The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 82 Abnormal Students

Solomon walks out of Nolacula's room with a complicated expression,



The door shut completely,

Before leaving the place, Solomon bowed one last time before finally leaving the place.

He was in deep thought, 'Ritual that can turn human into our kind? Is that even possible?', the information he got from Nolacula is big news that can potentially be used as a weapon, he is so excited to find this ritual Nolacula speak of.

'Demons huh, I wonder what will Saruth think', he thought.

Because of Nolacula, Solomon becomes more positive in the war against humans.

"Seth!!", Solomon called.

In a flash, a vampire appeared in front of him kneeling on the ground. If Rex was here then he will certainly recognize this vampire as the one who rescued Calidora.

"Yes my lord", Seth greet politely.

Solomon then ordered, "Bring me an Abaddon Stone from our treasury, and prepare to go to the demons"

Hearing this Seth bowed his head and asks, "Forgive me for asking, but why do we need to bring the Abaddon Stone, my lord?"

"Call it etiquette for meeting demons, we will leave after dawn", Solomon said before walking past Seth.



Rex is looking around him, his enemies surrounded them from all angles.

The warehouse is abandoned and there are no people in this vicinity or rather it has been taken care of by these guys.

'They came instantly after we got blasted here, so it is their plan to get us here. The train station explosion and the driver must be their doings. They seem to have a pretty deep connection to have a driver from Faraday to blow up just like that', Rex thought.

Rex and the others are looking around cautiously, there is no way out except to fight!

Then suddenly,

<Sudden Quest!>


Defeat the white assassins without getting substantial injuries.

Quest Reward: Sabertooth Lion Fang, 100,000 Exp, and 1000 gold

Quest Failure: The user will be crippled.

Looking at this, Rex got another reason to fight as an evil smirk appeared on his face.

Hera gritted her teeth, she looks at two people who are standing on a fence that looks like the leader and said, "How dare you attack us! We are from Ochyra University!"

Rex can tell one is a male and one is a female, they both wearing masks and emits a cold chilling aura.

The male leader of the white ninja didn't answer her question, his eyes just look coldly from behind his mask.

Rex's eyes glisten,


Race: Human

Power: Rank Four(Peak)- Smoke Elementalist

Mental: 76

Strength: 68

Agility: 78

Endurance: 41

Intelligence: 110

'Smoke Elementalist with well-rounded stats and high intelligence, this will be troublesome', Rex thought before his eyes fall to the female leader.


Race: Human

Power: Rank Four(Peak) - Poison Elementalist

Mental: 55

Strength: 58

Agility: 105

Endurance: 48

Intelligence: 107

Just after seeing Miru's power makes Rex's eyes bulge, 'Poison Elementalist with really high agility! I can already tell she's going to be the most troublesome to deal with, I need to prepare'

Rex opens the store section and skims through trying to find an antidote elixir, "Who are you?", he asks trying to buy time.

Kiru jumped from the fence landing a couple of meters away from Rex, "Your killer"

"Miru and Kiru, I suppose you both are more than just a comrade am I right?", Rex said with a smile on his face, he slowly gets closer to the girls before giving them the elixir he bought.

Rex is in front of the girls so his back is towards them, he puts his hand on his back and shakes the antidote elixir signaling the girls to take it without alerting the enemies.

Miru jumped to Kiru's side, her mask covered her expression but Rex knows she's shocked.

"How do you know our name?", she asks with a cold tone.

Rex simply chuckles and said, "What do you think?", a cheeky smile appeared on his face.

Miru and Kiru seem hesitant, they look at Rex warily.

'Drink the elixir after my signal, I will attract their attention', Rex whispers to Adhara on his sides.

Hearing this, Adhara also tells the others of Rex's plan.

Kiru and Miru takes saw Rex suspicious move and take out their katanas from their back followed by the other white ninja,




But before the White Ninja do anything,

Rex's right hand started to emit a white hue, he already activates the Lunar Blessing storage and musters his strength before he punched the ground, "Force Beam!!"


The ground shatters under Rex's punch sending debris to the surrounding, he decided to finish this quickly because of the dangerous Poison Elementalist

In the moment of surprise,

Rex chugged the elixir he bought from the system before dashing to his right, his move was extremely fast.


The white ninjas that are on his right were surprised by Rex's sudden movement,


Rex grows his claws a little before slashing the two early rank four ninjas on his right, they didn't even understand what happened before their necks suddenly burst with blood.

Miru and Kiru are too late to react, Rex's movement is too sudden for them.

"HERA!!", Rex shouted as he signals to Kiru on her left.

After chugging the elixir, Hera's body burns with intense fire before she bolted towards Kiru.

"Smoke Magic! Smoke Domain!!"


Black smoke exploded from Kiru's body, it envelopes the surrounding in smoke hindering everyone's vision.

There is a greenish mix inside the smoke, 'It's mixed with Miru's poison magic', Rex thought.

Hera stopped abruptly, she lost sight of Kiru.

Adhara and Rosie put their back on each other, they can't fight against Miru or Kiru because of their lower rank so they decided to stick with each other.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The sound of light footsteps was heard from their surrounding,

Rosie and Adhara already activated their aura, their alert was put to the max.

Two white ninjas suddenly appeared from their side with their mana imbued katana, they both slash at each Adhara and Rosie respectively.


Rosie surrounded her hands with wind mana enhancing her hand before blocking the attack, while Adhara already summons 24 scimitars around her and also blocks the attack.

After attacking, the ninjas disappeared into the smoke again.

Rex on the other hand, after killing the two early rank four ninjas he's also engulfed by the smoke.

'This is bad! I can't locate Adhara and Rosie, this smoke is messing with my vision and smell', Rex thought, the smoke around him is so thick that he can't see anything beyond it.

The sound of fighting can be heard occasionally, it seems the others are fighting too.

Then suddenly, he senses a sharp object slicing through the wind. There are two katanas aiming at his legs and head.

With his inhuman reflex, he jumped sideways and kicks the ninja aiming at his leg,


The ninja that got kicked was sent away before a loud crashing sound was heard,

'What?! How is that possible? His reflex is insane!', Miru thought before she goes back into the smoke.

Before Rex can breathe, Miru already attacked him again.


Rex manages to dodge the attacks but she keeps coming from all sides! the attacks are relentless!

'Shit! I can see that the katanas have a green substance on them, it must be poison', Rex thought as he dodges Miru's attack desperately.

Although he already drinks the elixir from the system, it is not wrong to be extra careful.

Just as leans his body to the side to dodge Miru's katanas, she suddenly spits a needle from her mouth.


Caught off guard, the needle stab Rex on his chest, "Argh!!"

He can feel the poison enters his body but thankfully the elixir from before immediately fights the poison back. Before the poison can spread, it is already dealt with by the elixir.

Miru smiles after seeing Rex got stabbed, she readied her katana and dashes towards Rex.

Her eyes glint evilly, she stabbed her katana towards Rex from his back.


Just before it hits Rex, his body suddenly cracked with black lightning.


It hovers around his body chaotically attacking his surrounding, it even grazed Miru's mask destroying it immediately.

'Eh?', Miru was shocked!

Before she can retract her katana back, Rex suddenly turns to his back and caught her hand, he then grins, "Caught you!",

Miru was shocked after getting her hand grabbed, she then suddenly felt her hand got pulled before getting slammed to the ground.


"Huakhh!", Miru spat a mouthful of blood.

The air on her lungs got forced out, blood burst from her mouth because of the impact, 'Why is he not poisoned?', she thought.

The black lightning stunned her body for a second making her loses focus and got slammed, 'and What is this black lightning?! High tier element?!', she cried out in surprise.

Rex raises his hand intending to finish Miru off but suddenly,

Miru snapped out of her daze "Poison Magic, Venomous Breath!"


Miru spat green gas from her mouth, it caught Rex off guard!

He immediately pulled his hand back from Miru and covers his nose trying to not breathe and jumping away.

After Rex's hand got off from Miru, she immediately gets back up and dashes into the smoke escaping Rex.

The green gas prickled his skin but it is not a problem, his regenerative ability is stronger.

After Miru decided to retreat back, Rex hears a fight is happening on his left, 'That must be Hera fighting against Kiru, this smoke is annoying so we need to defeat him first', he then dashes towards Hera direction.

Meanwhile, Adhara and Rosie are bloodied, their clothes are tattered with scars.

There are about six, rank-three ninjas attacking them through the smoke relentlessly. They attack and immediately disappear not letting them land an attack.

Rosie and Adhara wanted to back off a bit but suddenly the ground gripped their legs,

She looks down to the ground and saw a hand made of rock holding her leg in place before suddenly six white ninjas appeared from all of their sides.

She gritted her teeth before suddenly her eyes glow green, "First stance, Wind Pillar!"


Wind mana exploded from beneath her feet sending both her and Adhara flying,

The six white ninjas missed their attacks, they glance at Rosie and Adhara who is mid-air before suddenly,


The wind mana around them suddenly wrap around their body restraining them, it is like a wind tentacle holding them in place.

Looking at this, Adhara didn't waste the opportunity.

Fire mana gathers around her mouth, her mouth becomes fiery red as the fire mana grew more intense by the seconds.

She takes a deep breath, "Normal Magic! Fire Breath!"


Fire gushed out of her mouth endlessly, it burns the place with fire.

The six white ninjas tried to dodge but only two of them manage to break free of the wind tentacle and dodge it.

"AARRGHH!!", the others scream in pain as they felt their bodies burn.

Some of them use mana to shield them from the attacks but it is not enough, their skins started to make a bubbly pop under the intense heat before their body turns black dropping dead.

Adhara's attack can rival that of an early rank four, she's almost unbeatable on her realm.

After scorching the white ninjas she didn't stop,

The rune on her neck glows green as her movement becomes faster, in the blink of an eye, she arrives between the ninjas that managed to dodge.

She stretches both of her hands towards the two white ninjas that manage to dodge her attack and chanted, "Ignite!"


Both white ninjas got flung upwards before they can realize what's going on, they saw Rosie on their sides with glowing green eyes.

The wind mana already viciously gathered on her hand, "Wind Eruption!"


Wind hurricane exploded from her hands, it is much more powerful than before because of her higher rank.

It threatened to tear the white ninjas apart.

The remaining white ninjas didn't have the time to chant before the hurricane hits them, "Leader! Save us!! ARGHH!!", they shouted desperately but it is too late.

The wind hurricane ripped their body apart making the hurricane turns red in blood.

Rex on the other side hears this scream as a smile appears on his face, 'They both have done well', Rex thought. There are currently many white ninjas corpses around him, he already killed off the remaining white ninja on his way.

Kiru is currently fighting against Hera,

"Fire Magic!! Nova Slash!!"


Red cleave rushes out of Hera's hands, it burns the ground black heading towards Kiru.

Kiru vanishes into a smoke dodging the attack before he jumped up landing on the fence he stands before, he felt something is wrong.

Not long, Miru appeared beside him with a haggard look.

"Miru? What happened? Who did this to you?", Kiru said in confusion, aside from Hera there should be no one that can threaten her.

Miru replied with heavy breaths, "It's Rex! He's not a rank three, he's inhumanly strong!"

Hearing this, Kiru frown.

The smoke started to clear out revealing all of the white ninja's corpses.

He was shocked to his core, 'Didn't they say he's probably peak rank three? How can he push Kiru until this state and kill off all the others?!'

Kiru looks down and saw Rex and the girls covered with blood,

They are not like normal students that he always fights, it feels like fighting a group of trained soldiers that is used to killing.

'They're not normal!', Kiru screamed in his heart.

Rex looks around and saw Adhara and Rosie fine, he also saw Hera still burning with vigor.

He got 50,000 Exp from killing the white ninjas, it is quite a harvest for him.

He then glances at his surroundings and saw the girls were shocked while looking at Rex.

Black lightning is hovering around his body like a shield, it gives off a powerful pressure although he is quite far away from them.

'Is that Rex?!', this thought seeps into the girl's and Hera's minds.

Looking at the unfavorable situation, Kiru gritted his teeth and said, "We shall retreat, let's report back our findings"

Kiru and Miru turns to their back and wanted to dash but suddenly,

"Where did you think you're going? You're staying with me!"

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