The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 22: Archery

Chapter 22: Archery

Hong understood the logic behind his grandpa's statement. A powerful brute who encountered an assassin who was very good with shuriken will die in a single exchange.

A strong body has just one aspect "Power". Skills and techniques are what determines how much of the power would actually be utilized effectively. For instance, in his first life on earth, what made him exceptional in missions was basically his strategies and techniques, because on some occasions, the enemy possessed greater firepower than himself.

"Tell me, what do you want to learn?" Tian looked at his grandson.

"Hong'er, you need to think really carefully." Rou looked at her son whilst carefully stroking his hair.

They've actually cooked up a plan for him but to them Min Hong was still too young, even though he was smart and capable. Nevertheless, they still wanted to ask what he wanted, so as to teach him how to think things through before making decisions. And then, they would tell him what they thought and let him reflect on the differences.

"I want to learn two things," He suddenly said. "First of all, I want to learn archery." He's now walking the body refining path which means he would possess shocking eyesight, coupled with the "Eye of the Myriad Universe", his sniper skills and not forget superhuman strength.

The arrows released by a mighty body refiner were capable of breaking the sound barrier and its power is very much greater than the bullets in sniper guns.

He could kill his opponents from far away, and archery; according to all he had learnt about it, wasn't too hard to learn.

"Secondly, I'd like to learn how to use twin swords." Hong spoke with a serious demeanor as an aura of a bloodthirsty Killer leaked out of him for a slight moment. It was so slight that even Min Tian, his grandfather thought he was just overthinking things.

"Twin swords?" Min Rou frowned.

"Yes mother." He replied in a tensed manner whilst looking at the faces of the trio in front of him, hoping they didn't catch that tread of murderous aura that just leaked out of his body.

He didn't intentionally leak the aura, but for a moment when he was thinking about the type of weapon he should choose, he instantly thought about assassination type weapon due to the amount of experience he had in that field.

As such, when he reminisced about his first life, his job and how his first life ended, he was immediately filled with rage and murderous desires. So immediately, that murderous aura that he had developed over a long period of assassinations was unknowingly unlocked and seeped out.

When he realized that his grandfather who was a veteran was standing right in front of him, he immediately reigned it in before anyone could notice. If he knew that his grandpa actually noticed but didn't even think of associating such aura with a seven-year-old kid, his body wouldn't be this tensed.

Min Tian laughed. "Hong'er, you're headed in the right direction. But I think it would be best if you started with a single sword. Asides from the fact that there are no twin sword masters in our Min Family, there's also the danger of losing concentration when training in sword type arts. You need to focus all your attention on a single sword, that's the only way you can have greater accomplishments in it.

"Hong, father's words are correct." Min Rou looked at her son.

"Grandpa, Mother, I've been able to split my mind since I was five years old." Hong raised his head to look at the trio. He wasn't going to tell anyone that he could already do that since he was only two years old, neither was he going to tell anyone about his meeting with King Yama, so he just had to claim he could split his mind since he was about five years old.

"What?! Divide your mind?!" the trio were extremely stunned.

"Do you know what splitting your mind means?" Min Tian screamed. "It isn't as simple as multitasking. It means your mind can simultaneously contemplate separate matters without losing its effectiveness or causing any interference."

"I can really split my mind." Hong quickly said.

"Okay, let's give it a test." Min Rou's eyes began to glitter with a dreamy light. with a wave of her hand, two ink pen and scrolls appeared. "Write my name with your left hand and write your sister's name with your right hand simultaneously!"

"Yes mother." Hong nodded and began to write as instructed.

Swish! Swish!

His left hand and right hand wrote simultaneously and effortlessly, and what he wrote was the ancient, complicated scripts of this world. On one scroll, he wrote the name, "Min Qing" and the other he wrote, "Min Rou." His strokes were very elegant and graceful.

"Little brother, you" seeing her name Min Qing was stunned.

"But" Min Tian was stunned as well.

"No wonder. No wonder you were able to train in the techniques we gave you so easily. That's why your mind was carried away when you were training on the [Array of a Thousand Shadows]. So, your soul is so powerful that you can split your mind." Min Rou said slowly.

Min Tian looked at his grandson like he was looking at a priceless, unpolished gemstone. Extremely elated, he said, "I can only split my mind because I've trained for so long. However, I've focused on using a single sword since I was young my path is already set, and it's hard to change! But my grandson is able to split his mind since he was five"

"He's a natural twin sword user. He will be able to use two swords as if two experts were using them and make his opponents feel like they're battling two experts simultaneously. In addition, these two people will have their hearts and intentions completely linked, increasing the effectiveness tenfold!"

"From today onwards, I will personally train you in using swords!" Min Tian looked at his grandson.


Early next morning.

The thick natural energy of the world filled the foggy surroundings. Hong had been brought by his father to the training ground atop the mountain.

"Hong." Min Tian looked at his grandson, then he pointed to a nearby armor-dressed, bearded man. "This is the number one expert archer in the Soaring Cloud Village. His name is 'Bloodshot'. His archery skills are extremely good. Bloodshot, come show him what you're made of."

"Yes, Clan Head." Bloodshot said respectfully with a bow.

Min Tian walked in front of them towards four iron bars Min Hong had used to train the [Chaotic Shadow Steps], each one of them weighing about several hundred kilos.

Min Tian grabbed one of them and tossed it far away into the sky, and then grabbed another one and tossed that one as well. In the blink of an eye, all four of them were whistling through the air.

These heavy, iron weights were thrown with such force that they made the air howl. They were like four missiles, and had transformed into black dots in the sky.

"Fwish." A blood red great-bow appeared in the hands of the bearded man, bloodshot, along with four arrows. He raised his bow high.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

Four arrows flashed through the sky, vanishing into the clouds almost instantaneously as they chased after the four black dots. Chimp! Chimp! Chimp! Chimp!!! Those four dots totally disappeared.

Min Hong's jaw slacked at the sight and were open for a long time.

"When grandpa threw those iron bars, they covered at least two to three Kilometers and were moving like missiles!" Hong was still stunned. "Then this blood-shot's arrows I felt like, in the blink of an eye, in less than two breaths, they arrived at that distance of over two kilometers away. If we calculate it carefully these arrows must have at least travelled at the speed of nearly one kilometer a second."

"The legendary god, Huoyi, once fired nine arrows in a row and Killed nine Golden Crows." Bloodshot laughed loudly. "Young master, I only possess some superficial skills."

"Master Bloodshot, the rubble won't hit or hurt anyone when it falls right?" the realization suddenly hit Hong as he quickly asked.

"Hong, your master Bloodshot is a Dan Formation expert and he infused his arrows with his own Qi. When those arrows hit their targets, they instantly exploded into dusts which will drift down slowly. How can any rubble hurt anyone?"

Hong was secretly flabbergasted before he slowly mustered two words from his crushed mind, "Formidable indeed."

"Starting today, you will come train with your Master Bloodshot in archery for two hours every morning," Min Tian said. "This can be considered your morning exercises. Bloodshot sorry for troubling you."

"To be able to train young master is Blood-shot's honor" Bloodshot laughed thickly in a manner which shows he's one who had lived a warrior's life.

Min Tian nodded and left. The entire yard then became quiet as only bloodshot and Hong were left. Not even a servant nor insect was present.

"Young master," Bloodshot looked at Hong. "To an archer, the most important thing is his bows and arrows. The arrow is divided into three parts; the arrowhead, the arrow shaft and the feathers. As for the bow, it consists of the bowstring and the body. Arrows can be mass produced but bows are extremely precious!"

"There are two kinds of bows. The first type is made from an elastic bow body and a tough bowstring. When pulling the bow, the body of the bow will curve and that's where its power comes from, the curving of the bow's body. This is the most commonly seen type of bow, and is a fairly simple type of archery. It is easy to produce, and only ordinary archers use it.

"The second type of bow has a tough, inflexible body and an elastic string. When puling the bow, the bow's body would remain firm, while the bowstring will be pulled to shocking elastic length. This bow in my hand is a typical example of that sort of bow!"

Bloodshot handed his blood-red bow to Hong. Hong received it and instantly felt its weight. The bow weighed at least 100 Kilos. He couldn't help but carefully inspect it.

The body of the bow was made from a unique type of wood which made its grip very compact. Its bowstring however, was just as thick as a middle finger and had a green color. A terrifying aura could be faintly sensed coming from the bow's body.

"This bow body was crafted from "Kale-wood" and is incredibly durable and tough. But the bowstring is even more precious It was woven from the hair of a forest elf that died in a territory battle. It possesses an astonishing elasticity, even if I was ten times stronger, I wouldn't be able to break it." Bloodshot spoke with pride.

"The name I gave my bow is 'Blood-elf Bow' as it drains the blood of its kills to grow more durable and elastic, which resulted in its blood colored body.

"Come, let's begin todays first lesson; The Stance." With a wave of his hand, Bloodshot produced an ordinary bow and arrows.

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