The Law of Webnovels

Chapter 519

Chapter 519: Chapter 519


“The boy named Ban Hwee Hyul? His brother woke up,” said Yoo Chun Young.


“He’s probably in the hospital right now.”

Feeling delightful, I exclaimed on the other hand, ‘So, this world is indeed a fiction, huh? As soon as all the problems are resolved, even his brother woke up from a coma. What a perfect happy ending?!’ Then something felt suspicious all of a sudden. Looking at Yoo Chun Young, I furrowed my brows.

“Hold on, but how do you know that we’re related to Ban Hwee Hyul and even deliver us the news?” I asked.

Eun Jiho looked at us as if we’re douchebags. Shortly after, I was at a loss for words at his following remark.

“Then, didn’t you think the fuss you guys had made wouldn’t reach our ears?” sneered Eun Jiho.


“Ranking Battle isn’t a neighborhood event; it’s a nationwide competition.”

The word ‘Ranking Battle’ that slipped out from Eun Jiho’s mouth without any sense of incompatibility made me realize the identity of this world. Staring at his particularly dazzling platinum blond hair today, I carefully tossed a question.

“... Um, are you also interested in the Ranking Battle?”

“Kidding me? I’ve been thinking that it’s fortunate to have it finally disappeared this time although I’m not sure how long it’ll last.”

Listening to Eun Jiho responding that way with no hesitation, I felt relieved. Based on his reaction, Eun Jiho wouldn’t re-open the Ranking Battle that Ban Hwee Hyul ended and take the new Number one position or something like that. Then, no more Ranking Battle appearing or being held in this novel, right?

What I only did so far was just trivial things–gathering information, stopping the fights, or watching the game in the audience seat–but even those were enough for me to go through such cheesy or cringe moments, so no more, please. Trembling my shoulders, I soon lifted my head upon Yoo Chun Young’s sudden remark.

Frowning, he uttered, “But... something strange happened in the hospital.”

“Something strange? What happened?”

“Oh, oh yeah... that’s why we decided to tell you guys too.”

Even Eun Hyung intervened in our conversation, which made me become more curious. How strange it was to react that way? My eyes then widened at their following words.

“Before Hwee Hyul’s brother woke up... they said someone unidentified broke into his room.”

I asked mischievously, “Wait, you mean...?”

“Yeah, the girl you saw last time... the one with the hoodies who looked like a student in middle school,” replied Eun Hyung without hesitation.

There were goosebumps on my arms. I pulled them into my chest, feeling some cold air flitting across my nape and arms even though it wasn’t winter time right now.

“No way... how could that happen...”

Recalling the girl whom I bumped into in the bathroom but vanished away like a ghost, I shivered and said to myself, ‘She was definitely real. Come on, she won’t be using the bathroom unless she is a person... but how could that happen?’

While I muttered in a daze, Yeo Ryung asked from beside me, “Perhaps she isn’t a human, is she?”

Though it was too serious to talk about superstitious things now, the girl was indeed so mysterious that even Ban Yeo Ryung spoke that way.

Jooin also added with a severe expression, “Maybe she’s like an angel of death.”

“Whoa, it’s surprising to hear that from you,” said Eun Jiho like a joke, but Jooin still looked serious.

“Since she brought two or three people back to life, it’s quite possible. Don’t you think so?”

“Well, kind of make sense though...” Eun Jiho replied apathetically, resting his chin on his palm.

We all tried to guess the girl’s identity for a while–she’s an angel, no she’s a demon–but soon gave up figuring out who she actually was. Unless we see her again and interrogate her identity, the footage in the security camera wasn’t enough to solve the question. However, since the girl was clearly recorded in the video, wouldn’t she be a real person?

I wondered for a moment, ‘Should I tell them that I bumped into her at the Ranking Battle?’ But since nothing was clear, letting them know about it would just bother them even more in this situation.

Besides, the girl seemed to be aware of the episodes occurring in this novel to some degree. In other words, if she kept following the critical events, there was a high possibility that the girl would show up around us since we were the main characters in this world.

‘If I see her again, I’d definitely catch her!’ Promising myself, I raised my eyes back to the kids.

Today, it was Yeo Ryung who won the game to sit next to me. Yoo Chun Young and Eun Jiho took the seats right in front of us even though they were much taller than us. They talked about something to each other, then they soon quarreled, knitting their foreheads, as if something didn’t make sense.

All the class windows were open; curtains gently swayed in the wind. Looking at the back of Yoo Chun Young’s head in the bright sunlight, I thought, ‘It’s been a while to see his face.’ Having heard that his filming schedule was very hectic, I didn’t expect to see his face this week as well.

With that thought in mind, I suddenly opened my mouth.

“Yoo Chun Young.” I called his name.

He looked at me, and at the same time, Eun Jiho also turned his head toward me as if they decided to react simultaneously.

I asked, “Everything’s okay at the film set, right?”

Yoo Chun Young could have responded something, but he just stared at me blankly then nodded. It was a static movement like a doll on a music box.

Eun Jiho beside him uttered, “Come on, who would dare to interfere with him? Everyone knows his background. They will stay low.”

Just rolling his eyes, Yoo Chun Young threw a glance at Eun Jiho then nodded again wordlessly. Since he acted that way with no words, it made me feel nervous for some indescribable reason. However, I quickly shook my head and fell into thought.

As Eun Jiho mentioned, most of the people were aware of Yoo Chun Young’s fancy background. Thus, those in the entertainment industry would definitely have that in mind too since words spread quickly among them through multiple sources.

I glanced at Jooin, sitting behind me. ‘Someone’s also there to help him if things happen,’ I said to myself. Jooin’s cousin, actress Lee Nara, was shooting the same TV series with Yoo Chun Young.

The class bell rang. My thoughts ended right there. Quickly opening the textbook, I gazed at Yoo Chun Young. His face looked dry cold, as usual, so things would be fine too.

Article 41. In Every Web Novel, Female MC Suffers Memory Loss! (Part 1)

“Phew, this is good.”

A few days after, on a precious weekend, I was flipping some pages on the book while lying on Yeo Ryung’s bed.

She was also sprawling beside me, lifting the comic book high up in the air and shoving a piece of tangerine in her mouth with the other hand. On the side table, we had stacks of comic books from the bookstore to read all day.

To be honest, it was upsetting to spend the weekend out of our minds dealing with Ban Hwee Hyul and the Ranking Battle, but thankfully, we had the so-called school anniversary. The short break was even taking place at perfect timing, which was right after the May mock exam.

Thus, we were able to chill in the room since the morning without our fathers arguing with us– sophomores in high school–enjoying a good time.

Throwing the comic book that she finished reading, Yeo Ryung set up in bed out of the blue.

“Ah, when are the boys coming today?” she asked.

Closing the book that I just finished as well, I sat straight and replied, “After Jooin wakes up, and they fix time.”

“That means...” Yeo Ryung narrowed her eyes.

With a shrug, I uttered, “Well, that means they’ll be here after three.”

Yeo Ryung responded very seriously, “No, there’s a possibility that they can’t come here at all.”

That was quite true.

Checking her phone that she had put aside for the whole time, Yeo Ryung suddenly disheveled her hair and shrieked.

“Argh! It’s only eleven o’clock! I already finished reading all the books.”

“Ah, yeah... I also have only one left,” I replied, taking a book out from the black plastic bag.

As if she’s feeling nervous, Yeo Ryung bit her thumb and began to murmur obsessively, ‘What should I do? What should I do?’

She looked like a person who’s gonna die immediately if there was nothing to do. Strangely, Yeo Ryung, who was always energetic, couldn’t stand her time spent doing nothing.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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