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8 months ago
Magic has returned. Those who have safeguarded the most worthless knowledge will begin to... Read more Magic has returned.Those who have safeguarded the most worthless knowledge will begin to dream the most epic dreams.…Annotation:The blessing of magic returns to the Earth, which has lost the power of magic after the past "golden age". It tells about the life of the main character, who comes into confrontation with an organization that has been secretly monopolizing magic for a long time. Collapse Arms Dealers, Army, Artifacts, Calm Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Cold Protagonist, Confident Protagonist, Crime, Criminals, Cruel Characters, Eye Powers, Genius Protagonist, Leadership, Magic, Male Protagonist, Modern Day, Past Trauma, Politics, R-15, Revenge, Ruthless Protagonist, Secret Organizations, Special Abilities, Wealthy Characters, Schemes And Conspiracies, Slow Cultivation Ch16 so far and it's surprisingly good. You're immediately plunged into the boots of an international underworld boss, with discussions on international weapon trafficking and intrigue in addition to what's conveyed in the lacking synopsis.It takes a little to get into any adventure or action, but it helps a lot to establish both worldbuilding as well as potentially big actors in the story, including the MC.The translation is mostly well done. No issues at all with the language but some few things don't seem to have been translated well or at all.You can still carry on with reading with no issue, but some things you might have to read further to figure out through context clues, like the difference between 'magic power' and 'magic power' lolSo far the novel seems more 'full' as opposed to the 'quick and cheap' that is quite numerous on this site. It's not for everyone, I know, but those with more mature tastes will likely enjoy it...or at least I can guarantee so till ch16.I see no potential reason to stop reading so far. I'll update when I have more to add. Ch26 and it's still good. Interesting story.Translation work is still legible but mistakes are pretty common.And the content is very graphic. Descriptive murder and torture. Underworld stuff. Brutal killing of innocents.The MC and his people aren't good people. Principled in their own way, but not good.If you're squeamish, or are looking for heroic adventures, best avoid this one. Ch65 Still interesting but bogged down by a high ratio of discourse on logistics, politics, planning and self-reflection compared to storytelling.If you get bored to tears by voluminous info dumps it may be best to skip this one. looks bad What do you call a 6 year old with no friends? A sandy hook survivor. Is this from Peter pan? no, it's from a school shooting where kids were killed.