The Guide to Conquering Earthlings

Chapter 26: 026

Chapter 26

Lan Xi had been eagerly looking forward to going to the amusement park ever since she returned from the buffet. However, she waited for a week, and then another week, but Xie Cheng showed no sign of making any plans.

In light of this situation, Lan Xi consulted the "Earthlings' Guide to Conquest" and found the answer in the Q&A section:

"Earthling males are creatures who can make promises at any time. Many Earthling males like to exaggerate, and when the atmosphere is right and hormones are flowing, they will promise anything."

"In such a case, we can first implement the following plan - a gentle and well-intentioned reminder: Some Earthling males genuinely forget their promises, and once reminded, there is a chance they will follow through. However, it is important to remember that the reminder must be gentle, not direct, and certainly not in an interrogative manner. It is best to be indirect, not speaking with your own voice, but borrowing someone else's mouth. That is the most clever approach."

So that's how it is!

Now she understood!

Lan Xi was greatly enlightened, and the only remaining question was how to naturally and subtly appear beside Xie Cheng to give him hints.

But this remaining question had become the only current problem.

These past few days, Xie Cheng had been busy with external collaborations and Lan Xi rarely saw him in the office. And perhaps to spare her efforts, this kind-hearted Earthling man had been going out alone without taking Lan Xi along.

So where could she find Xie Cheng?

Lan Xi thought for a moment and looked towards Liang Di, who was the most well-informed person in the company.

Unfortunately, Liang Di seemed to be in a bad mood recently, often daydreaming and lacking enthusiasm.

Normally, Liang Di was lively and loved sharing the progress of Cao An every day. Eight out of ten sentences couldn't be spoken without mentioning Cao An. But in these past few days, Lan Xi hadn't heard Cao An's name from Liang Di's mouth at all.

However, Cao An definitely hadn't recovered yet. After all, for Earthlings, it takes a hundred days for bones and muscles to heal, and Lan Xi knew her own abilities. It wasn't something that could just get better when promised...


Could it be...

Lan Xi connected the description in the "Earthlings' Guide to Conquest" with the current situation, and there was only one answer - Cao An. His condition was likely worsening, which was why Liang Di was so reserved and disheartened.

Carefully choosing her words, Lan Xi asked, "Has something happened to Cao An?"

Liang Di widened her eyes, which were originally listless, and cautiously looked around. Then she leaned in close to Lan Xi and whispered, "Is it that obvious?"

She had indeed guessed it right!

But after she finished speaking, Liang Di's emotions seemed to be on the verge of collapse. Lan Xi didn't dare think too much. Could it be that she had been too harsh with her words? Was Cao An's condition deteriorating to the point of no return?

As much as she didn't want it to happen, the more she wished for it, the more likely it would occur. Liang Di's next words made Lan Xi's head feel hot -

"I'm treating him as if he's already dead!"

So this meant... Although he wasn't dead yet, it was likely that he would be soon. Liang Di had already mentally prepared herself, treating him as if he were already dead...

Lan Xi hesitated to ask any further because Liang Di's previously resilient emotions seemed to be on the verge of breaking down. Her eyes were slightly red.

Lan Xi wanted to offer her condolences, but Liang Di sniffed and said, "It's okay. Out with the old, in with the new. Tonight, I plan to attend a gathering with peers and meet new people."

Although Lan Xi didn't understand the logic behind getting to know more people when Cao An was on the verge of death, she nodded vigorously, pretending to comprehend.

At this point, Liang Di glanced at Lan Xi and said, "Well, everything has already come to an end!"

Come to an end! Wasn't he just presumed dead a moment ago? How could a person completely cease to exist in just a few sentences? Lan Xi couldn't believe it and exclaimed, "Is it really over? So soon?"

Liang Di looked somewhat melancholy and replied, "Yes. The departure of certain individuals can be sudden and unexpected." She cast a compassionate glance at Lan Xi and continued, "You haven't experienced it, so you wouldn't understand. Some people are just passing through your life, and they quickly exit your stage."

Although that might be the case, Cao An seemed to have a decent constitution, and she didn't even use her full strength with that punch. Are Earthlings really that fragile?

Liang Di added, "By the way, please keep Cao An's matter confidential."

Naturally! After all, Cao An's death was partly her responsibility! It's better if Xie Cheng doesn't find out. They seemed to have a close relationship, and how devastated would he be if he knew?

However, Lan Xi blamed herself for Cao An's passing. "So, is it my fault that he left... Do I need to take responsibility?"

Liang Di gave Lan Xi a bewildered look and said, "What does it have to do with you? It's purely a matter between him and me. Why would you need to take responsibility?"

"But I accidentally injured him before..."

Liang Di looked at Lan Xi's genuinely remorseful expression and couldn't help but think that her friend was truly kind-hearted.

While it was true that Lan Xi's accidental injury led to the intersection between Liang Di and Cao An, if they traced it back, it was mainly because Liang Di mistook the scumbag she was trying to expose. If one were to establish a causal relationship, it was likely that Liang Di herself was at the root of the subsequent chain of events.

Therefore, Liang Di sincerely comforted Lan Xi, "You're not at fault for this. Don't blame yourself."


Although Lan Xi didn't fully understand, Liang Di's continuous reassurance finally made her believe that Cao An's departure was likely due to other reasons...

Perhaps he had some underlying health issues?

But Xie Cheng would definitely be heartbroken.

Speaking of Xie Cheng, Lan Xi immediately thought of her purpose in seeking out Liang Di. She had to conquer Earth before anything else!

Lan Xi looked at Liang Di and asked, "So, do you know where Xie Cheng will be tonight?"

Liang Di sniffed and lived up to expectations, "Xie Cheng? He has an appointment with a client tonight. They will be dining at the Chinese restaurant on the third floor of the Splendor Tower."

"Also, would you like to join my gathering tonight?"

Lan Xi waved her hand, saying, "I have some important matters to attend to tonight!"

"Then, when you're done, come over. I'll treat you!" Xie Cheng offered.

Lan Xi nodded.

At this moment, her heart was filled with anticipation for the Jinxiu Tower.

The Jinxiu Tower was the destination she was going to tonight!

So what if she couldn't say it directly and had to indirectly remind Xie Cheng to go to the amusement park?

She was good at this!

It was simple!


Recently, Xie Cheng encountered a major obstacle in his work.

In order to expand the business, Chengxin needed access to a weather data analysis platform. It was supposed to be a win-win cooperation. However, unexpectedly, the owner of the platform was very difficult to communicate with. Just when they had almost finalized the contract and price terms, the owner suddenly changed their mind, demanding a price increase. Otherwise, they refused to grant the cooperation permission.

"This is the information about the owner. Her name is Dong Ying, thirty years old, unmarried and childless. She started from scratch and created the data analysis platform. The weather data analysis module is just a part of their business."

The person reporting was Meng Hui, Xie Cheng's former junior. His face, which was originally full of enthusiasm, now looked quite disheartened. "Initially, the communication through emails and phone calls was going well. We almost finalized the contract terms, and I used some negotiation tactics to secure a relatively good deal. I was waiting to sign the contract."

"She had been living overseas all this time, but happened to return to the country. I invited her to dinner, intending to maintain the customer relationship. However, things went wrong..." Meng Hui's voice grew more discouraged. "During the meal, she asked me if the price in our contract was the highest price we could offer. I don't know what happened to me, but it was as if I was under a spell. I couldn't help but tell her about my negotiation tactics and that we still had room to negotiate on the price..."

The subsequent events didn't need Meng Hui to explain because upon learning that Chengxin had a budget surplus for the cooperation price, Dong Ying immediately reneged on the agreement. She declared the original contract terms null and void, insisting that the conditions for cooperation needed to be renegotiated.

"Senior, believe me, there's something really strange about her. I felt like I was under a curse. Whatever she asked, I couldn't help but tell the truth. Even if I consciously tried to lie, I would immediately lose control and correct my lies. This situation continued until this morning when my mind finally cleared up."

Meng Hui looked at Xie Cheng with a concerned gaze. "I'm sorry, senior. I messed up this negotiation, and now you have to handle it personally. Please be careful tonight. Maybe you should go to a temple and light some incense for a protective charm..."

Aside from apologizing profusely, Meng Hui still had a lingering fear on his face.

Although Xie Cheng didn't know what had happened, he always believed in science, numbers, and algorithms. He believed that everything had a logical explanation and didn't believe in things like being cursed.

Meng Hui had a fondness for alcohol, and most likely, he had been under a lot of work pressure lately, causing him to drink excessively and become muddled.

Xie Cheng didn't think Dong Ying could gain any advantage by approaching him.

He was very confident about this negotiation.

After finishing the academic exchange meeting in the afternoon, he would head straight to the Splendid Tower and quickly finalize the contract.


Dong Ying arrived early at the Splendid Tower and waited. She looked at her reflection in the window glass, beautiful, graceful, and elegant. As soon as she took her seat, the gazes of men around her swept over, which pleased her greatly.

Could her charisma be any less?

After all, she was a member of the Mu Yi Star Royal Family.

With her looks, she would easily be the number one beauty on Mu Yi Star if it weren't for her annoying cousin.

In the words of Earthlings, it could be said that "the jade is beautiful, but the light is brighter."

Dong Ying believed in the motto "Better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix," so she had started living on Earth a few years ago during interstellar travel.

Here, her appearance could easily captivate any man and receive various pursuits.


The latest chapter of Ye Feiran's work, "The Earthling's Conquest Guide," is first released and updated on the entire network. The domain name is [(().

Because she possessed the ability to hypnotize others using her voice, whenever she spoke to someone face-to-face and asked them to tell the truth, they had no way to refuse. Although the duration of the psychological suggestion varied for different individuals, it was generally sufficient.

Just a few days ago, during a negotiation with a meteorological data analysis company, she discovered room for negotiation in the contract price. Now she sat in the restaurant, waiting for the representative of the other company to come and discuss in detail.

In business, Dong Ying had no intention of going easy.

However, when she saw the face of the other party, Dong Ying hesitated.

This Earth man was so handsome, with hormones raging and in his prime breeding period. His physique was whistle-worthy, and the cold, strong demeanor perfectly matched Dong Ying's taste.

Of course, even such a man had no chance against her once they faced each other. What did it matter if he appeared composed and distant on the surface? Internally, adrenaline was likely already pumping, and his mind was preoccupied with certain thoughts.

Dong Ying had previously lived in several countries on Earth and encountered various races of Earthlings, but almost all Earth men fell under her charm. Therefore, this time, Dong Ying was extremely confident.

The other party would most likely fall in love at first sight, and if not immediately, they would be smitten with her after ten minutes of conversation. After all, her inherent aristocratic temperament was undeniable.

At that point, as long as she used her ability to elicit the truth, she could see through the other person's thoughts.

However, although she was a noble of the Mu Yi Star Royal Family, she didn't mind occasionally having a romantic relationship with an Earth man like him. Even compromising a bit on the contract would be inconsequential.


When Xie Cheng arrived at the Splendid Tower, Dong Ying was already there.

She was a beautiful woman, elegant and well-maintained, with every move exuding grace. Her appearance could rival that of a celebrity.

Xie Cheng prepared himself for the negotiation, but Dong Ying just smiled at him and said, "The contract can be signed according to the previous terms and price."

"Just consider us friends," Dong Ying glanced at Xie Cheng, her eyes filled with charm. "But from now on, you have to tell me the truth because I like genuine people."

This turn of events caught Xie Cheng by surprise, but he was relieved that the contract could be resolved so smoothly.

"Ms. Dong is straightforward, and I came here today because I genuinely want to be friends with you."

However, for some reason, right after Xie Cheng finished these polite words, his mouth seemed to have a will of its own and spoke his most honest thoughts at that moment—

"I lied before. I didn't actually want to be friends with you."


Xie Cheng had no idea what was happening. He felt like he had seen a ghost. His mouth seemed to have a mind of its own, relentlessly speaking the truths he didn't want to utter.

However, Dong Ying, on the other side, was not surprised. She remained calm despite his outburst and simply pursed her lips and smiled. "I know," she said, then cast a seductive smile at Xie Cheng.

"Many men don't want to be just ordinary friends with me."

They want to be my boyfriend.

Dong Ying was confident. "So, I am the most beautiful woman you've ever seen, right?"

Xie Cheng didn't want to answer such a foolish question, but his mouth involuntarily spoke again, "No."

Dong Ying didn't mind. She patiently waited for Xie Cheng's next words. However, after waiting for five minutes, her smile became somewhat stiff. Xie Cheng still hadn't denied his previous answer.

"Is that all?" Dong Ying's face filled with an incredulous astonishment. "Was what you just said the truth?"

Xie Cheng's mouth once again answered the other person's question without his control, "Yes."

"Then who is the woman you've seen who is more beautiful than me?"

"She's my employee."

Dong Ying felt utterly defeated. Her tone turned biting, "So, this is your attitude toward being friends with me? You think your employee can compare to me?!"

Xie Cheng had given up hope for his mouth. Sure enough, he heard himself speak with an unapologetic tone, "I never intended to be friends with you in the first place. Being friends is just a formality. How could you take it seriously? As for my employee, she is indeed much more beautiful than you, but perhaps when it comes to an overall evaluation, she can't compare to you..."

These words slightly cleared Dong Ying's expression, and she regained her interest. "Oh? So, what's wrong with her?"

Xie Cheng looked at the banner that suddenly dropped from the office building across from the Splendid Tower, and he felt that tonight's mood couldn't be described as magical anymore.

On the conspicuous banner, the red background and white words clearly spelled out—

"Xie Cheng, remember to take Lan Xi to the amusement park! Reminder from: Someone (definitely not Lan Xi)"

To ensure visibility at night, it even had a fluorescent effect...

At the same time, Xie Cheng's phone received a text message notification. He lowered his head to check, and the message appeared before his eyes—

"I am a domineering CEO. Three years ago, I divorced my ex-wife and was framed, leaving me with nothing but my dignity as I begged on the streets. But now, after three years of begging, I have returned as the king and reclaimed my throne in the business world. I will take Lan Xi to the amusement park and show you how I overcame adversity, humiliated my ex-wife, and sought revenge on those scum..."

"...Xie Cheng didn't even know what to say anymore. Sending such a message was already outrageous enough, but what made it even more outrageous was that the sender's information proudly displayed Lan Xi's name, using the company's assigned phone number.

At the very least, they could have changed the phone number...

Xie Cheng closed her eyes and looked at Dong Ying with a sense of despair. With heartfelt sincerity, she said, 'She's not all there in the head!'"

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