The Last Orellen

Chapter 9: Brothers

Chapter 9: Brothers


The boys first clear memory was of a face.

It had rosy cheeks and a small nose and bright eyes the color of honey. Im Tomas, said the face. Tomas Orellen. Can you say it? Come on. You can do it!

The face smiled. Grimy hands grabbed the boys cheeks gently. To-mas. Its important you remember, okay? Im your big brother. Im ten years old. I bet youre only four. You look four to me. That means Im much smarter than you, and you have to do what I say.

The boys big brother talked a lot. He talked and talked while the boy blinked, looking around himself. There wasnt much to see.

He and Tomas were sitting together in very tall, thick grass. The grass was dark green and golden yellow and brown. Tomas was wearing a silky blue shirt that matched the sky.

Tomas, said the boy, trying out the name after much consideration.

Tomas trilled with delight. Thats perfect! Im Tomas, and youre my little brother. He tapped his hand against a slip of parchment that had been affixed to the boys ragged tunic with a pin. I dont know if you can read, but it says on your tag that your name will be Kalenerth. But thats too long, so you should call yourself Kalen or Kal or Lenert.

He paused for the briefest of moments, as if waiting for something. But when the boy remained quiet, he said, Kalen. Thats what you should choose.

Kalen, the boy said obligingly.

Tomas beamed. Kalen, youre a great little brother. I can tell. Now listen. There are lots of things you need to learn before I take you back. We dont have much time. If they notice you missing, I dont know how much trouble we'll be in. So you have to try hard and remember everything, and if you do, Ill give you a chocolate.


The boy had a second name. It was Orellen, the same as Tomass. But he must never tell anyone. This was the most important thing to remember. If he remembered this one thing, he would receive two chocolates.

Kalen Orellen still wasnt sure what chocolates were, but Tomas had made it clear that they would be an extraordinary reward.

The second thing for Kalen to remember, said Tomas, was that he was one of many other children. Tomas didnt know how many, but it was definitely more than thirty because he had seen that many in the room he stole Kalen from this morning.

If Kalen remembered this, perhaps he would not feel so lonely when he was separated from the others.

Becausetheyre sending you all away." Tomas's smile fell for the first time. Theyre sending all of us away to different places. I might not even see the new twins or Rella or our older siblings for a long time. I've never been apart from them, and nobody will tell me for sure. And the adults are leaving the Enclave, too. Except for the stupid ones, according to my uncle, because they dont know their butts from their noses."

Tomas dug a pebble out of the ground with his fingers and tossed it into the wall of grass that surrounded them. "We have to run away because bad magicians and mages from the other families will be looking for us soon. Maybe even some sorcerers. Maybe even a Magus."

He gave Kalen a stern look. "Thats why you new little brothers and sisters arent supposed to know who you are. Thats why were never even supposed to meet. So that I dont know you, and you dont know me, and if someone catches one of us we can never turn rat on the others.

Turning rat, he explained, would send you straight to the worst pit in the hells.

Id die first, he said confidently. As a big brother should! I told them so, but they still wouldnt let me meet any of you. Which is why I had to steal you away.

Kalen, munching on the first promised chocolate, felt happy to have such a brave and generous older brother. He tried harder than ever to remember everything Tomas had to say.

The Orellens were an important family. A family whose children were almost always born with some magic, even if they werent the most powerful. One day, Tomas was going to be able to rip holes in the air big enough for elephants to pass through.

"Elephants are big, you know!" he said. "They're bigger than twenty men combined."

Will I be able to do that, too?

This was the longest sentence Kalen had ever spoken. Tomas spent a while praising him for it before he answered.

I bet you will! If you study really hard. I guess you wont be able to use our family archives or the schoolbut Im sure theyll send you somewhere that has those sorts of things. Make sure you learn to read, okay? You should have started already.

In a family of practitioners, everyone could read. Tomas had never even met anyone who couldnt, he said, except for babies.

Tomas went on to tell Kalen about some of their brothers and sisters. The ones who were not new like Kalen. For some reason, they didnt want to meet Kalen or the others like him, but Tomas thought they were being almost as stupid as the people who got their noses confused with their butts.

Youre my little brother, and I love you, Tomas declared so loudly that his voice startled a bird out of the grass. It flew up and away into the blue sky, twittering with alarm.

I love you, too, said Kalen.

The answer was automatic. It felt like hed given it to someone many times before. But to whom?

His brother Tomas was the only person he knew.

Tomass cheeks reddened. Good. Now, tell me everything you remember, and maybe Ill give you three chocolates.


Hours later, Kalen woke to the quiet sound of whispering.

He lay on his mat, in the room Tomas had returned him to. It was a large space, full of tables and chairs and colorful glass lamps. It had a polished wood floor and windows with curtains that couldnt be opened. Kalen had heard one of the adults call it the Seniors study when they were unrolling the sleeping mats that evening.

There had been other children here. Some of them were smaller than Kalen, but most were larger. Many of them could talk, but not having met Tomas, few of them had anything to talk about.

For a while, they had all played together with a box full of balls and wooden dolls in the corner.

It was boring. Kalen didnt like it.

None of these brothers and sisters were as fascinating as Tomas had been. The only interesting thing to do in the Seniors' study was stare at them all and note their differences. Some had dark hair, and some had blond or red. One had dark brown skin, and another was so pale she seemed to glow in the lamplight. The others were in between.

Judging from the backs of his hands, Kalens skin was precisely in the middle. He pulled out a few strands of his hair and found that it was dark blond. He held it under one of the lamps to examine it.

Why is it like that? said one of his sisters, peering over his shoulder.

She was a chubby girl with missing front teeth. Kalen didn't know her name. None of them could read their own tags.

Like what?

She made a spiraling gesture with her finger. Why is your hair so round?

Its curly.

Oh, she said, looking suddenly enlightened. Oh, yes. I know that word.

Apparently fascinated, she took the hair from him without asking. But Kalen didnt protest. She was bigger than him.

In the process of comparing himself to his siblings, he had discovered that he didnt seem to be as well put together as they were. Even when he judged himself by the ones who were closest to his own height, he came up lacking. His arms and legs were thinner than theirs. When he chased after the balls, he grew tired in moments. Sometimes, his hands shook without his permission.

A word came to his mind to describe himself--sickly. But he wasnt sure if it was a real word or if he'd just made it up.

Throughout the day, his chances for comparison disappeared. Periodically, an adult would come for one of the children. They were told to leave behind their toys.

And once they left the Seniors study, they never returned.

There had been seven of them remaining when Kalen went to sleep, but now, peering around the dimmed room, he saw that he was alone except for the two adults whod woken him with their whispers.

He hasnt had time to finish the scrying, said the woman. Shouldnt we at least tell him before we send the boy off?

Ivens half dead from exhaustion as it is, Elyna, said the man. Let him sleep while he can. Hed nearly finished the process when he collapsed. Narrowed it down to three, they said. It will have to be enough. The evacuation of the family starts at dawn, and the children must be gone by then.

Well, at least let me be the one to fetch the boy, said Elyna. You made the last one cry.

Hmmph...its not my fault I havent had time to trim my beard in a few weeks.

Soft footsteps approached Kalens mat.

Oh! the elderly woman exclaimed when she saw him sitting there with his eyes wide open. Well, I guess youre ready to go, arent you?

Wheres Tomas? thought Kalen. I want to say goodbye to Tomas.

But he didnt speak the words. He placed his hand over the hidden pocket his big brother had stitched to the inside of his shirt and remembered. He must never tell anyone. He had promised.

And promise breakers went to the worst pit in the hells to live with the rats.

Come, child, said Elyna, reaching out to lift him from the mat. Today is a very special day. Its your birthday! Everything starts for you right now.

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