The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 59: Irakiel is a Rank from now on?

Chapter 59: Irakiel is a Rank from now on?



We were currently traveling in the luxurious hovercar.

Looking outside the window, I saw many elves and lushes of greenery. However that site started to change, after approximately 30 minutes, the area planning started to become urban.

Tilting my hair I started to gaze at the city spread, the world felt so wide and free that I wanted to fly across the diplomatic scenery

People were everywhere just like the stars in the sky, huge and small buildings collided in a mixture of shadow and geometry, tiny vehicles rushing along tangled lines of streets creating twisting threads of light - they all intertwined together in a magnificent mess of dream.

I could only feel happiness from the bottom of my heart for being reincarnated.

Soon, the hovercar reached its destination.

Upon descending from the car, I saw a breathtakingly beautiful view. A large and exquisite red brick monument stood proudly. It looked exactly like a fort.

We started to go towards the gate of the fort after parking the car in the parking lot.

The guards bowed slightly when they saw Duke Connor.

Upon going inside many people working. All of them were in a rush and there was not a bit of silence. Chattering noises were exploding, it was an extremely busy workplace.

Connor then went towards the ticket desk to buy us a ticket to visit the School Island.

School Island, an artificial island near the capital city, is made solely for educational purposes. From luxurious schools to even eateries. Everything was there, solely for the students. Up to 70% of the island consisted of students. Even the eateries and cosmetic markets belonged to students.

After a few moments, Connor came with a beaming smile on his face.

"Let's go, we got a premium ticket..."

People normally weren't allowed to visit the island unless they had the verification of the university or academy they were studying in. People could only visit when mega-events were going on.

I nodded and followed Connor to the nearest port.

The port was nothing special it was more like the entrance for a rollercoaster ride. There was a line for people to stand in and give the ticket and get it approved so that they could travel inside.

There were very few people so our chance came pretty fast. After reaching the counter, the man clipped the ticket and tore it giving half of it to Connor.

The man frowned looking at me but then shook his head, I raised my eyebrow at his reaction but didn't pay any more attention.

The mode of transport to reach the island was apparently a cable car.

We sat in the cable car, due to the premium ticket we wouldn't have to share with anyone else.

We descended from the Cable car and took a taxi to the Imperial Academy which was one of the three best academies on the Island.

On our way to the academy, I took this opportunity to look at the scenery from the car.

There were towering educational instituted, practice areas, spaces for rent, restaurants, supermarkets, cosmetic stores, etc.

"It's amazing right?" Connor who was sitting beside me asked.

I nodded, it was truly beautiful, the fairy realm was more of a rural realm so it didn't have any technology. Instead, it had many natural beauties to gaze at, as everyone would cultivate, everyone, preferred the realm that way.

"Oh... I didn't ask you but I didn't see your younger son back in the castle..."

"He is living in his dorms, once you come to the academy for studies, you can't leave until the term is over..." He replied proudly.

"Magda told me that vacations are on, so the term should have been over so why didn't he come?" Is asked feeling curious.

The man sighed and had a hint of sadness in his eyes. Seeing his eyes I didn't even have to ask, this was maybe the reason why Connor suspected that his kid was getting bullied.

We finally reached the school, it was more like a fortress. It had many departments that had their own set of buildings. We couldn't explore it a lot because apparently, I was not a student.

I would eventually join this Academy so I would have plenty have time to explore so I wasn't in a hurry.

We then went towards the Test grounds for the test that would be conducted.

Many other people had come for the test which would be conducted.

Together with Rael, other four people had come to register.

Two were girls and two were boys.

The first girl arrogant and had a proud expression on her face. She was slim and had a pretty good figure. It seemed like she was one of the spoiled brats.

The second girl was feeling depressed and nervous and stood behind the first girl. It seemed that the two of them were sisters.

The two boys were silent and seemed nervous in their own way. One of them was fiddling with his specs while the other was staring anxiously at the instructor.


The instructor was standing proudly with his assistant on the side. He was one of the main teachers in the academy.

"Who wants to go first?" The instructor asked in a calm voice.

Nobody came forward, everyone except Rael was nervous.

Seeing that everyone was nervous, the first girl, the arrogant-looking girl came forward with uttermost confidence.

"Your name?" The instructor asked.

"Tina Chanel." She said with utmost confidence.

Seeing that confidence, the instructor smirked.

'Let's see if you will have the same confidence after the test.'

He had seen many confident children who were prodigies in their respected fields fail, their confidence shattered.

"Keep your hand on this crystal...." The instructor showed as he showed the crystal which was wrapped by a silk cloth upon a stool.

Rael's eyes widened, it was a lot like a normal mana crystal but also very different.

'It seems that they have made an artificial mana crystal....'

The girl won't forward and touched the crystal with her palms. Slowly a very dim light erupted from the crystal.

Her expression immediately darkened.

"Tina Chanel, rank E." The instructor said in a nonchalant tone as if it was normal for him. He wrote something on his notepad.

"Next?" He ordered.

Nobody came forward, all were staring at Tina who seemed heartbroken and unbelieving of her situation. Her eyes empty as she went back.

Seeing that no one was coming, he randomly pointed towards a boy.

It was the guy who was anxiously staring at the Instructor. He hesitantly came forward almost peeing his pants.

"Dual Dome"

He touched the crystal and a normal light shined from the crystal.

The instructor looked at him uninterested, "Dual Dome, C rank."

Dual sighed, he was happy that at least he was not E rank.

"You!" The instructor pointed towards the boy who was wearing specs.

"Eddie Bareglow," He said, he had an expressionless face, he looked nervous but also excited.

"Go forward."

He walked towards the crystal and touched it. The crystal glowed brightly and a magnetic pressure was released.


Various metals then came in the direction of the crystal. Eddie smiled looking at the bright glow on his crystal.

"You already a deviant? That's good, good...good...." The instructor clapped.

"Eddie Bareglow, B rank." He announced.

His entire face became depressed.

"Don't worry because you have are already a deviant and also have a nice deviant ability of magnetism, you can easily pass the ranking tests to move up a rank." The instructor comforted the specs-wearing guy.

Hearing the instructor, his face beamed as he went towards his father. His father put an arm around his neck and said,

"I'll take you for a barbecue today!" The kid's eyes glowed as soon as he heard his father.

The instructor didn't pay any attention to him and quickly jotted his name and everything in his notepad and passed it to his assistant.

The instructor then pointed towards the scared girl, she came forward.

'If my sister who was a prodigy got such a low rank then maybe I will be even worse.'

"Name?" The instructor asked annoyed.

"Rina Chanel."

"What are you standing for lazy girl, touch the crystal! We are not going to wait for you as if we are your servants!" The instructor shouted.

She hesitantly touched the crystal, a bright glow came from the crystal.

"Oho, finally a good one. Rina Chanel, A rank." He said nonchalantly.

Rina looked at him with disbelief while the other sister glared at her and shouted towards the instructor.

"How can this be, this is cheating! You are cheating! Yes, that is the only explanation!"

The instructor looked at her coldly and said, "Curse yourself for being born weak, there is no cheating here."

"No that's not fair!" She ran towards her sister to hit her.

Instantly at that moment, a strong pressure assaulted the testing ground, everyone knelt due to the horrifying pressure emitted from the assistant of the Instructor.

"Fight somewhere else." The assistant coldly said in his master's stead.

Tina wiped her tears and glared at Rina with hate-filled in her eyes.

The instructor then turned to look at Rael, "Boy why are you still standing still?"

Rael shrugged nonchalantly,

"Maybe because you are weak."

The instructor narrowed his eyes and scoffed, "Arrogant, come I will take your assessment now.."

Rael looked at him with a complicated gaze and then turned around to look at Connor before smirking.



"Family name?"


Rael thought of saying his original family name which was El Navah but he canceled that idea if there was someone from the Celestial or any other realm it would arouse their suspicion and then meaningless confrontation or a clich situation would take place.

Connor immediately felt shivers go up to his spine.

Rael looked at the instructor and said, "Are you sure that you want me to assess me?"

The instructor ridiculed him and said in an annoyed voice, "Boy you should stop being arrogant, it will only lead you to fall harder so stop talking nonsense." He thought that it was pure coincidence that Rael could withstand the pressure.

The instructor ridiculed Rael, he wanted to see the expression of despair on Rael's face when his rank would be low.

'He is just a newborn child.'

Rael simply shrugged and said, "Don't say that I didn't warn you...."

He walked towards the crystal and gently pressed his hands upon it.

A bright light exploded from the crystal, blinding everyone present.


Energy pulses started to fluctuate from the crystal. The instructor immediately had an ominous feeling.


The entire crystal broke and a cold aura permeated in the surroundings freezing everything present. Eddie looked at the deviant scenario in front of him with shock, it was an ice deviant element!

*Boom!!!! Boom!!!!*

Dust spread into the air making everyone cough, the instructor who was also coughing quickly adjusted his spectacle to look at the silver-haired boy.

'This is above even S rank!!!!! '

Ranks would be given by the purity in mana and talent which the crystal would tell with help of the light.

The brightness would show the talent and the duration of the light would show one's mana purity. But this silver-haired boy was an abomination! His talent and mana purity was limitless! It even destroyed the crystal!

Rael looked at the instructor with a guilty expression and then chuckled,

"Oops, looks like it broke.... "

'Bastard! You knew that this would happen!' The instructor gritted his teeth

As the dust settled they saw that the entire ground was frozen with ice. All of them were expressionless and looked at Rael dumbfoundedly.

'I didn't expect that he would be this strong, so that means, Shi wasn't exaggerating?' Connor thought.

He suddenly realized that he told Rael to purposely lower his power, but he didn't follow at all.

Obviously, why would he lower his power on purpose?

He would rather show it off towards the instructors to embed fear in their hearts. He had already taken a step forward to conquering the school.

Only cowards hide their powers.

Strong beings who were weak at first try to act weak because they are weak, even if they change they will always be weak at heart.

Rael was born strong, his pride wouldn't let him lower his head, of course, it would be a different situation if he was in a place where everyone was stronger or as strong as him and very dangerous.

If that was the situation then he would be like a snake ensnaring its prey.

But because Lower World was weak he could afford to flaunt his weight.

And even though he was throwing his weight around, this time he was also being very careful, he didn't want to die by mistake like how he did in his previous lives.


"Irakiel, S rank" The instructor announced under the gaze of everyone.

However, right at that moment, something unexpected happened.

"No! Give me SSS rank!"

The instructor and everyone else looked at him dumbfounded, "There is no rank like that..."

"Then I have no choice but to join some other school... " He replied leisurely.

All of them stared at him with their eyes popping out of their sockets, this was a chance to become an S rank! And he was giving it up?!?! Even threatening to leave!!!

Too arrogant!!!


"I am sorry but I can't allow that... " The instructor said in a low voice.

Rael looked at him with a depressed face, "Ah is that so..... looks like I will have to go to some other academy... "

The instructor stared at him, 'I thought it was a he really blackmailing me???!!'

At that moment a voice came from behind them, "Argos give him the SSS rank."

Everyone turned their gaze from where the voice came and saw an old man with a long beard come.

The instructor immediately bowed, "Headmaster."

Everyone else even Connor except Rael bowed. The headmaster was one of the most important figures in the demon country. He was an archduke of the kingdom.

The Instructor looked at Rael and said, "Why don't you bow? "

"I never bow to anyone" He replied uncaringly.


"Hohohohoho." The headmaster laughed, "Argos calm down he is just a kid."

Hearing the headmaster he calmed down but looked at Rael with a furious expression.

Rael sighed helplessly, "It seems I have offended yet another person... this time a guy who looks like a pedophile mixture of Santa Claus and dumbledore."

The eyebrows of the headmaster twitched a bit as he inspected Rael from top to bottom and said.

"You are a very amusing guy."

Rael simply smiled wryly, he was really not being arrogant, he was just confident but they all mistook it for him being arrogant because in their views he was a child.

Rael could swear that his power was equal to that of the headmaster if not more.

"Very well, you can have the SSS rank... I would love to see how you proceed further.." He gave a wink as he turned around to leave with Argos and the assistant.

Rael dodged his wink immediately, maybe he did wrong in attempting to attract attention... he didn't think that the headmaster would be a pedophile.

"I didn't expect you to accept this easily, how about this... scratch the SSS rank, call it Irakiel rank." Rael giggled a bit, his narcissism was taking over after quite a many days.

Everyone stared at him, the headmaster was getting angrier as every second passed, he snorted.

"Call it whatever you want."

Seeing them leave the headmaster and the assessment teacher leave, the others stared at Rael with disbelief and shock.....


The next chapter is a bonus.

I am such a kind author. Unrivaled and peerless.

Btw Gandalf is dead so I had to come back from the dead to take my previous position.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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