The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 162 Great Spell

Two days passed,

Rex went back to Ochyra University after the meeting with Wesley Atkins.

The poison that somehow gets into the refreshment is Edward's doing, Rex already told him to take the vial behind the flower pot and intercept their drinks.

It's Rex's plan all along, he needs the Reed Family to be the one that gets the blame.

If Rex and the others were to shelter the blame of the Atkins, then the problem will not be over making his parents stay in the Cluster Domain longer.

Rex also already gave one of the spellbooks to the Atkins Family.

The spellbook that he gave to Wesley is a replica that he pay for quite a sum to the system, Rex finds out that the system can scan the spellbook and copies it.

p Because of that, the real spellbooks will be given to Reed while Wesley holds one replica.

He also holds one other replica that will act if, in two months' time, he can't free himself from the Atkins Family.

Rex wanted time and money because he's confident in the system.

With the items he got from both Atkins and Reed Family, he can buy a lot of things in the system's shop, and reaching rank six or even seven will not be a problem.

For other Awakened it's impossible, but for him it's possible.

With the $10 million dollars he get from the Atkins Family, Rex used it to upgrade his Lightning Affinity to high rank and also Adhara's fire affinity.

He also bulk-buy High-Grade Mana Charm Elixir leaving his money a measly two million dollars.

Besides getting ready to raise his Awakened power to at least rank six, the relationship Rex has with Adhara changed.

Adhara becomes really intimate with him, she even slept while hugging him.

This makes Rex even harder to hold onto his urges, but the weird feeling that he always felt weakened after making Adhara into a Female Alpha.

Rex already saw this Sudden Quest, and he face-palm himself after rushing with Adhara.

He didn't put any thought into making her a Female Alpha, but he can't change what he has already done so he shrugs it off.

But aside from her changes, Adhara's determination didn't change.

While Rex is lazying around in the bed to rest after the hectic event before, she seems to always go to the training hall to train.

This brought a smile to Rex's face, he even felt guilty for resting.

Rex is currently walking somewhere with a bunch of gifts in his hand, he's going to his mother's house to check up on her.

Adhara is on his side who also carries a couple of gifts.

They arrive at Rex's mother's house and found that Mrs. Greene and Robert are waiting for him, they're standing side by side in front of the door.

Mrs. Greene and Robert's eyes widened when they saw Adhara beside Rex, it brought joy to both of them seeing Adhara came to their house.

"Dear, go tidy the guest room! It's not just Rex who's coming", Robert said hurriedly.

Hearing this, Mrs. Greene instantly nodded her head before she bolt inside to tidy the guest room before Adhara gets in.

"Robert, Why's mom running inside?", Rex said.

Robert can't contain his excitement as he hugs Rex man to man, seeing Rex bringing a girl home is giving him a nostalgic feeling.

He remembers the first time he does that to his parents, and it is memorable.

He then said, "Let's wait here, your mom went to the bathroom", Robert lied trying to stall for time.

But then, his eyes land on Adhara who is looking lovely with her casual white clothes, "Adhara, I'm happy to see you here"

"Thank you for having me", Adhara replied politely.

Robert chuckles lightly, he taps Adhara's shoulder and said, "Why are you so formal with me, Don't be shy"

Adhara smiles blossom as she nodded her head.

"Why wait here? Let's just wait inside", Rex replied while signaling to Adhara to get inside, the sun is blazing so Rex wanted to go inside.

But when he's about to go inside, Robert stopped him.

"Wait for your mother, she will definitely want to welcome you both first", Robert said with a hint of sweat on his forehead.

Rex notices this, but when he's about to get inside Mrs. Greene came out.

She came out with heavy breaths before she greet with a smile, "My little Rex, and Adhara my daughter-in-law!"

Hearing this, Rex was startled while Adhara blushes.

Mrs. Greene hugs Adhara and Rex at the same time,

Rex wanted to complain but under Mrs. Greene's hug, he can only let her do whatever she wants.

After exchanging words, they all went inside the house.

Rex was shocked when he saw the place changed so much, the house even get a pool in the backyard that looks fancy.

Seeing the expensive things an Awakened bought, Rex has no idea how much his money is.

For him that only saw Awakened items, the money he got right now is meaningless.

If he didn't have the system and he has $10 million dollars, he might even be unable to evolve his element into a higher rank making him stuck at rank three.

But for normal people, $10 million dollars is something to boast about.

With what Rex considers little he gave to his mother, the house he once lived in changed so much that he even thought that it is not his house.

Rex widened his eyes while looking around, "So much has changed", Rex mumbles.

Mrs. Greene laughs sweetly, she then boasts, "Of course, this is all possible because of you Rex. What you have become and what you give to me and Robert, you certainly make us proud as parents"

Hearing this, Rex smiles genuinely before he hugs his mother.

Adhara smiles happily from the side seeing the warm side of Rex again, she even felt that she'll be crying if she watches this for too long.

After a couple of hours of talking with Rex's parents, and making sure that his mom is okay.

Rex and Adhara went back to the university,

The day is already noon and Rex's stomach is grumbling with hunger, that is why Adhara is cooking for Rex while Rex is lying on the bed.

There's a book on Rex's hand, it's a black book emitting dense mana.

It's a Black Lightning spellbook he bought from the shop, it is called 'Great Spell: Sky Rupture' and it is a very powerful lightning spell.

<Great Spell: Sky Rupture>

A devastating Lightning-based spell that will create a crack in the sky to summon a powerful lightning strike, upon contact will create a disturbance shockwave that can cancel all spells that got hit by it. Can only be one time when the user reaches rank five because it used a tremendous amount of lightning mana.

Rex decided to buy this spell because he just feels that it will match his spirit later when he reaches rank six.

There's just something about creating a crack in the sky and the gatekeeper of clouds spirit.

He also bought a spell for Adhara to use, it's also a high-ranking fire spell that perfectly suited Adhara's element.

It's called 'Blazing Nightmare'

<Great Spell: Blazing Nightmare>

The caster's eyes will flash in dark red and will burn anyone internally when they are caught off guard, it will burn the poor target's internally that will bring a painful burning sensation all over their body.

Think of it as Rex's Alpha Intimidation, the difference is that Alpha Intimidation stunned the target while Blazing Nightmare burns the target internally.

It will be a very good spell for Adhara who uses a dagger.

Adhara finished her cooking before Rex instantly savor it, he likes Adhara's cooking and now he's hungry making him even desperate.

She chuckles while seeing Rex eating like he didn't eat for a week.

But when Rex is eating the food Adhara made, his phone rang before it stopped immediately.

Rex looks at his phone and saw the missed call, he knits his eyes before he opened a message sent by the same number.

After reading it, Rex finish the food before he said, "I'm going out for a bit"

"Alright be careful, I'm going to train so if you want to find me then I'll be at the training hall", Adhara said before Rex left the room while Adhara started to tidy the room.

Rex went to the Cluster Domain and takes the real spellbooks.

He saw that Dyrmir, Ugrok's son is running left and right with his lightning power.

'That's weird, Does Cyclop can naturally wield lightning element?', Rex thought, but he shrugs it off and takes the spellbooks.

He also saw Ugrok sitting beside the campfire eating,

Rex squinted his eyes when he saw a yellow hue coming out of Ugrok's body, he realized that it is a higher rank of force.

He then scans Ugrok,


Race: Cyclop - Teen

Power: Rank Five(Early) - Berserk Fighter

Mental: 80

Strength: 187

Agility: 107

Endurance: 141

Intelligence: 95

Seeing Ugrok's stats, Rex widened his eyes in surprise.

Not only did Ugrok manage to reach rank five, but his increase is astonishing just from the last time Rex fight him.

'I think I'll lose against him if it's not during the full moon', Rex thought.

Ugrok glances at Rex that is looking at him, he then sighs and turns his head away without even saying something to Rex.

After that Rex left the Cluster Domain,

Once he's in front of the Cluster Domain, he called the number before, "It's Rex"

The person on the other side replied, "I'm already waiting, where are you?"

"Do you bring more people? The Atkins might've still spied on you, and it'll be bad if I get intercepted by them", Rex said while putting the spellbooks in his inventory.

"Don't move alone, I'll send men to your position and they will escort you here", the person on the other side said.

Hearing this, Rex then told them to meet Rex outside of Emham Forest before he hung up.

'After this, there will be nothing more to do besides getting stronger. I'll leave the Platchi alone for a while if they remain quiet, if not then I'll flatten them', Rex thought.

But when he's about to leave the Cluster Domain's entrance,


The sound of branch breaking can be heard from Rex's left, "Who's there!", Rex shouted as he takes out his Black Devil Gloves.

Although he sounds surprised, he already senses the two people.

He can sense that the two people stumble after running from something and arrive at Rex's place, he/she doesn't have any bad intentions.

Seeing that the two people are backing slowly, Rex immediately dashes towards them.

Rex arrives behind the two people and found out that it is a guy and a girl, they're hurt based on the bloodstain on their bodies.

"Are you spying on me?", Rex said harshly.

Feeling that Rex's aura is overwhelming for them, they both stutter before the guy said, "No! We're being chased by a mutated animal"

Ignoring the guy's remarks, Rex asks, "Tell me what you've seen!"

But when they're about to answer Rex, they suddenly saw the mutated animal behind Rex as it galloping in Rex's direction.

The mutated animal is a black mutated bear that is as big as a school bus.

The guy and the girl point at Rex's back with trembling hands, they saw the mutated bear arrive behind Rex in a blink of an eye.

They closed their eyes in fright when suddenly,



A loud hitting and crashing sound were heard followed by a roar, both of them frown when they hear the bear's roar is far away.

They opened their eyes slowly and saw Rex still standing in front of them.

The girl looks to her right and saw the mutated bear there with broken limbs, it wails and whimpers in pain as it can feel its life leaving its body.

Rex glared at both of them making them shudder, "If you say anything about what you just hear or saw, I will find you"

After saying this, Rex disappears from their sight like a ghost.

The guy and the girl look at each other while still trembling, 'Isn't that, the famous Rex Silverstar from Ochyra University?'

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