The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 10: Invincible Boss

Chapter 10: Invincible Boss

A hybrid of a dragon, wyvern, and phoenix is the boss of floor zero, the underground city of the monster. 

I call it the Dragernix.

This boss is unbeatable, but since I am at a low level I might be able to defeat it, or so this pixie...I mean, Lily said.

The Dragernix flew high in the sky and kept swinging its wings.

Every time it swings its wings, the surrounding things go flying.

It's thanks to my 'Harden' skill that I am still unharmed by that.


Even its roars were breaking the stones and tree.

"Hey Lily, doesn't he look a lot stronger now?"

[Must be your imagination]

"No, no. He definitely looks stronger!"

[Shut up and focus on attacking]

"Easy for you to say"

You just have to watch while I have to fight here.

He kept flying.

As I was thinking about how to attack him, the Dragernix, it wasn't a roar.

It was more like a sonic wind attack. 

It was so high-pitched, more than I experienced during my login glitch.

The Dragernix kept doing the same thing for a while and if this weren't a game I would have been deaf already.

He is so high.

"There is no way I can reach it," I glanced around as I said, "I can't reach it, but..."  I picked up a rock from the ground and focused all my strength in my right hand and threw the rock at it, saying, "This might reach you"

[It hit it!]

"Its HP decreased?"

I picked up another rock, but this time a bigger one. 

I did the same thing I did before and threw the rock. 

Half of its HP is depleted. I kept throwing rocks at it until its HP dropped to zero as it fell down--

"It was easy," I turned back and said, "The boss was the weakest one. Praise me, Lily...Lily?"

Lily's eyes were still focused behind me.

What is she looking at? 

I turned back--, "Why is it still flying?!"

--or so I thought but--

If its HP is down to 0 then why is it alive?!

[Only one HP bar is down]


I looked at the HP of the Dragernix, it was 0 but only one bar and, "There are seven more bars"

--there were seven more HP bars.

[Yeah, and now that one bar is down it will use special attacks]


Special attacks?!

I can somehow take two to three more HP bars down, but seven...

"Aren't I dead already?!"

The Dragernix roared, but this time instead of a sonic wind attack, it was fire, a red fire. 

I tried to dodge it, but it was impossible, its attack covered the whole area. 

I checked my HP and it was down to 23.

[Use healing potion! Fast!]

I still had 5 healing potions. 

I used 3 of them.

[HP restored to 98]

I don't even have anything to protect myself with its fire.

And now that it is using different attacks, it's hard to attack it.

I still tried to throw rocks at it. Every time I threw a rock it used its fire attack and melted the rocks.

[Skill-Sprinter Deactivated]


10 minutes already over?!

I checked my 'Harden' skill.

"10 minutes left"

There are 10 minutes left until the 'Harden' skill gets deactivated, that means, "I have to somehow defeat it in 10 minutes"

But how? And I have other skills too, "Hey Lily, what does my 'Faker' skill do?"

[Read the description]

"There is no description"

[Then I don't know. As I said before, I have very little knowledge of this floor]

"Any guesses?"

[Maybe it's used to fake things?]

I couldn't help but laugh.

I chuckled and said, "What a lazy guess"

As I was waiting for Dragernix to attack, it summoned a black fog and from that fog came out, "Wyverns?!"

From the fog came out three Wyverns. 

"One wasn't enough that now there are 4 of them"

"Argh! It's getting annoying"

All three Wyvern dashed at me at the same time. 

I quickly picked up a rock and threw it at one of the wyverns with my full strength.

[Leveled up]

"Two more now"

I picked up the rock to do the same thing again, but this time they dodged it. 

"Fuck you, adaptive monsters"

Lily said that the higher the level of the player, the stronger the boss. 

This floor is supposed to be locked until the next update of the game and can only be accessible by players who are higher than level 40. But since I have 'Early access' and 'No restriction' I can enter it.

So the player who is higher than level 40 will enter this floor, in other words, the player is strong so the boss will be stronger too, which means the player won't be able to defeat the boss.

I mean, it was strong when I was on level one. And now it is stronger because I am level thirteen--fourteen.

The players will come to challenge it every time, only to get killed by this monster.

Meanwhile, the boss will keep adapting and will grow stronger which makes it, "Invincible boss"

I kept dodging every attack of wyverns, but I can't keep going like this. And once my 'Harden' skill deactivates it will be impossible to win.

I started running, not away from them, but I started running towards them. 

I grabbed my sword and dagger in my other hand.

I pretended to throw my dagger, but I attacked with my sword as it dived at me.

It died!

"Okay, now the last one"

And then the annoying boss. 

This time I pretended to attack with my sword but threw my dagger instead, but Wyvern dodged it.

"Just as I planned," I said as I cleaved it with my sword.

[Leveled Up]

[Sword Skill Unlocked]

[Player Can Use Magic Now]

"Now this is awesome! Hey Lily, how do I use magic?"

[You can't]


"Wait a minute a damn minute! You said I would be able to use magic once I am level 15"

[Yes, I said that, and you should be able to use magic. But you have to buy magical equipment and you haven't obtained any magic skills yet]

"Then where can I buy them?"

[In the market of every floor]

"Let me guess there is no market on floor Zero, right?"


Indeed my ass!

[But you can use sword magic]

"You mean I can increase the size of the sword like that skeleton knight?"

[You got the sword by defeating him and the sword looks the same so yes, you can...maybe]


I can increase my sword size? But how? The Dragernix is flying, and not to mention he is more than seventy meters big.

[Focus on your sword]

Focus on my sword? Now that's what I used to hear during my training.

I grabbed the sword with both my hands as I tried raised it

"I can feel it"

I can feel the sword sucking my energy. 

The sword size, not similar to the skeleton knight's, but it is long enough to reach the Dragernix.

I swung it at the Dragernix as I said, "It is heavy"

I slashed upwards at the Dragernix, and he got knocked upwards. I immediately slashed downwards.

The Dragernix was slammed to the ground.

"Only 4 HP bars left now"

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