The Guidebook for Villainesses

Chapter 48

Translator: Wawaa

Editor: WilsonWilson


It was a perfect party.

Lara’s friends looked happy and Princess Sonnet was excited. 

With delicious food and cheerful music, it was also quite fun to pretend to be a man in a tailcoat instead of wearing an uncomfortable dress. The young noblewomen who were flustered by Lara’s male attire at first approached her one by one and claimed her hand in dancing. Lara danced with a girl in a yellow chiffon dress and also a girl in a blue satin dress. 

Instead of getting drunk with alcohol, Eunice and Ximena were getting drunk with Sonnet’s loveliness.

Lara thought it was a perfect party.

Until Sidhar Hautean came.

The voice of the attendant announcing the arrival of the Prince and murmur of astonishment flooded the party hall.


Eunice looked at Lara and Sonnet with a sour face and soon moved toward the entrance.

It was to greet the guest as the host.

“I don’t know how to react when I know that Your Highness is visiting this shabby place.”

“It’s okay, Young Lady Dvonn.”

“If you could come inside and shine this…”

“Haha. I made you uncomfortable, didn’t I? I’m just here to pick up my dear Sonnet because I’m worried about her. A 14-year-old needs to sleep early to grow tall.”

He was like a model of a friendly and gentle brother.

The women who flocked toward the entrance to see the Prince poured out a sigh of admiration.

How can the Prince be so sweet?

Princess Sonnet must be very happy. How good would it be if I have a brother like him?

Their whispers only sounded like mosquitoes’ wings to Lara.

“I have to go.”

It was Princess Sonnet’s sullen voice that brought Lara to her senses.


“He’s difficult to deal with. He didn’t even listen to my request to be my partner, yet here he is…”

Lara raised up one eyebrow.

When Sonnet was very anxious because she still could not get a partner, he did not even listen to her. Yet he still came because he needed to pass himself off as an older brother who was worried about his younger sister to the nobles in the party hall.

That was characteristic of him.

If Lara were to choose things in her past that did not change in her second life, it would be her father and the Prince. He was exactly like what Lara knew. He hasn’t changed a bit.

Why did she feel relieved?

She thought she would cry and beat her breaking heart when she saw Prince Sidhar, but she did not. She felt better when she realized that he was the same human that the past Lara had known. And because she knew she could deal with him even when she was alone.

Blood circulated at her fingertips at high pressure, hardening with the tension. Sonnet looked up at her with a puzzled face.

“Princess, how was today?”

Lara asked.

Sonnet replied with sparkling eyes.

“I had so much fun. Lara… Thanks for being my escort.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Lara held Sonnet’s hand and moved toward the entrance of the party hall where the Prince was waiting.

Prince Sidhar looked up.

He gave a friendly smile to Sonnet. Then, he lowered his head slightly and reached out to Sonnet.

“Sonnet, did you have fun?”


Sonnet looked a little stiff. Lara found out that this little Princess had some idea of who her brother was.

“Young Lady Bailey. Ah, no. You’re now the daughter of Isadora. Thanks for escorting Sonnet.”

“It was nothing.”

Lara’s tone was calm and polite but her voice was stiff without any warmth.

Prince Sidhar laughed and said.

“You look good in men’s attire. I have always thought that you’re feminine… but did your tone also become stiff because you’re taking the role of a man here?”


Lara immediately denied him.

“I’m the kind of person who is only nice to people that I like.”

And that was not you.

Lara slightly lowered her head and made brief eye contact with Sonnet.

Her round and cute face was filled with joy.

Sonnet clasped Lara’s hand once and bobbed a curtsy to Lara.

The moment Prince Sidhar made his appearance, the main character of the party hall was him. He caught everyone’s attention. The music was cut off and no one danced. But only Sonnet and Lara gave no thought about Prince Sidhar. They answered his questions and greeted him politely but to both of them, the fact that he was there did not change anything.

Sidhar Hautean who was quick-witted quickly realized that, and in the meantime, he had to smile more softly than usual to maintain his friendly mask.

“Thank you for today, Lara.”

After saying goodbye to Lara, Sonnet reluctantly held the Prince’s hand.

The expression of slightly touching would be more appropriate than holding.

What good siblings they are.

Lara smirked.

“Come to think of it, Lara.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“I want to express my regret for the tragedy that happened to your family. I wish I could be of some help. Pain is said to be relieved if you tell someone about it. So if you need a friend, feel free to come and see me anytime.”

He was a good speaker.

If Lara did not know who he really was, she might have been moved to tears.

In fact, Eunice and Ximena were opening their eyes wide and poking each other in the ribs.

“That’s fine.”

Lara’s face got colder.

She knew why he was being so kind.

It was because of her mother, Isadora. Lara also knew how she was treated in the Hautean society these days.

But, what to do?

My mother and I will never support you.


After their short conversations, Prince Sidhar got in his carriage. He did not lose his firm mask until the end. When Princess Sonnet was going to get on the carriage, he even helped her so that she would not feel uncomfortable in her dress.

He greeted each and every noble who saw him off and called out all of them by name.

What a friendly monarch.

Lara stood a little far away and watched him drift away in his carriage.

Eunice did not want to do it but had no choice but to see the Prince off with the other guests.


Ximena approached and whispered in Lara’s ears.

“Why do you hate the Prince so much?”

“Because I have a good reason to do so.”

“Because of your father?”


Even without her father, she will come to hate him someday.

Lara, who took her eyes off the carriage, said as she entered the party hall.

“The Princess is not even here anymore. Are we still going to keep this atmosphere?”

“No way.”

Ximena called out Eunice with a loud voice.

“Oi, morning dew.!”

She was just called by her nickname, but Eunice immediately understood what it meant. She asked her servants to bring back the alcohol that they were ordered to clean up.

“My friends.”

Then, she came running with a big smile.

“Let’s enjoy the adult party!”

The gracefully lit magic lighting quickly turned into an erotic color. The band, which played only four beats dance music for the young princess, started to play slow and lewd music. The lovers danced with their bodies tightly together and strong alcohol piled up on the table.

Lara tried alcohol─something that she usually does not drink. 

According to Eunice, it was alcohol that could make you happy with just a shot. She wondered how strong it was for Eunice to say that, but when she finished a shot, her body temperature rose and her whole body became drowsy.

Lara put her red fedora on the table, took off her stuffy jacket, and hung it on the chair. Then, she asked Ximena, who was sitting next to her from before.

“Where’s your partner? What are you doing here?”

“He’s gone.”

“Where to?”

“I sent him off because the time was up. I would have to pay him more if I wanted to extend the time.”

“…Did you buy him?”

“I know him well. He said he needed money to pay for the school fee and wanted to get a job at a dirty bar so I helped him. From then on, he comes whenever I need a partner.”

“What a good person.”

“Yes, he is. He’s just poor.”

“Not him, but you.”

Ximena laughed with a dumbfounded face. She said that she had never heard such a compliment in her life. She scoffed at Lara and told her to tell Ximena’s father the same thing.


“What, you bish?”

“If we ever fight, how do you want us to resolve it?”

“What? Why would we fight?”

“Things happen in life. There could be a day where we fight.”

“Hey, I have never lost in my life… Do you want to fight with me?”

Ximena filled Lara’s glass with more drinks. Then, she laughed and said.

“Even Eunice had never won against me. How dare you, you who just became a troublemaker for less than a season, come at me?”


“You lose if you cry. She cries a lot. If someone cries next to her, she will also automatically cry. So embarrassing.”

They burst into laughter.

Their moods that were down with the unexpected encounter with Prince Sidhar became better again.

“If you’re going to fight me, come at me with all your strength. I’m not going to let you slide just because you’re my friend. Don’t hurt me unless you’re ready to sacrifice half your hair, you bish.”


“Lara, if you end up in a fight with someone, just tell me and Eunice. We won’t forgive you if you get beaten up.”

As Lara burst into laughter with trembling shoulders, Ximena stood up and looked at her.



“Shall we dance?”

Ximena was wearing a dark wine-colored dress, and her lips were of the same color. 

When Lara saw Ximena reaching out to her with a sensuous smile, she raised herself up.

No, she was about to raise herself up. 

Suddenly, a man in black appeared between the two and gently pushed Ximena’s hand away.

It was Demian.

He reeked of the heavy night breeze─a humid breeze. The cool outside air followed him and gave people the chills.


He grabbed Lara’s hand and raised her up.

“It’s my turn now.”

Demian’s voice was rough. He said in a hot, low voice as if it was coming from his chest, and not his neck.


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