The Heart is a Void: Ashes to Ashes

Chapter 129: Eye of the Tiger

Chapter 129: Eye of the Tiger

Crucis found a small open space between a clump of lush, flowery bushes, and crouched down to avoid detection.

He had checked carefully from the path, and found that the bushes here were too high and thick to see through, so he circled around the outer wall of the garden to find a way here.

Soon, he heard the wooden door creak open, as DigdugMan led LuegoLuego and GemsBond silently in. He peeked over the bushes, and saw that two more GildedKnights players had come along to watch.

As he guessed, they walked straight down the muddy path, towards a rectangular section of chalky cut grass which was going to be used as a PvP arena. Four white, small statues of unicorns were erected on round pedestals on each corner of this area, their bodies twisted like a river in the semblance of motion. Tonight, they almost looked a wan shade of light grey, but they would be a brilliant, waxy white by daytime.

He could dimly make out that there was another, larger such area in the back-right corner, next to a large, lily-shaped marble fountain. However, DigdugMan had mentioned that a larger group was also coming to practice soon, and it seemed likely that they would use the larger arena.

Once the group reached the cut grass, they fanned out along its edge as spectators, and the two combatants both stood on one side of the rectangle. GemsBond had seemingly trained quite hard in the time since they last met, and was now sitting on level 33, up eight levels. LuegoLuego was still only on level 27, but didn't seem ruffled by the level difference.

Although Crucis was pleased by GemsBond's industriousness, he figured that neither of these players were likely to make a substantial difference to the team's performance in the Arena. There would be plenty of teams with three well-developed players, and a few which had participated in the previous Arena and had more experience with the format. Assassins were typically not as strong in this kind of fight, and without a Guild it would be difficult to find a much better team. As a result, they would probably be able to qualify for the final stages of the tournament, but not get much further.

Their rewards were hence unlikely to alter, regardless of which low-level member joined.

While GemsBond was ready to fight, LuegoLuego still had his back turned to his opponent, and was engaging in a few theatrical practice cuts with his [Air-Light Wooden Training Sword]. This was a variant of the basic, bokken-like sword typically used for practice, but it moved more easily through the air and almost seemed to levitate, making it handle somewhat like a balloon in water. It typically favoured exchanges of high cuts and attacks. Crucis had heard of a few players that mixed in a few high-speed rising strikes from below, but this was difficult, since it wasn't easy to efficiently control the sword and bring it down once it was in the air.

GemsBond also had one of these swords readied. They were favoured for Arena practice, since they were seen as the closest equivalent to the specialised, high-flying wooden swords used in Arena.

However, a few players, including the Hashin which Crucis had met earlier, were using tradeskills to labouriously make more accurate practice swords, and even improve on the ones used in Arena while remaining within the regulations. The knowledge that went into this wasn't typically made public, however, and was mostly confined to a few groups who had participated previously or were high-ranking Guild members.

Eventually, LuegoLuego stopped his sword practice, with a contented expression, and turned to charge into an attack against GemsBond. However, DigdugMan calmly raised an [Earth Shield] in the middle of the Arena, drawing on the mud around it.

"Excuse me, wait for my signal to start the match," he said.

LuegoLuego frustratedly nodded, then walked backwards.

"Good catch," GemsBond chirped. "I was half-asleep by the time he finished his sword dance, I wouldn't have been able to block that."

"At least he wasn't put off by your level," DigdugMan replied.

"That much is clear."

The two combatants faced each other down, preparing to attack. After counting down for five seconds, DigdugMan told them to start.

LuegoLuego surged forward quickly, but GemsBond seemed more alert, and took a sudden, long step forward for a sweeping strike that caught LuegoLuego off-balance trying to parry. Capitalising on this, GemsBond managed a follow-up strike to the shoulders, managing to just about keep his sword from flying up into the air.

Chastened, his opponent took a few steps back, and began to fight more calmly in the centre of the area. At first, both of them had trouble with keeping their swords down, and occasionally made strikes which flew right over their opponents.

Crucis crept closer through a few shallower bushes, easily unnoticed because the group's attention was fixed on the fight. His black outfit wove between the bushes like a snake.

However, he soon dove into another clump of high bushes briefly, as a large congregation of GildedKnights players entered and headed towards the larger arena in the back corner of the garden. They didn't seem to pay much attention to the fight going on here, although a few offered words of encouragement to their Guildmate LuegoLuego. The two GildedKnights players who were already watching now left the fight to follow the larger group.

GemsBond had taken an early command of the fight, remaining 5% HP over LuegoLuego, but soon his opponent began to chip away at this advantage. The two fought cagily, with each heaving their sword into strikes that were easily parried, and their practice swords were not heavily damaging. However, Crucis noticed that some of GemsBond's strikes didn't seem to do any damage, while his opponent's were more damaging despite the lower level and Strength. Further, LuegoLuego didn't seem to even be bothering with serious strikes, instead just faintly touching GemsBond with the sword like in a fencing competition, but was strangely enough doing more damage.

While GemsBond adjusted to strike in the same way as LuegoLuego, this didn't seem to make any difference, and actually decreased his own damage. As such, went back to fighting normally.

Soon, LuegoLuego had managed to catch up with GemsBond, and both had 80% HP each. The first to lower their opponents to 33% would win.

GemsBond began to fight more conservatively, trying to fend off his opponent's damaging blows, but it was difficult because he was taking damage from even the faintest glance of the sword. Nonetheless, he slowly got used to the pattern of the fight, and managed to hold off an onslaught of aggressive blows, though only by the time that he was 3% HP lower than his opponent.

DigdugMan had examined the combatants before the fight, and reported to Crucis on the equipment that each was using, none of which would have allowed as much of a disparity in damage. Further, stats-wise, GemsBond was generally superior, while neither had artifacts or buffs that would make a difference to the fight. While GemsBond had clearly prepared for this fight well, going to dungeons and warming up before coming, LuegoLuego had never done a dungeon and had mostly stayed in Kruxol. He also seemed to have no idea that his damage was in any way unusual. As such, the results so far were unexpected.

Crucis was reluctant to let LuegoLuego win, because it was likely that Ligate would start tagging along as well. Further, GemsBond was clearly better at sword combat on the whole, and had levelled up quickly, so he seemed more likely to develop to a decent standard by the time of the Arena event.

The wooden swords clacked against each other harshly, as LuegoLuego continued trying to get a strike on GemsBond, often getting struck in the process. He was clearly absorbed in the thrill of the battle. While GemsBond's firm, high guard staved off most blows, and he wove his sword under LuegoLuego's to give a series of effective, disorienting strikes around the chest and head, he was still unable to catch up as the fight strayed away from him.

As the fight reached near its end, with LuegoLuego on 45% HP and GemsBond on 43%, GemsBond's movements suddenly seemed to slow down.

"What's wrong, Gems?" DigdugMan asked. "Your swings are getting stuck in mid-air."

"Yeah, heavy lag all of a sudden," GemsBond replied.

"It's just sour grapes," LuegoLuego said, retaining a serious, focussed expression. "He's upset that he can't win, so he's making up excuses."

DigdugMan shrugged, but let the fight continue. While he would have liked to have paused it, to see if the obvious lag issues would stop, there were a few GildedKnights members entering soon who would like to use this spot for a fight, and re-running it would take too long.

Nearing the fight, Crucis quickly typed out a message to DigdugMan.

Crucis: thrilling fight, i wonder who'll win

As the fight lurched to its close, with GemsBond valiantly fending off attacks as his HP drifted lower and lower, Crucis used [Arbiter] and crept closer to the action unseen.

Lag turned the sound of the fight into a cryptic, staccato rhythm, but it was obviously becoming progressively more one-sided.

In just under a minute, his silent, black-clad figure materialised behind LuegoLuego, who was on 38% HP and nearing victory. After one [Silent Stab] through the upper-back of the throat, LuegoLuego's low HP drained to 0% and his skin suddenly drooped lifeless and unmoving.

Crucis cast [Stealth Cloak] immediately after the strike, and darted off into the bushes.

He quickly received a private message.

DigdugMan: oi the bugger nearly won

DigdugMan: v. mean

Crucis: The race is not to the swift

DigdugMan: well i did say you could give your verdict on the fight

DigdugMan: a bit direct tho

DigdugMan: scared the f out of me

Crucis: ikr quality jumpscare

Crucis: btw, want to tag along for a dungeon tmrw?

DigdugMan: eh sure gildedknights refused to help me

DigdugMan: sry btw if any gildedknights see u in here they'll fight

DigdugMan: they even nearly kicked me out last time, bc they said i wasn't in a guild. had to ask byron for confirmation, then they interrogated him about it lol

Crucis: Take Gems and chill out in Kruxol.

Crucis: I'll make sure to negotiate diplomatically, as necessary.

Crucis: But it shouldn't be a problem, I'll follow you out in a second, let me just check my inventory first

DigdugMan: sure gl

DigdugMan: the door opens easily, no need for the key on the way out

DigdugMan: hurry up, btw, there's some DeathGang players hanging around and they might attack if they have a key

Crucis: kk

DigdugMan was fairly polite towards Crucis, especially since there weren't many high-level players who would help him otherwise. He had sent Crucis plenty of messages over the evening about how GildedKnights were sulking that DigdugMan hadn't attended the war, even though, as a non-Guild player, he hadn't received the messages telling him when to show up. Due to this 'desertion,' the Guild was even more stuffy than usual, and reluctant to give him much assistance.

In addition, he didn't want Crucis to kill him too right now.

He quickly healed up GemsBond, who was on 34% HP, and told him about Crucis' offer of a dungeon run.

As DigdugMan and GemsBond left the area, Crucis stayed still and sent messages to the DeathGang players to ready themselves and follow the next entrants towards the door.

Soon, four GildedKnights members opened the door to the garden, preparing to fight on the area just vacated. Scanning them, he saw that they were all around level 40, not a major threat.

As soon as they closed the door, Crucis used [Arbiter] and ran towards it. It took about 25 seconds to reach, due to the lag, but he cast [Stealth Cloak] so that it would take effect as soon as [Arbiter] ended.

Once the lag finished, he quickly opened the door, still unseen, then ran back into the bushes.

Six DeathGang Assassins darted through the entrance, also using [Stealth Cloak], and prepared to fight. They were all over level 50, with OudNasser being at level 59, so they comfortably out-levelled the GildedKnights players who were mostly in the level 40-45 range and peaked at level 56.

As the two groups surged into battle, with some GildedKnights players hastily trying to switch from wooden swords to normal ones as strikes rained down, Crucis picked out the level 56 GildedKnights player named [Keplier] and approached with sword drawn. This player looked familiar, but he didn't quite recall from where.

Keplier noticed his approach, and attempted a harsh [Overhead slash], but Crucis slowed and easily used [Dodge Step] to sidestep out of the way of the attack. He activated the [The Headless Horseman], and felt his skin begin to numb. Stepping forward for a [Slash] of his own, he was parried away, but used [Uncrossing of Blades] to follow-up immediately with another [Slash].

Keplier managed to deflect this faintly, but Crucis' Agility made it hard to avoid, and it slashed across Keplier's chest. The parasite was planted on Keplier.

Crucis immediately followed up with a [Lunge], shifting the angle of his blade and thrusting it through Keplier's chest, while at the same time using [Drift] to sidestep to the left and avoid an incoming counter-attack.

As he dodged to the left in a blur, he saw that his green-beige arm had extended to keep the sword in Keplier's chest. In a moment, it retracted, drawing out the blade. Keplier looked on, bemused.

"What the heck is going on? Maybe Massie was right?" Keplier shouted.

He looked to his right, and saw Crucis staring back towards him with red, glowing eyes, like the red eye effect from an old photograph. Over Crucis' rotted skin, he now seemed to have two dull red, bat-like demonic wings emerging from his back, although it was difficult to tell if this was a mirage or not. Black smoke bloomed from Keplier's chest wound.

As Crucis approached for another strike, Keplier grew frenzied and began flailing his sword in a sequence of slashes and lunges while trying to back away.

Crucis followed him slowly, with his sword held out to point at Keplier's chest wound.

As he stepped into range and prepared to strike, he saw Keplier aim a sweeping slash towards him. This was easily parried, due to the speed of the parasite's movement, and in the aftermath Keplier's blade was trapped far to his left side.

Crucis stepped forward firmly, and used [Lunge] again, thrusting his sword deep into Keplier's chest with another deep wound. He barely felt the sword's impact, due to the parasite's effect.

Finally, he used Agile Step to approach Keplier's flank, and, flicking his wrist, struck with a back-of-the-hand [Slash] that sliced a deep gash in Keplier's throat. Typically, this strike would have been too weak, but due to the parasite it was executed with high pace and mechanical efficiency, sending Keplier whirling to the ground.

After de-activating [The Headless Horseman], in order to avoid any serious harm, Crucis checked on his own HP. It was down to 60%. Seemingly, planting the parasite on his opponent had made it slightly less deleterious towards himself, so the HP loss was slightly slower than it had been when he tried it out earlier without an opponent. All the same, it would have been dangerous if he had used it for much longer.

His skin reverted to normal, and he approached the fallen Keplier, who seemed to be muttering a prayer which occasionally mentioned 'the demons.'

Crucis recalled where he had seen this player before. Keplier had been at the back of the Prayer Hallway during Massie's recent speech, watching sceptically and whispering his doubts to a friend. It's a pity, he was won over to Massie only when there was no longer a Massie.

As Crucis neared, Keplier's sword flailed out messily, but Crucis easily parried that away. Due to the effort put into the desperate strike, Keplier's sword spiralled out of his grip and fell to the side, curving slightly in the air due to the deflection from Crucis' sword.

Crucis leaned down slightly, and struck with a heavy [Mordhau] that caused Keplier's helmet to ring loudly.

The helmet was much firmer than the rest of Keplier's armour, and only sustained a few cracks, but Keplier threw it off in agony as it vibrated from the blow.

"It's too late to pray," Crucis said.

Crouching down, he withdrew his [Silver Crucifix Dagger], then used [Death by a Thousand Cuts] to unleash a series of stabs across Keplier's neck and injured chest, drawing a sequence of vomit-like suffocated screams, until Keplier lay dead.

The battle between the rest of the players had been frenzied, but one-sided. Without Keplier's support, his allies had fallen quickly, with only one DeathGang casualty. OudNasser, Akshel and Danemy had easily seen off most opponents, and the survivors could barely put up much resistance.

A player named [Aliov], retreating from Danemy, scrambled in Crucis' direction while trying to ford off Danemy's blows. However, he was met with a cold, fatal dagger to the back of the neck, as Crucis stood up and used [Precision Strike].

Crucis kicked the stiff corpse to the side.

Looking across the site of the battle, he saw Akshel holding one of the last GildedKnights survivors in a [Python Body], using his legs and arms to hold the victim's arms in place while lying beneath their head, and using his flank to press the enemy's head towards the chest. He used the grip on the victim's arms in order to press himself upwards like a lever, creating additional force against the head and neck. It was a skill which Crucis had gifted him before they reached Kruxol, since it pertained to the [Snake] sub-class.

Soon, the enemy lay faint, and Akshel easily thrust a dagger into the back of her neck to kill her.

"Thanks for that, quite fancy," Akshel said, turning to Crucis.

"No problem. Did they manage to call reinforcements?"

"There's a few GildedKnights gathered outside, but apparently they're still waiting on their strong players. Most are asleep, or have left Kruxol," Danemy said.

"Yeah," Akshel said, looking through his Guild chat, "Dicing says that one of our Guild's GildedKnights spies joined the small congregation outside, currently they're looking for someone who has a key to get in. Apparently we made quite an impression, so the people out there are also trying to call some level 50-60 players to show up before they dare entering."

"Then let's go before that happens," Crucis said.

"Yes, that is wise. It is time for celebration, not struggle," OudNasser said, smiling.

"Yeah, what he said," Crucis added, ducking out of the garden and back into the building where he had entered.

The rest of the DeathGang members followed.

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