The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Who Was He?

Since he came to the Dongcheng family, everything Li Tianlan met was out of his expectation.

He was already confused by what Great Master Wuwei said about the idea of changing his birth destiny while going against heaven and earth, and now Dongcheng Hanguang claimed that the Dongcheng Clan never had a man called Dongcheng Huangtu.

Li Tianlan’s mind was in a state of turmoil now.

In terms of combat capability, Dongcheng Huangtu definitely deserved to be called a proud Son of Heaven. Had such a man not died, the Dongcheng Clan would have been as famous as the Wang family of Beihai within decades. It was a pity that such a proud Son of Heaven died of siege and betrayal, which was absolutely the most painful memories of the Dongcheng Clan.

If the Dongcheng family got angry, depressed or miserable at the mention of Dongcheng Huangtu, Li Tianlan could understand and accept these reactions. However, to his surprise, Dongcheng Hanguang said that he had never heard of this person.

Li Tianlan, of course, didn’t believe what he said. Apart from Dongcheng Hanguang’s bizarre reaction, Qin Weibai couldn’t have lied to him, let alone created someone who didn’t exist.

“Is he a taboo in the Zhongzhou State?”

Li Tianlan pondered, “What does Dongcheng Huangtu’s past and death mean?”

“Don’t you know of him, Old Master?”

Li Tianlan didn’t give up and asked again. At first, getting to know Dongcheng Huangtu was only one of his interests, but now his curiosity was aroused. “It’s incredible that even his own family claimed he didn’t exist. What did he do?”


Dongcheng Hanguang gave him the same answer. His voice sounded hoarse, and he had a vacant and bewildered look in his eyes. A faint smile flickered across his face in Li Tianlan’s blind spot. “Tianlan, where did you hear that name? What else do you know about this man?” he asked, with the same old composure.

“A friend told me him. Senior Huangtu was besieged and killed... ”

Suddenly, there a snap.

Before Li Tianlan could finish, Dongcheng Hanguang’s hand on the white marble balustrade tightened sharply.

The marble balustrade crumbled into powder in his hand, slid down his palm and was blown away by the wind.

Dongcheng Hanguang’s face was expressionless and pale.

Li Tianlan shut up automatically. Given the Old Master’s reaction, it was clear that the conversation about Dongcheng Huangtu should not go on.

However, the dead proud Son of Heaven had taken root in his heart, and he had given rise to innumerable speculations.

“Anything else?”

Dongcheng Hanguang suddenly asked.

Li Tianlan took a look at him and shook his head, but suddenly it came to him that since Dongcheng Huangtu died of siege and betrayal, then who was the one who besieged and betrayed him?

“Are they enemies of the Dongcheng Clan, or his own? Does the Dongcheng Clan have the same enemies as me?”

If the answer was yes, then Li Tianlan seemed to have figured out a way to get support even if he didn’t marry Dongcheng Rushi.

At this time, he saw a black Mercedes along the mountain road slowly into the yard, and then parked at the front door of the villa.

The car door opened, and Dongcheng Wudi and Thunder God, who had left a few hours earlier at the foot of the mountain, got off with a gorgeous lady.

Li Tianlan gave a little start.

“Is that Dongcheng Rushi?”

“She doesn’t look like her.”

The lady looked like she was in her mid-20s, having a full figure and soft eyes. She wore a pair of very delicate gold-rimmed glasses, and a faint smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. Her every move exuded a kind of sedateness and calmness from the inside.

Dongcheng Rushi, who was nineteen years old, was supposed to be a girl, and a beautiful young woman should be the most appropriate way to describe this lady.

“Come on, let’s go down to breakfast.”

Dongcheng Hanguang glanced down and said, his voice muffled. His mood seemed to be affected at the mention of Dongcheng Huangtu.

Apologetic, Li Tianlan followed Dongcheng Hanguang down the stairs in silence.

Then they got out of the elevator.

Almost at the same time, Dongcheng Wudi, Thunder God and the beautiful lady happened to walk into the villa.

Dongcheng Wudi looked a little stunned to see his father and Li Tianlan, then quickly walked over and greeted Dongcheng Hanguang.

Thunder God didn’t come over.

The gorgeous young woman that Li Tianlan just saw grinned and said to Dongcheng Hanguang, “Morning, Grandpa.”

She then glanced at Li Tianlan and nodded with a smile. Her smile was warm and elegant, with a pure, women’s unique gentle, like a clear, sweet spring that was irresistible.

Li Tianlan’s heart sank.

“Is she really Dongcheng Rushi?” Li Tianlan guessed privately.

“But there’s something wrong with her attitude.”

Dongcheng Hanguang grunted in response. Despite his depression, he did not forget to introduce this lady. “Tianlan, this is my granddaughter, Dongcheng Qiuchi. Just take her as your elder sister. She is working in Huating now. If you need, you can ask her for help in the future,” he stated blandly.

“Nice to meet you, Sister Qiuchi.”

Li Tianlan felt a little relieved, greeted her with a smile and offered his hand.

As far as he knew, Dongcheng Hanguang was still in charge of the Dongcheng Clan, but he was only responsible for the general direction. Actually, the Dongcheng Clan’s leader was Dongcheng Wudi now. As one of the most powerful clans, which occupied Zhongyuan, it had a large family. But Dongcheng Wudi had only two daughters. Dongcheng Qiuchi was undoubtedly the eldest daughter, and the youngest was Dongcheng Rushi.

Although Dongcheng Qiuchi looked young, she should be in her late twenties or even early thirties.

Was it because Dongcheng Wudi didn’t have a son that the Old Master decided to give the Dongcheng Clan as a dowry to his grandson-in-law?

Was not it better to hand the family over to a family branch than to an outsider?

Dongcheng Qiuchi worked in Huating?

Li Tianlan was curious about what Dongcheng Qiuchi was doing in Huating.

“Nice to meet you, too, Tianlan, let’s give each other contact information later. You can call me if you need anything. I’m not far from your campus.”

Smiling, Dongcheng Qiuchi reached out her tiny hand and shook Li Tianlan’s. She was pure gentle and graceful, and her voice was soft, making those who got along with her feel very comfortable.

Li Tianlan smiled back at her and gave her a small nod.

“Where’s Rushi?”

Dongcheng Hanguang suddenly asked, “Why doesn’t she come to breakfast?”

A smile flickered in his eyes and he continued, “Hum? Does that girl get shy?”

Li Tianlan stiffened slightly.

His feelings towards his fiancée, whom he had never met, were beyond description.

Dongcheng Wudi looked embarrassed. He was the famous Zhongzhou State’s God of Massacre, but his eyes shone unnaturally in the face of his father’s question. “Rushi just went back to Youzhou,” he replied in a subdued tone.

“What’s wrong?”

Dongcheng Hanguang asked doubtfully, “Isn’t it already agreed? Why did she suddenly go back?”

His precious granddaughter said she wanted to meet her fiance yesterday, but now her fiance came and she left. What was the hell?

Dongcheng Wudi got even more embarrassed. He took a glimpse at Li Tianlan subconsciously.

In fact, it was not that Dongcheng Rushi did not want to come. Dongcheng Wudi was very clear that Dongcheng Rushi might be at a loss about this engagement, but she did not resist and even acquiesce to it. At least she didn’t mind trying to get along with Li Tianlan for a while. It was because he was so excited that he spilled the beans and mentioned Li Tianlan’s girlfriend while picking up his daughter.

Dongcheng Rushi would not be jealous, but she would certainly be disappointed to learn that. Dongcheng Wudi’s mouth twisted and he was perturbed. If this matter failed to handle properly, it might become a hard knot for Dongcheng Rushi.

“Something urgent has come up in Youzhou. She had to hurry back, And she said she would go to Huating to see Tianlan sometime.”

Dongcheng Wudi explained with half-truths.

In fact, Dongcheng Rushi also made it clear that she didn’t want to get formally engaged too early. She wanted to get married after graduation, but Dongcheng Wudi dared not to speak it out now, lest he should piss the Old Master off. Actually, not only the Old Master, but also Dongcheng Wudi could not wait for the marriage of Li Tianlan and Dongcheng Rushi.

“Well, let’s have breakfast.”

Dongcheng Hanguang was even more distracted. He headed to the dining room without asking further questions.

At breakfast, everyone was subdued and silent.

Li Tianlan sat down next to Thunder God, focusing on food.

Dongcheng Hanguang was absent-minded. He put down his chopsticks after having only a bowl of porridge. When Li Tianlan put down the dishes on the table, he got up. “Qiuchi, take Tianlan to have a rest and arrange for him to live in Rushi’s house. I’ll call Rushi later and ask her how she is,” he said in a mild tone.


Dongcheng Qiuchi smiled warmly, then turned to Li Tianlan and said, “Let’s go.”

Li Tianlan left the villa after saying goodbye to Dongcheng Hanguang, Dongcheng Wudi and Thunder God.

Dongcheng Qiuchi waited for him patiently outside. Seeing Li Tianlan come out, she smiled and quietly looked at him up and down with strange eyes.

Li Tianlan was speechless. Did the lady take him for a gigolo who coveted the power of the Dongcheng Clan?

He opened his mouth and was about to speak when Dongcheng Qiuchi, the ultimate mild-mannered woman, chuckled and said, “Tianlan, be nice to my sister in the future, or I’ll take care of you. You’re also in Huating, it’s convenient for me to deal with you.”

“Hey, I haven’t met your sister yet. Is it too early to say that?” Li Tianlan quipped internally.

Then he casually asked, “Sister Qiuchi, what do you do in Huating?”

“The district mayor of Wudong New Area.”

Dongcheng Qiuchi beamed and said, “Your Sky Academy is also within the scope of Wudong New Area. We have no control over it, but we can still exert influence on it.”

The district mayor of Wudong New Area.

Looking at the gently smiling Dongcheng Qiuchi, Li Tianlan could not connect the position with her anyway. Wudong New Area was the most important district in Huating. Its top official was usually also a standing committee, absolutely a high official of high value at the same rank of deputy Governor.

So, Dongcheng Qiuchi, the second in command, was only one step away from the standing committee.

Li Tianlan wondered if she had been 30 this year.

“Dongcheng family really has a galaxy of talents. No wonder it cultivated a proud Son of Heaven.”

Li Tianlan marveled in a low voice while watching Dongcheng Qiuchi’s expression out of the corner of his eye.

Now that Dongcheng Hanguang refused to tell him about Dongcheng Huangtu, he supposed that he could learn something about this man from Dongcheng Qiuchi.

Li Tianlan guessed Dongcheng Huangtu was her uncle.

“A proud Son of Heaven? What is it?”

Dongcheng Qiuchi was puzzled and she asked curiously.

“Was not Senior Dongcheng Huangtu a proud Son of Heaven?”

Li Tianlan asked back with a serious look. He knew the question should not be asked, but somehow he had an almost instinctive desire to know more about the man.

Dongcheng Qiuchi looked puzzled. Li Tianlan could tell that she was not faking it, and that there was no sadness, anger or misery hiding behind her face.

“Who’s Dongcheng Huangtu?” she asked, staring at Li Tianlan with a curious look on her face.


When Li Tianlan left the villa, Dongcheng Hanguang called Dongcheng Wudi and Thunder God into his study.

In the study, the Old Master finally stopped trying to hide his mood, and his face was suddenly overcast with anxiety.

Dongcheng Wudi gave a dry cough and looked at his father’s face. He didn’t dare to speak, but he winked at Thunder God.

Thunder God curled his lips and stared at Dongcheng Wudi, making a silent remark. Watching his mouth, Dongcheng Wudi knew he was saying, “Damn you.”

Dongcheng Wudi clenched his fist and glared at him, his eyes blazing with menace.

Thunder God gave in at once. Looking at Dongcheng Hanguang, who was sitting in a chair, he gave a dry smile before he tried to appease his sworn father, “Father, please don’t be angry. Rushi really went back because of something urgent in Youzhou. I’m sure she’ll go to Huating to see Tianlan when she’s finished.”

“It’s not that.”

Dongcheng Hanguang shook his head, stared at Thunder God, and asked in a deep voice, “Lei, did you tell Tianlan something he shouldn’t know when you took him to the desert?”

Thunder God paused and muttered, “Something he shouldn’t know?”

He then shook his head and answered unequivocally, “No, I didn’t”

“Father, what happened?”

Dongcheng Wudi asked, picking up a cup to get Dongcheng Wudi a glass of water.

“Tianlan asked me a question on the rooftop before breakfast.”

Dongcheng Hanguang’s brows drew together ferociously. “He wanted to know what happened to Huangtu,” he said in a deep voice.


Dongcheng Wudi’s hand shook so badly that the cup fell to the floor, breaking into pieces.

“How is that possible?!”

This Zhongzhou State’s marshal could remain calm and composed no matter what happened, but now his face changed sharply and he unconsciously raised his voice.

“How did he know about Huangtu?”

Dongcheng Hanguang gave him a meaningful look, but said nothing.

“Aren’t you curious about what Tianlan meant?”

Thunder God suddenly asked, “What does he know?”

“He said Huangtu was besieged... How on earth did he know the name? The boy is weird.”

Dongcheng Hanguang whispered, his face so dark that others could not read what he was thinking.

“It’s not him, it’s Qin Weibai. It can only be her!”

Dongcheng Wudi suddenly shouted.

Qin Weibai?

Dongcheng Hanguang paused for a moment and then asked, “The Samsara Palace lady?”

“She’s Tianlan’s girlfriend. It can only be her who told Tianlan about this.”

Dongcheng Wudi nodded. The mention of Qin Weibai made his headache worse.

What the hell was all this?

“But how did Qin Weibai know about Huangtu? How could she possibly know?”

Thunder God sounded confused.

“At the moment, the only person who could tell Tianlan about it is her. Tianlan couldn’t have known that from himself, could he?”

Dongcheng Wudi asked back.

A sudden silence fell over the study.

All three of them exchanged glances and found a trace of fear and panic in each other’s eyes.

“Look it up.”

“I’m afraid she knows more than that. Send someone to look it up. Make sure you find out what’s going on,” Dongcheng Hanguang suddenly ordered.

“Father, how about I talk to her myself?”

Dongcheng Wudi advised composedly after taking a deep breath.

Dongcheng Hanguang looked at him and nodded. “Be careful.”

Dongcheng Wudi nodded and asked, “Father, what about Great Master Wuwei?”

“It’s all right. Don’t worry.”

Dongcheng Hanguang forced a smile. The name Dongcheng Huangtu almost made the three of them panic. Telling them about what Great Master Wuwei said about Li Tianlan only made them more distraught, so he chose to keep it a secret.

Suddenly a pleasant ringtone rang.

Thunder God gaped at the sound for a moment, then quickly took out his mobile phone and answered.

The one on the other end of the line gave a brief report, and Thunder God hung up looking calm.

“Father, Marshal, we have news from the desert.”

Dongcheng Hanguang narrowed his eyes and said thoughtfully, “Wang Shengxiao?”

Wang Shengxiao, the heir of the Wang family of Beihai, had been dubbed the young Son of Heaven in recent years. He was about to break through the Fire-flaming Realm into the Thunder-shocking Realm. Now Wang Tianzong took him to the desert, which almost attracted the attention of all the major forces.

Everyone knew that there was a grindstone of the best quality for the Fire-flaming Realm expert. Whether Wang Shengxiao could successfully make a breakthrough during this trip had become a matter of concern to all the major forces.

Thunder God nodded, and added, “It’s a draw.”

Dongcheng Hanguang nodded with a cold smile, but said nothing.

“Not as good as Tianlan did.”

Thunder God grinned with a pleased look in his eyes. “I wonder if the one in Kunlun City dares to go to the desert too.”


Dongcheng Wudi gave a sneer, “If he goes, it will be a one-way trip. One life for one life, It will be a really good deal then.”

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