The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 94 Decreased Sanity

The next day in Faraday University,

All of the students and even the entire sector 2E are shocked by the news they just received, Chris Sullivan has been killed yesterday night by an unknown person.

It is huge news that shocked the entire sector, they all know who Chris is and they can only be grateful for not born in an influential family that gets hunted by others.

They all thought that it is a conflict of huge families, they didn't think that an ordinary person can kill Chris like that.

All kinds of organizations went to Faraday University to consult about the event.

Many agents from the FAA, UWO and other organizations filled the place, the death of Chris is not a small matter.

The death of Lucas Platchi before is also a big deal but Ochyra University is the one that handled it, they shove the blame on Lucas' incompetence during the field test so the university is not affected.

Chris on the other hand is different, he's assassinated.

The last thing the UWO or all other organizations wanted is to have an inner conflict when they're still in war, so it is very big news that shook the entire sector and even neighboring sectors.

It is literally chaos inside the university, and the one who did it just got up from his sweet dreamland.

Rex sits on the bed while scratching his eyes, his body is sore because of last night.

The scene where Adhara, Rosie, and Hera gathering together while looking at a phone greets him, it broadcasting a news report about Chris Assassination.

Adhara sneak glances at Rex, she was suspicious about him.

Rex turns his head away avoiding Adhara's glance, he felt nervous because of Adhara's gaze.

Just as he wanted to do his morning routine, a notification appears from the system.

<-5% Sanity Stat, please check the user's stat tab for more information>

Rex frowns, 'My sanity stat increase and decrease without a notice, so why did the system gave me a notice now?'

He then checks his stat and was confused,


Name: Rex Silverstar

Pack: Silverstar (1/2)

Level: 21 (702,500/1,000,000)

Race: High Werewolf

Full-Moon: 22 Days - Yule Moon

Berserk: 75%

Sanity: 70%

Mental: 42 (+32)

Strength: 95 (+19)

Agility: 48 (+2)

Endurance: 38 (+25)

Intelligence: 38

Attributable Stats: 0

<Average Human Adults have 5-7 points for each stats except for Intelligence>

He noticed that the pack section is colored red instead of the usual black, he was confused, 'Does the system want me to add more members? I'm still not sure to turn someone into a Werewolf again', he thought.

Rex slammed his body to the bed again as his hand touches the burn scar from last night, it is already fading but it is still black and rough.

'My black lightning seems to have disturbance properties, I can clearly see Ronald's fire mana got canceled when I give him the final blow', Rex saw his black lightning intercepted the fire mana on Ronald's hand and battleax.

Even when he's still in rank two, he can disturb a rank five channeling.

It was quite shocking for Rex to see his element in action, 'It probably manages to do that because this black element is a higher rank than Eternal Fire, that's the obvious reason'

The girls are still busy with the news, it is in the headline so everyone is interested in it.

Rex wakes up and went to the bathroom, he's currently in thought and he didn't want to get disturbed by the girls.

The girls noticed Rex but Rex went straight into the bathroom without saying anything,

He immediately turns on the sink, the water flows making a calming sound as he looks at himself in the mirror.

'I almost died again, my level growth is too slow if I'm here. After the tournament, I will take as much mission from the university to meet more Supernatural I can kill', Rex thought, he decided to go out of the university more to earn more experience.

He then remembers that he already got enough gold thanks to the hectic event last night, he opens the system and bought Sakhmet Tattoo.

It costs a lot but he got the money to purchase it.

Rex equipped the tattoo then suddenly, a red woman figure appeared out of nowhere on his sides.

She's made by red energy, she appeared in front of Rex as she stretches out both of her hands to stroke Rex's chin.

Rex was confused but he knows that it is the Sakhmet Tattoo.

Her smooth hands stroke Rex's chin before her entire being got sucked into Rex's body, then a red tattoo appears on his right arm.

It is shaped like fiery eyes located just under Rex's wrist.

The woman figure disappeared after the tattoo appears, it left the bathroom warm.

Rex looks at the tattoo with delight, the tattoo seems to stare at Rex's eyes and it is emitting a slight fiery aura.

<The user's resistance to fire is increased by 15%>

He smiles before he then commands the tattoo to disappear, it then disappears from Rex's hand followed by the reduction of fire resistance.

After doing his morning routine, Rosie approaches him shyly.

She then said, "Rex, my parents are here for the opening. The opening is still unclear because of Chris's death so can you accompany me to meet them?"

Hearing this, Rex nodded his head.

He already promised to Rosie's parents and he's not the guy to break promises, 'After this, I'll focus on adding my pack member and Adhara'

Hera needs to go to a meeting with the university staff about the tournament, while Adhara said that she needs to go somewhere.

Rex was curious for a second but he didn't want to meddle in her things,

Rosie and Rex went side to side as they went out of the university to meet Rosie's parents that are waiting in a restaurant.

The surrounding is filled with agents, he acts as calm as he can without a hint of worry.

While they are walking, Rex suddenly bumped into someone.


"Oh, sorry I didn't see you there", Rex said politely, the guy in front of him is quite short so he really didn't notice him.

The guy's face is not seen under his hood, he didn't even look up to Rex.

He went past Rex without even answering, Rex noticed a faint smile under the hood and suddenly, in a split second Rex felt something.

Rex Supernatural Sense is giving him signals for a slight moment, he looks back to find the guy but he's already gone, 'Did I sense it wrong?', Rex thought.

He then shakes his head, 'No, it can't be wrong. But how? A Supernatural? In the heart of Ratmawati City?'

"Rex? What's wrong? Don't be salty because of that, let's go!", Rosie said while pulling Rex.

Rex hesitated for a while before he finally follows Rosie.

They both went out of the University and met Rosie's parents in a restaurant nearby, it is not luxurious but Rosie said the students here said they make the best sushi.

He needs to pretend as a boyfriend in front of Rosie's parents, so this much is what he willing to do.

Rex went in with Rosie while wrapping his arm around her, they look good with each other but Rex's mind is not here.'

Muji and Cinta wave to them from afar, they look friendlier than when they met the first time, "Here!"

Rosie approach them excitedly, "Mom, Dad, How are you two?"

"We felt great! How about you honey?", Cinta replied softly, her face is brimming with excitement.

"I'm great! Rex here boasted he will beat Kevin", Rosie joked while tugging Rex with her elbow.

Rex snapped out of his daze and said with a smile, "Don't worry Mr. and Mrs. Rosiana, I will certainly keep my promise to both of you"

Hearing this, Muji and Cinta look at each other with confidence.

Rex's words give off a confident aura that makes the both of them assured of his statement, they didn't even worry at all.

They then started to eat while talking to each other about the tournament,

While they're chatting, Rex got a message from Hera saying that the opening will not be postponed and will be held today.

After getting the news, they all went to the opening.

The opening is held on Faraday University's auditorium called the Ring of Tenacity, it is a place located on the fourth floor of the building where there is only the auditorium there.

The place is crowded with people from all sorts of families,

Rex can see some parents that are standing pridefully beside their kid, some wear expensive-looking clothes, some wear normal clothes, there's even a poor-looking family amongst them.

They're standing beside their son while getting glares from the surrounding.

'There are low-class people too? I thought Sector 2E is only for researchers', Rex thought, he was surprised to see these kinds of families here.

He didn't look down on them but it is just surprising to see their kinds of family in this high-class place.

His eyes then landed on the kid, he saw a gold pin on his chest with a number four on it

Just as he was wondering about that, Hera suddenly approach them and said, "Rex! Rosie! Come to the backstage, you guys will gather there"

'Where's Kevin? I really want to mess with him', Rex thought evilly, he didn't get the chance last night because of all the things that happened so he's itchy to mess with Kevin.

Adhara is also beside Hera, she signals Rex to come closer.

Rex was confused but he still approaches Adhara, "I saw Kevin, he's also looking for you", she whispers.

Hearing this, Rex smiles as Adhara tells him at the right time as if she knows what he's thinking.

The auditorium is different from the outsides, it is circle-shaped and it is metallic color dominant that looks majestic and aesthetic.

It can probably sustain thousands of people inside.

Rows of seats were lined up neatly, the seats are divided into three floors where the first floor for normal guests, the second for the Faraday University's students and parents, the third floor is for the higher-ups of the university.

In front of the seats is a glass that is covering the place in a circle.

It gives the view to the middle part of the auditorium that looks like a colosseum type and it is very big, many engineers are preparing the colosseum as the seats is still half empty.

Rex follows Hera as he looks around the place.

Hera guides them to a stair that goes under the place, two big terrifying robots are guarding the stair that Rex has never seen before.

It lets them through after Hera shows the robot her id.

Rex's eyes are still glued on the robot, 'They have to be at least rank five in power right? I can clearly feel the threatening aura they emitted', Rex thought.

He then arrives in the back room where there are the other representatives of Ochyra University, there are five others excluding Rex and the girls.

Gregg is also amongst them and he is giving Rex an unfriendly look that got ignored by Rex.

There's also one other lecturer aside from Hera, and Rex has never seen him before.

"Where're the Faraday University representatives? Will, they also gather here?", Rex asks Hera, he wanted to see this Kevin.

Before Hera can answer, the other lecturer said, "No they won't, it will be chaos if they're here"

Hearing this, Rex was annoyed but he can understand it, 'That's well thought by the committee, If he's here I probably can't hold myself back'

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