The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 13: My Girlfriend Can't Be This Beautiful (ii)

Chapter 13: My Girlfriend Can't Be This Beautiful (ii)

This game can be played from 7:00 AM to 1:00 AM.

No one can play this game from 1:00 AM to 7:00 AM. 

One player can play this game for 4 hours on weekdays and 8 hours on weekends, which is a good safety measure.

There have been cases where players have some health issues and some mental disorders because of the heavy load on their brains.

After what happened thirty years ago, all the VR gear and game companies have signed a contract with the rule book of VRGAG, which stands for Virtual Reality Game Associated Guidelines. All games must have a permitted and limited schedule where all types of players can enjoy the game.

A game that doesn't follow these guidelines can get a penalty of 20 billion, or the company head imprisoned for a lifetime or death.

Launching a VR game isn't easy in itself. You need at least 16 developers who can share the responsibilities and rights.

The same goes for the VR gear. If a player has any malfunction because of the VR gear, they have the same penalties. This is what I read around five months ago. I have no idea if that has changed or not.

Now I know why the maintenance was during playing hours rather than off hours. For some reason, no one knew about the launch of Zek-VR 4.0. According to guidelines, a VR gear company must let the VR gamers know about their new product launch, but no one knew about this if any player had played with it, like me, and by chance, if the game had some malfunction, both the VR gear and the game company would have been penalized. So the developers had to set up emergency maintenance. 

Initially, a game can be played for 4 hours on weekdays and eight on weekends. 

The server closes at 1 AM for all VR games. But as all the VR games, including this, are launched worldwide, they have their own closing time. But this game only follows our country's timezone, even though it's launched worldwide.

That can be one of the reasons why this game has many negative reviews. But that shows the popularity of the games.

If someone hates it, that just means they like it but can't seem to admit it for some reason. Something in it makes them hate it. Maybe because things don't go how they want, that's how haters are.

I have my own experiences with those types of assholes. 

Elena stood up as I said, "But I want to talk more."

"How about I call you after we log out?"

I stood up as I said, "That would suffice."

"Okay then, I will take a bath, and video call you."

"I will be waiting."

She opened her menu and logged out.

I glanced around to see the scenery for the last time and logged out.

I opened my eyes to feel a surge of pain in my body.

"Argh, my body is numb."

It was written in a manual that the body will feel numb after you log out, especially when it is your first time.

I got up from the bed and took my tab.

I went downstairs.

"Huh? The lights are still on."

When I went downstairs, the living room lights were still on.


"Hmm?" He glanced at me for a second and then looked at his laptop, "You are still awake?"

"Yeah, I was playing a game."

"I see; I have some office work to do. Your mom was sleeping, so I came here"

I went into the kitchen and filled the glass with my favorite mango juice as I said, "You want some, dad?"

"Bring me some beer."


As we were drinking, my Dad asked, "So, how was it? The VR game?"

"It was awesome."

"I know, right?"

Huh? He is acting like he has played one.

"Have you played one before, dad?" I asked as I sipped the remaining juice.

"Yeah, your mom too. We played the first VR game together."


Ring~ Ring~

I heard my tab ringing.

It must be a video call from Elena.

"I am going back to my room."


I went upstairs and picked up Elena's call...what...what is she doing?!

"Hey, Das."

She was lying on the bed, and her hair was wet. She said that she would take a bath. Water drops are still on her body. She was wearing a t-shirt, and it's because of the position she is lying on the bed...

I immediately turned my face away.

"Hey! Why aren't you looking this way?"

"No, you...I can this position." I couldn't stop stammering.

"What are you talking---aaaaa!"

I sighed, thinking she had realized. 

It's embarrassing for me to say it. 

And it's late night. If I see her like this...I wouldn't be able to sleep.

I looked at her, expecting thanks from her. But instead, she glared at me as she said, "Pervert."

"You are the one who is at fault here! I didn't do anything!"

I shouldn't have told her and kept watching.

"Well anyway." she sat up, saying, "How was the game?"

"It was amazing."

"I see." she furrowed her eyebrows and said, "So...will you..."


"Will you play it with me from now on?"

"Of course I will."

"You only played for an hour or so, and you liked it, huh?"

"Haha, yes."

I can't tell her! I really can't tell her that I was fooling around for 4 hours!

"And you know what, Das. I...Das? Are you listening?"

"Ah! Yeah." 

I dozed off there.

"So as I was saying, I--"

"Oh yeah! Guess what Elena"


"My dad said that he and my mom played the first VR game."

I have been playing for four hours. I ran too much. Though I physically don't feel tired, I feel so exhausted mentally.

I can't keep up with this conversation. I can fall asleep at any time.




"Are you sure that's what he said?"


"Maybe you misheard what he said? Because..."


"Because it was the 1st VR game in which the players were trapped for 18 months. Das, are you listening---oh...he fell asleep."


"He looks cute when he is sleeping. I really really love you."


I opened my eyes to see it was 5:00 AM already. 

"I fell asleep when I was talking to Elena." 

She must have been angry--why is the call still ongoing?! 

And she is fast asleep. I can almost see...

I tilted the tablet even though I knew I wouldn't see anything. But can't a man at least dream?!

"Nope." I hung up the call. 

"I shall not give in to worldly temptation."

"Now then." I got up from the bed 

It's 5:00 AM, and I don't feel sleepy anymore. 

I grabbed my laptop and jumped onto the bed again to solve some quantum physics.

As I was lost in studying, time passed by, and when I looked at the time,

"7:30 already?"

It was morning.

"Which means," I glanced at the door as I put my laptop on the side and grabbed my blanket, and pretended to sleep. 

Soon after, the door opened, and someone entered my room. 

It was my mom. She comes to wake me up every morning. 

The sound of the footsteps became apparent as they stopped right in front of my bed. 

My mom lifted my blanket, and as she was about to do the usual thing-- "I am awake!" I threw the blanket on the side as I sat up.


You don't have to react that much.

"Seriously, how many times do I have to tell you not to wake me up like this?"

"What's the problem?"

"I am not a kid anymore."

"But your dad likes it."

"He is your husband, dammit!"

Mom threw me out of the room with my clothes.

I took a bath, had breakfast, and after fooling around for a while, I am on my way to school.

After walking for a while, I reached the park. 

The park where Elena and I kissed yesterday, under the tree.


Under the tree...on the tree, I noticed a cat who was trying to come down.

"A stray cat?"

What is a stray cat doing here? There shouldn't be any cats in this area.

"Could it be that it's someone else's cat?" I glanced around but found no one.

I looked at the cat and said, "Should I help the cat?" 

I don't care, but if Elena saw the cat, she will surely try to do something to help the cat.

They don't need any help.

IF they can climb, then why can't they jump down?


I sighed as I said, "I should take care of it before Elena comes."

I started running.

"Has my speed increased?"

Or is it because I am running after a long time?

"Now is not the time for that."

As I was about to jump, the cat jumped on the ground, or rather, at my face.

As I tried to dodge it, I lost my balance and fell on the ground as the cat landed beside my face.

"I hate them," I said as I sat up.

The cat walked to me, "Me..."




What the hell!

She scratched my hand.

Animals are just like humans, or should I say humans are more like animals? Or maybe they are worse?

I stood up as I said, "I should go to the convenience store and buy a bandage."

I went to the convenience store and bought the bandage, but buying one bandage would be embarrassing.

"I should buy some snacks too."

I bought some snacks with bandages and left the store. 

As I went outside, someone covered my eyes.

"Guess who?"

There is only one person who has enough guts to do this to me.

"What is it? Elena."

"Nothing," she said, jumping beside me.

She took the bag from my hand, and without asking for my permission, she started eating the snacks.

"Good morning," I said.

"Good morning."

"So, what are you doing here?"

"I was passing by and saw you in the store."

I took some chips from the bag as I said, "Stalker."

She tried to bite my hand, but I stuffed the chips in her mouth. 

"So what were you buying?"



"A bandage."

"Bandage? What happened?!"

"Nothing major. I ran into a cat earlier and tried to save her, but she scratched me."

"Seriously? Show me."

"Here on my right...hand."

I showed her my scratch, but...there is no scratch on my hand. 

I checked my left hand to make sure, but it wasn't there either.



I guess I am sleepy.

I checked the time, and it was 9:30 AM.

We still have an hour. 

"Hey Elena, how about we drop by the caf?"


We went to the caf.

I ordered coffee, and Elena ordered her favorite chocolate cake as usual.

"Why so suddenly?" She questioned.


"You rarely agree to stop by a caf when I ask you. But this time, you are the one who suggested I come here."

"I am feeling a little sleepy, I guess. So I thought of drinking a strong coffee."

"What?! You fell asleep during our video call, and you are still feeling sleepy?"

"I woke up soon," I sipped as I said, "By the way, why didn't you hang up the call?"

"Your sleeping face was so cute that I ended up falling asleep."

I was drinking coffee and nearly choked when she said that.

"Did you see my sleeping face too?" She asked.


I saw something else too.

"Was I cute?"


"Look at my face and tell me."

"Well," I gulped down and said, "I don't know if it was because of your sleeping position or maybe the way your tablet, I could see...your...cleavage."


She glared at me for a while and said, "Pervert!"

"Yeah, yeah. I am a pervert."

"So," She took a large bite and said, "Why are you still sleepy?"

"I was studying afterward and didn't realize the time."

"Again?! Don't you get bored by studying?"

"Listen here; I am doing it for both of us."


"After we graduate, I want you to be with me. And maybe if possible, I want to live Why is your face red?"

"The way you said it looked like you were proposing to me."


"You say that stuff when you are asking a girl to marry you, you know?"

"No, no. I didn't mean it that way! I mean, it would be great if I could marry you, but---"

"I know."


"I know you didn't mean it that way. But still, you shouldn't say this to some girl; it will cause a huge misunderstanding."

"Like I know any."

Some girl? Aside from Elena, I have never talked to any girl in a long time. Just my cousin who is the same age as us, and if you count older women, then my aunt and teachers.

Can I count Lily too? 

But she is not a real person, right? 

I mean yesterday when the developer gave her to me, she couldn't speak properly, couldn't even say my name correctly, but she learned to jabber. 

That's right; she is not a real person. All her emotions are...fake. It's not real...she is not's just, "It's too cruel."

"What?" She gazed at me as she took the last bite.

"No, Nothing."

"Oh yeah, Das, about what you said last night--"

"Oh! It's 10:00 AM already. We should go quickly." I got up as I said, "Were you saying something?"

"Nothing. Let's go."

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