The Kidnapped Bride

Chapter 108 - Love Between Us!

Chapter 108 - Love Between Us!

The voice of Javier might have made Lucas hit something very hard. The voice echoed throughout the phone which provided a satisfactory grin on Javier's face.

"You bastard!?! How dare you actually kidnap my fiance!?" The growl from the other side any doubt. Lucas was probably thinking that he will remain quiet without revoking? A dream!

"Under your nose. I kidnapped your bride under your nose and you failed to protect her so… I'm doing the same thing now. By the way, she is simply beautiful…"

All Javier wanted was to say the truth but at the same time, not to use any vulgar language. It was done to tease and test the man's patience.

As expected, the fury that might have consumed him might have resulted in something really wrong. "She is my BRIDE!"

"Not until she is with me.. under my control and in my state. You can have her.. by giving up the things we have demanded. I just told the truth, she is beautiful. Why are you getting so revoked?" Javier used all his words to sound amused and innocent and neither Shawn stopped him.

Shawn was sitting with his back on the armchair, in the full rest and hearing the conversion of their enemy getting provoked by mere simple sentences. It brought another kind of satisfaction.

"Javier Johnson…. trust me, facing my anger will not be good for you and for your state either." The threat was a mere joke, Javier understood the scene too well to reply. "You know when the man gets provoke too easily?" Javier asked in the calmest and unique way

No reply from the other person made him think that probably he used too much hit to say something.

Still, Javier continued to say, "When he gets to know that he is useless and his girl deserves much better. Moreover, as far as I know, Jennifer is abroad returning... She studied in the top university and can get any man. So a Mafia man like you? Are you sure that there is love between the two of you?"

It raised many questions along with it. Javier's eyebrows lifted constantly when he asked the question that was too revolving in his mind.

What can be the reason for a playboy or to be more specific, fuckboy to marry a gem-like person named Jennifer Taylor?

Especially when her father's business is hitting the ground and declining side by side. Political alliance's possibility is negligible or impossible.

So what else?

The lack of response was making Javier curioius and eager to know the reason. His aim was to get Lucas aggressive and provoke to its highest limit. With this, he will just spill the beans and his motive will get active and successful.

But the silence was constantly making him think twice or whatever he is doing is right or not? Is it working on a man Like Lucas?

"So.. what will you say then? I mean your girl is beautiful, smart.. why not shall I tr-"

"Javier Johnson, the love between us is something that we both are aware of, not an outsider like you. If you wish to think that she will entertain you, surely you will be out of your mind. So stay the fucking out of it and give the call back to your father so that two adults can talk about some mature deal!!"

The man called Javier immature? Inside, his soul was laughing because that was the most stupid statement.

"Me as immature? Smith, I'm one year younger than you so better keep your mouth shut before I slide your tongue via my hands and you cry and beg me to let your life slide.."

With his last words, Javier stood on his legs and walked near the window with a deadly glare. 'The man is smart! He didn't even utter the secret in his top sense level of furry.'

It made him curious to know that surely something is wrong otherwise the man would have surely said something in return but he didn't.

Most probably, he is hiding something serious, more than what is threatening to his image. Otherwise, why will Lucas suddenly stop and not speak?

Moreover, the fact that there is love between them? It is absolutely lewd in his eyes and the same is spoken about with Jennifer. She too told him directly that there is nothing like this between them as the marriage is arranged by her parents.

Behind, when Shawn saw that Javier stood and didn't want to converse anymore, he took it over. "Mr. Smith, let me remind the power that is with us. You asked for negotiation, sorry but we aren't willing to do so."

"You heard about our demands and we aren't going to back down. I Want my brother and the ruby once at the same time.. also the land that you have sized of for so long on the mountain area.."

Shawn didn't beat around the bush anymore, understanding that both sides have limited patience left off.

"Mr. Johson, as the elder, you understand that we both, as individual states are living our lives. Why are you suddenly trying to mess with the peace treaty that we all created?"

Emotional blackmailing didn't work on Mr. Shawn because he replied, "That is not upon me. We can continue the same peace treaty once you give me what we wish to have everything we are asking us actually ours, so asking something which belongs to us… shouldn't be that great issue."

If others can treat their material as their own, why shall they step back!? Javier will not let it go so easily...

At least a few minutes Lucas didn't say anything with respect to this. He kept mum as usual, while the son and father duo waited for his answer.

After a few minutes more, Lucas finally broke the silence to say, "I will see what can I do, Mr. Johnson."


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