The Immortal Player

Chapter 23: Parting ways with Kagat Village Part 2

Chapter 23: Parting ways with Kagat Village Part 2

"Ehhh?" Pedro paid less attention when Madame Soledad said that they'd be stopping somewhere nearby before they leave Kagat Village. He didn't expect that it would be the village shop.

"Is there a problem?" Madame Soledad responded to Pedro before heading in the village shop.

"Ahh... There is none... It's just that I need to go to the shop too!" Pedro explained, Madame Soledad just ignored him and entered the shop.


"Welco... Madame, how may I help you?" the saleswoman respectfully escorted Madame to the shop.

"I'm here to claim the money you promised for the skill I made!" Madame Soledad said in a serious tone.

"Ahh... About that Madame! To be honest, the shop is currently low on funds... we were able to only sell a few potions this past few days... And..." The saleswoman started to explain.

"And what?" Madame Soledad had a frown in her face...

"There was currently no one who was rich enough to buy skill shards nowadays!"

"Ohh... right! that man was looking to buy skill shards earlier!" The saleswoman immediately pointed to Pedro who was trying to hide behind Madame Soledad.

'Curses... This saleswoman is really cunning... To use me as an escape from Madame Soledad!' Pedro had a wryly smile on his face remembering how cunning the saleswoman was earlier.

"Oi... Newbie... did you say earlier that you have something to do in this shop... do it now!" Madame Soledad commanded Pedro like a boss.

"Yes... if you will excuse me..." Pedro went past Madame Soledad and went to the shop counter where the five skill shards (purchasable skills) that cost 1 gold coin was located.

"As my budget is limited, I could only purchase one of those skills... If you wouldn't mind, I would like to look at them first once again... Before that, I would trouble you to please prepare 1 gold coin worth of Intermediate potions..." He requested before checking the skill shards again. He slightly glances to Madam Soledad who in turn smiled at him like saying 'you're gonna buy the skill shard I made, right?'.

Pedro just smiled and returned his focus in choosing a skill shard.

"Sire... here is your 1000 pcs of Intermediate Potion!" The saleswoman pointed on 10 stacks of potion case that has 100 potions each.

"Here are two gold coins! As for the skill shard... I choose..." Before Pedro picks he shot a glance at Madame Soledad before he made his final pick.

"THIS!" Pedro selected the skill ~Luck enhancer 1~

"Thank you for your purchase!" The saleswoman bowed as she received the payment.

"Woooooooosh!" Sudden heavy magic energy was felt within the area. Pedro slowly turned his head and saw the fuming Madame Soledad.

"Is... Is there something wrong with my choice?" Pedro asked fearfully with a forced smile to Madame. The saleswoman, however, was calmly standing at the counter.

'one point for Pedro!' Pedro thought inwardly like a child.

"Haa... What's wrong with it? With that purchase, I am sure you can pay me 1 gold coin now?" Madame Soledad returned to her calm self and asked the saleswoman about the payment.

"Unfortunately Madame... The gold coins were allocated for us to pay the rent for this month and the past month so we can't currently pay you with the golds the shop has recently earned.

'Seriously? You really wanna make the old woman angry?' Pedro realized inwardly that the saleswoman got by her greed and is not willing to depart from the 2 gold coins she recently earned.

"YOU!" Madame Soledad shouted angrily and her eyes turned all black this time...

'We're dead!' Pedro started to dash towards the shop's door while activating his inventory interface to store all the potions and the skill shard he had purchased.

"The shop is really on the edge of closing... Luckily, a huge number of adventurers suddenly appeared today. And the shop might make it somehow. Unfortunately, we truly don't have the capability to pay you right now!" The saleswoman explained.

'Did she just used her god's eye again?' He had a wryly smile while looking to his Master.

"If that's the case, then how will you pay me?" Madame Soledad asked in a serious tone...

"Hmm... Perhaps a trade Madame? You can pick a skill shard of the same cost or a certain number of cheaper skill shard or potions?" The saleswoman barely responded with sweat in her face.

"A trade huh?" Madame Soledad glanced to Pedro who in return was about to run out of the shop. Pedro smiled to Madame Soledad like a thief who got caught and was to make a run for his life.

"Very well! Newbie! Go select one more skill shard! Take this as an acceptable gift from your master! I'll head outside and wait for you!" Madame Soledad left the shop

'I thought I would die from the rollercoaster ride of sudden decrease and increase in magic energy in the atmosphere!'

"I'd gladly accept your gift Master!" Pedro slowly glanced to the saleswoman with a creepy smile in his face.

"Then... I choose... THIS!" Pedro took the skill shard and placed all his purchases into his inventory. After that, he also left the shop.


"Master!" Pedro called Madame Soledad like their relationship is of that of a student and a teacher.

"... Just call me Madame!" She answered

"Then, Madame! can I ask where are we heading? when will you teach me skill-making?" The exited Pedro asked gleefully.

"Be at ease... It's not ideal to teach you here... and you'll learn soon where we are heading! It's not like you've roamed around the whole continent!" Madame explained.

"OK!" Pedro didn't pry anymore to Madame Soledad. Prying into her matters might anger her or think that Pedro is some kind of spy which he doesn't want to happen.

'Well... Actually, I have roamed around the whole Eastern Continent!'


Just as Pedro was about to leave Kagat Village with Madam Soledad, He encountered the trio and Mathew took the chance to talk to him.


"Expert brother! What a coincidence! I was about to search for you!" Mathew, A.k.a. Happy Face Killer approached Pedro with a kind gesture.

"???" Pedro was confused as he scratches his head.

'Another problem? right... I had an S-class, Chain quest!'

'Naaah... at best, on level 50 to 100, I could get three or four of these... but this opportunity to be Madame's apprentice is once in a billion! so... I'm definitely gonna stick to the Madame no matter what!'

"For what reasons? If you have matters with me, please add me to your friend list." Pedro opened his player interface and added Mathew.

"I'm sorry... I'm currently in a hurry... so I have to leave now!" Pedro pointed to the slightly irritated Madame Soledad as soon as Mathew added him.

"Oh... No worries expert brother! Let's just message each other, if that's not convenient!" Mathew replied.

"Ok! See you then!" Pedro nodded in agreement and quickly followed Madame Soledad.

Mathew bowed slightly that astonished Bert and Star that made them both bow slightly also.

'A fish finally took the hook! One expert down... Many more to go!' Pedro was filled with glee upon the personal approach of Mathew.

This was because Mathew, Happy Face Killer, was a professional gamer who owned a "god's eye" called "Eyes of Nullification" which made Mathew's eyes became all gray and any player or NPC that he had Eyed or focused on cannot activate any active skill within a certain range, that was rumored that increased as Mathew levels up.

"Madame! can I have a minute! I have something to talk with that man!" Pedro pointed to Village Soldier Tam.

"Respected Village Soldier Tam! I am sorry to inform that..." Pedro ran towards Village Soldier Tam. Upon reaching him, he bowed forty-five degrees and expressed his deep apologies. But before he could finish Village Soldier Tam interjected.

"It is quite unfortunate considering I have high hopes for your talent... but seeing you in better hands, I can only regret!"

"???" Pedro was a bit confused inwardly.

"Go now! You shouldn't keep someone like her waiting!" Village Soldier Tam took his tobacco and started smoking. He looked a bit down, but not that hopeless, because he still had the trio.

"Till then!" Pedro left quickly and returned to Madame Soledad.


"Do you have any more agendas? Wanna sleep in the forest tonight?" Madame Soledad scolded Pedro.

"No Madame!" Pedro answered in a shout!

"Then move your big a$$! Make sure you don't lag too far behind!" Madame continued to scold as she started walking.

"Where's the carriage?" Pedro asked

"What carriage?! We're walking you lazy pig!" Madame Soledad angrily answered. Pedro kept his head down and walked behind Madame Soledad. At some time he glances at the fading view of the Kagat Village.

'It's been just a short time, But I gained allot! One day I'll return!' Pedro thought to himself as he returned his look back forward.

'On a point... those rumors that the great skill-maker Madame Soledad Laparas has a quite character was true!' After experiencing reality, Pedro wore a wryly smile after confirming the rumors in his past life was true.

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