The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 1070 Demented Reason

Chapter 1070  Demented Reason

Rex puts on a facade of confidence in the face of the ultimate power of the ancient world.

He was standing motionlessly, holding the Amuerus Katana firmly in his hand. n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Even though he was accustomed to a world of extreme violence through the battle he had with his past enemies, none could come remotely close to the Executor. Rex could feel the weight of his past defeats pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket.

All his senses were heightened and stimulated at this intense moment.

It was a moment that would determine the world's future.

Coming from ahead of him was the distant howl of the wind that seemed to echo the doubts that still lingered in his heart, whispering reminders of his previous failures against the being before him, the Executor.

Every nerve in his body tingled with anticipation.

My legs... they are trembling.

Rex tilted his head down, seeing his legs that were crumbling at the weight of the moment.

Despite not wanting to admit the feeling he was experiencing right now, it was undoubtedly fear—its taste lingering on the tip of his tongue. His body also responded to the fear greatly. His breath came in short gasps, and his sweat dampened his palms.

Had he not gripped the Amuerus Katana with mana, it might slipped out of his hand.

But amidst the trembling uncertainty, Rex remains strong.

His bravery was on full display as he looked at the Executor with fiery determination.

It was usually the other way around—anyone would be experiencing fear to fight me but now the situation was reversed. The feeling of fear is an instinctual response to perceived threats—meaning that my body knows that I could die here.

Not once had he ever seen the Executor in a state other than overwhelming arrogance.

One look is enough to tell that the Executor fancies himself a God.

Anything other than him is nothing but mere tools, lesser beings that should bow under him.

Such an absolute air of certainty put immense mental pressure on Rex.

Refocusing back to the Executor, he squared his shoulders and steeled his resolve.

Despite the army doing great against the barrage of advanced weaponry, there's still a sliver of chance of them being defeated. I can't show a bad appearance until the opposing army is defeated completely. I should stall for time until the Ice and Snow Princess arrived.

Fighting the Executor would undoubtedly be hazardous.

On top of not yet attaining the ninth epiphany in his cursed power, he must stand resolute on the battlefield until the Supernatural Army is sure to defeat the Human Army. Maintaining the morale is crucial in determining the outcome of the battle.

Thus, Rex decided to stall, there was no need to rush and take the Executor down.

He needs to be patient.

Looking at the Executor dead in the eye, Rex said, "Before we fight, why is your aim here?"

"What do you aspire to gain from doing this?" He added, squinting his eyes.

Upon hearing this, the Executor tilted his head eerily and raised his sharp claw-like fingers to tap on his chin a couple of times, "What do I gain from this battle, huh...?" He mused before a wicked smile appeared on his face. "I think you already know the answer to that,"

"Yes, the mythical weapon at the Symposium, I know," Rex nodded. "But I'm not asking that"

Rex was not asking about the purpose of this battle.

Since the Executor knew that Rex possessed the System, he probably already expected that Rex already had an idea of why he was aiming for the Symposium. In fact, the Executor even presumed that Rex was aware of his identity as the Fifthborn.

The youngest out of all the Executors.

In his mind, the System knew everything, just like how the Supreme One knows everything.

But if not asking about the purpose of the battle, the Executor was confused.

Perceiving the Executor's genuine confusion, Rex expounded, "I'm not asking about the aim of you being here, I'm asking the reason why you seek to enslave all Supernatural creatures. Since you are born with strength, it's hard to imagine you harbor hatred toward them due to personal tragedy in the past,"

Every single person that talked of the Executor always incited that he was hateful.

However, Rex couldn't decipher the source of this deep hatred.

While it may be true that there were probably times in the past when the Executor suffered a humiliating defeat against the Supernaturals, the hatred that was birthed from those kinds of incidents shouldn't make him want to enslave all Supernaturals.

Just like Rex himself, he was hateful of the Supernaturals in the near past.

Slowly, that hatred was waning after the resolution.

He once thought of eradicating all Supernaturals, but after the resolution he had against the Werewolf who killed his parents, Ruston, he learned that embracing genocidal tendencies—perpetuates the cycle of suffering, resulting in more people experiencing the same suffering as him.

Rex doesn't want that, he wants that to end.

Due to those things, he concluded that the Executor must have an unresolved hatred.

"So what is it, Fifthborn? Why are you fixed on enslaving the Supernaturals?" He asked again.

Upon hearing this, the Executor lowered his face.

At the sight of the Executor reacting this much, Rex's eyes flickered in anticipation.

It must be really bad if thinking about it made him act like this.

Eventually, Rex was utterly caught off guard when a light chuckling sound reverberated, the source was the Executor. He was initially chuckling, but that chuckle gradually swelled into a hearty laughter.

Rex looked at him in complete confusion, he wasn't expecting the Executor to react like this.

Akin to hearing the funniest joke, the Executor indulges in the laughter.

"Reason...? You ask for my reason? Hahahaha~!" the Executor laughed again before his face shifted into a mocking one. "Do you really think someone like me—who has absolute power would need a reason to enslave you all? Ah~ my apologies, I thought you were at least a tiny bit different than the rest, but you are the same"

"I don't have a reason, I did this because I want to—because I like it," He added, grinning.

Albeit aware that the Executor was demented, Rex was still surprised.

Despite all of the heinous acts that he had done in the past and even in the new era, at the very least he thought that the Executor would be sane enough to have a reason. But seems like he was gravely mistaken.

He's no Human, he's a monster inside an empty shell of a human body.

But as if it was not enough, the Executor raised his index finger in a sudden realization, "Ah, but if I must articulate a reason—it's simply because you're all beneath me. Your existence serves only to make my own better, nothing more, nothing less"

"Don't you agree, Royal Black Prince?" He asked back. "It's the natural way of living,"

With arms outstretched in an aura of pompous arrogance and feigned holiness, the Executor persisted, "Since in this new era, I reign as the sole God of the world—I alone am worthy as to be a God. It's only natural for you, lesser beings to worship your God."

"Even the people that fought alongside you here? Are they also lesser beings?" Rex asked.

His expression was already as dark as the darkest midnight.

It was obvious that he was taking the Executor's words badly, letting them get into his heart.

Surveying the entire battlefield, from the amalgamation of Awakened fighters to the military forces, and even the Black Hands that were in a desperate struggle against the Supernatural Army for the sake of helping his aspirations, the Executor smirked derisively.

Not even needing to know what he was about to say, Rex already knew that it was bad.

"Of course, they are different than the Supernaturals," the Executor replied. "But regardless, they are still a lesser being. Well, if I had to classify them, then they are a second-rate slave while the Supernaturals are third-rate"



Upon hearing this, Rex's aura exploded, gushing out torrents of cataclysmic energy.

"I had enough of you, Executor," He mumbled raspingly.

Even though he knew that talking his way into the Executor wouldn't work, there was not a chance that he could've guessed the words that came out of the Executor's mouth. He was operating in a world only known to his arrogant mind.

Now Rex understands that others' lives are nothing inside the Executor's eyes.

Just the thought of these people fighting for the Executor made his blood boil like magma.

A leader who doesn't care about his people isn't fit to lead.

It's partially my fault so I have to do my part and fix this, the Executor must die!


Rex's entire body erupted once more with a torrential surge of energy, surpassing any power he had unleashed thus far in the battle. His energy spreads like wildfire, affecting the entirety of the battlefield—capable of overwhelming anyone within its influence with a crushing force.

Some of the less-stronger people, or injured people were crushed into meatpaste.

Not even pulling back, Rex activated both of his King Marks.

A full moon mark could be seen adorning his forehead with half of it red and the other black.

Upon the activation of his King Mark, his skin began to crack, exuding a blend of color that emanated the kingly energy that is reserved for the apex of Werewolf society. Rex's power shot through the roof because of this.

Added with the enhancements from his skills and also Mavenna, he has reached a new sky.

It was safe to say that he was the strongest he had ever been.

"For the betterment of the entire world and the future of all living beings, I swore that before this battle was over, I'd expose your false godhood, Executor—revealing that even those you deem lesser beings possess the power to bring you down," Rex proclaimed, his words a firm challenge to the arrogant Executor.

Even if he were to die in this battle, he swore that he would fulfill this promise.

Not even death would stop him from crushing the Executor's God complex.

Responding the same, the Executor also gradually activated his Chaos element, even sharper than the one Lisnguanx was emitting. In addition, this was the first time for Rex to see the full might of the Executor Chaos element.

Just the tip of its power sent a shiver down his spine.

Unlike Rex's aura, which exudes destructive power and oppressive authority as the supreme Alpha, the apex Werewolf, the Executor's Chaos aura is like a cold breeze of air in the night, capable of swallowing any glimmer of light.

In this situation, however, this Chaos aura was aiming to swallow the light of hope.

The hope that an entity capable of defeating him in the future will never be birthed.

Crushing all hope through the death of the Royal Black Prince.


Only the friction of their clashing auras was enough to create a vicious whirlwind that spread through the battlefield, capturing the attention of those who were close enough to feel every ounce of energy produced by the face-off between the leaders of the two opposing sides.

For a fleeting moment, the entire battlefield paused to look at these two.

However, it was then that the Executor made a move.

"Can you keep up with me, Royal Black Prince?" He asked, smiling from ear to ear. "I wanted to stretch, and you might suffice in helping me do that. Since this is not the main event, I will use you to prepare myself"

Upon hearing this, Rex raised an eyebrow in confusion.

But it was then that the Executor added, "What? You don't think this is my limit, don't you?"

"In case you forget, I haven't used my elemental spirit yet. Do you want to meet with it...?"

Not even giving Rex time to process what he said, a creature of immense power, drawn from the deepest part of the Abyss itself, materialized behind the Executor—fixing its gaze upon Rex with profound curiosity.

Rex marveled at this creature in utter shock.

"What is that...? Even Devo is a child compared to that" He gasped sharply.

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