The Guidebook for Villainesses

Chapter 45

Translator: Wawaa

Editor: WilsonWilson


A few days later, Eunice’s banquet was just around the corner.

Lara, who was choosing a dress with Konny, muttered to herself, saying that had she known this would happen, she would have just turned her down.

“Should I buy a man?”

“Pardon? Buy who?”

“I mean, why not? Don’t men usually hire red-light district women when they need to go to partner parties?”

“So you’re planning to bring a prostitute? But Princess Sonnet is at the party!”

Oh, yeah.

Lara looked troubled as she had forgotten about the fact that Princess Sonnet would be attending Eunice’s party.

Princess Sonnet accepted the private invitation—which she would not normally accept—because Eunice was Lara’s close friend.

Even Eunice, who sent the invitation card simply out of obligation, looked disappointed. All her plans to fill the hall with strong liquor, sexy music, and erotic lighting went up in smoke.  

Eunice booked sweet drinks and cute cakes for the 14-year-old princess with a gloomy face.

“What should I do?”

“I will just dress up as a man.”

“No way. You’re smaller than me.”

“So you hate small men?”

“Talk to me again once you’re a man.”

Kony pouted at Lara’s stern refusal.

Lara’s last choice was to go alone without a partner.

And to make up for her partner’s absence, she decided to wear a more gorgeous and vibrant dress than anyone else so that the empty space next to her would not look lonely.

She would wear a dark purple sleeveless dress and a see-through black gown, with a tiara decorated with dozens of crystals on her head.

As if that was not enough, she also had a large fan made of decorative feathers in her hand.

She drew the outer corners of her eyes intensely and filled her lips thickly.

“How do I look?”

“You look so scary that no one will ever talk to you.”

“That’s great.”

Lara finally decided to wear that dress. When she was about to take it off, Konny asked her.

“Then, who will be the Princess’ partner?”

“Usually, either her father, or brother, or relatives…or maybe her knight?”

“I don’t think His Majesty would attend the party. The prince is known to be a model student so it’s probably not him. Does she have any proper relatives? Is she going to attend with her knight? They would look cute like an uncle and his little niece, but…”

Ah, I see.

Lara raised her head.

The Princess also still doesn’t have a partner.

“I don’t think a 14-year-old would want to attend a party with her knight, right?”

Of course. She was now old enough to know what she needed to know. Not only knights, but she would also hate it to attend the party with her father or brother.

However, she is known for her reputation for being an angel, and as a princess, she can’t just take any man with her. So she can’t help but attend with a stern knight.

I don’t think that’s right.



“Is there any men’s tailcoat in this house that I could wear?”


Konny blinked her eyes quickly.

The smart maid, who perfectly read Lara’s intentions without having Lara say anything, screamed as she ran out the door.

“I will go look for it!”


Sonnet Hautean had been in a bad mood since morning.

She asked her brother, Prince Sidhar, to attend the party together, but she was rejected very coldly. People thought that Sidhar Hautean was a caring and loving Prince, but Sonnet noticed to some extent that he was actually a cold and twisted man.

Sonnet just wanted to go to the party of the young noblewoman that she longed for.

Since it was a partner party, she was just hoping that if she took her brother—the man most liked by the young noblewomen in Hautean—they would be nice to her.

Sidhar looked scornfully at Sonnet.

He seemed to think that she was an immature, thoughtless little girl.

‘Should I just not go?’

Would it be rude if I have already said I would attend but I then not actually go?

‘Should I go alone?’

Is there anyone else going alone?

 What if they think it’s weird that a high-ranking Princess came alone without a partner?

There were many noblemen who would take her hand, but Sonnet was a Princess. If she chose someone, politics would intervene in that place. Even though she was a young Princess, she was aware of that.

But she did not want to go with the knights who were as old as her father. That would be too embarrassing.

Sonnet wanted to cry. The Princess was fourteen years old and she had never been to that kind of party.

The party where young noblewomen drank and danced confidently. Regardless of their status or political stance, a place where anyone can hang out together if they were on the same wavelength.

All Sonnet ever did in the royal palace was studying.

In addition, the party was hosted by Lara’s best friend, Eunice Dvonn. So when she got the invitation card, she replied that she would attend without even hesitating.

Sonnet wanted to meet Lara.

She could not forget her warm embrace.

Sonnet grew up in the hands of a nanny instead of the weak Queen. After growing up, she never remembered being embraced by anyone in that way.

At the moment her life was in danger, Sonnet’s clearest memory was not the terrifying assassin attack, but Lara’s face, her voice, and the way she embraced her with her whole body.

With a calm face, Lara asked if she was okay. And when Sonnet insisted on holding her hand, she did not turn her down and just let her be.

Lara said that she just happened to be there and rescued the Princes, but Sonnet did not think so.

“Your Highness, I will tie the ribbon.”

After tying the navy ribbon around the bell-shaped pink dress, Sonnet with her cute, fluffy hair stood in front of the mirror.

“You look cute.”

The ladies-in-waiting were pleased.

Sonnet did not stop from looking at the mirror.

Usually, she would just show indifference no matter how pretty the dress she wore, but today she looked at herself so much to the point where the mirror wore out.

“Do I look good?”

“Of course. Your Highness, you are very lovely.”

“Don’t I look like a kid? Don’t you think this looks tacky?”

“Pardon? What do you… It’s definitely not like that.”

The quick-witted ladies-in-waiting exchanged glances secretly.

Then they smiled sweetly and said to Sonnet.

“You look like a young lady. No one would think that you’re 14 years old.”


Sonnet knew that her ladies-in-waiting were lying for her. But she still nodded with a more relieved look.

‘I will go alone and take my leave quickly.’

If Lara is there, I should talk to her. I’m going to gather up my courage and ask her to visit my palace.

When Sonnet was making such a pledge, the knight’s stern voice could be heard from outside the door.

“Your Highness, Laviore Ria Bailey is requesting to have an audience with you. She asked if you already have another…”

Who again? Who’s here?

Without confirming again, Sonnet talked with a loud voice.

“Tell her to come in!”

The ladies-in-waiting, who had been smoothing out the ribbon wrinkles, looked up in surprise at the Princess’ voice.

Perhaps ashamed of her loud voice, Sonnet cleared her throat and cast her eyes down haughtily.

Then, she said to the knight who opened the door.

“She’s not a Bailey anymore. So next time call her Lara, the daughter of Isadora.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”


“How are you, Princess?”

It was Lara’s voice.

Sonnet wanted to greet Lara with a gracious manner befitting that of a Princess.

She was going to ask Lara why she came to her palace. She also wanted to say to her that she was not interested in the party, but as she was bored, she wanted to try to go there.

But the moment she saw Lara in front of her, her jaws dropped unconsciously.


Lara was standing at the entrance, wearing a black tailcoat with a thin tie and red fedora.

Her long hair was tied naturally in a ponytail, and her eyes were emphasized with heavy makeup. It was like seeing a demon wearing a tailcoat.


While Sonnet stood gazing blankly at Lara with her mouth open, the ladies-in-waiting who came to themselves first spoke on behalf of the Princess.

“Lady Lara, what’s going on?”

“I’m here to ask for permission to escort the Princess.”

There was no need to even ask for permission.

Sonnet could not bring herself to convey her feelings. So she kept nodding her head, while clenching her fist with her small hand.


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