The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 129: Crest Branding

Chapter 129: Crest Branding

I was shocked at the flamboyant words, nevertheless, I composed myself. I love yanderes, I know they are a bit crazy but I can make out that none of my women are true yandere, maybe semi-yandere.

True yandere would kill me and take their own life while quoting 'We will be together even in Death' after seeing how I screw around with women.

No shit Sherlock!

That felt good I should do that more.

After handing Aria the black pearl rose, the butterfly on her finger folded into a ring. A delicate black ring with gold and silver stripes on it.

It did look quite good.

I am quite happy that all my women are rich and powerful, extremely sure that I would be ripped off if I wanted to appease women in my second life as a human.

Although I wouldn't do it.... human women have a mind more fucked up than any female species.

The same goes for the men but compared to women their minds ain't that fucked up, it's just that all of them are too paranoid and insecure, honestly, I can't blame them.

However there are always exceptions, if you find a good one keep him or her, don't let him or her get away.


I glanced at Aria, she was wearing her usual white-colored suit, it reminded me of the first day we met. Even back then she was wearing a male's white suit.

Honestly saying.. I love women in suits and when they wear male suits, it's even sexier. Especially on a voluptuous woman, like Aria.

Aria was in a daze, staring at the ring on her finger. Her face was pinkish red, the polar opposite of her everyday- amused expression on her visage.

I snapped my fingers in front of her face and waved my hand to make her come out of it.

"Huh?... Ah sorry. What were you saying again?"

"Nothing, I just have one final thing to do."

I closed the distance between us, I could see her surprised face. Her breath was rather ragged, understandable since she is in an excited state.

I let my hands grasp her curvaceous ass while my nose sniffed her supple neck going all the way towards her forehead.

I could feel her heartbeat increasing as I touched her body, even I popped a boner involuntarily. Well, a honeymoon is quite needed but before that, we might need a proper marriage.

My forehead touched her own, I closed my eyes enjoying the unnatural warmth of her body that came from me being close, vampires generally don't have warm bodies but instead cold.

"Feel the soul," I whispered to Aria, she nodded and closed her eyes.

I could feel our blood bond, it had seemed that Aria had benefited a lot from my blood compared to how much I had.

Like how I gained blood manipulation abilities and some vampiric characteristics, she gained some abilities and characteristics from me.

Knowing her, she is keeping this a surprise for me. Although we were married in a way through the blood bond and had even had our honeymoon before I proposed officially, it was all fine.

We can always have a proper honeymoon, I don't want to take away what is normal from any of my women.

They already are having to accept a harem, they might not show it outside but I know they feel a bit hurt.

I might be a womanizer but I sympathize with my women and want to keep our feelings genuine not just sex.

Fucking like animals day and night is not everything, even the feelings and duty that come along in a relationship makes it a real 'relationship'.

I don't want to rob them of normal, just because I am a womanizer.

Every woman looks forward to a proper wedding. As a lover, I will give all my wives what they deserve as a female.

As our foreheads touched, I could feel every cell in Aria's body including her soul. It was beautiful, almost like a heavenly star, it seemed quite similar to mine, maybe because of the ticks she inherited from me.

A ripple erupted in her soul and traveled into the distance, slowly her soul started to get chained by my soul.

It was a beautiful yet horrendous sight to see.

"I am going to brand you, making you officially my woman.... where would you want the tattoo?"

I asked Aria, she huffed slightly, her face slightly blushed. Seeing my half-serious face, she contemplated a bit before saying.

"I want it just below my boobs."

I nodded to myself, Aria is a businesswoman. Just the thought of having a tattoo makes her feel a bit awkward since it refuses her work ethic.

As a result, she wouldn't want it somewhere where it is easily visible. Plus a crest of my harem should be for her personal satisfaction too.

My hands slipped underneath her shirt, my fingers traveled across her stomach towards her nipples- oops!


Not my mistake! What can I do if my fingers have gotten muscle memories extremely hardcore?

Aria moaned slightly, I ignored her but I made sure to stick my body against her, letting her feel my c.o.c.k.

Slowly my hand reached the part below her curvaceous boobs while doing slight foreplay.

"Hmm... this seems good?"

"Mhm~ Yes."

I kept my hand stuck there for a few seconds before removing it.

"Hmm.. done!"

A semi-crown-butterfly tattoo appeared on the spot where she allowed me to mark. My skill 'Pleasure Bond' had been successfully applied.

Aria now was successfully a part of my harem and ranked Wife.

After being done with Aria, I walked towards Mira and repeated the entire proposal again under the shocked eyes of the other women.


Then next I proposed to Lucifer.

Irakiel El Navah... suffering from success.

In the end, Mira asked to be marked on her ass cheek, she said that it would be kinky to see it, every time while f.u.c.k.i.n.g.

"It's your turn now Lucifer."

She stepped forward, both of us staring into each other's eyes.

"Before doing that I think it's fair if I show you my true form rather than my teacher one."

My eyebrow involuntarily rose, hmmm, I didn't know about this. Now that I think, it should have been obvious.

If she hadn't disguised and was teaching at a school, there would be uproar everywhere and the news that the Realm Leader was personally teaching would be on trending.

Slowly as her body basked in sunlight, it started to morph. Ruby-orange eyes were entirely visible, shining like those of a bloodthirsty predator.

Her light ash blonde hair was long, longer than even a rope, it completely covered the floor like a blanket.

Fortunately, the ground was clean.

Her height increased slightly and her skin started to glisten, as smooth as jade. Her eyebrows were like a Phoenix and her face was properly chiseled.


An Omniverse toppling, JADE BEAUTY!!!

My jaws started to lower a bit, Lucifer looked gorgeous. This time I am not even going to be narcissistic, I don't want to ruin this mood.

No... no... Damn it! She is second only to me.

Sigh... I did it anyway.

"Lucifer, you are fucking beautiful."

Her eyes widened and her face blushed slightly. Every woman likes to be praised by their man and I wasn't someone who would often compliment a person's beauty.

So I could feel that she was very happy at the moment.

She smiled brightly and I felt dazed again. I think I should compliment my women more. They deserve it.

I smiled back at her, as warmly as possible and asked for her hand that she naturally gave. Holding it tightly I kissed it gently before tapping her forehead with my finger.

"Where do you want my crest to be on?"

"Below my neck, right above my boobs," Lucifer replied.

I nodded and touched her chest slightly. After a few seconds, I let my hand go.

"Alrightyy done!"

Lucifer smiled again and started to giggle creepily which scared the fuck out of me before whispering.

"Finally we are one."

Sweety, I dont know how I should feel about this.

I mean I do like yandere... so I am probably happy.

However don't you dare go bat shit crazy!!! Don't stab me when I am asleep or standing me when we are f.u.c.k.i.n.g. or choking me to death!

I have already died shitty deaths! Once by a statue and the second time by cup noodles.

I am not interested in dying a third time that too stabbed in the guts, my beautiful head separated from my body and used as fap material for some ugly bitch asses.

Oh shit, my handsome dead body... they could even use my dead dick as a dildo!

Believe me, I knew a bitch, back in my first life, my grandmaster, the master of my master-Tian Yue. She was obsessed with me! She killed all the women near me, she tried killing her own disciple too(My first love- Tian Yue) and even tried to cage me!

Although I thought it was kinky... I really wanted to escape... the woman strapped me! My bed was made out of needles and there was not an ounce of light in the room!

My only food was the love juice that she forced me to drink. Fortunately, I escaped in less than a day, my master had saved and released me. After that day I never saw my grandmaster again.

I wonder what she is doing now and if we will ever meet.....

I had even forgotten about that day... now that I think of it... I think... I dont want a true yandere after me.

HAIZZZZZ this is confusing. I want but I dont want... I want but I don't want....I want but I dont want... I want but I don't want... I want but I don't want....I want but I dont want... I want but I don't want.

Fuck it, Que Sera Sera!

Anyways, Lucifer seems content with the crest and that is what matters. Welcome, Lucifer to the messed up harem of the great Irakiel Unrivaled Navah!

Another wife in the bag!

'Harem show!'

[~Pleasure Bond Harem~

Wives: Aria, Mira, Lucifer.

Concubine- None marked with a crest yet.

Maids: None marked with a crest yet.

Servant: None marked with a crest yet.

Slaves: Sona (Head of Slaves but still a slave nevertheless.)


I stretched my body again. Now that I noticed it, Lucifer and Mira had just woken up. I turned to look at Aria, she looked kind of tired despite her happy face.


"Aria, have you taken a bath yet?"

She looked at me with a frown.

"Not yet... no. I was looking for you since yesterday. I thought you got kidnapped by this female dog."

She said the end pointing towards Lucifer. I was surprised she didn't call her bitch as she used to. It seems that the friendly magic of pleasure bond was slowly working.

Even Aria frowned. She opened her mouth to cuss while looking at Lucifer but surprisingly the words she meant didn't come out.

"Fat arse"

"Female Dog!"


"Bloody Cow!"

"Okay okay stop! We get how much you want to curse me!" Lucifer screamed, her eyes almost teary.

Pfft- I suppressed my laughter as I looked at them all. After everyone got composed, a delicious shudder went down my spine as an eager smile carved onto my face.

"Let's take a bath.... together."

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