The Last Primal

Chapter 12 - 12 - Essence

I haven't even noticed when it got so dark. Just a 'little' while ago, I was happily hunting the Rainbow Carps, and in the next, when I came back up for the umpteenth time, suddenly I realized that we were far into the night.

In the distance you could hear hodgepodge of beastly sounds, most belonged to prowling animals setting out for their nightly escapades. Since I still wasn't sure how I would fare against other, bigger, nastier predators, I decided that I will go back underwater and explore that small hole I found earlier. Heck, I wasn't even sure how I would fare against that small frog creature if we would have faced-off against each other in a fair fight.

Earlier today, between 2 successful hunts, I found a small hole in the bottom of the river. I wanted to map it out a bit, but for some reason I could not sense its interior. There was some kind of force that repelled my attempts to send in my usual pulse of energy. It had some sort of barrier, or a wall made of unique energy, that prevented mental entry. I did not test it out, but for some reason I was certain that I could go in myself, physically, but as I was having a blast with hunting, I did not put much thought into that idea. Besides at that time, I was thinking that in the late afternoon I will just return to my cave as usual.

As the night overcame the daylight, the wildlife also shifted with it. The idyllic sounds that ruled the forest was mixed with sinister howls, and similar beastly howls. This was also true in the underwater atmosphere. The peaceful Carps are now gone, and the dark waters were carrying something eerie.

Although I was a predator, I did not want to get into conflict. Not yet at least. I was cautious as I was making my way to the hole, I was sending out empowered pulses, to the maximum distance that I was capable, which was now bordering a kilometre radius. I noticed a few unique life signs in the distance, but none of them were in the way, so I safely arrived in front of the algae covered hole. As I was looking at it, I could feel some sort of invisible membrane vibrating at its entrance. Like some sort of door, separating the outside from the inside. Looking inside, I could only see a massive gape of darkness that went beyond, like if it was the door to the underworld. It had an ominous feel to it.

I took one last look around, and even sent out another pulse, to scan if there's any hidden dangers nearby. I had a sense of foreboding, that something bad will happen. I just couldn't get a grasp on it, but something about this hole was tingling my alarms.

I tried asking Enya as well. 'Do you sense any dangers about this cave entrance? What is this energy that I can feel? Why do I have this ominous feeling?'

Sadly to no avail, I did not receive a response. I could still sense Enya inside, but it was like she was in a deep sleep, she was not answering, and I could not feel any activity from her for a time. The system itself still worked, I could use my map to navigate, I received notifications for each successful kill, but she did not communicate or show any signs of life since yesterday. Although I was getting worried about her, I could only wait for her to come and talk to me. I could not force this.

Although I still had this sense of danger ringing alarms inside my head, I slowly crossed the border. I could feel the barrier tingling my scales as I was crossing it, but other than that it gave me no harm. The interior of the cavern was dry, like if I wasn't deep underwater. As I looked back to the outside you could see this massive wall of water. Quite the unique sight. It was a mesmerizing scene, seeing the massive pool of water standing like some sort of aquarium.

Looking back into the dark corridor that kept ongoing seemingly to eternity, I tried sending out a pulse to see if I could map it out now. Interestingly I was still unable to do so, something was messing with my attempts. I could map out the passageway a bit further ahead, until a point it opened into a cavern. I could not sense the cavern at all. It had a similar feeling, like if the cavern itself was repelling my probing attempts.

Not that it matters, since I already entered the cave, this will not force me to return. Looking around, the passageway itself wasn't very spacious, and while I could slither my way through, the frog-like creature that I hunted first, would have problems squeezing itself through the narrow walls and stalactite covered ceiling. Well, it might be a bit of an exaggeration to say these little protrusions are stalactites, however they still could be hundreds of years old.

The whole place seems like a relic from a bygone era. How did this place remain so clean, so uncontaminated by 'life'? I felt a bit guilty for intruding, like if I was tainting the place with my presence alone. There was no vegetation, no sign of life as I made my way to the end of the corridor.

The entrance also had this membrane of energy. However, compared to the outside, this one was barely visible, you could see it vibrating in the air. It was almost like a clear piece of translucent jelly that was placed here to bar entry. It radiated power, you could feel the amount of energy it contained. It was on a whole new level, it was almost like this massive wall of energy had some sort of self-awareness. It was the source of eeriness that I felt before, but it also contained a sort of familiarity. It was giving me the vibe that I should be cautious but should step inside, as something important to me was inside. Waiting for me to claim it for myself.

Almost like fate was guiding me. The strands of destiny, the flow of fate was guiding my way, machinating behind the scenes, so I eventually entered this hole in the bottom of a river.

Eventually, I listened to these silent whispers and came into contact with the wall. It gave minimal resistance, but I could push myself through, slowly but surely. Breathing became hard, the air around me was much thicker, I was still inside this massive block of energy.

The cavern was dark, however as I went a few steps I noticed a faint whirlpool of golden light deeper inside. It was swirling, giving itself a shapeless, but amoebic form, shining, radiating this golden colored light. As I was getting closer, the light also became brighter and brighter, to the point that I had to avert my eyes, or close them, as it became unbearable. It also emitted a high-pitched bell-like sound.

I really wanted to ask Enya what this thing is. Why did I feel so much familiarity to it? What is this place, why do I feel this pull, this need to absorb it? It was unlike anything I had ever experienced.

As I made my way closer, I felt my consciousness slipping away, putting me in this trance-like state. I kept closing in on the object, that was floating in the air, changing its formless shape as it was swirling.

Suddenly, the ever-familiar female voice rang in my head, bouncing me back to awareness.

[Do not be afraid Aiden, this is not something that is harmful to you. I can sense its intent; it wants you to absorb it. It is very rich in energy, and it has some sort of familiarity to you. Unfortunately I can't provide more information as it is unknown to me what it is, however if you absorb it, I will be able to analyze it.]

'Enya, you are finally back! I was so worried!' I exclaimed inside in surprise. 'What happened?'

[I'm sorry for my silence, and in time I promise that you will understand everything, but for now, please just focus on what is ahead of you. You will need to revert back to your Primal Slime state, and use your innate skill, Primal Absorb on it.]

'But... *sigh*, alright, but this discussion is not over.' I grumbled. She just dodged the question that was burning in my mind. I know she was right though, I had to focus on this whirlpool ahead of me.

Reverting back to the Primal Slime state, or what I prefer to call, Birth Form, is almost an instant process at this point. Black mass oozed through my body, quickly changing my size and shape back to the blob. Its size grew a bit compared to before. The size is probably related to the amount of energy I have now compared to back then. It seems that the more I can store and have the bigger the size. I was wondering if this form could evolve as well, if my primal state could be my main state, and I could just fuse these other forms together?

Finishing my shapeshifting, I came into contact with the energy, and pushing out a tendril from my body, I absorbed the energy into my body. I was quickly enveloped in the golden light that was radiating from the whirlpool earlier, barely clinging to my consciousness.

Just before I lost my awareness, a new notification popped up:

[Mature Primal Life Essence found.

Beginning assimilation process...

Hibernation commencing...






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