The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 138

Chapter 138 Night Scout

After a hearty dinner, Li Tianlan walked back into the rain under his umbrella before the restaurant closed.

The night was thick with moisture.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier and bean-sized raindrops pattered on the umbrella. The umbrella trembled violently, making the user feel hard to hold it firmly.

The lamps beside the empty road were still working. Beside the lamplight, the steam was dense and hazy. The entire Takeshita Street seemed isolated from the world because of the rain. Li Tianlan walked along the street leisurely holding an umbrella, looking lonely.

Takeshita Street was a breath of fresh air in Shinjuku. Located in the north of Shinjuku, its road was wide. Not to mention when it rained, even when it was a fine day with a clear sky, it could be said to be the quietest and most desolate street in Dongdu.

The street was free from the clutter of bars and clubs and the bustle of the yakuza. There were only a few restaurants, shops, a supermarket and a medium-sized hospital. In addition to these necessary living places, the entire Takeshita Street was only left with some companies and societies that covered a large area but did not have a clear introduction of the specific work. And these companies and societies, which didn’t even have a clear basic responsibility, were the real owners or protagonists of Takeshita Street.

There were 56 special warfare agencies in Shinjuku, and more than 30 of them had their headquarters on Takeshita Street. Nearly 5,000 special operations personnel and intelligence officers trained and lived here. In the absence of large-scale actions, the whole clean street looked empty and desolate.

More than 5,000 special operations personnel...

If they all turned out, Takeshita Street may soon become a real tight dragnet.

Li Tianlan walked quietly along the street. His expression was getting calmer and calmer, and the road ahead was getting darker and darker.

The street lights hundreds of meters ahead were completely turned off.

Li Tianlan stopped.

The street lights on Takeshita Street would work every three hundred meters and the rest of the street was completely dark. This showed that he had officially entered the most intensive area of the special operations forces of Takeshita Street.

This kind of darkness was liked by all the killers, but this place was obviously not suitable for lurking, because at least tens of thousands of high-definition cameras scattered in different positions were working 24 hours a day, in the darkness ahead. These cameras were all over the second half of Takeshita Street, which was thousands of meters long.

It was a complete joke to lurk and advance in such a place.

The street was silent and eerie, and between heaven and earth, there seemed to be only the sound of rain.

Li Tianlan’s figure stood where it was, leaning against the wall.

In the heavy rain, the lightning flashed across the sky and muffled thunder followed.

Just at the moment when the world was lit by the lightning, Li Tianlan let go of his umbrella and pulled off the pitch-black umbrella cover with one hand.

The heavy rain fell instantly.

Li Tianlan, who was already at the Fire-flaming Realm, did not use the flames to evaporate the surrounding rain. He saved every bit of strength and let the rain drench his body.

He took out the silver box which he had been carrying on his back. He then covered one part of it with the black umbrella cover and wrapped another part in a black coat.

Having done all this, he carried the box on his back again and quickly moved against the wall.

In the midst of the storm, a series of the disorderly sound of footsteps rang.

Li Tianlan’s figure jerked to a halt. At his feet, however, the small amount of accumulated water suddenly whistled forward and the ripples kept spreading forward. As the water rose higher and higher, countless drops of water flew in the storm.

A patrol in ponchos silently walked out from a narrow alley less than thirty meters ahead. Although they looked tired, the formation was uncluttered.

The second half of Takeshita Street was divided by companies and dotted with small alleys. This was undoubtedly a hidden danger which was the most detrimental to security. Therefore, various secret service agencies could only form a joint patrol, patrolling every alley 24 hours a day. It was said that a number of special warfare agencies had jointly issued an application to the municipal government of Dongdu to demolish the houses in these alleys and build the second half of Takeshita Street into a large, integrated industrial park. To put it bluntly, it was a super-large training ground, which allowed the secret service agencies to gather together thoroughly without any hindrance. The report made its way to the municipal government and into the cabinet, which had approved the relocation of nearby residents.

Once the plan took shape, the number of patrols on the second half of Takeshita Street would be greatly reduced. Furthermore, its degree of safety would increase considerably, and the difficulty of others sneaking into this area would also skyrocket.

Until the demolition was complete, however, each patrol must keep its duty. Given the rigid and serious nature of East Islanders, even when patrolling on their own territory, every patrol would show war-time vigilance.

A great deal of water gushed into the alley entrance with the raindrops.

A five-man patrol happened to appear.

The wind whistled as water splashed on the raincoats of the patrol.

“What is it?”

There was a cry of surprise, and all the five people turned their heads at the same time to look in the direction of the water.

Li Tianlan, who had been standing there, had disappeared. In the alley behind the patrol, the water gathered and transformed into a shadow. Li Tianlan’s figure had changed places with the shadow. He clung to the wall, motionless.

Someone in the patrol muttered. Seeing nothing, they went on patrol without thinking much.

Li Tianlan moved quickly through the alley against the wall, moving closer and closer to his target.

Spirit Moon Special Operations Group was in the front part of the second half of Takeshita Street, about a kilometer away from here. He would almost arrive there after going through a dozen alleys.

Li Tianlan moved quickly, constantly swapping places with his shadow. His figure was never exposed in the opening, and he always moved against the wall. With his back against the wall, and dodging the few commanding heights nearby, he kept moving.

Elite patrols, densely dotted cameras, and snipers on the commanding heights...

If anyone found him, he would be exposed immediately and even face the siege of more than five thousand elites in the shortest time possible. This was not the kind of thing he wanted to see before his target died.

Sanlun Tengjing was cruel and cunning. If Li Tianlan failed this time, it would be even harder for him to fulfil the task in the future. If he tried to kill him again then, it would be much harder than it was today.

There was another rumbling of messy footsteps.

Li Tianlan’s shadow flickered and he was gone.

His Shadow Formula now achieved the Basic Level both in power and transformation. He was able to release his shadow about forty meters away. There was very little chance of his being discovered here, if he had been careful enough to use the Shadow Formula.

Passing the second patrol, Li Tianlan kept moving forward.

His mind kept coming up with the direction and terrain of this trip, as if a map was gradually becoming clear and complete.

One fatal strike.

To escape unscathed.

How to retreat?

He made his way through the alley, observing the surrounding terrain and silently noting down the pattern of the movements of the patrol. Then, he mapped out the evacuation route before he started to act. All this was what a good assassin should do.

Li Tianlan was not an assassin before.

But he was now on an assassination mission, so he was an assassin.

The alleys around him gradually made their appearances in his mind. His pace was getting faster and faster and he moved all the way to avoid the commanding heights. After passing by six patrol squads, he finally entered the factory of Spirit Moon Society.

It was clean and tastefully furnished, with trees and flower beds. Li Tianlan walked all the way through the woods and finally stopped at the forefront of it.

Two hundred meters ahead was a villa with bright lights.

To Li Tianlan’s surprise, the space within two hundred meters was empty except for a flower bed in the middle.

The reaction of snipers nearby may not be particularly swift, but it was impossible for them to let him go 200 meters without spotting him.

He must act fast.

Li Tianlan tightened the box on his back and took a deep breath. After a nearby patrol had passed, he bolted out of the woods.

He covered a distance of almost five meters in one step.

Thirty meters away, a shadow formed.

Swapping places.

Taking a step.

Swapping places.

Swapping places once again.

Li Tianlan’s figure flashed by and three shadows appeared and disappeared almost at the same time. After that, his figure, however, already appeared in the flower bed 100 meters away.

Li Tianlan was breathing slightly faster.

Releasing three shadows in a row was not a great drain on his strength, but it was a great drain on his willpower. In the flower bed, his eyes were brighter and brighter.

After a little rest, Li Tianlan’s figure moved, and a shadow was about to be released.

A shaft of bright light came straight from outside the factory.

A black car cut through the rain. The black Lexus entered the factory and finally stopped in front of the villa in the middle of the factory.

The door opened. Two men in black suits got off with umbrellas and opened the rear door. They took out two oversized suitcases and hurried into the villa.

When the villa door closed, a shadow appeared on one side of the vehicle, perfectly avoiding the commanding height. After a short rest, another shadow appeared on the roof of the villa.

Dressed in black, Li Tianlan was moving slowly on his stomach over the roof.

The rain was extremely heavy.

But now the snipers from nearby commanding heights had little trouble spotting him, even through the rain, as long as they cast their glances at his direction.

Li Tianlan opened the silver box on his back. Instead of reaching for the Skyattack, he pulled out a tiny metal cylinder from the box, stretched it, and inserted it into the ceiling.

The cylinder suddenly pierced the hard ceiling silently, like a knife cutting tofu.

The signal light on the top of the cylinder turned on. Li Tianlan opened a small temporarily installed screen inside the box, and through the ceiling, everything in the villa suddenly appeared on the screen.

A middle-aged man, who was familiar to Li Tianlan but looked more sombre than the one in the photo, appeared on the screen, laughing in a cruel and perverted way.

Sanlun Tengjing!

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes slightly and kept his countenance.

Two men in black suits, carrying large suitcases, had entered the villa and bowed deeply to Sanlun Tengjing.

“Open them.”

Sanlun Tengjing said smilingly, “Let me have a look at the toys tonight.”

Two men in black suits squatted down with smiling faces and directly pulled the box open.

There were indeed “toys” in the suitcases.

Two slim women in shorts huddled in the suitcases. Their white, tender legs were exposed and they were struggling hard. Their mouths were taped and they could only purr. Given the looks in their eyes, they were extremely frightened.

“Priest, these are two women from Zhongzhou State traveling in East Island. Are you satisfied?”

A man in a black suit said carefully with a smile.

Sanlun Tengjing smiled and squatted down. He grabbed one of the women in the suitcase by her long black hair and lifted her up, ripping the tape from her mouth.

The woman subconsciously screamed out, but Sanlun Tengjing had already bent down and kissed her ruddy little mouth hard. The woman’s eyes were wide open. Her pure and beautiful face was completely distorted and her eyes were full of fear.

Sanlun Tengjing kissed her so hard that the woman’s lips immediately bleed.

He licked the blood on his lips and smiled grimly. “The sow from Shina is not bad. It would be very interesting to kill them with maltreatment.”

To kill them with maltreatment!

After hearing this, the woman shook more and more violently.

“You two can stay and play with us together.”

Sanlun Tengjing smiled and looked at the two women in front of him, adding, “It’s raining heavily outside. Don’t be afraid. I’ll play a game with you tonight. It’s interesting.”


At the same time, outside the window, a dull, violent gunshot that only belonged to sniper rifles suddenly rang.

Li Tianlan rolled subconsciously.

In his original position, broken stones flew in all directions and a hole left by gunshot appeared directly.


The second gunshot rang out again.

Without hesitation, Li Tianlan grabbed the box containing Skyattack, carried it on his back, and threw a punch at the ceiling.


The hard, flat ceiling collapsed and countless stones were flying. Li Tianlan’s figure fell along with countless stones, and his murderous intent spread!

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