The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 118: Inheritance

Chapter 118: Inheritance

A small droplet of blood accumulated on my index finger that was pointing towards the coffin and dropped like fresh dew after morning rain.

*Drip... drop... drip...*

Blood started to flow out from my palms, it mysteriously started to float in midair, it morphed into a strange hexagon, curving inside the hexagon, it shaped into a star.

[Blood c'rrelates to death. Blood hast life and death hast soul. Soul c'rrelates to life, t is the fireth yond gives spirit.

H'resy to those, hath lost. H'resy to those yond yearn f'r ov'r.

Death is the golden key yond opens the palace of et'rnity.

T is lovely to alloweth wend of demise.

May the crusheth spirit revive, f'r ev'ry gage th're is price to payeth.

Bett'r to fleeth from death than feeleth its grasp.


I staggered a bit, falling on my butt. My body was not used to this feeling.

"Air...air... I can not breathe... ha ha ha...."

My vision was blurry, my throat was dry, it was itching, it was paining. Water! I want to drink water! Breathe! I can't breathe! I want to breathe!

My hands subconsciously held my throat tightly, I crawled on my four feet wheezing hard. Blood coughed out of my mouth, my eyes were red due to the torture.

It was then that, my entire skin itched, my eyebrow twitched. Blood.... blood flowed from my eyes! My black sclera was filled with golden rose blood that kept on flowing like a river, unstopping.

"Aarghhh!!! M-my eyes?!"

The entire ground was painted in an enchantingly beautiful scarlet color. Black pearl roses grew from the ground, blossoming in full.

The coffin was in the exact middle of the rose bed, a black fog started to seep out from it and surrounded the entire rose bed before reaching out its arms to me, swallowing me as a whole.

It entered inside my body through my mouth, eyes, nose, ears as if it was the tentacles of a slime monster, violating me.

I could feel it in every corner of my body, infusing itself in my cells. My body started to hover in midair, it started to crack. My eyes were hollow and black, the blood had taken quite an effect on them.

Wrinkles appeared on my cracked skin before disappearing. Like as if cracks on a wall, my skin started to pelt away, revealing translucent naked skin that was dangerously perfect.

My eyes suddenly lost their light, I could feel my body paralyzed completely still as the surroundings around me blackened.

Suddenly I found myself in a white space, seldom ending. I recognized the space in front of me, however, instead of white it should have been black but now it was white.

Even the ground was different, when the space was black, the tiles were grey but this time, instead of tiles I could only see black pearl roses blooming from the ground towards infinite, never-ending from every side.


I tilted my head in the direction of the cough, it was a mirror figure of mine. Akashik. Even he had changed, his hair was blonde and his eyes orange. Previously he had black hair and red eyes.

It was then that I noticed that another figure sat on a chair near me. His skin was shockingly pale and smooth, his body was lean and muscular, he was wearing a vest that covered his chest partly but showed his compact abs.

His hair was nicely textured, lustrous, and thick but frizzy at the ends. The hair twisted and curved into tangles, untidy but beautiful.

They were the color of coal with golden at the ends, his piggy dead eyes were grey in color identical to the color I had in my first life as a Fairy King.

He gave out an aura of malevolence and elegance to the extreme.

He clicked his tongue and looked away, probably flustered by me observing him brazenly. I whistled, checking out his body, although I wasn't gay, he looked attractive as heck.

Just a little inferior to me.

I looked away and observed Akashik with a hand cupping my cheeks. As expected, I look better than even my mirrored self.

Since nobody was going to start talking, I had no other choice but to start first.

"So.... why am I here again?"

No one spoke, instead, Akashik miraculously summoned tea in front of us. He stood up this time and summoned a classy dining table.

My eyebrows twitched a bit as I eye him, a haughty smile crept onto his face as if he was proud of himself.

Well.... he is me... so I am not mad, simply disappointed, yes, disappointed.

He poured the tea in teacups gently and slowly, all of his steps were an art. Even the black-haired guy was impressed by him.

I slowly took a sip of the tea, my eyes widened in surprise. This was the best tea I have ever tasted! The quality, the style, the taste! Everything was amazing!

I genuinely don't like tea but I wouldn't lie, I won't mind drinking this tea for the rest of my life. I tilted my head to look at the black-haired guy and I was utterly shocked.

His cold demeanor was entirely replaced with a cute one, his cheeks were puffed out and suddenly he became a chibi character who lied his head on the table without manners.

Akashik and me, both cringed out.

So much for dominance.

Suddenly the black-haired guy snapped out of it and cleared his throat which looked extremely funny because he was still chibi.

"You must be Irakiel."

I nodded, "Yes, I know my name."

The guy deadpanned at my reply. Was it that lame? Surely it wasn't, he is breaking my heart!


Akashik couldn't help but muffle a laugh. I knew it wasn't lame, only people with a true sense of humor can laugh at my jokes.

Seeing that the black-haired chibi was giving me a death glare, I couldn't help but pat his head.


He smacked my head and looked at me with hatred.

"Don't pet me as if I am a child."

I couldn't help but giggle, even his voice was immature as a kid.

"Sure sure, continue ahead. Why are you here? Who are you?"

He then sat comfortably on the chair and crossed his legs as if a king.

"I go by many titles, Embodiment of Death, Supreme Ruler of Death, Origin of Death, The First Heretic, Sinner of Chaos. However, those don't matter, for I am Death, the one and only.

The name given to me by the Origin of Laws, true to my words,

Al-Mazur Qida."

As his grandiose introduction was finished, a suppressive pressure pressed on me. By our side, Akashik giggled.

"Yes, supreme ruler of death, who is dead."

Al-Mazur Qida gave Akashik a death stare before looking at my unimpressed expression. Although I did like the shock on his face that I didn't flinch once upon hearing his titles, I still felt not satisfied.

So what if he has heavy titles, my titles are a thousand times better.

"My turn to introduce myself. I go by many titles, Lord and Savior, Supreme Existence, The Most Graceful One, Kind Stepfather. However those don't matter, I am the stepfather of all living things, those who are filial to me are cherished but those who are unfilial, perish.

The name given to me by the origin of laws, true to my words,

Irakiel El Navah."

Hmm, that should shake him up a little.

I flicked my hair and tilted my head to look at him in a badass style. It did shake him up a bit.

He sat frozen on his seat, his face deathly pale, his cold eyes lifeless and replaced with two dots. A sigh ultimately came out of his blood-red lips.

"How did I lose to someone like you, I still can't believe it."

My eyes widened, I shook my head, what a sinful being I am. A sigh escaped from my mouth.

"Your wife or your mother?"

The black-haired man stared at me dumbfounded, silence enshrouded the table along with an aura of awkwardness.

It only took him five seconds to throw the teacup on the floor and bang the table.


Before he could speak more, Akashik waved his hands and suddenly dirty grandma underwear got stuffed in his mouth and chains wrapped his entire body.

He spoke in a gentle tone,

"Unfilial shall perish."

I nodded agreeing with him and started to wonder what I did wrong to make him lash out at me. I honestly don't see where I was wrong.

Akashik walked towards Qida and kept a huge block of green-colored ice in a hat shape on his head, probably to calm him down.

What a considerate guy, Akashik is.

Seeing that Qida calmed down, Akashik made the grandma undies in his mouth disappear and loosened the chains.

Although he had calmed down, I could still feel his burning gaze full of hatred towards me as I drank the delicious tea.

Ignoring his gaze, I turned to Akashik.

"The tea is delectable."

Akashik smiled gently and said softly,

"There are biscuits to eat with the tea."

I replied with a smile,

"Thank you."

He kept a small bowl of biscuits near my teacup and then a realization struck him.

"Oh! I forgot! There are cookies."

I immediately exclaimed,

"Yes! Yes!"

He smiled again, his expression satisfied, full of joy. Seems that he has found a great hobby in tea parties and baking.

It must have been boring for him in our mindscape, I should come often for the tea and make him feel less lonely.

Somehow I could feel the gaze on my body hotter and hotter, I could burn at this rate! Cold sweat dripped from my neck, I turned to look at the hot-headed dead death who was staring at my cookie.

Oh boy, the culture needs to be spread.


I held out my hand forward with a cookie in my hand, he nodded but just as he was going to snatch it away..... I took my hand back and ate it in front of him.

"Young Padawan needs to be educated more."

Only I am allowed to be on the dark side! All cookies are mine!

He stared at me as if I had done treason.

"YOU- Mfff!!! Lheme Spheak thu dath bhastardh!"

Once again his mouth was stuffed with grandma undies, sigh, when will these children learn.

Akashik once again kept ice on him. We waited until he calmed down.

His hateful gaze has lessened but not completely disappeared. He furiously rubbed his forehead in annoyance.

"I can't believe I am forced to make you my successor."

He sighed and a serious expression replaced his earlier face.

"Let's discuss now."

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