The Legacy System

Chapter 680 680: Spoiled Feast* & Way-Out

Of course, Eric didn't mind the rest watching him have fun, rather it was the rest watching his women, or women he was considering to have only his that bothered him.

Whether she knew it or not, the Vezir's daughter was taken under consideration, and the rest could be said to be on trial, depending on how they did through the test their fate would change.

With those thoughts in mind, Eric started enjoying the lower lips of the Vezir's daughter, while two of the remaining four started kissing his thighs and milk factories, and the other two brought their mounds to his face.

He was basically covered in beautiful women that seemed extremely hungry for his special milk, and even more so for his little brother inside of them.

While being attacked from all five at the same time didn't really bother Eric, this would make their feast last longer, and there were a lot of variables that might pop up out of nowhere.

For that reason, Eric decided to put these beauties down as soon as possible, for that reason, he sent a mental message to the two women whose mounds were on his mouth, to play with Vezir's daughter.

To be more specific he asked the two of them to play with the Vezir daughter's mounds in his stead, while the two below played with her back hole, and their connecting privates.

From being attacked on five sides, Eric went into counterattack towards the poor lamb impaled on his stick.

The beauty didn't expect the sudden change, which coupled with the satisfication she received from Eric's little brother, made her unable to control her body any longer.

"Nnnnnnnhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnn…, Aaaammmmmmaaahhhhhhhzzzziinnnnnnngggggggg~!"

The beauty once again couldn't control herself as her body started convulsing, and once again the crowd turned their attention towards their direction.

Eric didn't care of the sudden attention though, as he immediately removed the beauty, and impaled another one on his little brother.

The fate of the second beauty was the same as the first, just that the moan of satisfaction was way higher pitched than the first.

The crowd once again couldn't help but look on Eric's direction with greed, envy, jealousy, and anger as well.

Yes anger!

It was anger because they thought that Eric was just trying to show off in front of them, or play them for fools while he was fu*cking the best women of the feast.

After the second was a third, after the third was a fourth, and after the fourth was a fifth, the situation ended almost the same way.

The only thing changing all the times was the pitch and volume of the next moan, which was always increasing, as if trying to mock those pathetic loosers of not being able to reach the same.

In fact, it wasn't because their skills were that lacking, but because the Vezir had warned all the maids that everything had to be done by thinking of Eric first.

Since Eric was trying to show off his skills, and show himself, then they couldn't do anything else but help him with that, and make him happy, unaware of the building anger and rage.

"Shut the hell up you slu*ts! Stop fu*cking screaming like you are some god damned inexperienced virgins who are experiencing climaxes for the first time.

Its fu*cking outrageous!"

This loud scream came right after the fifth beauty released her enthralling moan as she was reaching cloud nine.

Everyone turned their attention towards the scream only to see a young man about Eric's age who had his now limp dick slip out of one the maid's secret caves.

The poor guy had tried with his best to make the woman in his arms moan and experience pleasure beyond her expectations, only to nut every time he heard Eric's beauties moan.

This was disgracing!

How could he accept something like this to happen, especially when there was such a great disparity in status between him and Eric.

After all, while the Sultan had elevated Eric's status in the Royal Family, that was just a fat lump of shi*t as it meant nothing of importance.

Eric's status was just like a picture used for decoration, beautiful to look at, but held no real value. At least not in the nobles eyes.

Eric's face immediately went livid, as he looked like someone who just had seen an idiot claim to be king in front of the Majesty himself.

It wasn't only him though, as the next moment, even without him saying a word, everyone at the venue saw the guy who had just screamed, drop down on the ground without his head on his shoulders.

It wasn't Eric who had made the move, it was one of the naked veiled beauties by his side, or to be more specific it was the Vezir's daughter.

There was no trace of worry, or fear on her face. All one could see on her eyes were disgust and displeasure.

First of all for spoiling her turn, as she had been waiting for her turn to arrive once again, and secondly because the idiot didn't seem to realize his current standing and situation.

Eric just looked at everything that transpired with a calm countenance, while taking his time to specially look at the acting beauty.

 I think you should take a look at

He didn't know whether this was just a stagged play, or whether it was something real, but he could understand one thing right, she was ruthless.

In order to achieve her intentions she was willing to kill with just a thought even someone that had been toiling hard for her side all this while.

This was a good trait to have, as kindness towards an idiot was just evilness towards oneself, but that wouldn't be the case if she were extremely ambitious.

If it was that dreadful combo, then Eric wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully on his bed, if he were to make her part of his Harem.

He had already gone through this kind of betrayal once, and if it happened again then he was better off dead.

Entering his Harem shouldn't be an easy thing. Of course he coud have toys to play with, but at the end of the days toys were meant to be thrown away once he got tired of them.

While Eric didn't seem to mind this much, the rest of the guests had lost all mood and thrill, as they started taking their leaves one after the other.

Today they had been witnessed two things they needed to think hard about, one of them being the miraculous pills Eric had, and the other being their fate in case they did something stupid.

But of course, even if they mulled over these two issues until they died, they had no intention of turning tails on the Vezir, otherwise their heads rolling over would be the least of their worries.

Once everyone was gone, it was only Eric the five beauties by his side, his guards, and the maids left behind.


Let us enjoy ourselves until we pass out boys, this is a reward for you today! Take and do whoever you want from the other side of this curtain!"

"Master is the best!"


The guards jumped in excitement once they heard Eric's words, but even though Eric said until they passed out, none of them had the intention of going that far.

After all, they couldn't lose all focus and potentially risk their Master's life. No matter what, Eric's life was the most important.

Eric understood that they wouldn't be able to fully relax and leave everything aside as well, but this just showed how well they were trained, and how good they were at what they had to do.

Still just because they couldn't fully enjoy it, didn't mean that they couldn't have their own fun, as they released all the stress, and horniness that they might have pilled up all these time.

The next morning Eric woke up lazily with five beauties lying around him, each and every one of them completely naked with just a thin veil on their faces.

White milk was coming out of all their holes, as their private parts and lips were burning red, due to the action of the previous day and night.

Yup, it was now around 11 o'clock mid-day which meant that Eric had been in this place for around 24 hours.

It was at this moment that Eric seemed to have goten curious of the identities of the beauties he had slept with, so he started removing their veils and makeups.

He had to admit that they all were beautiful and sexy, but the moment that he removed the veil of the most special one, he seemed to almost have a heart-attack.


How can it be you!?

Aren't you Sultan's wife!?

How come you are here!?

What the fu*ck have I done!?"

Due to Eric's sudden reaction and audible scream, all five beauties, the guards and the maids woke up in startle, all of them looking towards Eric's direction.

They didn't truly understand what was going on, as they werent able to hear everything Eric said due to the distance and the fact they were asleep.

But the beauty in question immediately understood the situation, as she placed her hand on Eric's mouth and said in a stern voice,

"Are you trying to kill us both Master Eric!?


If that man learns of this he won't care whether it was intentionall or just a mistake as he is going to kill us both, no matter what!

What's done is already done, there is no turning back! Now the only way for us to survive would be for him to die!"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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