The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 81: Enlightenment

Chapter 81: Enlightenment

The weekend was finally over, the past two to three days, Rael had spent quite a long time with Lucifer, bonding in many ways.

Currently, he was standing beside his classmates in a straight line. They were all going to board a hover-bus to go to a new school because their dorms were entirely destroyed and they couldn't fit everyone in the dorms of senior years.

Even the Survival Camp got postponed due to the incident. Rael actually felt guilty, the money to make the school was very costly.

"So where were you?" Eddie crossed his arms under his chest and asked with a raised eyebrow.

He simply ignored his question, the guy tried to kill him in his sleep. He walked away from him and stood in the line which was constantly moving ahead to board the bus.

Eddie looked at Rael with a little sweat coming on his forehead.

'Does he know that I tried to kill him?'

Noticing that Edward came near to them, Rael took this chance to absorb the pure chaos energy from his system, fulfilling his daily quota. In the past few days, he wasn't able to meet him so he couldn't absorb it.

The warm feeling came over his body and slowly started to change his internal organs strengthening them.

Everyone boarded the bus and like always it had space magic so everyone was able to accommodate in it.

Rael wondered why they couldn't just put all the students in a dorm with space magic but then after inquiring with Eddie he came to know that the real reason for going to another school was to gauge their power level and to find information for the upcoming Tri-School Tournament.

Finally, he left the bus and all of them stood in front of the Large Academy.

There were golden inscriptions carved onto its wall, naming it 'Swan Grace Academy'.

It was a large and luxurious grey monument and looked like a castle from the Victorian Era. From golden stone to monochrome, the tall towers of the castle stood in resolute togetherness.

Upon entering the building there was a big crowd in front of Rael, the crowd was partitioned into two sides by a red carpet upon which everyone was walking.

After walking for a few minutes they finally came to a halt, everyone started to talk among each other causing disruption.

"SILENE!" The headmaster of the Swan Grace school screamed and gestured for someone from Rael's school to come up on the stage.

Everyone fell silent due to the pressure he emitted but to many like Rael and Edward, the pressure was nothing.

Rael frowned looking at Edward. 'He has surely become strong at a very fast rate, must be because of that system. Should I simply mind-r.a.p.e him?'

Then he noticed that the guy who went up to the stage was Yohann Asmodeus, the guy who had tried to interact with him before.

Girls cheered for him as he spoke some bullshit about the unity of schools, it seemed as if he was the President of the Student Council.

After everything was done, Rael quickly ran away to his respective dorm room. It seemed that the first year had been divided to go into many different dorms.

So technically he would be interacting with people from the other school.

While strolling towards the dorm he started to observe his surroundings, buildings galloped up to the clouds and they had entire floors dedicated to playing. There were slides to go down several floors at a time, they had elevators too but fun was thought so important that those were added too.

Then there were the pods that moved on rails around the outside, not for transport but more as a sort of wild fairground ride.

Finally, he reached a building and frowned, 'Are dorms supposed to be like this?'

He checked the address again and was sure that he was in the right place.

'Maybe my school dorm was different.'

At that moment someone tapped onto his shoulders, frowning he turned behind to look at a fat boy with black hair tied in a bun.

"You must be the student from the Imperial Academy!" He examined while eating chips.

"Em.. yeah.."

"Perfect! Let's go in, we have been waiting for you." He replied in a jolly manner pulling Rael by the hand.

Before Rael could even understand what was going on, they entered the dorm.

"Everyone!!!! The student has arrived!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

As soon as he yelled, Rael heard many voices and all the people living in the dorm came into his view.

There were almost four people that he saw more.

"Oh, so you are that student..." A guy who was stripped came close to Rael and started to inspect him, nodding to himself as if approving.

"You are suitable to strip." He proudly declared.

"Stop affecting him with your weird antics Gray!" A short kid punched him in the stomach.

"Ey, what was dat for?" Gray said as he felt all the water he drank come out of his mouth.

Rael stared at the two dumbfounded, did he really have to be shipped into a dorm of weird people?

The kid then looked at Rael and bowed, "Sorry for the weird behavior of my friend, my name is Luck Retro, I hope we can be friends."

"My name is Irakiel. Same to you."

Then he started to observe the other two people in the room, one had long fuzzy red hair who snorted arrogantly looking at him while the other was wearing spectacle and was booked inside his laptop.

Rael sighed looking at his new dorm mates. This was going to be a bit of a challenge, as long as they don't trouble him, he won't trouble them.

The spectacle boy then looked at Rael and bowed slightly, "Sorry I was playing Cavecraft, my name is Uddha Nemon." Then he went back to his game.

He looked at the red-haired boy but to his expectations, he didn't even look at him and was preparing instant noodles.

Rael also ignored him, the guy was clearly an attention seeker.

And there is one rule, never give attention seekers attention, or else they get even more desperate.

"So Ira do you want to spar?" Luck spoke with excitement and passion in his eyes.

The room became silent and everyone stopped doing what they were doing and looked at Rael.



Both of them walked towards the backyard of the dorm to do their spar.

"So how will we start?" Rael asked Luck who was standing in front of him with a bloodthirsty grin.

"We will flip this coin into the air and as soon as it drops, we will begin."

"Alright, I am fine with it." Rael nodded nonchalantly.

Everyone seeing their fight had complicated emotions, the person in front of them seemed not arrogant but instead confident.

So it was hard to decipher him, perhaps no one could ever read him.

"So who will be flipping the coin?" Luck asked Rael.

"Let's just give it to fatty and let him decide," Rael spoke without any emotions in his voice.

"Hahaha... he may not look like it but this fatty is the strongest in our dorm." Luck chuckled.

"That's right! And I am not fat! I am plump!" He screamed with his fists clenched.

Rael looked at him with interest and shook his head.


That's all he had to say.

If the strongest was so weak then he was disappointed with the people in front of him. It was just a waste of time.

"Well not anymore, after this fight is over, you will know who is the stronger in this dorm." He spoke giving a slight smile.

All of them coughed blood in their mind.

Now they weren't sure if these words were coming from his confidence or arrogance.

The red-haired boy almost choked on his noodles just one step away from reincarnating.

The other also looked at him weirdly.

Luck simply snorted, "Actions speak louder than words."

"Indeed." Rael didn't deny it.

"Please toss the coin." Luck looked at the fatty.

He nodded solemnly and tossed the coin in mid-air, slowly falling.

It was like as if time had paused for Rael to see the coin in slow motion.

He closed his eyes as he started to feel the energy around him, his muscles started to correct themselves becoming compact and all his meridian holes opened up, integrating himself with the surroundings.

His body wasn't yet the power level he wanted but it was dangerously closing in. In just two months since his arrival, he had made such progress that even geniuses of geniuses in the celestial realm couldn't make.

He used his blood arts to pump adrenaline into his body, he wanted to try how it would feel to go all out for once.

He also wanted to try his physical strength which had gotten refined due to his body getting tempered by the heavenly retributions.

His veins popped from his skin, in that short milliseconds, divine property electricity started to course through his nerves.

The coin then dropped onto the ground with a small clink sound.


Both of them moved at the same time, the shota-kid himself was an electric deviant and was using electricity in his nervous system to keep himself wary and fast but he couldn't even see a shadow of Rael.

And no! Rael wasn't using his ghost phantasm, it was purely physical.

Rael still had his eyes closed and was moving on his beastly instincts, in that grave millisecond he smashed Luck's face into the ground.


Dust particles formed across the ground.

Rael scoffed at him and turned away walking away from him.

At this point, he was too strong against these students, there was not really a point of living here.

Maybe he should fight stronger people, there weren't giving him a challenge. Maybe the time to ascend was coming soon.

But he knew that he couldn't be hasty and patience mattered.

'Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action, rather it is timing.'

The shota got up struggling to stand while coughing a bit of blood and looked at Rael with a hateful gaze.

"Coward! Are you running away? At least finish the fight! You took me by surprise!" Luck yelled at Rael with intense fury in his eyes.

He refused to believe that he was defeated.

Rael looked at him and his eyebrows knotted, 'Did he just call me a coward?'

Coward? He was far from being a coward, but he wasn't brave also.

Being a coward is fine but not to a big degree, the same goes for braveness.

It's only fools who are the extremes.

And Rael by no means was a fool.

"You call me a coward? We can see who will remain a coward after this is done." He smiled gently, his blood was boiling, he could feel it. He was close to an enlightenment. Just like how it happened during his fight with Ishtar.

He looked at everyone near him who were giving him angry gazes.

Rael sighed, they were still hung up on challenging him. Didn't they see the fight properly? There is no chance for them to win.

"Alright then, all of you come at me at once," Rael said with a sigh.

They were a bit shocked but they didn't deny it, he was either confident or just plain stupid.

All the four except Uddhie came towards him slowly. Rael looked at Uddha and was quite intrigued.

'Interestingly there seems to be one smart person here.'

But his good impression couldn't last long as he saw him keeping the laptop and walking towards him with the others.

He sighed, 'So in the end, even he is a fool.'

All his dorm mates were standing in front of him, with rage in their eyes. One of them was helping Luck to stand up.

"Don't regret it later," Gray warned Rael who stood with absolute calmness.

They were a bit shocked due to his calmness but speculated that it was just a facade.

"This fight will be finished in a second." The arrogant red-haired attention seeker spoke.

Rael agreed with him. "Indeed it will."

Luck started to use his electric deviant ability again throughout his, body, sharing it with his friends this time, to refine and temper their body also.

Rael scoffed, his eyes still closed.

"That weak lightning of yours is nothing in front of me."

Luck instantly got angry but calmed himself down, he had been in many fights before and thought that Rael was simply provoking him.

"Let me show you what real electricity is."

At that moment black colored electricity started to flow in his body, he combined his divine property electricity with the chaos energy he had absorbed.

'Let's see if it will work.' Rael thought silently.

A leaf fell on the ground ripping into two equal pieces, they didn't even need a referee to start the battle, it had already started.


Rael appeared behind Gray and palmed him in the back.


He got flung into a nearby rock heavily bleeding.

"What the..." The fatso exclaimed, Rael appeared behind him, the fatso had calculated this and turned behind only to be dazed.

Rael was actually in front of him!

He gripped the fat stomach of the chubby boy hard, pressing his fingers inside.

"Did you know that demon bodies have 55 of their bodily constitution as water? And water is a good conductor of electricity." He whispered into his ears with a grin.

"AAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHH" He screamed and passed out.

'I didn't even do anything to him.' Rael scratched the back of his head, he hadn't even used his electric attack and was only bluffing but the fat boy fainted before he could even do anything.

Rael then turned to look at the others who were left.

The next millisecond he disappeared and appeared in front of the red-haired brat kicking him in the stomach and then crashing his face with his leg.

Luck couldn't even understand what was going on, it was just too fast.

He disappeared again and came atop him, crushing Luck in the ground again.

"And you guys said that I would regret." He scoffed.

Looking at the battlefield he couldn't help but chuckle, it reminded him of some of the massacres he did in his past life.

Quickly he sat cross-legged in a lotus position and started to meditate. He could feel it. The enlightenment was fairly close, just a little bit more.

Just another push was needed.


Suddenly zillions of words from the mysterious page flashed across his mind, greatly paining him.

And then a paragraph got translated and flashed across his mind.

His eyes fluttered open with a golden color in them like stars plucked from the sky.

'You do not describe the world you see, you see the world you can describe.'


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