The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 7 Battle Of Supernaturals

The dark blanket of the night covers the whole forest, bushes and leaves sway in the icy cold breeze that brings comfort to the soul, especially for nocturnal creatures.


Bushes and trunks made a breaking sound every time the gallop of a beast was heard,

Amidst the somber of the night sky, the moonlight glows bright red that resembles the color of blood which makes the surrounding mutated animals hide in fear as if it was a bad omen.

At this moment, the little bit of Rex's consciousness had already disappeared.

Rex already uses all of his remaining willpower just to get out of Rosie's mansion, he doesn't like to hurt people aimlessly, especially a woman that he just met.

Every inch of his mind has gone berserk, the Blood Moon filled him with anger.

With his new increase in strength and also red cloudy vision, Rex sprints throughout the Emham Forest as his entire being slowly drown in bloodlust from the Blood Moon.

Before the Supernatural Emergence happened,

Humanity has already known about these Supernatural creatures, they know them from local folklore all over the world that they thought were nothing but fairy tales or legends.

Werewolves are one of the popular folklores,

They are nocturnal creatures, the apex predator of the night that gain power from the full moon, every inch of their being changed alongside the full moon and they are even the bigshot of the Supernaturals even in this current time period.

Everyone must be wary of these beasts king of the night,



Out of nowhere a moose mooed when it saw Rex passing by, but this sparks the bloodlust inside of Rex as his eyes shone with killing intent.

Upon looking at Rex, the moose mooed softly in fear.

Its legs are shivering, its eyes widen realizing the arrival of Rex, and the moose even slowly backs away as if it understands the danger of the situation.

But as the moose backs away, it suddenly breaks a twig on the ground.

Just like a ring inside a boxing arena that is a sign of the start,  Rex's muscular legs in his Werewolf form contract before he plunges forward with his claws after the breaking sound.

The moose dodges Rex's attempt and start sprinting in the other direction,


Rex roared in anger, he musters all his strength and chased after the moose like an animal.

Upon feeling the galloping sound of Rex from the back, the moose gave the sprint with everything it got as this is a matter of life and death.

But the moose is caught up by Rex,

With his powerful legs that are influenced by the moonlight, Rex jumped intending to catch the moose, he then grabbed the moose's back before he squeezed it powerfully.


The moose scream in pain, it let out a tear knowing that it has no more chance to live.

Every single animal knows that when a lion or a tiger pins them down, they have almost zero percent chance of survival just like now.

Rex uses his claws and scratches the moose's stomach open,

The moose whimpered in agony but its life soon ended when Rex used his sharp claws to slice the moose's neck, its eyes dimmed from life right after that.

Without even eating the moose, Rex kept on hunting.

Each and every animal or mutated animal that got into his path got massacred, a bloodied path was left behind following the trail of Rex's bloodlust rampage.

After a moment, Rex's instinct kicks in as he started to devour the prey he killed.

But not long after his instinct tells him to duck,


A breeze brushes Rex's head as an object flies by his head followed by a banging sound upon hitting a tree in front of him, a powerful thud from the back then attracts Rex's attention.

"Lone half-werewolf? Ugrok kills you! Ugrok will brag you to Ugrok's friends after Ugrok kills you!", a throaty hoarse voice was heard from Rex's back.

Rex slowly turns around and finds a creature at his back with a mocking smile,

The creature is bigger than Rex and It has red skin with bulging and dense muscles, a big belly, and one eye that is almost as big as its head, and it's excluding a violent aura.

Even the night becomes even more silent after the arrival of this creature,

Upon seeing the creature, Rex's sharp eyes glow yellow, his bloodlust got riled up after seeing the creature standing proudly with its chin tilted up.

If normal people see this creature, they will be terrified immediately.

A Cyclops!

Cyclops is a primordial creature that usually lives alone and separated from its kind, It is one of the most powerful creatures in the legends and also It is very hard to kill!

Luckily the Cyclops in front of Rex looks to still be in its baby period.

The distinctive feature of it that screams young is its size, a Cyclop should be huge but this one in front of him barely bigger than Rex.

Without a hint of fear, Rex's yellow eyes stare straight into Ugrok's eye.

It is an intense staredown that even halted both of their breaths, they're sizing up each other but still wary to make the first move.

Werewolf, one of the highest-ranking Supernatural will battle a Cyclops, the most barbaric Supernatural that is ever existed, the fight that will attract many people if known.

Even the most powerful Awakened definitely has never seen a fight between these two.

Rex's body becomes stiff, his senses are put to the max.

The staredown makes his entire body boil with bloodlust, he can't help but let out a howl,


After a long howl, Rex in his berserk state pounce towards the Cyclops.

Without even a hint of fear, Ugrok smiles a mocking smile seeing Rex pounce at him, "Ugrok strong! Werewolf dead!", he said with his hoarse voice.

Ugrok runs forward stomping with its legs and reaches out with both of its hands.


Both of them lock their hands together brawling with pure strength trying to see which one of them is more beastly, they gave everything in this exchange.

Both of them seem to have similar strengths,

They are locked in their position facing each other but both of them have a smile on their faces.

Rex jumps while still holding the Ugrok's hand tightly, he puts his feet on Ugrok's chest before he kicks it powerfully.

This forces Ugrok to let go of the lock and stumble back,

Its thick skin prevents the scratch from Rex's claws, but Ugrok then saw Rex circles him around on four, his eyes are watching Ugrok trying to find its weak point.

Feeling that he has become the prey, Ugrok is enraged,


Ugrok roars in anger while clenching its hand, It is an act of Intimidation towards Rex much like a gorilla would pound their chest, if Rex is conscious, he might be scared shitless but the Blood Moon doesn't allow him to be intimidated so he roars back.


It's like a showdown of dominance,

With clear anger, Ugrok lock his hands together and lifts them up to the sky, bulging veins can be seen throughout his arms.

<The Enemy is Activating its Skill!>

<Analyzing The Enemy's Skill...>

Just right after the notification from the system, Ugrok slams his hands to the ground.


From the brute strength Ugrok possessed, the ground was cracked under Ugrok's might, the crack spread in a ten meters radius violently.

Because of this, Rex's feet were stuck between the cracks.

He tries to pull his feet out to no avail,

Ugrok's eye glistens seeing that Rex is stuck, he then immediately sprints towards Rex and raises its hands up again intending to smash Rex.

Rex's adrenaline is pumping in his blood, he raises his hand to block the strike.


A gust of wind blows as a result of the impact between their collision, Rex is pushed back by the strike but he still held on to his feet not intending to fall back.

But this creates a gap for Ugrok to attack Rex,

Ugrok swings its muscular arm and landed a nasty hook on Rex's body, he took advantage of Rex's loss of balance perfectly as if he's a natural fighter.

The strength brought by the strike blows Rex away,

Even under the Blood Moon effect, the strike is still too much for Rex to handle.


Rex howl in pain as he flew back like a broken kite, he smashes into trees breaking them easily before finally stopping after breaking his third tree.

<Skill Analysis Complete!>

<Checking User's Strength Stats...>


<Skill Learned: Ground Splinter>

Under the broken trunks from the trees, Rex slowly got up on his feet even angrier.

His body is bleeding all over from the crash but under the Blood Moon, his wounds heal quickly, even normal people can see them closing if they were here.

White steam comes out of Rex's wounds as the wounds are healing rapidly.

Because of the pain all over his body, the anger within Rex wants to explode as his eyes spark with immense bloodlust, glaring at Ugrok.

Ugrok smiles mockingly, "You Weak! Ugrok Stronger"

But upon hearing this, Rex who is in his Werewolf form cracks a devious smile before he also lifts up his hands the same way Ugrok did earlier.

It surprises Ugrok, Rex punches the ground without waiting for Ugrok to snap out of his daze.

Just like what Ugrok did before,

The ground trembles as a web-like crack were made by Rex's punch, but unlike Ugrok, the cracks were only spanned six meters radius.

Rex's legs bulge with muscles as he pounces at Ugrok like a streak of shadow,

Tightening his claws, Rex slashes Ugrok's head powerfully.

Ugrok was caught off guard and got scratched on his face, blood slowly dripped from his face from the four claw wounds from Rex's slash.

Before he can regain his focus, Rex already sent a punch toward Ugrok's stomach.

The punch sends Ugrok flying a couple of meters, a painful whimper escapes Ugrok's mouth before he stands up while holding his stomach.

Rex still remain on his feet while smiling mockingly,

Ugrok is angry, he looks at the ground and finds the club that he throws earlier.

With its huge arm, Ugrok grabbed the club while sending a murderous gaze toward Rex as even his aura becomes even more violent.

Ugrok dashes towards Rex and smashes the club down with a wide swing.

Seeing the wide swing that can be seen easily, Rex dodges the attack and counters it by slashing using his claws every time Ugrok misses.

Cyclop's skin is thick,

Ugrok's skin nullifies almost all of Rex's scratches but nevertheless, after attacking Ugrok with his claws repeatedly, the skin started to tear.

Not long after, Ugrok started to breathe heavily.

Although he has immense strength as a Cyclop, stamina is where a Cyclop suffers especially adding the fact that he kept swinging the heavy club.

Ugrok sent out a punch towards Rex,

Rex dodged it again but then suddenly a club was coming at him from his right, he put down his guard since none of Ugrok's attacks manage to land.

Because of that, he didn't have any time to dodge and got directly hit by it.


The power that comes from the club is so strong that Rex in his werewolf form can feel his bones cracked, he shot like a bolt while spitting blood from his mouth.

He crashes through many trees again but this time it's way worse.

Upon managing to land an attack, Ugrok is ecstatic as he started walking toward Rex but then suddenly a voice interrupts him,

"What causes a ruckus this late at night?"

"It's coming from there, let's check it out"

After a flurry of voices was heard, a group of five people comes from the bushes. They are wearing a blue robe with white outlines, they also wear a black undershirt under the robe with a black tiger emblem on the left side of their chest.

"WHAT?! It's a Cyclop!!", Exclaimed one of the people from the group.

"I thought Emham forest already been cleared?!"

"Legend says that only a few Cyclop were left alive, this one must be good at hiding. Should we run? They have a notorious legend"

"But look at the Cyclop, it seems it just finished a fight"

"The size is also way smaller than what the legend said, probably still at toddler age"

Four of the people in the group look at the man in the middle with a bald head, the man has a silver badge on the right side of his chest with a four mark on it.

Judging from the way the other four look at the bald man, he is probably the leader of the group.

"We have to be careful, although it is still in its baby period it can fight against a couple of the fourth rank Awakened. We'll just test its power, if it's too much we will retreat and report to the Federal Agency of Awakened"

After saying that, the bald man emits a red hue preparing to fight Ugrok.

The other member of the team also started to prepare for a fight, they also in turn emit their own respective elemental aura.

Looking at this, Ugrok frowned before he decided to run.

"Catch It!" the bald man shouted and chase after Ugrok.

All the other people also follow the bald man as they chase after Ugrok, unknown to them, a half-Werewolf is lying unconscious somewhere near them.

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