The Guardians' Throne - The First Magic Swordsman

Chapter 80 - Weird Creatures

                    Even though their bodies were covered by the dark cloak, everyone on that side of the wall could see even amidst the darkness of the night that their bodies were completely covered in arrows. Even Elius clicked his tongue in annoyance when those ten finally reached the wall and began to climb using their hands and feet alone.

"Attack them with your magic," Elius said after he unsheathed his sword. "After that, I will deal with them."

                      Zaos didn't have the confidence that his spells would be enough. While they were more powerful than arrows, they weren't more destructive than dozens of those, and those creatures had already been hit by those. Still, he followed his orders.

                  Letting those weird creatures get close was too dangerous, so Zaos fired an Earth Sword toward the head of one of them. He felt shivers when his attack destroyed half of the head of one of the weird figures. However, he felt even more surprised when the creature got up after falling.

"Don't think about it," Elius said. "Attack the head again."

                Once again, Zaos obeyed the command, even though he couldn't understand or imagine why the result would be the same. However, after having the other side of their head destroyed, the creature finally fell dead.

"Use both of your hands to hold your shields, once they get close enough, smash their heads with it!" Elius shouted to Zaos's squad members.

                      Zaos hurried up with the spells, but the cloaked figures were almost at the top of the walls. When their hands touched the border of the walls, they drew their swords and began to swing them to scare the recruits. Attacking their hands became impossible… at least for the kids. Elius cut the hands of two of those cloaked figures in the blink of an eye, and they fell.

                      While clenching their teeth, the recruits blocked the attacks with their shields and tried to smash the enemies' heads as well, but the difference in strength and reach was just too great. They failed at doing that.

                    Zaos moved to the side and then escaped from their range. At the same time, they moved toward the border of the wall and then cast an Earth Sword and destroyed the head of another target. On the next attempt, he decided to use the piercing power of Wind Sword. However, while his attack made the creature lose a lot of blood, it hadn't been enough to behead it.

"They are not humans… they can't be," Zaos muttered. 

                    Zaos only had enough mana to fire four more of those spells, so he had to use them wisely. Most likely, Elius could behead the enemies, but he couldn't fight several of them at once. So, his squad will be attacked, and many will die in a few moments.

                      Zaos finished up his previous target in the blink of an eye, and then he helped to knock down the remaining enemies climbing the walls. However, much to his surprise, even those that had lost their hands were climbing the walls again.

"I see now… it is magic," Zaos muttered.

"That makes sense… those fuckers chose the worst time to show their new tricks," Elius said. "All of you retreat and bring three of the riders to help me. I will hold them back in the meantime."

"Sir, permission to say that this is not a good idea," Zaos said.

"Unless you have a better one, you don't have the right to do it," Elius said. "Don't get carried away just because your magic is slightly useful." 

"I don't have a plan sir, not an elaborate one at least," Zaos said. "How about we all retreat together?"

                Elius furrowed his eyebrows when he heard that. That was a really terrible joke. The last thing they should do right now was let those weird creatures pit their feet on the walls. However, Elius realized that wasn't a bad idea per se… after all, he knew what the true target of the enemies was.

"Follow me…" Elius said.

                  After a few seconds, the six remaining cloaked figures climbed the walls and put their feet on the walls. They looked around, but they only saw the enemies hundreds of meters away, fighting near the city's main entrance. In the end, for some odd reason, they didn't put much thought into it and just jumped to the other side of the wall. When they landed on the streets of the town, two of them immediately lost their heads. Meanwhile, another one was beheaded by Zaos's sword.

                  When those weird creatures finally noticed what was going on, it was too late. While the other squad members couldn't behead the enemies, they pierced their bodies with their swords. Instead of pulling those out, they just left there and stepped back, giving room to the other recruits to attack and do the same. While the numerous wounds didn't kill them, at the very least, they prevented the monsters from moving too much. That gave Zaos and Elius the chance to approach and finish them with a single clean cut on their necks.

Your Swordsmanship has reached level 18.

Your Swordsmanship has reached level 19.

Your Swordsmanship has reached level 20.

Your Swordsmanship has reached level 21.

            Zaos sighed in relief when the fight ended. Fortunately, that uncomfortable sensation of having taken a life came, but it was much weaker than before. His idea had been straightforward. They just needed to hide in the shadows of the wall and wait for the enemies. It was apparent the path they would follow since they wanted to open the gates. While those were damaged and probably wouldn't last more than a few minutes, the mercenaries would lose many of their members due to the high number of archers in the walls.

"Split your squad into three groups," Elius said. "We still have work to do. The first group will keep watching the western wall, the second group will look for some ropes and the third group will help me carry these corpses to a warehouse. We will need to check what is wrong with their bodies."

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