The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 155 This Guy Is A Monster

Rex leaves the principal's office after talking to each other.

The principal is like a man of mystery for Rex, it's like every time he does something he felt that the principal might be watching.

Think of a shadow, Rex can feel the principal is right on his back.

'What is he planning? He let me go just like that', Rex thought.

After he and the principal argue about the spellbooks, the principal suddenly lets Rex go without even questioning him further.

Rex knows that the principal knows he has the spellbooks, so it's weird for him to let Rex go.

Leaving the principal's office, Rex immediately went out of the university fearing that there's someone following him.

He doesn't feel safe anymore,

The principal can just teleport him out of nowhere without even him noticing, it's not a great feeling for him to get teleported so easily like that.

After getting out of the university, Rex went another way.

He deliberately went to his mom's house's street rather than his usual way to his house, he wanted to check on something.

The street in front of his mom's house is crowded, as usual, it looks normal as Rex standing across the street while looking around.

Rex already wears his hat that he bought before,

But when he's about to leave for Emham Forest, he suddenly saw someone.

He looks to his left and suddenly saw two people standing across the street, that two people are casually looking at his mom's house a couple of times.

The house is empty, Rex's parents already get picked up by Edward.

It's all look normal but when the people started to walk away, Rex saw a glimpse of the person's hair that he caught just for a second.

The hair is dark green,

Looking at this, a smile crept on Rex's face.

'They're definitely the Atkins. You're way too late, you won't get the upper hand', Rex thought before he also left the place.

Rex then went to his house to get Kyran and Ryze.

Arriving at the house, Kyran and Ryze are already ready as the three of them went out.

They both already got informed by Rex that they will go somewhere, they also already put on a cover to at least disguise themselves.

The three of them went out of the house.

"Kyran, I want you to take a taxi and go to the UWO office. Here's some money for Ryze, remember to keep an eye on Ryze and be lowkey", Rex said while handing a hundred dollars.

Ryze is tasked with the form that he will give to the UWO if things go wrong.

The form stated the possession of three illegal spellbooks that are made by Shane Thompson for the Atkins and Reed family, this will put both of the families at risk.

Rex already thought of a plan, and the plan involved the Reed family.

He heard about the detective before and the woman are from the Reed family, it turns out that the FAA members roaming around was their doing.

The Reed Family seems to be close with the FAA, and the spellbooks are meant for them.

'If I want to be stronger, I need to take a risk', Rex thought.

He also remembered a conversation with Robert,

Robert said that if Rex decided to take a risk, make sure that it is a crazy one that will at least give him two or three times the reward compared to the risk he take.

In simpler terms, if he wanted to be crazy then don't be halfway.

Just go all in.

And that is what Rex intended to do, he will be crazy with this one and take advantage of both families.

If someone was to know Rex's plan, they will be instantly shocked

In the whole Ratmawati City with all the people inside of it, maybe only him that has the balls to play not just one but two Families from the 25 Golden Crest.

His plan is simply mad.

Kyran nodded his head and take Ryze with him to a taxi, they both then went to the UWO office under Rex's gaze.

After seeing them off, Rex wanted to go to Emham Forest but got called.

"Rex Silverstar?"

A voice called out to Rex from behind,

From the scent of the person calling him, Rex already knows the person.

He turns to his back and saw the detective behind him, the detective is a man in his thirties with jet black hair, his beard is also skim and neat, and there's a badge on his hand.

The badge is the FAA emblem, he shows it to Rex to show his authority.

Rex then said, "Yes? Are you calling me?"

"I'm from the FAA and wanted to ask you a couple of questions, can you please follow me for a moment?", the detective said while signaling Rex to follow him.

Rex nodded his head and follow the detective.

While following the detective, there's a smirk on Rex's face.

Both of them went to a nearby cafe where they sit opposite each other, they're currently inside a cafe that is strangely quiet.

There are no people inside the cafe, and Rex immediately knows something was up.

He focuses on his surrounding while looking calmly at the detective, his senses are working to their fullest as Rex said, "What do you want to ask? Please go ahead"

Hearing this, the detective then said, "I want to ask, have you-"

Before the detective can finish, Rex intervenes, "I want 5000 High Elemental Stones, 10 million dollars, and protection from the Reed Family"

The detective looks at Rex confusedly, he's confused about what is Rex talking about.

"I'm sorry?", the detective asks with a frown.

Rex laid back on his seat before he said, "That is my price, no negotiations"

"I think you misunderstood me, I'm not here to scout you but to ask-", the detective said but got cut by Rex again.

"I have what you're looking for", Rex said slowly.

The detective looks at Rex with a suspicious look, he still processing what Rex just said.

Seeing the detective is rather slow, Rex sigh before he said, "I have what you're looking for, I have the spellbooks"

Once Rex said this, the detective looks at Rex in surprise.

He still can't believe that a student like Rex manages to steal spellbooks from a high-ranking family, it is simply unheard of by him.

"If you tell me right now, we will forget about all of this", the detective said with a slightly threatening tone.

Rex smiles, the high-ranking families love to threaten him.

He then taps on the table with his fingers a couple of times before he asks, "Are you really a detective? You're too slow to be one"

Rex's tone is calm and collected, he's genuinely confused how this guy in front of him is able to get into the FAA and become a detective with such slow thinking.

"I'm sorry?", the detective said feeling offended.

"I told you I have your spellbooks, and that makes me automatically know that the spellbooks are made by Shane Thompson which makes it illegal", Rex explains with a lazy tone.

He then added, "I hope the guy behind me is listening to me too"

Hearing this, the detective widened his eyes as he got shocked again by Rex's abilities.

Behind Rex is the counter where the barista is standing, then a guy stands up from below the counter that also has the same frown as the detective.

The guy already uses items to hide his presence but he still gets caught by Rex.

It is simply unbelievable for Rex to sense him, it gives the guy a sense of amazement at how sensitive Rex's senses are.

Seeing their shocked look, Rex chuckles, 'If you're surprised by my senses, you will be shocked to death when you know of how sensitive Kyran's senses are'

The guy approaches the detective and Rex before he sits beside the detective.

Rex looks at the guy and found the guy is wearing a black outfit with a mask, there's slight energy coming out of his outfit.

This makes Rex confirms that the outfit is a piece of battle equipment.

"Who are you?", Rex asks the guy.

The guy glance at Rex before he introduced himself, "You can call me Deniz, I'm Stevanus Reed's right hand"

'Stevanus Reed's right hand? then he must be important', Rex thought.

The man called Stevanus Reed is the head of the Reed family and he's a powerful Wind Elementalist, he's known for his power to summon countless tornadoes, and he's also known to be a wise person.

The guy looks at Rex still with his shock, he then said, "Do you want to work with us? We will need people like you"

The corner of Rex's lips quirk up, "We're here to talk about the spellbooks, but since you brought that topic I have a proposition"

"About the spellbooks?", the detective asks.

Rex rolled his eyes hearing the slow detective, he then said, "No, my offer about the spellbooks still stand and I'm not willing to negotiate"

Hearing this, the guy frowns before he replied, "5000 Elemental Stones, 10 million dollars, and protection from my family?"

Rex nodded his head, he aren't willing to negotiate any further.

The guy smiles mockingly, "The first two is something we can agree on, but protection from our family is not that easy to get"

Rex already anticipated this, he then smiles evilly.

The smile makes the guy and the detective frowns, it is not a smile that a student should have.

"Do you want to weaken the Atkins Family?", Rex asks mysteriously, he already knows that the answer will be yes.

The guy and the detective look at Rex hesitantly before they nodded their heads.

Rex then continues, "The thing is, if my men don't make the mistake of stealing your spellbooks then the Atkins would've had the spellbooks right now"

"You mean they're planning to steal it from the start?", the detective asks angrily.

Rex nodded his head,

The detective becomes fuming in anger while the guy stayed calm, he then asks, "What is your proof of this? Do you have any?"

"I met them before you, they wanted to kill me for taking the spellbooks and claiming that the spellbooks are theirs before I manage to stop them", Rex explains.

He already confirmed his theory, by the way the Atkins move and Kyran's writings.

The guy fall into thought, he then said, "So, how did you manage to stop them by yourself?"

Rex then explains, "I blackmailed them with the spellbooks, of course. They're so scared about me giving you the spellbooks, so they decided to hear my deal"

"In a couple of days, I will meet Wesley Atkins to discuss my deal with them", Rex added.

Rex's statement makes the guy and the detective even more shocked, they both didn't expect Rex to manage to force Wesley to talk to him.

Seeing Rex's evil smile, the guy immediately knows what Rex means.

If the head of the Atkins Family is doing a secluded meeting with Rex, then many guards will be there to protect him or even to demonstrate their powers to Rex.

This means that many of their core members will go to Rex.

"I heard the Atkins is dwelling in the cars production industry, It's quite a money-making business. If I get the chance, I would love to own it", Rex said with a mysterious smile

Rex then added, "But I'm sure, the Atkins will be pretty hurt if something were to happen in their car factories"

The guy looks at Rex in horror, he can't believe a student like him be this ruthless.

'Where did this kid come from, even sir Stevanus will be surprised by this', the guy thought.

He looks at Rex with a different view,

In his eyes, Rex becomes a monster that is clad in human skin not just some ordinary student that is studying in Ochyra University.

'This guy is a monster!'

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