The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 105 Bloody Mirror




The crowd burst with excitement as the announcer called out both universities, it is really hype and crowded with thousands of people gather around the Ring of Tenacity.

It is more hectic compared to the opening, people stack against each other on the first floor.

The day where Rosie's fate will be determined has come, and the miss of the hour is currently fidgeting her hands in the backroom.

Rosie felt immense pressure from the tournament, her expression is pale as cold sweat run down her forehead.'

For her, this tournament is not just a tournament. It is her life.

Adhara came from the side, she comforts Rosie, "It's okay you don't have to be so nervous, it's just a tournament. You just need to do your best, I'm sure you'll be fine"

Rosie nodded her head, 'If it's just a tournament, then I won't be this nervous'

She then glances at Rex who is looking through the weapon provided, he notices Rosie staring at him.

He glances back and smiles reassuringly,

Seeing this, Rosie averted her gaze, 'It's Rex, there's no way he will lose instantly against Kevin'

Meanwhile, Rex is also nervous because of the burden.

'Calm down, you'll be alright even with the 30% stats reduction. No worries', Rex thought, he's trying to calm himself down.

Although he looks calm on the outside, he ran through each sword to ease down his nerve.

He tries each of the swords but he doesn't feel comfortable with all of them, 'These swords are not compatible with me'

Rex takes a random sword, he approaches Hera and said, "Ms. Hera, I will go look if they have any other weapons"

"What's wrong with these ones? There're 10 swords and you're telling me there's none to your liking?", she said.

Rex shrugs his shoulders, "Nope, let me just look the other I won't be long", he holds the random sword while leaving the backroom.

"It will start in thirty minutes! So please come back before then", Hera shouted.

'Well, Faraday University sent assassins to test me. I don't trust the weapons they provided', he thought.

While thinking this, Rex is unsure of his nervousness.

He's unsure whether he's skeptical or because he needs fresh air. Or perhaps both.

Rex went out of the backroom, he walks past the robots guarding the backroom.

'Where can I find weapons? the System? but I don't want to use my gold for a one-time use thing', Rex though, he mainly use battle gloves so buying a sword with the little gold left makes him uncertain.

He went to the hallway aimlessly, he's uncertain as to what will he do.

The backroom entrance is in the basement, they're not using the regular entrance because of how packed the first floor is.

It is specially made for contestants to prepare,

Faraday University's backroom entrance is on the other side, so Rex won't meet Kevin here.

Rex paces around the hallway aimlessly, he then decided to went to the bathroom to wash his face.

Arriving at the bathroom, he roughly tossed the sword and turns on the sink,

He then washes his face,


'What's wrong with me, why am I feeling so uneasy for some reason', Rex thought.

Although Rex felt nervous about the upcoming match, he shouldn't be this nervous.

He felt his breaths are heavier than usual, the air around him felt suffocating as he loosens the button on his collar.

While he washes his face, he suddenly realizes.

'Wait, the SCO is an anti Awakened organization. I use Black Lightning in front of the whole world yesterday, they certainly will know about it', Rex thought.

He didn't pay any attention because of the moment hype but now he realizes what he did.

Rex leans his hand on the wall, 'Is that why I unconsciously get nervous? Because I'm scared that the SCO will find out? No...'

He scoops the water from the sink and splashes it on his face,

But then, he felt something wrong.

Rex opened his eyes, he jolted back when he saw the water he splash to his face turns into blood.

"What's happening?! What?", he steps back unconsciously.

The blood on his hand is so thick, the smell of blood infiltrates his sense.

He looks at his hand and he can see it is filled with blood, the sink is also spewing blood and it started to spill on the floor.

Rex was shocked, he didn't know how did this had all happen.

He then looks at the mirror and what he saw greatly shocked him to his core,

In the mirror, he saw a horrifying creature that is bathed with blood.

Her body is covered with blood from head to toe, she's standing on a weird symbol with chains on four of her limbs. They seem to be doing a ritual, all of them are chanting weird chants as the creature struggled to break free.

The creature's eyes are blazing red with weird black patterns in them, it was horrifying.

While Rex gazes into this creature's eyes, the creature suddenly stopped struggling.

Rex held his breath unconsciously, his eyes started to widen when he saw the creature's head slowly turn in his direction.

She stares at Rex's eyes directly, a smile crept on her face revealing four sharp fangs.

The creature then stretches out her hand and points at Rex, her red blazing eyes started to shed tears of blood.

Rex's heart thumps faster, the creature seems to points directly at his soul.

A creepy smile appeared on the creature's face, she then whispers lightly, "I...will find you",


Rex shouted as his surroundings turn back to normal, he's gasping for air.

'What was that?

Just as Rex wondered, a system notification appeared in front of him.

<Sudden Quest>

<Eternal Curse>

The user has triggered a curse creating a connection between the user and the cursed creature, it is a very powerful curse that will bound with the user eternally until the user dies. Find a way to break the curse!

Quest Reward will be calculated based on the user's performance.

Quest Failure: The user will die

Rex looks at this with a huge shock, he still didn't know what happened and where the quest came from.

He touches his chest with heavy breaths, 'What the hell was that?'

'System what was that? What happened to me?', Rex asks, he can only rely on the system during these times.

<The user has triggered a curse>

Reading this, Rex asks again, 'I know that, but how did I trigger it?'

The system didn't answer even after he waits for a while, the system's silence makes Rex felt troubled.

After the incident, Rex takes his sword and left the place. He didn't even turn off the sink.

The words from the creature he saw are still reverberating in his mind, he can't shake it off.

Rex grabbed the door handle and opens it but was startled, there's a person standing in front of the door.

The person was also startled but quickly change her expression to normal,

Looking at her, Rex was confused, "I think you're on the wrong toilet, the girl toilet is over there", he said.

He walks past the woman, his mind is filled with many things right now.

"You must be Rex Silverstar", a soothing voice crept to Rex's ears, the woman called out to him.

Hearing this, Rex frowns, 'Now that I remember, this place can only be entered by Ochyra University representatives'

Rex turns his body and said, "Who are you?"

The woman looks graceful, her slender legs, her upright posture, and even the way she walks gave a noble vibe to it.

There is a sword on her waist, it looks gorgeous from a glance.

'That's definitely a high-ranking sword, she's definitely from some well-known family', Rex thought.

Her high heels click every time she steps, "I thought you will recognize me, I'm sad"

Although she said she's sad, Rex can tell she's just pretending.

Rex got even more confused, he never has a hard time remembering people's faces so if he didn't recognize someone then he's sure he never met them.

"I'm sorry, we never met before", Rex shrugs her remarks.

The woman chuckles lightly, her slow stead steps were light and graceful, "Well considering you made fun of my brother using me, I thought that you recognize me"

'Brother?', Rex thought, he then realizes who this woman is.

"So, you're Kevin's older sister", Rex said, he realizes that this woman in front of him is Kevin's sister.

Well now that he realizes it, the similarity becomes evident in his eyes.

Her red hair matches exactly with Kevin's, her silky smooth skin added with her fine delicate face gives her a graceful look.

The woman smiles gently, she then said, "I never met someone as daring as you, I'm impressed"

Rex chuckles, "Well it seems Ms. Luc, you haven't met a man yet"

"I clearly haven't indeed", she replied with a smile.

The woman's aura makes Rex felt uneasy, he wanted to taunt her and go but somehow her aura makes him unable to come out with the words he wants.

He then said, "Why are you here Ms. Luc"

"I'm just here to say hi, and to thank you for making me laugh", she said gracefully.

She then glances at Rex's sword, "That's not a sword for a top student", she said while looking at the basic sword Rex held.

Rex got embarrassed, "I don't normally use a sword, I only use it for the Manticore"

"Ah Manticore, yes, quite a beast I must say", she mumbles, her hands then travel to the sword hilt before she suddenly takes the sword out.


Rex jumped back, her movements startled him.

The woman waves the sword in front of her, it is blitzing with electricity even when the woman just held it in front of her.

She then smiles, "Silver Copious Sword, made by a rank seven Heaven Lightning Elementalist"

Rex looks at the sword and was instantly mesmerized,

The sword waves majestically under the woman's hand, its roar of sharpness can even be heard as it cut through the wind.

The cross-guard spread with two dragon heads, there is a blue jewel on its center.

Looking at Rex who is mesmerized by the sword, the woman smiles before she tossed the sword to Rex.


Rex caught the sword, he was confused but the sword distracted him.

The blitzing cry of lightning reverberated in his ears, he can feel the heaviness of the sword and it feels perfect.

He touches the sword, the electricity didn't attack him. In contrast, it became subtle.

Rex ran through his fingers on the detailed lines on the sword's fuller, he was mesmerized by the sword as he gave it a few swings.


It dances through the air beautifully, one word came to his mind. Impeccable!

"You like the sword?"

The woman's voice snapped Rex back to reality, "It's impeccable, I never saw a sword this beautiful"

Although Rex doesn't consider himself as a sword expert, with years of training in the Special Reconnaissance, he has his share of swords.

And out of all of them, this sword is the best he ever wield.

The woman walks closer to Rex,

She reaches out her hands and fixes Rex's collar gently, "I'll let you borrow the sword", she said.

After fixing Rex's collar, her hands slowly went down to Rex's pocket before she continues, "Just don't forget to give it back to me"

She taps Rex's pocket a couple of times before she turns her body.

The woman walks along the corridor gracefully, she stopped at the end of the hallway before she glances at Rex.

"Nice to meet you, Sir Rex Silverstar. And, Good Luck!", she said before she disappears around the corner.

Rex was stunned, he looks at the sword in his hand and thought, 'How did she know I will use a sword'

'More importantly, I forgot to ask her name', he then remembers the scene before.

Rex checks his pocket and found a note there,

He opened the note, "157-555... Call me if you want to meet, Evelyn Luc"

Reading this, Rex looked back to where Evelyn disappear and mumbles, "Evelyn huh..."

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