The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 136: Effulgence

Chapter 136: Effulgence

I was calmly lying on the bed. My eyes were wide open as I started at the ceiling. My eyes are dead, lifeless, null, empty.

It all those synonyms.

I am currently in a depression. Why am I so amazing? I mean.... isn't it too much? I am just too amazing!

I should have known that Shama has a kink for elegance.

I have heard that the Jade Emperor is the most elegant person and his wives love his elegance.

What if one day, I one glance at the concubines/wives of the Jade Emperor and they all fall in love with me? Wouldn't that be troublesome... or maybe even kind of hot?

What if I have a massive orgy with them and the Jade Emperor accidentally sees us?

What would his expression be?

What would his reaction be?

I am the greatest stepfather and it is my duty to help all lonely and not lonely females equally blah blah blah.

"Really shouldn't have had the brownie after dinner. and tried to sleep right after." I muttered, not particularly speaking to anyone.

The sugar is making me think too much.

The curtains of my room were slightly open. I could see the rustling shadows of the trees and their leaves outside the window, painted on the wall of my room.




What was that?

Shudders went across my skin.



It felt like as if a glass fell down. Should I check with my spirit sense? Non non. Let's just pretend to sleep, shouldn't raise suspicion.

Clutching the cloth on the bed tighter, I pulled the blanket on my body. Turning side, I closed my eyes.





My eyes shot wide open as I heard the whisper. Tingles went across my skin. I didn't dare to look behind.

If there is a ghost, I'll just seduce her and hope she leaves me if I ask her calmly.

If it was daytime then I would have simply killed the ghost. It's all because of those damn humans in my second life that influenced me with their scary stories.

As if the ghost stories in my first life were not enough.

The legendary omnipotent muddy hand. Anyone who sees it dies. The maids who used to take care of me when I was a child had told me these ghost stories a thousand times to make me sleep.

Are they dumb?! People say good heartwarming stories and here I was being told stories that would give me nightmares.

Closing my eyes doesn't mean I am asleep... I am just scared to open them. What if I open my eye and the first thing I see in front of me is a grotesque nun or a wandering muddy hand?

Another shudder passed through my body.

*Creak... creak...*

I could hear the sound of feet shuffling against the woody floor.


Another wail cried out, this time it was even closer to me than before. It was then that I felt a hand hug my stomach hard.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhh GHOST!!!!!!!!"

I jumped out of bed, my fists clenched and my body in a battle position. My eyes shined with a deadly light as an aura of malevolence synergized with the surroundings.

"Who the f*ck are you calling a ghost?!"




Standing in front of my door was a curvy woman, she had pale white skin and wet silver hair that was falling on her face, and her face was chalked white, and had eyes that looked similar to chopped cucumber pieces.


Suddenly a punch fell on my head, it didn't hurt. I rubbed the back of my head as I looked at the ghost who was apparently unaware that she was the ghost with a glare.

However contrary to my expectations, she lifted her hair completely and took off her eyes that looked like cucumber..... actually... those were not eyes but rather just chopped cucumber pieces.

"I am your sister idiot!"


It all makes sense now. Wet hair, chalked face, and cucumber. She must have taken a bath and tried to put that on her face to moisturize her already smooth skin.

I swear there is no limit to jade. One beyond the other.

"Weren't you supposed to come in a week?"

Liz pouted. Her cheeks were swollen trying to act cute, honestly, it looked quite scary due to the white thing on her face.

"So are you gonna answer?" I asked as I walked towards the table beside the bed for a glass of water.

"Water for me too please, thanks in advance."

Pouring myself some water and some for Liz. I saw her sitting on the bed. Trudging next to her, I handed her a glass of water as I took a sip from mine.


Alizejh drank the entire glass of water in one go. A sigh of satisfaction exhaled from her mouth as she finished drinking it.

She looked at me with a hateful expression and spoke.

"I wanted to surprise you."

A surprised expression came over me. This twin sister of mine is quite heartwarming.

"I wanted me to be the first thing you see when you wake up."


Somehow that makes me feel a bit fuzzy.

I held the back of her palms tightly. Her palms were rough in contrast to her smooth skin. It seems like she has been training a lot.

Just as I was going to speak up, I felt hot water droplets dropping on the hand that was holding Alizejh.

Tilting my head to look from where the droplets came, I saw Alizejh. She was crying. Her white pastel gel was parting as she cried.

My heart trembled, she looks even scarier.

Snot came out from her nose and her cries turned into wails. My experience with women tells me to never ever ask a woman, why she is crying.

Women usually cry when they have stress about something and when they are asked they get reminded of it.

However, this time I really need to ask. Anyone making my sister suffer is a bad person and needs to be eradicated.

"Why are you crying?"

Instead of answering, she quickly hugged me and butted me onto the bed.

"Idiot....idiot.....idiot..... I thought that you would die!"

"You always make me worry....sniff...sniff..."

"Every time I take eyes off you, something or the other happens... sniff..."

My eyes widened. So the bad person was the great me? I guess in this case I am.

I hugged her back, caressing her hair I whispered into her ears.

"I am sorry."


She cried loudly as she hugged me harder.

Wands of rising branches became dancing silhouettes behind the shadows as moonlight shone into the window, bringing a comforting beauty to the graphite night.

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