The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 62: Swift Kill

Chapter 62: Swift Kill

Once again we were now in the Country of Education, Balia, a small island country, the only difference was that this time I came here with Hecate.

The entire time was quiet, we were going through the material list. It seemed that there were quite a few weird stuff to buy for the academy.

"We are allowed to bring pets?" I asked Hecate who was in a floral skirt and white top with her hair opened, not in her usual gothic maid uniform.

I had to give this to her, she looked absolutely amazing in that outfit.

"Yes, most of the people bring demonic monsters as pets," Hecate replied without looking at me.

"Do you have any?" I couldn't help but ask.

Unfortunately to my expectations, she simply denied it by shaking her head.

"I do have a familiar..." She replied.

Now, this was a term I had never heard in a long while, I personally never had a familiar of my own in my first life.

"Familiar?" I asked curious about her familiar.

"Yes, they are beasts who come from the Familiar Realm, they form a contract with us, which enables us to summon them whenever we need."

"I know that...." I replied with a deadpan face.

"Sorry master I thought I would have to explain since you are a pervert and many times the combinations of dumb and pervert go together." She said with a slightly teasing smile.

This girl...

"So what is your familiar?" I couldn't help but inquire.

She waved her hand, and a gust of wind took over. Her palm started to emit light and a symbol came upon it.

Suddenly a squirrel appeared running across her hands and hugging her neck. Hecate did the same and played with its fur.

Ah, so this is your familiar... it's a squirrel.

"That's pretty cool..... and kind of cute.."

The squirrel had beady red eyes and golden brown fur. It was like a fat rat but a cute one.

"Can I touch it?" My finger subconsciously went forward.

"W-wai..." Hecate tried to warn me.

"Fuck!" I shook my finger vigorously.

That bastard of a squirrel bit my fingers instead!!

I looked at the squirrel giving it a death stare, she did the same to me and before snorting and disappearing.


It burst into smoke.

"Are you okay?" Hecate asked me staring at my bleeding finger.

"Well, it could be better..." I shrugged, pouting a bit still starring at my bitten finger.

Unexpectedly, she took my finger and inserted it into her mouth sucking the blood.


I raised my eyebrows, okay.... now this was an interesting development. I also started to play along, twirling my finger across her tongue.

It had already healed because of the fast regeneration but still, it was an enjoyable feeling.

"Ngh.." She unintentionally released a moan, her face turned red due to my unexpected actions so she ran away.

A smirk came upon my face as I looked at her running, it seems like the moonlight-fingering techniques came to the rescue once again.

Taking the notepad in my hand I started to go through the list. It wasn't that long of a list and was instead very short.

First, on the list were textbooks.

Referring to the map, I arrived at the Textbook shop. Many people were inside, the shop itself was quite magnanimous. It had wooden planks and ceramic walls.

It was decorated with books on every step. It was a haven for people who liked the smell of old books.

"Excuse me..." I said, trying to get the shopkeeper's attention.

He turned to look at me. 'Have I seen him before?...' was the first thing that came to my mind. He had orange hair and traditional green eyes with elven ears.

I shook my head and gave him the list.

"These are all the textbooks I need." I gave him the list in my hand.

He simply nodded with a professional smile. In some moments, he quickly collected the books in the list and placed them in a paper bag before giving me them.

"Are you a new student?" He asked me.

I nodded. "Then fill this form... when you get your school points, it will automatically get deducted. Normal money doesn't work on this island."

Filling the form, I gave it to the orange-haired attendant.

As I started to walk away with the books in my hand, I noticed a few people going in his direction with malicious intent.

Huh? Why are they directing negativity towards that young elf?

Anyway, it's not my business, I shrugged it off and started to walk out of the shop. But before I could completely leave, I heard a little of their conversation.


"Hey hey hey... Boaz, how are you doing?" An ogre asked the attendant.

The ogre looked well-toned and looked like any typical human, only his skin was green, and had weird ears, he looked kind of ugly.

Unlike Shrek who is sexy, this ogre actually looked ugly.

Beside him were his sidekicks containing of an orc and a goblin. They were the lowest species in every realm, basically cannon fodder. The servants of the higher species.

Although the demon country was not a kingdom of racism, they couldn't tolerate these species because of their inability to control their lust, and also because they were extremely dumb.

"Our master has told us to get all the materials needed for free." The leader, the ogre gave a list to Boaz.

Boaz shook his head showing that he couldn't complete their request.


The ogre slammed the table, "Didn't you understand or should we say clearly?"

All the people in the shop got startled and stared at the commotion going on. Some people whispered among themselves recognizing the servant monsters.

The ugly creatures smirked feeling proud, they had a lot of reputation for doing the dirty work of their master.

"I am sorry I can't do that, there are cameras here, your master and me both included will be in trouble." Boaz pointed towards the camera.

The ogre's face immediately darkened when he heard of the camera, he acted very rashly. He could get persecuted for this.

'What should I do, what should I do?'

"I think we should call master..." The goblin said in a low voice. The trio couldn't think of anything because they were dumb and didn't know how to go ahead.

"Wait! I will call master and ask him!" The ogre called the man behind everything. He spoke on the phone for a few seconds before nodding towards the other people in his group.

"Okay we will pay, just be ready for a beating later." He said while doing the neck-cutting gesture.

Boaz simply sighed when he heard their threat, he was used to them already.

"Your brother is anyway not going to interfere, so we can do anything to you hahaha." Saying that all the people in the small group laughed.

'Ahhh now I see why this Boaz guy seemed familiar, orange hair and elven ears, he is the younger brother of Ruth, he is the guy I am supposed to protect, the request from the Yilian family.' Rael thought looking at the interesting scene folding in front of him.

"It's a pity that we can't **** you because you are from a noble family and your father is in a high position, or else our master would have already allowed us." The ogre smacked his lips and slapped Boaz's face lightly.

Boaz looked at them with fury in his eyes, it was as if he wanted to take revenge but he was unable to.

Rael chuckled feeling a little bit of joy.

'At least he hasn't given up on hope.'

Everything is possible if he has hope because hope is the light which the darkness is afraid of.

Rael had a good impression of the boy because of the passion in his eyes. He could see some potential in him which didn't make him feel bitter about the request and instead gave him a feeling of eagerness.

'He has a good amount of patience, and now here I am his fruit.'

The trio took the textbooks and left the shop after threatening Boaz. His expression was sad but also of anger as he looked at the trio leaving.

Seeing his expression, Rael directed his spiritual energy towards him to calm him down.

A soothing feeling ran across Boaz's body which made him smile again as he looked to the other customers entering the shop and started to attend to them.


Rael followed the trio to where they were going. From one shop to another, he kept an eye on them. At this point, he could be called a master stalker.

In the crowd, he went towards them slowly, disguised as an old Daoist. After reading many cultivation novels he had become a very profound man.

One amazing thing was that the cultivation novels had many insights.

"Hey! Do you guys want some boys to f*ck? They are top quality, elves, demons everything." Rael asked the three species.

"Oh is there such a place?" The ogre asked Rael excitedly.

Rael nodded brushing his beard, 'This is a very soothing feeling I must say.'

"I actually like women more...." The goblin said shyly. "If there are any elven women then..." He licked his lips.

Rael looked at the disgusting creature with disdain, 'Dream big fall hard.'

"Yes, there are beauties from every race be it, male or female..." Rael said enthusiastically. "Not just that I also have a gift for you all..."

"G-gift?" All three of them exclaimed.

"Yes, a very amazing gift, I bought it especially for you all," Rael said while giving a gentle smile.

"Will you come with me?" He asked them.

"Yes!" All of them said at once.

"Okay then let us go!" Rael started to walk and the trio behind him.

This was easier than kidnapping a kid not that he has any experience in kidnapping kids. Yes, all the chocolates back home were all for him to eat.

Rael glanced at the fat orc before saying, "Do orcs taste good?"

After all, ham is pig and orc is a higher evolution of pig.

Rael lured the trio away from the public's eye towards an empty alley. It was a gloomy alley, full of eerieness.

"Goblin... I feel afraid.." The orc said clutching the goblin.

"Goblin... I also feel afraid.." The ogre clutched the goblin.

"Ha! You guys are such scaredy cats... look at me." The goblin gallantly walked with the two other monsters hugging him while peeing himself.

Rael simply stared at the idiotic trio. They were stupid... No that would be an insult to all the stupid people in the world, they were worse than that.

"I should finish this quickly..." Rael muttered under his breath annoyed by the annoying trio.

Soon the three buffoons came at a dead end and turned around to look at Rael with an expression of shock and anger, demanding an explanation.

"Where are the hot girls?" The goblin who was the smartest among them all asked.

"You want hot girls?" Rael scoffed as he looked at the disgusting creature in front of him, sizing him up.

The three looked at him with shock, they might have been dumb but not that dumb also. They realized that they had been duped.

"You! What is the meaning of this?!" The ogre exclaimed with anger locking his eyes with Rael's.

Rael simply shrugged, "There are no hot girls or boys but like I said before I have a really good gift for you all."

All of them calmed down a bit and asked, "What gift?"

Rael smirked before replying.

"Of course, it is death."



Blood splattered across the sidewalls of the alley and all three of the disgusting species died. All of that took place in a second.

One blink, all over.

He came out from the alley and transformed back into his original self after reaching a considerable distance from the alley.

Rael didn't even bother hiding their bodies and left them open in straight daylight. He hadn't even bothered to know their master.

They were sinful creatures, nobody knows how many people they violated, killed, and abused.

He had clearly given them mercy by straightforwardly killing them.


After killing them, he also stole many of the materials in the paper bag they were carrying for their master.

After seeing inside it, he noticed that there were first-year textbooks and materials too so he took them all, leaving the others for if Hecate would need them.

After everything was done he went back with Hecate to the Yillian house. It had been a long day so as soon as he reached to the castle, he hit the sack taking a small nap.

After four hours...

Waking up, he yawned as he went towards the wardrobe and started to remove all the clothes in it.

There were many normal design shirts appropriate for a noble. Taking all of them and the clothes he got from the human country, he started to pack them all in his bag.

The school was going to start in a week.


Meanwhile, the Disciplinary Committee was investigating the murder of the three creatures who had been lying in broad daylight.

Their bodies were ripped apart in a single slice, which showed how strong the enemy was.

"How did this happen?" A green-haired girl exclaimed.

Nobody had ever dared to murder someone in School Island and much less leave the body in straight daylight.

"We don't know..." A boy sighed.

"This is bad.... our reputation as the Disciplinary Committee which oversees the School Island might go down.." Another guy said in a grave voice.

"But to kill someone who is the direct servant of the Glutonny Prince... I must say the killer was very courageous...." The green-haired girl said with admiration.

"Hey... you all quiet down, it is still someone who belonged to the sin demons... what if Landon found about us betitling them?..." The red-haired boy said in a low voice.

"Yes, but I don't think the Anger family has a relation with the Gluttony family..."

"Hey everyone I found some clues..." A guy came running towards them to show what he had found.

He showed them the tablet in which there were some pictures.

"This is Boaz Yilian, the three victims always bully him on the Gluttony Family's Young master's orders." He said as he showed them the photo of the orange-haired boy.

"What is the rank of Boaz?"

"It's only D rank..."

"Then I don't think he would have the guts..."

"What about his brother?" The guy who was showing them the pictures asked as he showed the photo of another elf.

"He is a friend of the Gluttony prince and himself bullies own little brother so I dont think he would kill them." The guy said looking at the records.

At that moment another guy came running,

"We have taken the videos from the cameras..."

"Huh? Did you find something?"

"Yes... actually.... it seems that a weird guy... an old man with a long beard killed them..." The guy said as he showed them the old man who was seen last with the trio.

"Have you checked his records?" The green-haired girl asked.

"Yes, he was not here on the island before, he mysterious appeared out of nowhere..."

"What?? That's impossible.. unless it is a sin demon who disguised himself..." Realization dawned upon her.

"But which family has such good disguising skills?" She sighed getting irritated.

The Green haired girl massaged her temples before saying, "Let's just leave this case to the Seniors...."

She went forward to grab a bottle of water, suddenly the glass bottle fell and broke into a million pieces.

An ominous feeling filled her up with dread.

"Cover this incident up, let no one know, and please inform Gluttony prince to be careful. We will have to keep a better eye on everyone this year. I have a weird feeling." The green-haired woman said in a serious tone.

"Meanwhile let's try to investigate this with the other missions on hand."

Everyone nodded as they got to work.

The green-haired woman had a weird feeling, she had a feeling that she would be finding many corpses in straight daylight this year.


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