The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 146: The Pathetic Life of Al-Mazur Qida

Chapter 146: The Pathetic Life of Al-Mazur Qida

A sigh escaped from my mouth as I stared at my scary stepfather. Once a stepson, always a stepson. I knew that I wouldn't be able to escape from Rael.

"Let me tell you...but for this... I need to explain from the beginning."


Long ago. A time when time itself didn't exist and all that was present was nothingness.

There was no time, no space. That meant that there was no life or death.

No infinity, no fate or destiny.

All that existed was nothing, something that didn't exist.

However, everything changed when 'concept' was formed.

We don't know how that was formed or why it was formed.

With the concept, like a dream of a child, the time came into existence along with space and the nothingness started to diminish.

Universes were starting to form, galaxies were starting to form. It was perfect.... however too much perfect is boring.

Like as if a child was playing with lego, creating and destroying. Life and Death started to exist.

Death at first was nothing but destruction. It didn't have sentience nor did it have its own form. All it did was devour everything.

It was energy, pure energy....most similar to nothingness.

Death was beautiful but scary at the same time.

Meanwhile, Life was certainly beautiful. It's fun to create, see the process of something that is made. It gives satisfaction.

On one of the creations. A blue planet to be specific where water was present, life began. It was not complex life.

It wasn't a microorganism nor was it a plant. What formed were spirits. The physical manifestation of phantoms that contain crude life energy.

Spirits, as they came alive, started to help life grow. Their lush was like the breeze of all the beauty of life. Their mere existence made life thrive.

With the help of spirits, life truly formed.

Amoeba, plants, fishes..... the list went on as weird and amazing creatures started to form.

However, life was called life because it is never not never ending.

It is where I came into the picture.


I devoured everything and crumbled the flames of life creating the cycle of life span.

Similar to life that had started to form spirits.... death started to form souls to help life to end and then begin continuously.

As souls came into the picture. Sentience too came. Concept at that point of time had no sentience, it was just the living beings who had the divine gift of sentience.

As the cycle of life and death continued, the living being suffered a lot. Some seeing their loved ones dying and many such other things.

It was then that 'Faith' came into the picture. A mysterious strong force of energy. It was different from life and even death energy. It was special.

The energy that would later form Gods.


The faith in divinity gave the concepts a new power.

The power to form embodiments.

Like all other concepts, I got an embodiment too, and like all other living beings... I started out as a child too.

Every child needs a mother. After all... the only milk that a father can produce is his s.e.m.e.n. or maybe go to buy one from the market.

PS: and never come back.



So a crazy b*tch adopted me.

Her name was Persephone. One of the oldest concepts to ever exist. Space and Time itself.

Long story short. She tried to brainwash me and almost did. The creepy woman was apparently grooming me to be her husband inspired by the concept of marriage.

It was hard. Life was hard yet easy. My only purpose in life was to be an absolute slave for my mother.

I thought what my mom was doing was normal. After all, I never left the house, she had trapped me into a tower.

Every day I simply looked outside the window. I could obviously feel the Death of many people and my existence being used every second.

However, that was normal for me since birth since I was Death itself.

It was another normal day of being Rapunzel when I saw another female other than my mom for the first time in my life.

She was riding a skeletal horse and gave me a vibe of Death. I could feel that she was using my concept.

She changed my entire life. My princess in shining armor.

Oh damn, I am feeling emotional.

"Do you want a napkin.... stepson?"

"Yes please."



"Oh wait I don't have one."


"You are welcome. I am just doing what a kind and good father should do."

Sure... I believe it. No need to remind me again and again that you are my stepfather.

Motherf*cker is doing this on purpose I feel.



He really is my motherf*cker.

Anyways where was I?

Oh yes.

My princess charming, my hero of light, my cold and arrogant yet charming and sweet CEO fantasy woman.


Her name was.


The Greek Goddess of Death.

My savior.... and also the one who made my life hell.

Funny it is because she was actually living in hell.



I am lamer than even my stepfather.

After Persephone came to know about Hades. A war started. A war that caused many losses. Life squandered and the war almost disrupted the entire life and death cycle.

Souls escaping from my Death Dimension.

Oh did I mention? Probably not so I will mention it now.

I had a dimension called 'Death Dimension'. It was where souls would come after death to travel to the next stage of the afterlife.

Many other gods had their own small version of Death Dimension but mine was the original one... because you know... I am Death itself.

For example, my savior who I wanted to run away with and live a happy ending with, Hades had her own Death Dimension called 'Hell'.

Along with her, some other death gods had decided to merge their death dimensions obviously not to slack off and put all the work of death gods on the most submissive one.

Oh well.

Many misunderstandings took place and many cults were formed in my name. At one point I even forgot why the war was going on and just assumed that I was trying to dominate and conquer everything in existence.

A stupid thing to announce to everyone else on a loud mic speaker.

I became the biggest target. The most wanted man in existence.

Eventually... I even died.

Laughable isn't it?

Death itself died.

I don't even know how I died.

For a few World Cycles, people didn't die and were immortal.

However soon everything started to settle down and the life and death cycle went back to normal.

I am simply the embodiment of the concept of Death and a concept itself can not be erased unless of course nihility is used.

However no being alive or dead has the power to wield nihility.

Okay! Enough info dump.

My mom later used her space and time powers to reincarnate as the daughter of Zeus and Demeter.

Fooled the entire world into thinking that she was in love with Hades and that Hades stockholmed her.

Ironically mom had tried doing stockholme on me.

Basically, my mom tortured Hades for all her life.... until I remembered that the war did not start for world domination but for my love, the one who freed me from my cage.


Yeah... I know... I have a memory problem... happens when you are groomed to be a husband.

"That's it?" Rael asked with a frown.


What do you mean by 'that's it'?!

"Yes. That's.... it."

"Okay. Nice."


"I f*cked your mom higgigigighihihhahaha."

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