The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 11: Training the Willow Leaf Palm

Chapter 11: Training the Willow Leaf Palm

_Dawn_ "The next day

Min Tian and Min Rou got to the open area at the top of the mountain, deep in the forest located opposite the field, in front of the Min Family Castle. They saw Min Hong who was already waiting with an eager expression plastered on his face.

"Alright! Calm down little one, it's not like we're going to change our mind about teaching you martial arts. Since we can give you the martial art techniques, we will definitely make sure to share enough experience with you, so you can master these techniques as soon as possible." Min Tian said as he laughed the restless Min Hong.

"How long have you been up here? It is even obvious you didn't sleep through the night. So, take a few minutes to relax, because only when you're in top shape can you make the best out of this training." Min Rou said to Min Hong as she went to a nearby area to setup a training spot.

Min Hong just sat there with his eyes closed as he tried to soothe the fatigue and red eye, he developed from studying the two martial arts without sleeping the previous night.

This went on for about 30 minutes before he opened his eyes and stood up. What greeted his vision was that the open area they were standing on had been split into three sections. To his right was his grandpa; Min Tian, who currently had his sleeves rolled up and was jerking his joints. Surely, he's flexing himself in preparation to drill Min Hong.

To his left was his mother; Min Rou, who currently had a wooden cane in her hands. The section she was standing in had many several wooden poles, which numbered up to at least one thousand, these wooden poles were of different heights and different distances from each other. Above these poles were the deep black iron weights he normally used to train, only difference was, they numbered as much as the wooden poles.

The third section was the area he was currently standing which seemed to be reserved as a rest area.

"Where did all these iron weights come from?" He asked. He didn't see Min Tian or Min Rou carry anything when they arrived at this open area, so how come there were so many iron weights here? He found this situation a little unbelievable.

"This bag of holding" Min Tian pointed to a sack that looked like it could only contain a single iron weight, while looking at Min Hong's face which only got stranger with the statement he made.

"A bag of Holding, is actually a container in which space itself was compressed. So, the space within that small sack you're looking at is actually up to 100 cubic feet." Min Rou answered her son's unasked question.

"You'll naturally get one when you start cultivation and a few spirit stones to help you increase your speed of cultivation. Furthermore, spirit stones are natural treasures that are formed when the Qi of the world gathers together at a spot over time." Min Tian smiled as he spoke.

He knew Min Hong was a very intelligent and curios being, and couldn't be treated like a kid anymore. Once he hears or noticed something new, his curiosity piques and starts asking questions.

The attitude of seeking knowledge, is one of the main keys to having a bright future. Knowing everything and knowing yourself goes a long way, it also builds survival skills and wisdom to handle different situations.


"There is a total of 3 forms to the willow leaf palm techniques, also known as the 3 echoes. This is because when you use each form, a muffled sound will echo out. And as you use each form in succession, the 3 echoes will all follow successively. It is the best unranked martial art in the entire Min Clan, but those techniques only have the first two forms."

"Since you have already studied the descriptions in the manuals, I'd only demonstrate it to you once. So, you had better pay attention and memorize my actions closely." With a low snort, Min tian exerted the moves, he looked like a feather floating backwards in the air, after which jerked his palm forward, before shifting it a little to the side and stretching his hand to deliver a palm strike.

"Ka~Ka~Ka!" Three muffled sounds echoed out one after another with increasing frequency. Everything happened between the time he floated backwards to the time he landed, which was in less than a breath.

Min Hong who already spotlighted Min Tian in his head, saw every action in the palm technique. But there was something else he gained from Min Tian that wasn't possible when he was studying these forms last night; that was the essence behind each action, he could imagine what it felt like, how much force the palm needed to absorb from the force in the opponent's palm or fist.

He knew, if he could apply the accurate force needed behind his palm, he would be able to absorb and conserve his opponent's force and use it for whatever he needed; either to flee or attack.

"Have you memorized it?"

Min Hong thought to himself for a while before nodding in a skeptical manner.

"Oh? Why don't you come show me?" Min Tian had thought he would have to display these moves at least three times before Min Hong would understand the essence behind each of his movements, at least he only understood this technique after his own father displayed it 5 times. He only asked that question earlier to determine his level of comprehension.

As if he could sense Min Tian's astonishment, Min Hong went to the section of the training ground where his grandpa was, and flexed his arms and leg before leaping backwards off the ground and performed a set of forms, though it was in a shabby and stiff manner.

A look of delight flashed across Min Rou's eyes as she stood beside Min Tian and watched her son go through all 3 forms of the Willow Leaf Palm. Even though his performance was very amateurish and carried little essence, his accomplishments was still very impressive, considering that this was his first time displaying this technique.

Moreover, this also showed he was extremely talented and gifted learner. "He has indeed inherited his father's potential." Min Tian thought, as an overjoyed feeling flooded his body.

"Grandpa, why is it that when I use the Willow Leaf Palm, there isn't even a single sound?" Min Hong helplessly asked as he performed another set of forms in a shabby and stiff manner.

"Hong'er, if it were so easy to produce a sound, then this set of moves would not be that valuable." Min Rou chided before continuing: "Remember that as you train, carefully feel your power flowing. As long as you can make your power follow these moves and not the other way around, you would have successfully learnt this set of moves. "Try a few more times."

Min Hong repeated these words in his mind before he tried to add this theory to his moves as he drilled. Meanwhile, Min Tian stood beside him, while occasionally pointing out some flaws or slipups.

On the new training ground, the figure of a boy continuously floated about. Even as perspiration streamed all over his body, it did not distract him even the slightest bit, as his tiny face remained especially serious.

The morning passed quickly as Min Hong continuously drilled without pause, and his efforts weren't wasted. Min Hong gradually became more attuned to the Willow Leaf Palm and even though he was still unable to make any sounds, he was now extremely flexible when displaying the forms.

"Let this part of your training end here, you still have to train the Chaotic Shadow Steps with me this afternoon." "Moreover, you are yet to have breakfast." Min Rou looked at her son who reluctantly ended his drilling, before they all returned to the residence to have breakfast.

After wolfing a startling heap of magic beast meat, gulping a bowl of hot water and about 2 hours of rest, Min Hong ran into the forest to the training area atop the mountain peak, with his grandfather and mother in tow

Min Tian and Min Rou just laughed, as they watched the eager Min Hong run towards the mountain top, before they urged him to reduce his speed, or else he would have to take another rest when they got to the training area. Moreover, the brief rest between the intense running and the training afterwards might substantially affect his effort and reward.

Min Hong reduced his speed but was still running. He was just like a caged bird that was set free. He really wanted to run till his legs grow wobbly. Although he had trained to the point where his body were sore earlier, the energy from the magic beast meat had done its job, in addition to the 2 hours of rest he had. Right now, his mind was clear, fresh and full of energy.


"In close combat, footwork is every bit as important as any other technique!" Min Rou said solemnly. It must be said that Min Rou currently had a heroic aura around her, which Min Hong had never seen before, so he was a bit dazed at first but his assassin mental fortitude snapped him out of it in the blink of an eye that no one even noticed what happened.

Min Hong nodded firmly. He understood this logic. Close combat wasn't just about waving weapons and throwing fists and palms at each other. It involved constantly changing positions to make one unpredictable. In his first life, he had learnt karate and taekwondo. And footwork was highly valued by everyone and their footwork were also exquisite. Some experts were capable of making the attacks of ten enemy miss their target with a single movement.

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