The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 1082 Welcome to My World

Chapter 1082  Welcome to My World

It was a decision Rex had made from the start.

Gistella and Flunra were the ones who would know more about the plan against the Executor.

Not that he harbored distrust toward the others, but he chooses the two of them through an unbiased view, based solely on their characters. Flunra's seasoned wisdom—honed through confronting myriad challenges, rendered him a dependable choice.

Meanwhile, Gistllea has always been obedient toward him.

Both have little to no chance of ruining the plan, swayed by the heat of the moment.

Aside from that, both of them also have the perfect traits for the tasks.

Such as the knowledge of ancient runes.


Creating a splashing of water sound, the marks on their palms exploded with forceful energy.

Looking from a bird's eye view, the marks belonging to the girls expanded and enveloped the entire Supernatural Army, exploding a bluish energy that burst past the Supernaturals around them—catching them off-guard.

It made the Supernaturals react strongly towards the three.

Many of them thought that Adhara, Evelyn, and Calidora were from the opposing army.

But their scents—showing clearly that they were also Supernaturals made the army hesitate.

At the heart of the Supernatural Army, the place where Carmilla and the noble Vampires were located, started to realize that the outburst of energy from the marks did something to them, and the one to notice first was Carmilla herself.

Scouting her eyes around, she noticed blue sparks from her forces.

Naturally, the others quickly realized the same and turned to the source of these sparks.

"Hmm...? It's not hostile, this energy, what is this?"

"It was responding to my slave mark!"

"You're right! It's securing the slave mark. How can this be? My slave mark, it's deactivated!"

Many surprised gasps came from the entire Supernatural Army.

As it turns out—the blue sparks were coming from their slave mark that was being attacked by the bluish energy. Only half a minute had passed, yet the entire army found liberation as the slave marks got dissolved, dispelling the weakening influence imposed by the Exeuctor's presence.

Like a raging tidal wave, the disappearance of the weakening effect recovered their powers.

In mere seconds, the aura coming from the Supernatural Army soared.

Adhara, who was in the midst of Demons, scanned her eyes around to see the effect.

But it didn't take long for her to be pleasantly surprised to see that the slave marks, branded on these Demons' bodies in ancient times, marking them as slaves were glowing blue before slowly dying down.

Looking down at the mark on her palm—shaped like the letter 'X'—she smiled broadly.

"It worked! Flunra's nullification mark really worked!" She muttered.

Similarly, Evelyn and Calidora were also shocked to see that it actually worked smoothly.

One that was shocked the most was actually Calidora.

Knowing that the slave mark branded on the Supernaturals as a punishment from the ancient humans is very complex—a combination of a multitude of runes and formations that couldn't be deciphered even by the Enchanters, she was shocked that Flunra managed to break it.

'He might not be blessed with power, but his knowledge of runes is paramount' She thought.

Glancing over to the other side, her eyes flickered with anticipation.

Since the nullification mark was successful, Calidora was curious about the other mark.

If the other one was successful too, then Flunra's work is flawless.

Moving to the other side, Flunra and Kyran targeted the stronger part of the Human Army to use the mark on. While Flunra veered eastward toward the Horsemen of Chaos, Kyran made his way to Brigitta's position.

Just like what the girls did, the two also activated the mark on their palms.


A red outburst of energy exploded from their marks, hitting the people around them strongly.

Unaware of what was happening, the Horsemen of Chaos and also Brigitta created a barrier to protect themselves from the energy. Brigitta and one Horsemen of Chaos reacted quickly and managed to avoid the red energy.

But the other two Horsemen of Chaos and the other humans were not fast enough.

Each got hit by the energy and was instantly washed by dizziness.

Only a couple of the stronger ones could fight back the imposed dizziness on their minds and feel the searing sensation on one part of their bodies. Those few individuals realized that there was a mark forming.

It was glowing red, and taking shape in the form of crimson sheep's head.

Veins bulged around the fiery sigil, pulsating with the raw power of foreign runic energy.

As each second passed by, the mark seemed to thrum with life, a testament to the magical forces that coursed their veins. A sense of dread mingled with confusion, for none of them knew what this mark was going to do to them. n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Brigitta, on the other hand, could feel a bad premonition from this mark.

Even though she didn't get affected thanks to her quick reaction, other than her and two of the Horsemen of Chaos, the human forces got afflicted with this mark. "What are you doing—Kyran?! Tell me what these marks do right this instant!"

Upon hearing this, Kyran, in his berserk state could only smirk devilishly.

His mouth was sealed shut.

Gritting her teeth, Brigitta charged at him, intending to force the answer out of his mouth.

But when the tip of her longsword was about to reach its mark, Kyran's form darkened.

He turned into a lump of shadow and sunk into the ground.

Looking at the ground where he disappeared into—Brigitta charged her weapon with a spell and thrust down, exploding the entire place with a violent torrent of corrupted wind. But she knew that her attack would do nothing, and Kyran managed to slip away.

Meanwhile, Rex looked at the grand show with an evident smile.

I know that Flunra has finished the nullification mark, breaking the slave mark branded on the Supernaturals—but I didn't think he would be able to inflict his own version of the slave mark onto others. He exceeded my expectations, I should reward him.

Upon the appearance of the Executor, Rex noticed one obvious thing he induced.

He noticed Solomon's slave mark.

Following that, he also noticed that other Supernaturals were also weakened greatly by it.

Rex was troubled, especially when he saw Flunra having one.

Although he seemed to not care about anything other than his pack members, he was quite aware of his surroundings. Due to that—Rex gave Flunra the book to expand his knowledge about ancient runes and assigned him a task to decipher the slave mark.

In order to win against the Executor, such a problem needs to be fixed.

Since there were pressuring things to do, mainly about his cursed source, Rex couldn't guide Flunra's move regarding the slave mark. Naturally, he hoped Flunra would start nullifying the slave marks on allied nations.

It would be better if he could also nullify the ones on the Vampires and Demons, but it's fine.

Knowing that there was no time, Rex accepted that it couldn't be realized.

But it seems he was wrong to assume that.

Not only did Flunra succeed in neutralizing all slave marks on allied nations—but he also was capable of nullifying the slave marks belonging to the Vampires and Demons, right when the heat of battle was at the peak.

Moreover, he managed to impose a slave mark on the opposing army.

Due to Flunra's move, the fight would be extremely in their favor now.

Refocusing back on the Executor—who was extremely surprised at what the Silverstar Pack was able to do—Rex caught the Amuerus Katana and stabbed both weapons on the ground to his sides.

He spreads his arms to the side, oozing with might.

Smirking deviously with ground-shaking power, he said, "Now you're on my world..."

Upon hearing this, the Executor turned to look towards him.

He saw Rex's energy was stimulated to the fullest, his bloodshot eyes enhanced to the peak.

"Every battle you've marched into in the past, you've never truly danced with death, have you?" Rex's words cut through the air like a blade, his voice a venomous echo of truth. "A battle devoid of the threat of mortality lacks the essence of a real battle. But now, I have drawn blood from you, Executor. Now... you know that you can DIE in this fight against me"

His gaze pierced the Executor, a clear challenge underlying his words.

A challenge to the Executor's view.

"Take a look at yourself closely," Controlling the blood on the surroundings with the power of the Blood Devourer, Rex created a mirror—reflecting the Executor's form right in front of him. "Does that expression befit one who boasts of invincibility? A mere streak of your own blood, shed by my hand, shatters the facade of your arrogance. This is the chasm between earned strength and inherent strength, Executor,"

Looking at the reflection, the Executor sucked in a cold breath.

Despite knowing that the situation was turning graver, his heart was thumping rapidly.

At first, he mistook the excited beats of his heart for a sign of inner confidence in impending victory regardless of the dire situation—but it was far from the truth. As the Executor gazed upon his own reflection in the blood mirror, disbelief washed over him like a chilling wave.

He couldn't believe what his own eyes were seeing.

'Is- Is that really, me...?' the Executor pondered, reaching to touch his own face.

Contrary to what the Executor believed, the pallid hue of his skin displayed that he was very far from confident in his victory. Eyes—wide with dread—betrayed the tumult of emotions he thought was confidence.

Observing the Executor's shock, Rex's smirk spreads from ear to ear.

Such a sight was delightful to see.

"Unlike you," Rex's voice rasped, laced with the strength of experience. "In every battle, I've faced—death has hovered at my shoulder, a constant companion. Each wound of mine was healed, but still left a mental scar, a reminder of mortality's embrace"

"So tell me, Executor, can you say the same?" He inquired, his voice dripping with ridicule.

Just like what the Executor did earlier, Rex decided to return the favor.

Forcing his mind into the trauma of the past to show that everything he has gone through only made new weaknesses to exploit, Rex decided to test the Executor's view of his own belief in inherent strength.

It was only fair that he returned the same.

Surely, the arrogance of the Executor originates from somewhere.

Rex, after a brief contemplation, managed to notice the origin of the Executor's arrogance.

Knowing that he had always been at the top of the food chain as he was born strong, it was obvious that he never felt threatened by something. Considering that he has four brothers, that assumption was strengthened.

Having four brothers with equal or even stronger power, he was shrouded in safety.

Not once has he felt the palpable threat of death.

Additionally, his era made it clear that ancient humans were the strongest race.

Due to these very reasons, a facade of invincibility was made—forming a bubble in his mind, sure that nobody could kill him. The Executor has always been confident against anyone, but that was nothing more than the product of his spoiled life.

Even the Executor's belief in inherent strength showcases his past clearly.

Now, faced with Rex, that bubble came crashing down.

Standing alone in the new era, without the presence of any ancient humans and his brothers, the Executor was forced to face the absolute truth of reality. Aiming to become the sovereign of the entire world is a path filled with blood and death.

A path that was so dangerous that only a few individuals had the will to trace it.

Now he knows that the danger of the world is real, and he is experiencing it firsthand.


Overwhelmed with the situation, the Executor chaos arcane mana went on a rampage as he gripped the handle of his black spear and charged forward. Fueling the black spear with the very essence of chaos, he lifted it skywards and swung down vertically towards Rex.



Rex blocked the attack, laughing maniacally at the Executor's desperation.

He was pleased that he could return the favor, he managed to break the Executor's beliefs.

"Welcome to my world, Executor!" Rex exclaimed like a madman—eyes blazing with the fiery ruthlessness that he endured throughout his life. "Let us see whether your inherent strength could survive the harshness of my world!!"

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