The Guide to Conquering Earthlings

Chapter 22: 022

Chapter 22

In the end, after eating six oranges, the thunderstorm outside the window subsided. Since it was late at night, Xie Cheng didn't bother the driver anymore and drove Lan Xi back to the staff dormitory himself.

After giving her some miscellaneous instructions, Xie Cheng finally left.

Lan Xi didn't have to peel the oranges herself and ate so many of them. She felt extremely satisfied and felt that her life on Earth was becoming more comfortable.

This feeling was reinforced the next day when Wan Yan stopped Lan Xi at work to chat.

"Lan Xi, tomorrow is a day off. Do you have any plans? How about going camping and having a picnic with me? We can also watch an outdoor movie together. There's a lively outdoor amusement park there. I've already bought camping equipment and food ingredients, and I've got the tickets for the campsite. You don't need to bring anything, just bring yourself."

Xie Cheng had mentioned that Lan Xi should make more trustworthy friends.

Lan Xi looked at Wan Yan, who had a gentle and caring expression. After all, they were colleagues in the company, and Lan Xi was recruited by Xie Cheng himself, so she must be reliable!

As for the outdoor movie and the outdoor amusement park... Lan Xi hadn't been to any of them since she arrived on Earth.

It would be a lie to say that she wasn't curious. Lan Xi thought for a moment and nodded quickly.


Wan Yan had been feeling a bit restless lately. After accidentally revealing to Xie Cheng that Lan Xi was going to Jinlin Club, nothing seemed to happen.

Xie Cheng didn't show any obvious change in attitude towards Lan Xi; in fact, he seemed even closer to her.

It was as if he didn't trust Lan Xi to be alone. The opportunities for Xie Cheng to accompany Lan Xi on receptions and visits visibly increased.

This couldn't go on.

Wan Yan felt that she had completely figured out Lan Xi's plan.

Since she was going to Jinlin Club and now she was fishing for Xie Cheng, wasn't she trying to use her beauty to climb up the social ladder?

Unfortunately, climbing up the ladder wasn't that easy. Although Xie Cheng didn't explicitly draw a clear boundary and reject Lan Xi, there was one thing that gave Wan Yan some peace of mind—after all, Xie Cheng wasn't easily fooled. It was clear that he wasn't really with Lan Xi.

Wan Yan had seen people like Lan Xi before—narrow-minded and impatient. It was evident from the fact that she was fishing for Xie Cheng while also looking for other options at Jinlin Club. Lan Xi was most likely using a broad net strategy, not the type that firmly set one target.

For someone like Lan Xi, perhaps the ultimate outcome didn't matter as long as it helped her achieve a social leap. Therefore, in similar circumstances, she would definitely choose to concentrate firepower on easier targets. After all, in such matters, stability was key.

If Lan Xi truly fell deeply in love with Xie Cheng and genuinely saw him as someone special, Wan Yan, although feeling unhappy and angry, would be willing to compete with Lan Xi on a level playing field. If she lost, she would reluctantly accept it with a few grumbles.

But if Lan Xi was the type of woman who didn't even realize how good Xie Cheng was and just saw him as another fish in her pond, Wan Yan couldn't let Xie Cheng fall into her hands.

Even if Xie Cheng didn't choose Wan Yan in the end, she still hoped that his partner would be an outstanding girl and not a manipulative woman.

Wan Yan felt a sense of obligation to step forward and eliminate Lan Xi, a woman with ulterior motives, thanks to Xie Cheng's kindness and the fact that she hadn't encountered many women before who could see through Lan Xi's tactics.

"So, you want me to pretend to be an easy target, a naive rich second generation, who is considerate and gentle, to test her loyalty to Xie Cheng, your senior?" Wei Yijun's question brought Wan Yan back to her thoughts, and she smiled, saying, "That's right."

She had ways to deal with Lan Xi.

Wei Yijun was Wan Yan's high school classmate and studied at the Drama College in university, making him somewhat of a professional in the field. He had a tall and handsome appearance, with a pair of eyes that always exuded a deep affection.

Unfortunately, the competition in this industry was fierce, and after graduation, Wei Yijun only managed to find minor roles in various drama productions, without making significant achievements or having stable income.

"You can just treat this as another acting job, can't you?" Wan Yan smiled and pursed her lips. "I'll pay you the highest hourly rate."

"No problem," Wei Yijun replied confidently. "Don't worry, even though my looks may not stand out in our industry, in ordinary life, I'm still a top-level handsome guy. There's no woman I can't handle."

He glanced at Wan Yan and continued, "Besides, I have a supporting team. When you introduce me to that woman and find an excuse to leave, I'll be alone with her. I've already arranged a scene where we encounter some hooligans. I'm familiar with those extras. With this performance, I'll instantly build a trustworthy image in her eyes."

"Then I'll take her to watch an open-air romance movie in a tent. With the atmosphere set, I'll take the opportunity to hold her hand ambiguously. Finally, I'll treat her to some sweet dessert like ice cream, and then persuade her to go up the small mountain near the camping site to watch the sunset. The atmosphere will become even more romantic after the sunset, and as the temperature drops, she'll probably be tired too. I'll thoughtfully lend her my coat and carry her down the mountain..."

As Wei Yijun spoke, he winked at Wan Yan. "Following this process, along with presenting myself as a rich second generation, if she has any ill intentions, she will definitely see me as an easier target and won't bother with Xie Cheng. She'll immediately shift her focus to me."

Finally, Wan Yan revealed the first relaxed smile she had shown in days.

Indeed, packaging Wei Yijun as a rich second generation who had a milder and more approachable personality than Xie Cheng, and allowing him to subtly express his fondness for Lan Xi, would undoubtedly make Lan Xi reconsider her options. When Wei Yijun and Lan Xi would pretend to establish a relationship, Lan Xi would surely give up on Xie Cheng, a bone she had been gnawing on for so long.

It was an unavoidable solution.

Because if Lan Xi genuinely likes Xie Cheng, she would never immediately switch her affections to another man appearing to show interest in her. After all, Wan Yan has received attention from outstanding men over the years, but her heart belongs solely to Xie Cheng. She doesn't even spare a glance for anyone else. As long as this attempt fails, it will prove Lan Xi's sincere feelings for Xie Cheng, and Wan Yan won't interfere any further.

But just in case... if Lan Xi betrays Xie Cheng so easily during this simple test, Wan Yan will definitely not stand idly by.

If this loyalty test doesn't pass, Wan Yan decides to immediately tell Xie Cheng everything and warn Lan Xi to stay away from him!


In this way, Wan Yan and Wei Yijun finalized their "collaboration," but Lan Xi remained oblivious.

The next day, Lan Xi arrived at the agreed meeting place, filled with anticipation.

Wan Yan was also punctual, but she brought a friend along.

"Lan Xi, this is my good friend Wei Yijun. Since camping requires preparations like tents and camping chairs, and he is a wealthy and leisurely camping enthusiast, he volunteered to help us with the heavy lifting. Let's exchange contact information, everyone..."

As soon as Wan Yan saw Lan Xi, she warmly approached and took hold of her hand, introducing Wei Yijun to Lan Xi.

Wei Yijun appeared tall and sunny. When he saw Lan Xi, he first stared at her face in a daze, then looked at Wan Yan with some confusion.

Wan Yan cleared her throat and furrowed her brow, and only then did Wei Yijun recover, smiling shyly at Lan Xi as if waking from a dream.

"Sorry, actually, besides camping, I'm quite introverted and don't have much contact with girls. I'm not good with words. If I say something that upsets you, please tell me directly. I'll change."

This person is quite sincere!

Lan Xi nodded affirmatively.

"So shall we drive together to the camping site at the foot of the mountain?"

Just as Wei Yijun was about to go and start the car, Wan Yan suddenly looked troubled after receiving a text message.

"Lan Xi, my company has assigned me some urgent work, and I have to go back to the office immediately. I'm really sorry. You go with Wei Yijun first, and I'll try to catch up after finishing my work."

Lan Xi felt reluctant. She thought Wan Yan was genuinely a good person.

She had prepared so much camping gear, all at her own expense, and now she couldn't make it. Wan Yan even earnestly urged her to have a good time!

Although they weren't related by blood and didn't have influential backgrounds, Wan Yan had become a true friend to her!

This time, Wan Yan had chosen a relatively niche camping location, with beautiful scenery and not many people. However, it was quite far and remote. Besides driving, there was no public transportation available.

And so, Lan Xi got into Wei Yijun's car.

Wei Yijun had specially rented a Porsche and was dressed in branded clothing, presenting himself as a rich young man who didn't lack money at first glance.

He was very satisfied with this "part-time job" of his. Initially, he thought the girl Wan Yan wanted him to test wouldn't be particularly attractive, but he didn't expect Lan Xi to have such looks—a type that he would willingly spend money to pursue at a bar.

Wei Yijun was very satisfied, and he even had some genuine feelings. It wouldn't hurt to have some fun with this Lan Xi. That's why he was particularly invested in his performance today.

"Sorry, I knew that Wan Yan would bring a new friend today, so I definitely chose a better car."

His tone was natural and unruffled, as if he was already an expert at this. Wei Yijun's approach almost never failed. Usually, at the next step, the girl riding with him would show a look of surprise and admiration, subtly hinting about what other cars he had at home and whether they could go for a drive together in the future.

As expected, Lan Xi didn't disappoint. Her expression paused for a moment, and then she looked around with great curiosity.

Wei Yijun felt proud. "You've never been in a Porsche before, have you?"

Sure enough, Lan Xi nodded.

However, just as Wei Yijun was waiting for her praise, she furrowed her brows in a serious manner and evaluated it as if she were judging in court. She said, "Hmm, this one is really not good. The space inside the car is too small, and the chassis isn't as stable when driving."

At this point, Lan Xi thought of Xie Cheng's car and said, "I've always ridden in a Rolls-Royce. I've never been in a Porsche before. I didn't realize Porsches were so bad. Do you have a Rolls-Royce at home? I'm more used to that. Do you have the money? You can buy one."


Lan Xi recalled the advice Xie Cheng had given her about paying attention to social situations and making sure her answers were relevant. She felt that her response was completely on point and didn't involve any unrelated topics. However, for some reason, after she warmly responded to Wei Yijun, he fell silent, and the atmosphere in the car became somewhat tense.

But soon, the tense atmosphere was interrupted.

Several motorcycles appeared from some small road with a roaring sound and positioned themselves on both sides of Wei Yijun's car. One of the motorcycles quickly accelerated and ultimately blocked the front of the car, creating a situation where they were surrounded.

Wei Yijun had to stop the car urgently.

"Hey! Get out! All of you! If you don't, we'll smash the car!"

One of the motorcycle riders, with a fierce expression, started banging on the car window.

Lan Xi didn't understand what was happening. Before she could ask, Wei Yijun, with a serious expression, said, "We've encountered a gang of motorcycle hooligans."

Wei Yijun and Lan Xi were passing through an area with urban villages on their way to the camping site. This area was a mix of good and bad elements and happened to be adjacent to the city and a port. There were often delinquent youths and hooligans hanging around. Half a month ago, a group of motorcycle hooligans even appeared, extorting money from vehicles that got lost or accidentally entered their "territory."

This was indeed a true incident that had made the news. Although the police had long since received tips and apprehended the group of hooligans, it didn't stop Wei Yijun from taking advantage of the situation and hiring extras to play along.

Coming to the rescue in a dangerous situation and saving a beauty was a classic move that captured people's hearts.

Wei Yijun looked at Lan Xi with a determined and trustworthy gaze, preparing to deliver a line like "Don't be afraid, I'm here to protect you." However, before he could speak, Lan Xi beat him to it and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here to protect you."

After finishing her line, Lan Xi opened the car door and walked out, taking the car keys and locking the door behind her.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

According to the script, after a passionate speech, Wei Yijun was supposed to leave Lan Xi in the car for her safety, while he got out and negotiated with the thugs. Eventually, he would fight them to protect Lan Xi, get slightly injured, and successfully drive the thugs away.

But the situation now...


Lan Xi suspected that she had said something wrong earlier, causing an awkward atmosphere inside the car. However, something she had hoped for finally happened. She could finally seize the opportunity to show her skills and demonstrate her kindness!

Friends are supposed to help each other! Wei Yijun is Wan Yan's friend, and roughly speaking, a friend of a friend is also a friend!

Lan Xi got out of the car and locked Wei Yijun inside.

The previously arrogant thugs seemed somewhat surprised and stunned, looking at Wei Yijun inside the car.

At this point, they actually had the audacity to target Wei Yijun!

Lan Xi didn't want to waste time talking nonsense with this group of thugs. She had a movie to catch, and she couldn't be late. So, she swiftly used her wrist, delivering quick punches that sent them all flying.

Brushing off the nonexistent dust from her hands, Lan Xi calmly returned to the car.

"We can go now."

Wei Yijun seemed greatly affected by the appearance of these thugs, showing significant emotional fluctuations. He stared wide-eyed at the thugs lying on the ground outside the car, their groans and moans filling the air. His voice trembled as he asked, "H-How did you do that?"

"It was just something I did casually," Lan Xi reassured him with a smile. "It didn't require much effort."

"But...isn't this a bit...unethical? They seem injured. Shouldn't we call an ambulance...?"

"No, don't worry. I didn't hit them hard. At most, it's just some superficial bruises and minor internal bleeding."

"...," Wei Yijun appeared quite uneasy. "How do you know it's only minor bleeding? They fell pretty hard. What if they end up partially paralyzed or something? Shouldn't we..."

"I know, don't worry. I have experience in fighting people. I've never hit someone hard enough to leave them partially paralyzed."


Regardless of Lan Xi's reassurances, Wei Yijun still seemed very anxious and concerned.

After a moment of thought, Lan Xi understood his worries. He must be afraid that she didn't hit the thugs hard enough, and they would get up and retaliate against them.

"Then, make a U-turn!"

As expected, Lan Xi's guess was correct. After she said that, Wei Yijun immediately showed a relieved expression and obediently turned the steering wheel.

Lan Xi felt that she was starting to understand the psychology of Earthlings more and more these days.

So she looked at Wei Yijun and promised convincingly, "Turn back, I'll give them a few more punches!"

Wei Yijun was deeply moved by the bond between him and Lan Xi. As soon as Lan Xi finished speaking, Wei Yijun's hands slipped on the steering wheel, and even his whole body seemed to tremble slightly.

"Are you turning back to teach them a lesson?!"

"Yes," Lan Xi nodded. "I will make sure those few hooligans can never seek revenge. Don't worry! It won't take much effort to throw a few punches. I assure you, I will beat them half to death, enough to teach them a lesson but not let them continue their wrongdoing..."

"But... but this is a society governed by the rule of law. It's not right to do this!"

Lan Xi smiled cunningly and whispered, "I've checked. This road is quite secluded, with no surveillance cameras. In a society governed by the rule of law, evidence matters!"

Thanks to Xie Cheng's advice, Lan Xi had taken many lessons and now had a good grasp of the new social norms and common knowledge.


Unfortunately, for some reason, Wei Yijun, who had just firmly turned back, suddenly changed the direction of the steering wheel. He started driving forward again, clearly no longer intending to go back.

He appeared very nervous, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "I've thought about it. After our camping trip, we still want to catch a movie, and time is tight. It's better to arrive on time. After all, being late and missing the beginning of the movie can make the whole story confusing. Let's not go back and hurry to our destination!"

Lan Xi pondered for a moment and agreed, "Then let's go ahead. Shall we take this road on our way back? In case they are still there when we return, I can teach them another lesson."

"We won't take this road on our way back!" Wei Yijun wiped the sweat off his forehead and stammered, "This road is bumpy, and the security is not good. There's another shortcut on the way back. We won't take this road!"


Lan Xi didn't pay much attention to this little incident on the road, but Wei Yijun seemed busy with something. As soon as they arrived at the camping site, before he could even set up the tent, he received several urgent phone calls in quick succession. He seemed to have encountered some difficulties, judging by the worried expression on his face throughout the conversations.

"I understand, don't worry. I will definitely compensate you and provide extra money..."

"Nutritional supplements? Do you really need that much?"

"I'll cover your transportation expenses for going back. The ambulance bill? Why is it so high!"

Wei Yijun's voice was filled with frustration, "You people are really demanding!"


After finishing the phone calls, Wei Yijun was in a gloomy mood. He had only intended to earn some extra money, but now he had to bear the cost of medical expenses for the extras.

Was this woman a devil? How could she be so strong...

But they had come this far...

Wan Yan had also promised to give him a huge bonus if things went well. That would cover the financial loss from the extras' medical expenses.

Although Lan Xi was undeniably beautiful, Wei Yijun couldn't help but recall the scene where she effortlessly fought and handled things like cutting vegetables. He immediately lost all romantic feelings for her.

He set aside thoughts of pleasure and displayed one hundred percent professionalism as he looked deeply into Lan Xi's eyes.

Although he couldn't play the hero and save the beauty, that's okay. He could take a different approach and go down the path of being considerate and warm.

"You just rest here, I'll set up the tent," Wei Yijun said.

After speaking, Wei Yijun diligently worked by himself, huffing and puffing, and finally finished setting up the tent and arranging the camping chairs.

Showing reliability at a critical moment is also very attractive to girls. After such a passionate and intense effort, Wei Yijun was feeling a bit hot. Naturally, he proceeded to the next step according to the script.

He took off his jacket, revealing a well-proportioned figure highlighted by his vest. His physique was good, looking slim when dressed but muscular when undressed. At this moment, he had some sweat on him, making him absolutely sexy and full of masculinity.

Wei Yijun tidied his hair and then draped the jacket over his arm, walking towards Lan Xi.

He deliberately leaned down, creating a scene that made people blush and their hearts race, and whispered warmly in Lan Xi's ear, "It's quite hot. Would you like to take off your jacket too?"

Wei Yijun continued with a smile, "I've finished setting up the tent, and it got a bit hot while moving around, so I took mine off."

He shook the jacket in his arm, saying, "I can see that your face is a bit red too. If you're feeling hot, why not take it off? I can help you carry it together." He pointed to the tent he had set up not far away and said, "Then we can go inside the tent together..."

But Lan Xi didn't pay any attention to what Wei Yijun was saying.

She glared at the clothes Wei Yijun had taken off in his hand and looked up at him, asking, "Did you just ask me to take off my clothes?"

Wei Yijun paused for a moment and nodded, "Yes..."

"And you took yours off too?"

"Huh? Yes."

Without giving Wei Yijun a chance to speak, Lan Xi bombarded him with rapid-fire questions, "And you want both of us to go inside that tent alone?"


Looking at Wei Yijun, who appeared completely natural, Lan Xi was quite shocked.

She was still too naive.

Earthlings were so cunning.

Earthlings as good as Xie Cheng were truly rare.

She never expected that this Wei Yijun would actually fit the description of what Xie Cheng called a "scheming earthling." Everything he was doing now perfectly matched the bad tricks of an earthling, as Xie Cheng had described!

An earthling man, taking off his own clothes and asking her to do the same, and then guiding her to a confined space for private interaction!

As for his leering gaze, although Lan Xi didn't understand the term "leering," it was obviously different from that of a normal person! This was definitely what Xie Cheng referred to as a leering gaze!

Xie Cheng said that people like him were scoundrels who wanted to harm her!

Fortunately, she had gone to Xie Cheng for lessons and had long seen through the tricks of such people!


Wei Yijun employed all his tricks, showcasing his charm from all angles, especially his eyes, which exerted an extraordinary force, looking at Lan Xi with deep affection and focus.

He waited for the girl in front of him to surrender— even if she didn't blush or her heart didn't race, at the very least, her eyes should be unable to meet his gaze due to the fluttering of her heart, like a young deer in confusion.

Wei Yijun regained a bit of confidence and continued to gaze at Lan Xi with deep affection, expecting her shy gratitude. However, to his surprise, she suddenly stood up.

Was she too overwhelmed with excitement? It seemed that his actions had caused quite a fluctuation in her emotions, indicating that his approach was effective. He thought he was on the right track!

But before Wei Yijun could fully rejoice, he felt a strong force on his collar as Lan Xi grabbed hold of it, almost lifting him off the ground.

"Who allowed you to take off your clothes?! Do you want to die?!" Lan Xi glared at him with anger.

Wei Yijun was taken aback and struggled to free himself. "What are you doing?!"

Ha, fortunately, Xie Cheng had trained him beforehand, and Lan Xi was well aware of the tricks this Earthling was playing!

With a cold expression, she warned, "Don't think I don't understand your tricks. You're not allowed to undress. Give me your clothes to wear!"

"But I'm really hot..."

Lan Xi raised her hand and threatened, "Wear your clothes or get beaten?"

Wei Yijun initially wanted to resist, but when he saw Lan Xi raising her hand, he reluctantly buttoned up his jacket after she released his collar.

Fearful of any further mischief from him, Lan Xi raised her hand again and said angrily, "Button up all the buttons!"

After Wei Yijun finished buttoning up, Lan Xi was still not satisfied. She pointed to the nearby tent and commanded, "Take it down."

This time, Wei Yijun couldn't help but exclaim, "I just set it up!"

"No, take it down," Lan Xi said expressionlessly. "Take it down or get beaten. Choose one."


With the removal of these elements, the danger was eliminated.

Now it was safe.

Very safe.


Under the scorching sun, Wei Yijun was forced to wear his jacket, sweating profusely. He was also "enslaved" to dismantle the tent he had just painstakingly set up...

He regretted it deeply, but he couldn't withstand Lan Xi standing there, hands on hips, supervising.

After they finally finished dismantling the tent, Wei Yijun couldn't hold back his frustration. He grumbled, "I've never seen anyone dismantle a tent while camping..."

Little did he know that his complaint only brought more misfortune upon himself.

Lan Xi listened to his words, pondered for a moment while supporting her chin, and then a look of sudden realization appeared on her face.

She looked at Wei Yijun, her eyes sparkling, and said, "I've come up with a new idea!"

Lan Xi approvingly gave Wei Yijun a thumbs-up. "You're right, how can camping be complete without a tent? Set up the tent again!"

As long as two people don't stay in the same tent at the same time, there won't be any private enclosed space for the two of them!

They can set up the tent by themselves!

Wei Yijun can stay outside!


Wei Yijun was utterly miserable. He was forced to set up and dismantle the tent repeatedly, and in the end, he was compelled to stand in the scorching weather wearing a thick coat as a "punishment." Meanwhile, the instigator of all this lay in the cool tent, eating fruit and humming songs.

The woman before him was undoubtedly beautiful, but she clearly had some issues in her head...

However, the other party was too strong physically, and Wei Yijun didn't dare to engage in a direct confrontation. He took advantage of Lan Xi's relaxed vigilance, claimed he needed to use the restroom, and then swiftly started the car and drove away.

He wouldn't earn this "part-time" money from Wan Yan!

Wearing such a thick coat in this sweltering weather and being forced to do physical labor for most of the day, Wei Yijun felt his sweat pouring down like a waterfall, and he became dizzy. If he waited any longer, he might suffer from heatstroke.

This wasn't merely about money. If he stayed any longer, he might lose his life!


Lan Xi sat inside the tent, enjoying the breeze and eating snacks, feeling very content. However, when she finished all the snacks she brought and the sun was about to set, Wei Yijun, who claimed he was going to the restroom, hadn't returned.

After all, he was Wan Yan's friend, so Lan Xi decided to give Wei Yijun a chance to make amends.

But when Lan Xi checked the time, realizing that if he didn't come back soon, they would miss the outdoor movie, she called Wei Yijun.

However, instead of gratitude, her well-intentioned and magnanimous gesture was met with Wei Yijun's furious and hysterical voice on the other end of the line.

"Are you crazy? Who would watch an outdoor movie with you? Get yourself treated if you're insane! Don't bother me again in the future!"

Before Lan Xi could say anything, the call was abruptly ended, and she couldn't reach Wei Yijun when she tried calling again.

She attempted to call Wan Yan, but Wan Yan was probably busy and didn't answer.

Calling Liang Di, he couldn't come as he was taking care of Cao An at the hospital and couldn't leave.

Calling Wang Zhiqiang, he did answer, but it was as good as not answering at all.

On the other end of the phone, Wang Zhiqiang whispered hesitantly, "Princess, I really can't come. Last time, my wife suspected I went to KTV to find a princess, so I've been under house arrest lately!"


The sun hadn't completely set yet, but the sky was gradually darkening, and the weather was turning cold. Lan Xi keenly sensed that if she waited any longer, there would be a heavy rain here.

She had to hurry back.

But this campsite was in chaos, and Lan Xi, who had been preoccupied with eating snacks, now looked around and realized that the few other groups of camping enthusiasts who were already scarce had long since left.

Moreover, there wasn't even public transportation available here, and when Lan Xi tried using a ride-hailing app, she couldn't get a car at all.

However, it didn't matter. Lan Xi was confident, as on Earth, she still had a reliable Earthling whom she had conquered.

With this thought in mind, Lan Xi took out her phone...

Meanwhile, in a villa hundreds of miles away, Xie Cheng, who had just finished an international business conference and was preparing to enjoy a moment of leisure, received the following text message:

"Xie Cheng, can you come pick me up?"

"Bring your Rolls-Royce along."

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