The Guardians' Throne - The First Magic Swordsman

Chapter 422: Help

Chapter 422: Help

Everyone looked at Melisse in shock. Over the years, she was the one who most talked badly about Zaos due to the problems he caused to her. However, now that everyone was starting to hate him, she suddenly decided to defend him… which was way too weird.

“Don’t look at me like that, just think about it, whoever has the king’s sword becomes the ruler of that era,” Melisse said. “While Zaos and Drannor didn’t have the skills to become real kings, Ameria would be there to do most things that wouldn’t be related to military affairs. We all know that Zaos could have defeated Drannor if he had wished for it.”

“Zaos never used magic in spars with those he considered weaker or on the same level as him,” Elius said.

“Yeah, but if he really loved Ameria, as a woman, he could have won,” Melisse said. “So, we can discard any possibility of revenge from his motives. With that in mind, why did he desert and kill the princess and then kidnap her daughter? He must have a reason to have done so, and considering her bodyguard had to obey Ameria’s commands…”

“There is also the possibility that the assassins followed him because thanks to Zaos, she became free,” Cohnal said. 

“Then explain why Zaos, who could have become a living legend, threw everything away just to become the most wanted criminal in the world?” Melisse asked.

  No one could answer that, but they couldn’t disagree with Melisse either. All they agreed that Zaos could have become a royal guard at the same time as Drannor. If he had been the leader of the expedition in the north, no one doubted that things would have ended in a different manner. At a young age, even without magic, he could fight on par with the strongest soldiers of the kingdom. Those who saw him on the battlefield knew that he was unrivaled when he put his mind to it. Not even several lines of heavy cavalry could stop him on foot.

Now that they thought about it, Zaos was really a monster, but only when he wanted to be. He always acted as if he had some sort of end goal, but no one ever asked what it was his goal. Most people would think that he already had everything. The name of a Legendary family, money, fame… most boys around his age would laze around after accomplishing half of what he had.

“All this conversation about what ifs is putting me in a bad mood,” Conhal said. “Let’s just forget about this and drink something to liven up the mood.”

The whole group headed toward the nearest tavern and began to drink. Even Nyana, who didn’t like those kinds of places, followed them. However, instead of drinking, she was deep in thought. She had heard many things about her gentle big brother in the last few years, and after so long, she didn’t know what to think anymore. However, something was bothering her…

“Sorry about what I said earlier,” Cohnal said to Nyana. “Despite everything, he still is your brother, after all.”

“… I wasn’t thinking about that, “Nyana said. “I was thinking that since the king lost contact with the assassins organization, we didn’t hear from Zaos again.”

“And? It was only obvious that sooner or later such an organization would disappear,” Cohbal said.

“Yes, but wasn’t the timing too inconvenient for us?” Nyana asked.

“Nah… it is just a coincidence,” Cohnal shook his head. “No one knows where the assassins live or are trained. Besides, not even Zaos could…”

Cohnal stopped his sentence midway because he realized that perhaps Zaos could take the entire organization by himself. Still, even if they assume that Zaos could, finding where the assassins were trained was impossible. Even more than before…

“If you think that Zaos dealt with them, then my guess is that he is in the mercenaries’ country,” Melisse said. “It is impossible to confirm it, but it is the most logical place to raise an army of assassins under everyone’s radar.”

No one said anything after that. It was too risky to mention that possibility to Drannor. Waging another war against the entire mercenary country will leave the kingdom in a pretty dire situation since they had yet to recover from the previous war.

“Even if things might get troublesome to the whole kingdom due to us, we have to report this,” Cohnal said.

“I have an idea, we don’t need to waste more resources on a useless hunt,” Nyana said. “We can send a small team to gather Intel regarding all rumors in that country. If we find anything, we can send the message to the kingdom instantly.”

“Instantly?” Cohnal frowned.

“The Ashiris kingdom had many prototypes of magic weapons with some problems, but thanks to Edea, we managed to develop an item that connects to magic stones together,” Nyana said. “We can’t send any complicated messages yet, but we can make both of them shine, even if they are hundreds of kilometers away.”

Everyone understood what Nyana proposed. Some of them will go check the mercenaries’ country while disguised, and if they find anything related to Zaos or even him, they send the message to the kingdom. At that point in time, even those who still had some faith in Zaos wanted to know why he did all that… in one way or the other. They all returned to the castle and talked with Drannor once again. At first, he frowned when he saw that group, but then they heard their plans, and his expressions changed. Everything made sense, and that was a golden opportunity to conquer another country where Zaos won’t be able to hide no matter what.

Still, Drannor realized that things would be too difficult for them in a direct fight. The mercenaries are tough, and another long war will cripple the entire nation… With that in mind, Drannor decided to ask for help from his friends in Vezar.

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