to the recent battles and magic studies and training, Zaos managed to progress a little bit in terms of power. He was probably strong enough since he managed to take down the entire royal guard and Drannor so fast. Still, Zaos wasn't satisfied. Now that he knew that Milliendra would be tormented by the demon god, he felt the urge to become even stronger and knowledgeable. The question was: could he obtain that strength and knowledge while he makes sure that Milliendra will have a normal life? Could he deal with the curse of the demon god and obtain more power at the same time?

"Thinking about all this is a waste of time…" Zaos thought. "I just have to do it, no matter what."

            During the next few days, the trip was pretty tranquil. Zaos had imagined that they would deal with some strong storms considering his luck, but that never happened. So, he used all those peaceful moments to study the magic book. He made a list with all spells he could learn in there, and while some were weird, like Evil Eyes and Sleep, he didn't find a single one that apparently would help Milliendra.

"I knew it wouldn't be easy… after all. This is the knowledge the demon gods gave to his followers," Zaos rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

            That being said, Zaos found the spells that he had discovered a few years prior. So, he wondered if it was possible to truly create others. That being said, considering the nature of the problem he wanted to solve, he would need a lot more knowledge regarding the ancient language to pull that off. Zaos would need to study like never before…

"Again…" Zaos frowned while looking at his left arm.

            Several days had passed, and Zaos' left arm grew asleep and then suddenly returned to normal. He couldn't say that he wasn't a true healer. Still, he had some knowledge about it thanks to the book he studied about herbs, and he didn't find any mention of herbs that could cure what seemed to be that symptom.

            Considering the life Zaos had lived thus far, it was a miracle made by magic that he didn't lose the movements of a single limb. Still, it has been a while since he got wounded for real… was that an after-effect of a life where he had to fight so much and get beaten down in the process? Or was it…

"An effect of the constant draining of mana?" Zaos thought.

            Zaos imagined that he would have to fight many times in that situation, so he was always carrying Milliendra on his left arm. At the same time, he held Guardian's Heart with his right hand. So, considering that only the left arm was having its mana drained… it made sense.

"Shit… this is worse than I thought," Zaos thought.

            If things continue at that rate, it wouldn't be weird if Zaos loses the movement of his left arm, and while he could live with that, it wasn't the real problem. At that rate, Milliendra's power will grow so powerful that it wouldn't be weird if, by accident, someone dies of lack of mana by touching her for a single second. When Zaos used Appraisal on her, he confirmed that her growth would be like no other…


Health: 02/02

Mana: 64/64

Stamina: 02/02

Strength: 01

Magic: 32

Endurance: 01

Resistance: 32

Focus: 01

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